First Things First

Jesus said to him, “See that you do not tell anyone, but off you go and show yourself to the priest, and make the offering which Moses laid down, as a witness to them.” Matthew 8:4


Do Not Tell Anyone – In the 19th Century, German higher criticism invented the idea of the Messianic secret.  According to this view, Jesus kept His divinity under cover, insisting that His true identity not be revealed.  Of course, this theory ignores the Hebraic elements of the gospels which assert His status as the Messiah nearly every time He opens His mouth.  Nevertheless, there are times when it appears as if He does not want people to recount their miraculous experiences.  What can we say about those?

In this particular case, the emphasis is not on hiding the healing of the leper.  It is on the proper order of presentation.  First, fulfill the requirements of Torah.  Then, let allow people to see what has happened.  Of course, what this means is that Jesus insists on Torah obedience, even for those who have been touched by His power.  Not only is He Torah-observant.  He expects others to be the same.

The commandment He has in mind is Leviticus 14:8-10.  If you read this instruction following healing, you discover that the process takes eight days.  Jesus does not tell the leper to run quickly to the priest, get a fast evaluation and then proclaim God’s power to the people.  He tells the leper to be obedient to the words of God through Moses.  This is going to take some time.  By the time the instructions are completed, Yeshua will be gone from the area.  There will be no immediate public demands and accolades.  The event will not be front-page news.  It will be merely a report of God’s past miraculous intervention.  Perhaps part of this is connected to Isaiah’s imagery of the Suffering Servant who does not perform God’s will in order to be recognized, but carries out the will of the Father silently among the throngs of men.

“Do not tell anyone” (medeni eipes) simply means, “Take care to follow the instructions of Moses first.  The news of your recovery is not more important than obeying the Word of God.”  We need this reminder too.  God acts in our lives.  We see His handiwork and experience His grace.  We are apt to shout His mercies to anyone who will listen.  That might not be the first priority.  Perhaps we need to listen to His instructions and demonstrate thanksgiving according to His Word before we become junior reporters.  God is not in a hurry.  Why are we?  He has specified the way we are to re-enter His community and demonstrate our thankfulness.  What is the point of running ahead of Him?  There is always time to share His grace according to His instructions.  Even the process can become a testimony to our faithfulness.

Has God intervened in your life?  Has He shown you exceptional mercy?  How you respond is as important as the fact that you respond.  God has a purpose in the process.  Why diminish the miracle because you were too excited to wait for Him?

Topical Index:  miracle, process, do not tell, Matthew 8:4, Leviticus 14:8-10

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“Do not tell anyone” (medeni eipes) simply means, “Take care to follow the instructions of Moses first.

Hi Skip,

Another great lesson and I agree that following the instructions of Moses is the most important point, but the sentence above doesn’t make sense to me 🙂

Doesn’t Jesus say in effect: “don’t TELL anyone, but Show [my work] to the priests, and Make the offering prescribed by Moses as evidence to them [that I obey the Law and serve the God of Israel].

Showing is more effective than telling when it comes to leading.


Thanks Skip! Got it.


Nice commentary Skip … and so true!

“Of course, what this means is that Jesus insists on Torah obedience, even for those who have been touched by His power. Not only is He Torah-observant. He expects others to be the same.”

It is very profound brother Skip that on regular basis (day, week, month, year) The Spirit leads you to generate commentary/teaching on numerous passages within The WORD that point to the integral nature of Torah in the life of Yeshua and for the faithful. (Praise ELOHIM)

On a different point Skip …. leprosy … or tzara’at …. what do you think was the ailment being healed within this gospel accounting?

The sages pointed to the healing of leprosy …. as a requisite attribute for Mashiach (so there goes away the Messianic Secret idea relative to this specific account 🙂 ) But we also know that tzara’at was a dreaded skin disease brought on by spiritual impurity. Often times the use of leper is not always the correct context and might it not be significant if Mashiach were to heal (forgive and restore) a person being blighted by tzara’at?

On a broader note … does the Greek treat tzara’at with its own word form or is it simply as well lumped under leprosy?



Skip, do you use one or more of the Bible software packages? Thanks.

Carlos Berges

¡Interesante lección! Glorifico al Señor, Hno. Skip por esa sabiduría para penetrar los misterios del hebraísmo para enseñarnos a ver las perlas hundidas en ese Mar que es la Torá. Bendiciones.


“a ver las perlas hundidas en ese Mar que es la Torá.”

Hola Carlos,

La lengua es muy preciosa.