The Wrong Path
This I say therefore, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind, being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; Ephesians 4:17-18 NASB
As The Gentiles Also Walk – OK, we’ve read this verse a dozen times, maybe more. But have we ever thought about the assumption behind Paul’s statement. Paul exhorts us not to walk as the Gentiles walk. That must mean he wants us to walk on another path. Since “walk” is a Hebrew idiom for “manner of life,” we can assume that Paul has two opposing lifestyles in mind here. One is the way the Gentiles live. What is the other?
Since most of us read this passage as if Paul is like the “good” Christians we know, we don’t consider the cultural environment when he actually wrote this letter. If we did, we would quickly realize that Paul is not talking about a Christian alternative. He is talking about the only thing in the Bible that is opposite from the Gentiles – Jewish! To exhort his readers in Ephesus to leave behind the lifestyle of the Gentiles is, at the same time, to endorse their adoption of the lifestyle of the Jews. Those are the only two alternatives. The biblical record is clear about the universal categories of opposition. They are “male-female, slave-free and Jew-Gentile.” So, if we’re not going to walk as the Gentiles walk, then we must walk as the Jews walk.
The Greek text makes the point even stronger. In Greek, Paul says, kathos kai ta loita ethne (as the rest of the nations). If you thought that the NASB translation gave you wiggle room for a third alternative (Gentile-Jew-Christian), think again! Paul’s phrase contrasts Jew with all other nations, that is, with every other political, ethnic and spiritual group on the planet! The consistent use of ta ethne (the nations) in the New Testament always describes the distinction between Jew and everyone else. A “Christian” alternative just doesn’t exist here – unless we import it into the text.
It’s worth noting how Paul describes those who follow the path of the Gentiles. They walk in mental futility. In other words, they can’t think their way out of the box. They lack divine guidance because they have no revelation from God. Their minds are darkened. As a result, they are excluded from the life of God. What do you suppose Paul means by “the life of God”? If we look at his own life, he must be talking about Torah. That is the only “life of God” revealed to men. Why don’t the Gentiles follow this path? Paul answers, “. . . because their hearts are hardened.” In other words, they refuse to obey. We might think that the most important distinguishing characteristic of the path of the Gentiles is lack of forgiveness. But this isn’t the case. The most important characteristic of the Gentile path is disobedience! Over and over the Bible recounts stories of Gentiles who came to faith in YHWH and in each instance, that faith was immediately followed by obedience. What’s the difference between a Jew and a Gentile from Paul’s perspective? It’s not bloodline. He makes that abundantly clear. It’s obedience.
So, two paths lay before us. One is the path of the life of God. It is the path of God’s revealed instructions, requesting our obedience. The other path is the way of everyone else, the path of our own pursuit.
Which one are you on?
Topical Index: path, walk, ta ethne, Gentiles, Ephesians 4:17-18
Is you is or is you ain’t? Are you “in Christ?”
-because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart;=
It started out as a joke, but it is starting to congeal as reality: “the two largest problems in the world today are “ignorance” and “apathy”, …-but I bet you didn’t know that, and i bet you don’t care..
Ignorance and apathy. – We do not know G-d’s book. We are “ignorant” (lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned:) We have been “instructed” by G-d himself through His various penmen, “(Study)/Give diligence/make haste/be eager/spoudazó to present yourself approved by God, a workman who doesn’t need to be ashamed, properly handling the Word of Truth.” We need to back away from the boob-tube and give some time to G-d’s blessing book. Not only the Torah portion of scripture, (ORIGIN from Hebrew tōrāh ‘instruction, doctrine, law,’ from yārāh ‘show, direct, instruct.’) but (wait there’s more!-) we (the talmudim/disciples/learners) also have been given (for our “instruction”) the Tehillim (honey from the Hebrew hymnal), the Tanakh (Old Testament/Covenant scriptures), and the Brit Chadashah (new testament scriptures) revealing the tzlav/execution stake of the perfect Lamb of G-d. It seems we have a long way to go and a short time to get there. Now to address problem number two. Apathy. (zzzz..)
I believe brother Skip “apathy” seems to be the “drug of choice” these days. We just don’t care. We’ve “thrown up our hands” and “thrown in the towel” and walk around looking like a “question mark” rather than an “exclamation point.” Through the most excellent weapon of “distraction” our enemy is throwing massive quantities of “anything but” at G-d’s children today. Look at/think about “anything but” what you need to be looking toward/thinking of. Ignore G-d’s word. The Bible is so “old-fashioned.” It is so “yesterday.”
“Heaven, help us.” The “cure” today is exactly the same as yesterday. In the “ancient” language of Hebrew- “shuv.” “Today’s Word: “return.” Repentance and faith are every bit as critical today as they were during the days of Abraham, Moses and David. And we pray to the very same G-d they did. (-isn’t that awesome?)
But here’s the deal- Look/consider how much we have been given today. We have in our paunchy laps the complete revelation of the G-d who was, the G-d who is and the G-d who is yet to be. Maybe we should ‘focus’ and get a (more up close and personal) view and a better understanding of “to whom much is given, -much shall be required!” (Luke 12.48)
This particular and peculiar verse “sticks in my craw” (whatever a “craw” is..). “For this they willingly are ignorant of” (2 Peter 3.5). Can you imagine? -“willingly ignorant.”- Huh?- What is up with that? “Talk to the hand big boy.” – The “fear of G-d” left this place a long time ago..
“Father, forgive us.” We “know not” what we do. We are like overripe fruit (as in rotten)-waiting to fall from the tree to the ground—. Give us grace to seek your face, our good G-d. Enable us today to “repent and return.” Renew a right spirit within us. Cause us to seek you and to love you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Inhabit your habitation our great G-d and breath upon these slain that they may live. Draw us unto yourself with cords of love and may we be found “bound in the bundle” of life. Place within our stony hearts a heart of flesh. Transform our minds and cleanse us from our iniquities. Make our pathway straight before our feet and conform us into the image of the Son. Place within the core of our being, a passion to know Him whom to know is life everlasting. Have mercy upon us Abba Father and allow us to approach the throne of Him before whose face the heaven and earth will one day flee away. May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. Accomplish in us this day, your perfect will. I offer this pray at your invitation and because Calvary’s perfect Lamb made this prayer possible. Amen.
A difficult passage to address brother Skip …
Often times this “walk of the Gentiles” is viewed simply as being unrepentant and un-forgiven … as you clearly state.
The historical record also paints a concise portrait of how and when the Gentile Church drew a line in the sand with hardened hearts and expunged the Jewish ways from “the way”. (Note: Numerous commentaries and posts on this site over the last few years should leave no one surprised with this declaration)
But today is a different day … Our Lord as promised is graciously raising up those who will reveal the truth of the Gospel of faith … is there really room for ignorance? Is there really room for apathy? Is their any doubt as to our choices?
In Yeshua there is no distinction … no Jew or Greek … no man or woman … no freeman or slave but there is a distinction between those that walk the narrow path versus those that walk the broad path. The Gentile way is the broad path and the narrow path is G_D’s path revealed to the Hebrews. The path or way (HaDerech) originally used to describe the early followers of Yeshua clearly would have been a path aligned with Torah … armed with such knowledge then what do we do?
Let us not harden our hearts … let us embrace the ways of the family we have been adopted into! Or is the prospect of aligning ourselves with the ways of the Jews still a stumbling block?
Skip: You stated there are 2 groups of people: Jew, and Gentile. I suggest there are 3, Jew, Gentile. and Christian. There are Jews who do not practice Judism, Gentiles who talk the talk but can not walk the walk because their hearts have never been circumcised. Then there are Christians who not only talk the talk but they also walk out the life of Christ.
In Christ Jesus
Rex George
I appreciate your point, but my comment was strictly based on the biblical distinction. You will notice that the Bible does not present us with 3 alternatives. It has only 2. Male-female, slave-free, Jew-Gentile. Not Jew-Gentile-Christian. This is particularly important since Paul was in the perfect position to make a three-fold distinction, but he doesn’t. He still views the world as a Jew. Us and all the rest. Now, Paul goes on the argue that those who are adopted into the Kingdom are adopted into the commonwealth of Israel, making the rest of us part of God’s people by His adoption. So, when Paul could have made the tripartate distinction clear, he doesn’t. We need to know why he doesn’t.
Hi Skip; I’d like to know how a person is meant to keep Torah, the Shabbat etc. does that include First Fruit and keeping the Feasts? I’d like to find a group of people who are believers in Yeshua, filled with the Spirit and also do this, but finding such a place that isn’t zealous seems to be impossilbe, any suggestions?
I’d like to find that too. I know Bob Gorelik is also trying to make that happen. Maybe that’s the next step in all this.
“Maybe that’s the next step in all this.”
I believe to some extent brother Skip that this is the next step … that is Jew and Gentile coming together to worship and serve the Living G_D in the fullness of Mashiach by the Ruach of Truth.
I also believe that we have been experiencing this over the last few decades but on a very small scale. There are communities within the broader Messianic Jewish umbrella that I believe fit the criteria …. but …. sadly there is also (IMO) a lack of leadership and direction within this movement itself.
The movement generally depicts itself as a “return to the roots” of the apostolic faith. A Jewish faith … yet at the same time there is disagreement amongst purported leaders (i.e. MJAA) regarding fundamental matters such as the role of Torah in the lives of Gentiles as an example.
I will try and keep this short …
I have personally visited multiple Messianic Jewish communities (and I have had to travel … its not like you can find these communities in every town) and found diverse spectrums. The spectrum seems to shake out like this:
* On one hand I have found a more Christian/Jewish like mix where the general tone is more evangelical with some Hebraic overlay by way of the occasional prayer, perhaps a chant or two and maybe even celebration of Passover for instance.
* Conversely I have also found the other mix where the Hebraic centricity can not be missed at all. The Shabbat is upheld and supported by services on the evening and the day …. The Festivals are upheld on the appointed days …. The Torah portions are chanted and read each and every week …. Discipleship training is provided for the community …. Torah as the way of practical living is preached for both Jew and Gentile … and so forth.
So I think there are possibilities out there in response to Brenda’s plea. I also think one should be careful however because not all who claim the Messianic Jewish banner in my opinion operate in the full Spirit of Truth … certainly not those that preach a discretionary application of Torah … or perhaps even none at all!
Presently … finding a the type of community that Brenda pleads for brings into the play the following “seek and you shall find” … perhaps in the near future this will change as The Lord raises up a new generation of leaders to shepherd His flock! Certainly things will change when our King … Mashiach Yeshua returns to claim His throne!
Robert Heidler’s book, The Messianic Church Arising, explains God’s Feasts.
Brenda~ Our Father is bring us all back to the path of Torah. We come from all walks of life and various backgrounds but the central theme is wanting to serve our Creator the way HE wants to be worshiped and not what we have been taught all of our lives…which was essentially lies! (Jeremiah 16:19) If you happen to have Facebook, this is a wonderful way to connect and glean for kindred folk until something else develops in the future. There is major networking happening here!
Skip~ As always, I am blessed and encouraged! My mind is stretched and renewed! Praising YHWH for you in my life today!
The Jerusalem Bible 1966.
“In particular, I want to urge you in the name of the Lord, not to go on living the aimless kind of life that PAGANS live. Intellectually, they are in the dark, and they are estranged from the life of God, without knowledge because they have shut there hearts to it.”
I’m obviously no expert on translations, and have no knowledge of Greek or Hebrew.
But I would argue that my old, “obsolete,” version is perfectly clear on a spiritual level.
If I’m a Gentile standing in audience listening to Paul and he says something like “just as the Gentiles also walk,” I’m goind to start acting like Jew.
I’m going to start arguing with Paul; no more Mr Nice Guy.
“Hey Paul, you talking to me? As far as I know, there are two kinds of Gentiles, those who serve the Pagan gods and those who serve the Hebrew God, Yahweh.”
I spent a lot of time reading Mark yesterday.
It’s been a while but one thing sure jumped out at me.
Jesus was no Sunday school teacher. He has Yahweh’s temper
A Pagan is one who worships (and practices) according to a false god. Therefore, there can be no pagans who serve YHWH. Just a mix up of terms. Not all Gentiles are pagans. Obviously. We are Gentiles, not born Jewish. But when we accept the gift of grace of YHWH and become part of His family, we are no longer pagan. We are adopted Gentiles.
He’s given us a new name when we are adopted, sonship, grafted into the Olive tree, etc. That new name is Israel. Gentile no longer works, because by definition, A gentile is one who has a
willful and defiant hate for the Creators government. Like King David, we must through faith first, return to loving the Creators: (Jesus, Yeshua, Yehushua, Yahusha, How ever we know him by; return to his “stuff”. And regard his stuff above ours.
Shalom Or peace.
if any man (Jew or Gentile, male/female, etc.) be in Christ. That is the basis for my rather odd opening statement: “either you is or you ain’t.” Either we (all) are “in Christ” or we are “without” or on the “outside looking in.” As Yeshua said unto (the very Jewish) Nicodemus (whose very name means “superior”) – “you must be born again”. Every man, woman and child born on planet earth must be “born again.” Circumcised or not, rich,poor,black, white, educated, Democrat, Republican, Serb or Croatian,vegetarian or librarian- the message is the same- “you must be born again”.
I am not going to assume we all know that because of our “adoption” into the family of G-d (wow!) we are now part of the covental blessings of Abraham and have entered into an ever growing intimate relationship with the living G-d of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob. We are privileged to pray to and to know the very same G-d (there is only one!) as Moses, David, Jeremiah, Isaiah, etc.
Salvation is to the Jew first and also to the Greek. It is not “either/or”, it’s both. The ONE who hung on a cross is the ONE said “let there be light.” He is also the ONE who indwells every blood-bought believer. The LORD our G-d is ONE. One LORD, one faith, and one baptism. One is the number of unity and shalom. G-d chose to reveal himself through a very special, very unique people. Yeshua (G-d with a human face) was rightly “labeled” on Calvary’s cross- “King of the Jews”. He also happens to be “king of the Gentiles”. He also happens to be- “king of kings and LORD of lords. (Any questions?).. I have one… -Are you “in Christ?”
What a great explanation of something I have read a hundred times and never thought about what he meant. What he meant is actually obvious. Shows just how far Christianity is from understanding the underlying basis of the faith. Wow.