God In Charge
Then Jesus was taken up into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tested by the devil. Matthew 4:1
Taken Up – This is the only place in the gospel of Matthew where the Greek verb anago (to take up) is used. Of course, anyone who stands at the mouth of the Jordan River realizes that the uninhabited territory (the wilderness) really is up. Surrounding Lake Kinneret (Hebrew) are the cliffs of the Riff Valley. The Sea of Galilee is really a fresh water lake 700 feet below sea level. So, nearly anyplace from this lake is up.
Of course, geography isn’t the only reason for the use of this verb. The point of anago is the fact that it is passive. This is an action done to Yeshua, not something that he does himself. The Spirit moves him up, drives him into the wilderness, escorts him to the surrounding plains. This is God’s action. Yeshua is there for the ride.
What does this tell us about the “temptation.” Well, it’s really not a temptation at all. It is a period of testing, a time when the Father allows the Accuser to test Yeshua’s resolve and commitment at the beginning of the ministry. By the way, it’s not the only time. The importance of this particular time is that it sets the stage for Yeshua’s declaration of war on the enemy of Mankind.
What we must realize in this so-famous story is that God is in charge. The Father directs the scene, much as He directed the scene with Job and with Abraham – and with all of Israel in the wilderness. There is not a moment in the life of Yeshua when God is not sovereign. The question is not about the power and glory of the Son. That has already been proclaimed at the baptism. The question is about the use of that power. This is a test of humility. Yeshua answers not in His own strength but in the words of YHWH. He displays utter humility and obedience. He passes the test.
Let us never forget that testing is part of the process of growth in godliness. Testing is God’s means of refinement. If the Son must experience testing, why should we imagine for a second that it is not suitable for us? God is in charge. He must be allowed to have His perfect way of bringing us closer to Him.
Today is the right day for a review of the tests you face. They may look like temptations. They may feel like attacks. But God is in charge. Nothing comes across your path that does not contribute to your refinement. Look square in the face of that invitation to disobedience or seduction or disappointment and say, “Today You, my Lord, have seen fit to take me up. I see Your hand in the stirring of the winds of challenge before me. I will not fail for You are with me.”
Topical Index: testing, temptation, anago, take up, Matthew 4:1
A most excellent commentary brother Skip!
This happens to be a timely message for me personally as I grapple with a seemingly continual onslaught of dare I say … attacks! As you eloquently state however the ultimate purpose of these events is good in as much that all things are under the control of ELOHIM.
Through the years I have feared the implications of the story of “JOB” … but alas it is an unavoidable reality and when the negative personal implications are put aside we are left with the truth … ELOHIM is in charge and in HIM we must put our trust … always!
It is wise to consider that our battles with this world are none that can overcome us as long as we remain in Yeshua’s strength … as long as we abide within the power of HIS NAME!
Some of our woes are a consequence of our own transgressions while others are opportunities to be refined! As Sha’ul declared; we should be content in times of good and in times of tribulation.
As ELOHIM used Babylon and Assyria for HIS good purposes … so too does ELOHIM use the accuser for HIS good purposes.
It was such a blessing for me to learn (it took a few years!) Yeshua lived His entire life while here on this green planet, as a man. The Word became flesh. Yeshua was (and is!) the Logos Incarnate. (He has a name written on his robe and on his thigh!). Dear brothers this is such wonderful news- Yeshua defeated Hasatan (the Accuser) as a man. Yes!- Yes! and Yes!. He did not “pull rank”, but by these these three wonderful words Mr. Twister was “run through” with the Sword of the LORD. (I wonder if he felt the pain of the blade?) These three words should be tatooed some conspicuous place on our bodies- (just sayin’). Remember- remember? Oh so true. Remember! How did Jesus defeat the prince of Posers? Three times (count them please..) “it is written”. If you would like we could even go so far as to say- “thus saith the LORD!”. Now how about that- we’ve just made a prophet out of you! That didn’t take long- now, did it?
“Thus saith the LORD”, “it is written”- “the word of G-d says”. Hallelujah for the (now) living word(s) of G-d. (Hebrews 4.12)
I will tell of a particular verse which has stuck like an arrow in my brain and I hope sticks in yours as well. (Are you “listening?”- lol!).. It is found in Matthew 22.29: “Jesus (Yeshua) answered and said unto them, You do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.” “The truth often..-ouch”
We MUST “know” G-d’s Book. In it are contained His words of life. G-d’s counsel, G-d’s instruction, G-d’s comfort, and G-d’s wisdom. And “so much more..” Praise G-d! “it is written!”
Yes,brother Skip, Yeshua was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. And so are we! “Certainly, all who are guided by God’s Spirit are God’s children. ” (Romans 8.14) “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.” (Romans 8.11)
We have a Comforter (a personal trainer!) living within us. Do I understand it all? -No way, Hose! Do I enjoy it all?- Absolutely. Do I understand cherry pie? (nope!). Do I enjoy cherry pie? (immensely, especially with a ‘dollup’ of vanilla ice cream!
What is the purpose of the blessed third member of the Trinity. (no- I’m not going to get all “theological” with this.) I’m just going to enjoy this blessed gift of the Father and allow Him to “inhabit His habitation” and lead me through the wilderness called “Today”. (If 100 were “entire understanding”, I would rate myself at a 1.) So,- what do I know? (lol!) John 14.26 (one of my “favorites!”-yes, it’s all good!)- “But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.”
Do I ever need to be “re-minded!” -Yes, indeed I do. I am a man in (constant) need of “re-minding”. Our blessing book tells us- (very simply) “Ask, and you will receive.” We are also enjoined to be “filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5.18). Now, if it is G-d’s “command” to be filled with the Spirit.. how is this “command” accomplished in us? Are we able also to be “led by the Spirit?”
Dear family-have a nice day! …”singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;”
“Tis the song of the soul set free- and it’s melody is ringing.. tis the song of the soul set free.. joy and peace to me it’s bringing..’tis the song of the soul set free- and my heart is ever singing..- Hallelujah! Hallelujah!- the song of the soul set free!
Really enjoyed that. Don’t always enjoy the refining work of God but know it is for my own good – iron sharpens iron.