All About Melanie

I got this email today.  Maybe you saw it.  Maybe not.  So, I thought it would be a good thing to let everyone know.  If there are readers in the Spokane area, Melanie is going by bus to Spokane at the end of the month.  If someone in that area knows of work or a place to live, please contact her.  If you just want to help, I know you will do what you can.  Thanks, you guys are great.  No one falls through the cracks here.


From Melanie:

I would like to ask the community to keep me in prayer as to finding employment, housing, and in getting my medical needs  taken care of.

I am 40 years old and have Epilepsy. In 1996 I had brain surgery to try to stop between 150-200 seizures a month. I have been on disability after a severe seizure in 2004 and it has now been determined that my condition has improved and I am losing my disability. Finding employment (as I have in the past) though necessary, is not the major issue with the loss of my disability: getting my medicine is. Though the brain surgery was extremely successful (I’ve only had 6 seizures in almost 13 years compared to 200 a month), I will be on medication the rest of my life and it is expensive.

Due to family issues, I am forced to move across the country to a place where I have better job options and more affordable housing. This is not a bad thing; in fact, it is a blessing in many ways, but I would appreciate prayer that I find a place to live, a job, and a way to pay for my medications.  I am not sure if I am able to return to school due to outstanding Student Loans, but have been given hope that that door may not be closed as previously thought.

Please pray that the Lord will direct me and open the right doors for me. I have only a few hundred dollars and will likely spend at least the next month in a homeless shelter until I have found employment and worked long enough to get into a place to live. I am traveling across country from Alabama to Washington state (Spokane) and going by faith that God will provide my needs along the way.

Shalom to you all,
Melanie Powell

Name: Melanie D. Powell
Phone: (334) 567-7022
Regarding: I have a prayer request and/or a need from the community

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Bill Cummins

My heart goes out to Melanie in her needs and my prayers also. Is there any help and assistance for her in the new Obama/Federal Free Health Care program?

Melanie Powell

Thank you Bill for your concern for me. I don’t know if I could be helped or not by the Healthcare program. We’ll see.

I contacted Vocational Rehabilitation in Washington (and I have in Alabama in the past) and it took more than 6 months to get to me by which time I did not need their assistance but I’ve had this condition 35 years and plan to return to them when I arrive. Unfortunately, the local Voc. Rehab. office was too far away for me to participate in here in Alabama – it was too far a distance to drive to and from twice a day – but in Washington I have better options.

I had been told that I could not return to school for 3 years and have just found out two ways to re-start my schooling in the past 48 hours. In the past 48 hours I have also reconnected with two friends I have not seen in 10-20 years and every time I turn around there is another encouragement, another option, another blessing waiting and I know that the Lord has something wonderful for me when I return to Washington state.

I appreciate so much everyone’s prayers for me and the Lord has responded quickly. I have persons in Kenya praying for me and in Israel as well I have friends. Prayer from those close to God does many wonders and I am grateful to you all.

Betty Allen

Melainie has a medical disability. I think she should contact the state which should have some rehabilitation resourses for job training and a case manager who might help her find a job.

Melanie Powell

I have an AWESOME praise report to give everyone today! I went for my yearly Neurological assessment, the last I could see affording for a long time and one of my main concerns with my move was how I was going to afford to pay for my medications. Leave it to the Lord and He takes care of it! I was on two; the doctors removed me from one and after a lifetime on medications – and the assumption that I would spend a lifetime on them – the question was raised ‘Had I ever considered going totally off my medications?’ Oh many times! I will be weaned off the medications over a few months and the goal is for me to be totally free of them in 3-6 months. I have been given the right – again – to drive once more and the team of doctors were well pleased with my evaluation.

Then I come home from my day and their wonderful news and I have a gift from all of you! I have a phone interview for a job on Wednesday but I have a feeling even if that interview does not result in my hire that the Lord has a job waiting for me when I reach Spokane next week. My housing is taken care of, my medications are provided and I have the hope of a seizure-free and medication-free life for the first time in my life.

Bless you all for your wonderful gifts and prayer for me and I will keep the community updated from Spokane, Washington.

Amanda Youngblood

Wow! Your story gives me chills! G-d is SO awesome! I want to cheer (without waking the little ones), and I want to cry with joy (yeah, it’s a girl thing). It’s amazing to hear how G-d has provide for your concerns one by one! When He calls you out (much like Abraham and Israel) and you are obedient it’s incredible to see how He makes it all work together! Thank you SO much for sharing your story and encouraging me (and everyone) with the answers you are seeing in your life. It’s a great reminder that G-d is at work, He does miracles and wonders, and He is watching and keeping His promises to this day (not to mention, it’s a huge reminder of how much He loves us).

Be blessed, and please do keep updating everyone!
Amanda Y.


Praise God, praise God, praise God! Hallelujah! Thank you Melanie for sharing.

Gayle Johnson

This is wonderful news! Thank you, LORD!

Ron Fink

Melanie, God is truly awesome, and He LOVES each one of us, and He delights in showing Himself strong to those who have faith and trust in Him. All of the promises of Psalm 91, are incumbent on attaining the first two verses.

I ask, my Heavenly Father, to grant you health and remove all need for medication. To establish you as a light in Spokane Washington. I ask that He bring you perfect peace, Shalom Shalom.
I ask this in the mighty name of Yeshua HaMashiach.

I bless you Melanie with the Sacred Name of Almighty God, YAHWEH, according to His word.

carl roberts

Thank you Abba for showing yourself strong in Melanie’s life. Thank you for her witness to us who partake in this feast of riches you set before us daily. Help us to see, open our blind eyes, and our deaf ears, and give us the ability to know this is our compassionate G-d working through people to provide for the needs of the ones who fear your Name. We bless you our holy Father and make a feeble attempt to give unto our G-d the unending, eternal glory and honor due unto your matchless Name. You have shown yourself to be a G-d who hears and answers prayer. Your grace is revealed in our weakness, and is always both sufficient and abundant. For this we give you praise. Bless the LORD O my soul, and all that is within me, for You, our Father are holy, just and good. Amen.

Melanie Powell

I am the one now in tears everyone! What an awesome community of believers! Bless you all for you words, your prayers, your gifts and your concern towards me. I had Spinal Meningitis at 18 months; a head injury at 4. Seizures first diagnosed at 5 and I was 17 before a doctor was found to treat me. I was supposed to be a vegetable and never supposed to drive, never have a child, never hold a job, live independently and many other things. I had a doctor at 8 tell me (paraphrased here) that I was never going to be anything or do anything and I needed to accept that fact. Everything the doctors have ever said I could never do so far, the Lord has enabled me to. I have struggled in completing schooling and find it hard to gain employment because I don’t have a lot of work experience and I cannot get experience because I cannot get a job. It has been a long, hard struggle but I have never given up and after my brain surgery 13 years ago doors have opened wider and wider until I am now at the place you all see me here.

I cannot wait to fully give all that I am capable of back to those who have helped and encouraged me against all odds through the years. Blessings to you all.

Robin Jeep

Praise Yah, and may He continue to bless you as you courageously follow His lead!

Melanie Powell

I’m sorry everyone it has taken me so long to get back with you all. I will not always have email access for a while. I arrived safely, have a wonderful friend here helping me and all is going well here. I have a lead on a place to live but no job as yet. Today was the first real day I’ve had to do much,though I’ve been busy every minuet almost since arriving. I ran 8 miles in 1:46 on Sunday too boot! Not my best time, but it has been a few years. Ranked in the middle for 40-year old women running Bloomsday. I went to the Unemployment Office today, to Spokane Community College, and elsewhere. Hope to have my apartment by Wednesday/Thursday. I thank you all for your uplifting of me and will send an update when I am able.


I am struggling right now. Please uplift me in prayer. I am not sure where to turn or what to do. Please pray the Lord shows me what I need to do and where I need to go. My spirit is down and I have either allergies or a cold.



Doing better physically; still searching for work. Blessings,


Melanie, I was in the hospital for a major rebuild of my left leg when your prayer request and all of these wonderful comments were written. I just found time today to read all of my messages from Skip that were sent during my hospital stay. I just want to say, Please pursue the education angle through Voc Rehab. I was on disability for many years, and like you, I was miraculously healed and needed to be off the program. I received a letter from Voc Rehab “demanding” that I come in for testing and job placement. My scores were good, so they sent me to college, 4 years, for a degree in mathematics and computer science. During that time, with pell grants and student loans, I had more than enough to live on while I went to school, and I was a widow at that time with a middle school child. When I graduated, Voc Rehab gave me a voucher for a large tax rebate to anyone who would hire me — as encouragement to a new employer. Maybe education is a better option for you than a job right now. We all need to pray about this option too. God bless you in this beautiful journey. Blessings, Donna


Thank you, Donna for your advice and encouragement. I’ve already spoken wit Voc Rehab and unless I receive state money (Dis. check) Voc Rehab says they cannot help me; I’ve been through the system several times now. I’ve attended college in 2 states at 2 different points in my life but although I’ve passed everything from Biology w/lab to Psychology to Shakespeare, every time I come up against computer skills and math skills (higher maths such as Algebra and such) I flunk out. Some people arent’ meant for college and I don’t seem to be one of them.

I have had, as of this past week, 3 interviews with Wendy’s, whom I worked for a total of 28 months before and the manager says he’d like to give me 30 hours a week but he needs to ‘compare notes’ (whatever that means) with other managers about me. The earliest I’ll hear back is Wed/Thurs of this week. I will still need a 2nd job of 10-20 hours for a while. I’m not considering school until I have a roof over my head and as of this moment, that is only until July 5th. If something doesn’t happen very, very soon I’ll be homeless as of July 6th. I’ll survive – I’ve faced much worse – it simply is what it is for me and I deal with it as it comes.

Bless you all for your prayers and support and advice.



There is not a lot to report here – other than I love it here – but I promised to send out an update to everyone. I have 2 jobs – but neither begins immediately. Wendy’s whom I worked for a total of 28 months, wishes to give me hours again but due to a slow economy (not as bad as the south, but things are just beginning to be felt in the Pacific Northwest) and the crew already in place, it may be a little while before I actually go on the floor. I like very much Ron, the General Manager, and he is someone I would be able to talk over anything with in regards to work. When It seemed that I might receive 25-30 hours from Wendy’s, I went to Taco Bell, whom I have researched as a company. They even have international opportunites. Again, I like the General Manager very much, and they also wish to give me hours and hire me. One owner owns all Taco Bell’s in Spokane and he is remodling his north store and no hiring will be done until around mid-July when the store should be completed.
As it turns out, the General Manager of the Wendy’s where I interviewed, knows the owner of Taco Bell in Spokane – the man used to work for Wendy’s and left and went to Taco Bell – and I have established a very good relationship with both businesses. Both tell me to check back with them and both will give me hours the minuet an opening occurs but that may be a while. In food service, the relationship and reputation of a business is important. I have laid a good foundation and both employers are willing to do all they can for me and that is not something to toss aside; they may help me in different areas down the line or give me a reference to another employer. So I am counting myself as having two jobs and seeking a third – which actually isn’t unusual these days; sometimes, employers only want part-time and you need 2-3 jobs to cover all your needs. So I’ll keep at it.

I have not really looked at school because fiinding shelter and employment have of course been top-priority, but I checked with both Spokane Community College, and Spokane Falls Community College (where I did go to school for 2 semesters) and if I start now, I could be back in school Winter Quarter (Semester?) beginning January 3rd. Ron, Wendy’s GM has encouraged me to finish my education and says he knows I will do it. I have been very assertive in asking for opportunities, letting both businesses know what I will and will not do and both are friendly and ask me to keep in touch with them for openings.

I am not sure about my housing situation; I have it now and though my landlords say they will work with me even into August, I cannot imagine them letting me live there rent-free indefinitely. PRAY I find some kind of work soon. I have applications in all over the city in various types of businesses and have had as many as 8 interviews in a week but so far nothing to put me to work.


Amanda Youngblood


I’ll definitely be praying for you. You have so much courage and strength! What an example of perseverance and trust in YHWH you are! Thank you for keeping us updated!


Amanda Youngblood

Melanie, funny, but I was reading today and it made me think of you…

Psalm 20 (NASB)
Prayer for Victory over Enemies.
For the choir director. A Psalm of David.
1May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble!
May the name of the God of Jacob set you securely on high!
2May He send you help from the sanctuary
And support you from Zion!
3May He remember all your meal offerings
And find your burnt offering acceptable! Selah.
4May He grant you your heart’s desire
And fulfill all your counsel!
5We will sing for joy over your victory,
And in the name of our God we will set up our banners
May the LORD fulfill all your petitions.
6Now I know that the LORD saves His anointed;
He will answer him from His holy heaven
With the saving strength of His right hand.
7Some boast in chariots and some in horses,
But we will boast in the name of the LORD, our God.
8They have bowed down and fallen,
But we have risen and stood upright.
9Save, O LORD;
May the King answer us in the day we call.

Peace and blessings, I pray it for you!


Thank you Amanda for your sweet encouragement. Bless you all and I will follow up on all suggestions.


I had an interesting day yesterday, everyone. I ran into a friend for the 2nd time in a day – unusual to see him that often – and he had another female friend with him. He’s a young guy, with Epilepsy, not as well controlled as mine. The girl, Riley, in her 20’s, found I was Messianic and had another friend who was as well. We got to talking ‘Bible/Religion/Views’ and she actually was carrying her Bible with her and she started asking me questions…A third man, in his 30’s, rode by on a bike, asked if we were discussing religion and stopped to listen. My friend that I stopped for – Chris (I have several by that name) had to leave, but Riley asked if we could go to the park and talk some more so we did.

The man in his 30’s – Lee – went with us. We are there talking and Riley was asking lots and lots of questions, and ANOTHER young guy – he was saved from a bad lifestyle 2 years ago and is on fire for Jesus — even leads a home Bible study — stopped by because he knew Riley…..We all had something to contribute, and the only one of us who is not saved, is Lee, and he needs prayer. His father was a Methodist minister and has a number of theological degrees, but Lee is disenchanted with life/God and he was just diagnosed yesterday with Liver Cancer. He could have up to 10 years to live or a short time left, depending on progression. He’s only 33.

Please send up a prayer for all of these people: Cord – the other young man – is on fire for Jesus and could use prayer. Riley is sincere, but a babe in Christ and could be easily swayed if led wrongly. And Lee – who knows all the right doctrine – but doesn’t know Jesus as Lord. I asked Lee if I could pray for him and he said he didn’t mind. I have a heart for these souls out here; don’t ask me why except I feel deeply for Spokane and the Lord must have put that in me. I checked, because I make wonderful homemade bread and had thought about baking it and handing it out, but I didn’t know if that was allowed….I can, so when my Food Stamps come in I am going to bake up some bread and probably some little slips of paper with Bible verses. I’ll wrap the bread individually and hand it out to the homeless and those who need encouragment.

I put in 2 more job applications today; one with Marriott hotel. I have been fasting some and praying continuously for days. I woke up singing one of my favorite songs yesterday: “It Is Well With My Soul” and was singing all day long. Cord said it was my prayer and fasting that drew us together; I don’t know but it was an interesting day. Once I am working somewhere I want to do more for these hungry souls – hungry for both physical and spiritual bread -but that is in the hands of Yeshua.

I thought you might find this interesting and hopefully, uplifting.