Sexual Billboards

and they shall become one flesh Genesis 2:24

Flesh – Sex is a meaningful deed.  So says Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz.  What he means is that sex is not like other deeds.  Sex is “one of those things that make a complete world.”  It is a drive that has meaning in itself, not derived from its results.  Sex is capable of taking us places where we may not be prepared to go.  So, when the Genesis account of marriage implies that sex is part of the reunion process, it casts a spell around this deed – a spell that contains some mystery and some warning.  Since sex is intimately connected to the power to create, this meaningful deed creates an entity that is somehow related to the desire for unity.  Here we have a hint about the divine image.  God is one.  His unity is unique.  But His image is stamped into our very being and with that stamp comes the desire to be one.  Male and female complete something of this unity in the meaningful deed of sex.

But that’s not all.  The Hebrew word for flesh is basar.  The intentional reunification and harmony implied in this verse goes far beyond the physical act of sex.  We see a hint at the deeper meanings here when we consider the Hebrew homophone of basar (flesh).  Genesis 2:24 tells us that the objective of reunion is to become “one flesh.”  Too often we think of this only in sexual terms.  But basar has a homophone which means “publish, preach, or to bring news”. Apparently, the Creator designed the human flesh for the purposes of publishing, preaching, and physically bringing His message to others.  If we thought of this only in terms of our ability to communicate with the physical world, then our message might be about God’s creative work in us.  But marriage takes this imagery one step further.  In marriage, our flesh becomes one.  In terms of proclamation, the union of husband and wife declares the unity of the one God.  Marriage is God’s unification proclamation.  It is designed to announce peace.  Marriage is supposed to be the incarnation of shalom in human form.  It is the billboard of God’s unity in the flesh.

This raises an important question.  The question is far deeper than the physical desires or needs of a married couple.  It is deeper than the unity found in physical or psychic bonding.  It is a question at the heart of what it means to be manifest in the image of God.  Unity.  Unity is Yeshua’s plea, Sha’ul’s theme and, apparently, a part of the divine design.  Unity is the opposite of being alone.  It is not merely sexual congress.  It has deeper roots.  It is a reflection of the God who is one.  How it is a reflection may take us a lifetime to understand.  Maybe longer.  But the hint is there.  Something important is happening.  Something that reaches beyond this world.

So, here’s the question.  Where’s the unity?  Where’s the reflection of God’s oneness in your one-flesh marriage?  Where are you (singular) so not-alone that you (plural) experience a hint of the divine in this meaningful deed?

Topical Index:  sex, flesh, basar, proclamation, Genesis 2:24, Steinsaltz

NOTIFICATION:  Thanks to the help of my son, Michael, there are now more than 90 new articles posted to the website.  They have all been tagged for searching by verse and topics.  From the home page, you can just enter the search words and see what’s there.  These articles cover more than 5 years of writing.  I hope you enjoy them.

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Bill Cummins

Thanks Skip,
For the great article, SEXUAL BILLBOARDS. We are now in complete agreement on Genesis 2:24. As I said in my book, LIFE IE SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED; marriage requires a 100% commitment by both partners to each other in order to succeed; i.e. Christ and the church.
Bill Cummins

carl roberts

One flesh. Unity. “Two becoming one.” It is a beautiful thing. This “oneness” is also is a parable (an earthly story with a heavenly meaning) of life as it is now and as it will be in days yet to be.
Glorious sex is G-d’s gift to us. Adam and Havvah were both naked in the garden and were not ashamed. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. (Hebrews 4.13)
Live joyfully with your wife (Ecclesiastes 9.9) is G-d’s “command” to us. This is G-d’s command? “Husbands- love your wives” is another reminder from G-d. – Now why would I need to be reminded to love my wife.. (anyone want to comment here?) What’s going on here?
Of course we are to love our wives “as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her.” “Supremely and sacrificially” sirs, is the way of the Savior.
Another “union” we don’t often think about is the Logos becoming a (perfect) man and living among us. The Creator became the created. Yeshau (G-d incarnate) defeated Hasatan as a man! This gives me great encouragement. Thank you Savior for showing us the way! I will say it as my Teacher said it- “it is written”. I love, love those three words.
G-d became the son of man that we might become the sons of G-d. Hallelujah for the cross and for our glorious Savior who made it possible for sinful man to be at peace with and live in unity with our G-d who is holy. Basar! Basar!- Christ has made a way for us!!


“Another “union” we don’t often think about is the Logos becoming a (perfect) man and living among us.”

Hi Carl,

I tend to think of the Logos as the Holy Spirit, and when it is associated with Christ it tends to come in the form of fire, as we can see in the following passage of Luke:

Luke 12:49 “I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled!

In this form it is hard to distinguish the perfect man from HaSatan in Job; they are both servants of Yahweh and their job is to test the imperfect man on earth in “a trial by fire.”

Psalm 104:4 He makes the winds His messengers, Flaming fire His ministers.