“What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” Matthew 19:6
Joined Together – Every translation I checked has the same wording, “joined together.” But that doesn’t quite capture the overtones of this very unusual Greek verb (syzeugnymi). The verb literally means “yoked together.” It is found only twice in the LXX (Ezekiel 1:11 and 23). Both are translations of the Hebrew verb havar. When Yeshua spoke about the purpose of marriage, he must have used this Hebrew verb. It isn’t just about “joining.” It’s about pulling the load together. Joining is what I do with lumber, committees and pipes. But yoking implies work to be done. No one hitches two animals in a yoke without having an objective in mind. Yoking is about pulling in the same direction in order to accomplish the same purpose.
Two people who are joined together in an agreement for mutual pleasure, protection and provision are not necessarily yoked. To be yoked is to share the same task. This is the purpose of marriage as God sees it. My spouse and I must share in the same God-given objective. Without this, we are joined but not yoked. Of course, that doesn’t mean we do the same job. We may both have different tasks but we have the same objective. What is that? It is to live in yoked harmony, recapturing what it means to be one again in a display of perfect redemption.
In case the imagery wasn’t clear enough, we might look at the homophones of havar. The consonants are Chet-Bet-Resh. Changing the vowels from a to e produces a word that means a company, a band (of brothers) and a magic spell. The concept behind all three is binding, whether by association or incantation. Altering the vowels again produces haver, the Hebrew word for friendship. Obviously, being yoked means more than a tandem work team. It is closely associated with the deepest kind of community.
Finally, let’s take a glance at the pictograph. Chet-Bet-Resh is the picture “a fence around a person in a house.” Marriage is the fence around the house. It binds husband and wife so that nothing and no one can interfere in the exercise of God’s prime directive for “one-flesh” union. Oh, that doesn’t mean sex. The prime directive is to act as regents of the heavenly kingdom here on earth so that His name may be glorified.
OK, here’s the bottom line. Yoked means pulling together, not pulling apart. Yoked means deep friendship, anchored in common commitment. Yoked means not being alone. Yoked means holding hands while we travel the path of God’s purpose in a broken world. Yoked means not letting go.
Lots of couples are married, inside and outside the church. Few are yoked. Those who aren’t know they aren’t. Those who are can’t imagine what it would be like not to be.
Topical Index: marriage, yoked, joined, syzeugnymi, havar, Matthew 19:6
Sorry about the typos this morning. I have corrected them.
excellent word study today brother Skip!- let’s “kick it up a notch!”
Marriage is a “parable” (an earthly story with a heavenly meaning) of our intimate friendship with Yeshua Hamashiach. He is the bridegroom (Boaz), we are the bride, (Ruth). There is a “union of two houses” that occurs at the moment of salvation. The very moment we say, “I do” to Christ.
As we stand before YHWH and the altar (meeting place) of G-d in full surrender to one another, this is the “picture” of our new relationship with our divine bridegroom. We are (now) both the body and the bride of Christ. Yes, it is a very difficult and foreign concept to grasp and yet it is extremely simple at the same time.
I belong to Him. I have given Him my heart. I have given all of know of me to all I know of Him. Just as in my marriage to my beloved Beth. I (daily) give all of myself to her and know she is doing the same. We have entered into a sacred, blood-covenant relationship of biblical friendship.
Since you specialize in being a “wordologist” (lol!)- I would highly encourage the research of the word “friend.”
When we sing, “what a friend we have in Jesus”, we have no idea what a “friend” He is! David and Jonathan are one of the best illustrations of this “friendship” we now enjoy with Jesus (who is the) Christ.
For those who are able, I would highly recommend “Friendship: The Master Passion” by H. Clay Trumbull.
The popular saying, “it’s not what you know, but who you know”, is fully researched and brought forth in this excellent treatise on “friendship.”
(Together) we are the family of G-d. (Together) we are “joined together” in Christ. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. (Ephesians 4.5,6)
A “threefold cord” is not quickly broken. He,she and Him together complete a marriage. Our submission to one another and to Christ is what makes the marriage wheel go round and round.
Thank you Savior for the life we now enjoy because of your cross. Thank you for the gift and the gifts you have given (and daily give) unto us. Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto the Lamb and to our Sovereign Shepherd/King. Thank you for your forgiveness and for allowing us to be “in Christ”, to be adopted into your family and to be called by your name. Empower us, energize us, use us today in your kingdom’s work. Work on us, in us, and through us to accomplish your good pleasure in this world today. We surrender all we are today to all we know of you and ask that you would “breathe upon these slain that they may live.” Yahweh, teach us to pray and instruct us by your Torah. Conform us into the image of the Son. Keep us ever near the cross and may Jesus Christ be praised in all that we say, do and think. This prayer I offer at your invitation and because Calvary made it possible. Amen.
“Lots of couples are married, inside and outside the church. Few are yoked. Those who aren’t know they aren’t. Those who are can’t imagine what it would be like not to be.”
As one who is married and not yoked … please lift up prayers for me as well as believers that find themselves in the same position.
It ain’t a pretty scenario but … there is always hope indeed for our heart’s desire!
I understand what you are saying. I think Skip has hit on a particularly sensitive and pointed topic this morning.
Yes, it’s called being a married single parent. God’s purpose in marriage is to not be alone, yet so many of us are right there. Hopefully I finish The Perfect Enemy soon and we get on with fixing it.
Did you finish -The Perfect Enemy ?
Yes, but the title is Guardian Angel, as my wife contributed to the right idea. You can buy it on the web site.
I’ve got your back, my brother.
Oh but for the mercy and grace of our God. What would we do without Him!! This speaks to my heart in so many ways. I was talking with the Lord this morning and asking Him for the heart to walk worthy of my calling (His calling me to walk in the Light as He is THE LIGHT) and to treat the one I am joined to but not yoked with, as He does: with tender mercy and loving grace. Being unequally yoked makes it difficult to plow a straight row. Praying for the brothers and sisters that find themselves in this state. Hold fast to the Word of the Omnipotent One!
Psalm 25:18; 2 Chronicles 14; Ephesians 5:25; Colossians 3:19; 1 Corinthians 7:3; 1Corinthians 7:10-12,14, 16, 27; Ephesians 5:28
¡Asombroso concepto! Nunca me imginé que tuviera esa connotación el matrimonio. 28 años de casado y ahora estoy aprendiendo lo que mi esposa y yo debemos saber: Estamos uncidos al yugo para arar en la misma dirección, bajo la misma visión aunque diferente uno del otro. ¡Gracias! Dr. Moen. Gracias por su hermosa enseñanza. ¿sabe? esta noche tengo estudio bíblico… ya tengo el material para compartirlo. ¿Me lo regala? Bendiciones.
Dear Skip,
Please don’t let your education get in the way of common sense. In this text Jesus was talking about Genesis 2:24 and the three stages of marriage, leaving, cleaving and conceiving. The cleaving may be the yoking but the “one flesh” involves sex and the physical joining of two humans into a unique offspring, just as I explained in my book, “LIFE IS SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED.” I wish you had deleted the line, “Oh, that doesn’t mean sex.”
Bill Cummins
Sorry, Bill, I can’t take it back. While “sex” may seem to be the obvious surface meaning, at this point in the story there is absolutely no mention of procreation. In fact, that doesn’t become part of the story until after the conversation with the serpent. So, let’s not read what the text doesn’t say. The issue here is about being alone. That’s why God creates the ezer. Although I do acknowledge that the prime directive of Genesis 1 contains the command to multiply.
On we go. More exploration ahead.
I’m sorry too that you don’t see the truth of God’s design here, and the importance and timing of Genesis 2:24. There is absolutely no other reason for this directive to appear than “sex” and procreation since it follows His first command given to humans in Genesis 1 to, “Go have Sex.” Your reluctance here just doesn’t meet the standard of, “common sense.” I’m truly sorry that you can’t see the truth here, but I don’t have the right to let you be wrong.