National Immorality

Newsweek:  Law-Enforcement Officials Note Marked Nationwide Increase in Teen Prostitution

Over the last year, local and federal law-enforcement officials say they have noted a marked increase in teen prostitution in cities across the country. They are increasingly alarmed by the trend lines: the kids are getting younger; according to the FBI, the average age of a new recruit is just 13; some are as young as 9. And, while the vast majority of teen prostitutes today are runaways, illegal immigrants and children of poor urban areas, experts say a growing number now come from middle-class homes.

A nation without holiness in its heart will not survive.  History has shown over and over that great empires collapsed after declines in personal morality.  The Biblical record confirms what historians note.  My travels throughout Asia years ago demonstrated that children are only one-step along the road of moral degradation when a culture embraces values that are not based on holiness.  We are only following in the steps of our ancestors.  Unless God grips a man’s heart, no evil will be forbidden.

America’s new racism is homosexuality.  On every side, those who stand up against this practice are treated as the new bigots.  We live in a culture whose only goal is to fulfill every desire of man’s heart, a condition that is described quite well in Genesis 6:5.  Why are we surprised to find the children are being swallowed up in the storm of sexual frenzy?  Our movies portray absolute license, our music heroes and sports figures are shining examples of sexual deception, adultery and uninhibited desire.  Even the church has decided to ignore that clear descriptions of the Greek words in I Corinthians.  Plurality in moral standards is nothing more than idolatry.

A family I know found their pre-teen daughter in deep depression.  She was unable to function because her peers ridiculed her for not being sexually active at age 11.  What does such a situation say about the general moral instruction of parents?

Families that believe God’s holiness is the foundation of our behavior will be set upon with vengeance.  It has always been so.  Those who prefer the dark cannot stand the antagonism of light.  Even a child’s candle must be extinguished.

There is much to pray about these days.  Not least is the suffering of our children.  They carry a weight much too heavy for their shoulders.

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“They carry a weight much too heavy for their shoulders.”

I took my teen Sunday School class to a “youth rally” several years ago. The night before the first AM service, all the leaders were called to a meeting and a huge emphasis was placed on “security”. Astonishingly, I heard the warning to closely guard the young girls especially at the altar service. Many occurrences of fondling and molestation had been reported. AT THE ALTAR!!! AT A “CHURCH” function!
If the fathers’ hearts would return to the children’s, rather than be selfishly focused on SELF, how much lighter would the childrens’ load be? How much less would rebellion rule in the heart of a child?
What do our children see when they look at the temple of God?
“Do you not know that you are a temple of God and {that} the Spirit of God dwells in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16
“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?” 1Corinthians 6:19

Skip, thank you for presenting us with the dire need.

Bill Cummins

Dear Skip,

Your observations are right on target. Unabated sexuality is rampant everywhere around the globe. I have been following its dangerous trend on the Internet for years, and have a library of published data on this problem. I’m convinced the only book that properly addresses this problem is LIFE IS SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED by going back to the beginning for solutions. It is written in everyday, easy-to-understand, language that jumps religious and cultural boundaries. Please feel free to offer it to those who care and want to help.

William A. (Bill) Cummins, Author

Leo Van Gulck

Dear Skip,

Over here in Europe, things are not different. Lately a Dutch catholic priest refused the communion to a reputed gay, being at that time “prince carnaval”. The priest was fiercely attacked in the press and the large church building at the next cult, was filled with a crowd of pink clothed gays, declaring to be practicing christians. When the priest announced that a church service is not a place for protest and that there wouldn’t be communion at all, the mob left the church shouting “boo”….
This is a spiritual battle of a demonic force that has clearly the goal to destroy the “body of Christ” by ruining the man-women biblical based relationship, damaging the spirits and the souls of our children. You cannot enter God’s Kingdom on “your” terms, since they mostly are not based on God’s revelation in the Bible.
Over here it is dangerous to proclaim this publicly: you might offend the muslims, or you would be guilty of discrimination etc etc
Maranatha Lord Jesus!


catholic priest refused the communion to a reputed gay


If that’s not the highest sort of hypocrisy, I don’t know what is!