All For This
For in six days YHWH made the heavens and the earth, . . . Exodus 20:11
In Six Days – How long did it take God to make the earth? Careful. We usually think that God created the earth on one of the days of creation. One day He made light. One day He made the sun and moon and stars. One day He made the plants. One day He made the animals. One day He made Man. But that isn’t what this text says. It says, “Ki sheshet yamim” (during the course of six days).
Rabbi Bob Gorelik points out that the creation of the heavens and the earth took six days. In other words, all the time before the completion of the process is involved in bringing about the heavens and the earth. The focus of God’s effort to produce this planet with men and women took the whole creative process. Everything God did was aimed at this one result – that Man would walk the earth with Him.
Step back just a moment and consider what this means. Whether you believe in the Big Bang or any other cosmological explanation of what is, Scripture tells us that it was all necessary to bring about God’s intended purpose – you! From the very instant God spoke ye-hi or (Let be light), everything was aimed at this goal. The span of time of the creative process, no matter how long, brought about a place where Man and God could be in fellowship. You are the object of His concern! How valuable are you to God? The creation of the entire universe happened just so that you could walk with Him! That’s how valuable you are to God.
Maybe today you’re not feeling so great. Maybe you think that you don’t amount to much. Maybe you’re feeling worthless, hopeless or condemned. Look up at the heavens. Consider the entire universe. Let God’s handiwork fill your mind – and then remember that He went to all that trouble just so you could be here today. The picture that the Bible paints of God’s creative energy has a purpose. That purpose is to let you know that God did all of this in order to enjoy your company. If God thinks you are so valuable that He is willing to create the entire universe just to share it with you, then why let anything else get you down?
Today is a great day to live according to God’s point of view. You matter – infinitely! If He is for you, who can be against you. Get up and go. The universe is waiting to see its purposes fulfilled in you.
Topical Index: creation, six days, value, Exodus 20:11
But wait!- there’s more!! If you act now.. we’ll send you an additional… (or so goes the words from the infomercial.. and now for a word from our sponsor..
How valuable are you to God? The creation of the entire universe happened just so that you could walk with Him! That’s how valuable you are to God. Yes, and no.- (but wait!- there’s more!) lol!
The very same G-d who created us, in the very same ONE who died for us on the execution stake. We (the chosim), the twice-born, are His by right of creation and by right of Calvary. He died for us and (hallelujah!) He died for me and in my place. He (Himself) became sin who knew no sin, that we (me) might be made (and become) the righteousness of G-d in Him. (2 Corinthians 5.21)
And one more thing… (or again- “wait!- there’s more!) – (have you discovered the “more?” in Christ?)
That in the ages to come He might show (reveal) the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness (a blood-covenant word) toward us (that’s us ya’ll!) through Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2.7)
As Satchmo once said in a song- “what a wonderful world!”- but “listen” to this noise..- (according to the scripture and the G-d who only speaks what is true):
But as it is written, (yes,amen, “it is written”) – “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him.” (I Corinthians 2.9)
You can’t do it, and neither can I. It would be like putting 23,000 volts on a 12volt light bulb. It would “pop yer cork!” All we have here on this beautiful green planet is a “glimpse” of glory. Just a “taste.” This I will “guarantee”… it’s gonna be good. How do I know this?- Because, dear friends- G-d is good. (How good?) .. just “wait”.. and see! -For the LORD is good, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures forever. We are the recipients of His affections. Not woe!- but rather Woah!- or more accurately in Hebrew..- “wow!” -Clap your hands all you people- shout unto G-d with the voice of triumph!-
One more small but very important item.. (always “more”, -amen?) “If” G-d be for us.. is so…”iffy.” So “maybe”.. or “wishy-washy”- maybe even considered to be “conditional”. (I sure hope G-d likes me.. meek.. and weak). Iffy. I know it’s just one word but in G-d’s world what a difference one word makes.. (amen?..) You don’t think one word makes a difference? Okay- “dummy”. (He called me a dummy!) -lol! Yes, just one word!.. Let’s try this again– “Since” G-d be for us. -(better now?)- sorry bout’ the ‘dummy’ thing.. My friends- here is the “good news!” -G-d IS for us.
Oh yes, (and Hallelujah!) – He is. “More so”- than any of us (including this man) know. What a difference a word makes. Every word of G-d is pure. Ain’t that right?.. -(dummy..) – ;0
Now, I belong to Jesus.. Jesus belongs to me.. not for the years of time alone- but for eternity. -I am Thine, O LORD, I have heard Thy voice.. and it told thy Love to me..
Hi Skip,
I really appreciated today’s comments on the six days of creation. I’d really like to quote parts for an article on Easter that I’m writing for our church newsletter, if I may.
We are in the midst of preparation of an Easter musical with our choir that has a song about the last supper. the lyrics are:
“The wonder and awe must not face away;
we must never lose what was won on that day,
and each time you come, as in prayer you draw near,
think of His love and how treasured you are, and remember, remember.”
The focus in your article of how important we are really struck me, coming on top of the song we are working on.
You are welcome, of course. Use it as you wish.
Humanity is the object of The Lord’s concern … and why?
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with ELOHIM, and the Word was ELOHIM. 1:2 The same was in the beginning with ELOHIM. 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Our very entrance into creation aligns us with YESHUA. The only begotten SON in WHOM all has been given. All creation is for YESHUA…. and humanity, those written in the Book Of The Lamb, will share in and for The SON’s glorification!
It is really not about us but about The SON … now and forever more. And we get to fly along under HIS protective wings until we are made whole in and through HIM …. until we are made incorruptible! Real humanity is YESHUA! And this is why ELOHIM cares about us