In Case You Didn’t See This
My husband was laid off yesterday (they just said that they didn’t need him anymore… which he found later meant that they got rid of him to hire someone with less experience whom they could pay less)… which was a bit of a surprise.
On one hand it’s a blessing because my husband was miserable there, but it was a paycheck that we needed. On the other hand, although this isn’t a surprise to G-d, we have two children (1 1/2, 2 1/2), one has autism and is in speech and behavior therapy, and the other on medication for his breathing. So figuring out how to provide for their needs, as well as G’s therapy and K’s meds, is definitely on our minds.
This is not random chance, and I believe G-d is glorified in our weakness. This is a great opportunity for Him to be glorified! I’d appreciate it if you guys would pray for us to rest in and trust in His ultimate plan because He loves us and knew this was coming a looooong time ago. Also, I’d appreciate prayer for a job for my husband (in this economy that should be fun), and for G-d’s provision in the meantime (I know, this is probably a very Greek mindset, but I’m still detoxing).
Amanda Youngblood
Hi Amanda,
Sorry to hear about your husband losing his job, and I’ll gladly say a prayer for both of you.
Yesterday I ran into one of my neighbors while walking my dog and he had just been laid off too.
He is a rocket scientist with at least 20 years experience, so it seemed like a bad sign for the rest us, considering the billions of dollars we are pouring into the aerospace industry.
But they were moving the “plant” down to northern Mexico (Monterrey) where costs are less.
For me it can be very scary to think about the job prospects for our children, but as you note: God loves us and knew this was coming a looooong time ago
Thank you Amanda for the opportunity to lift you and your family up before the throne of grace – that your needs be met. I can tell in your short message that your faith is what will get you and yours through this. I know sometimes when we happen to be on one side of Romans 8:28, it is with difficulty that we see the truth of that verse, and yet when we get around on the other side of it, we say, “Oh I see now!”
Thanks for pointing out Romans 8:28 Fred; don’t think I ever saw that before.
Thank you all for the encouragement! I’m so blessed to be part of this community.
The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know about G-d and His purpose and His commands, but it’s an exhilarating journey and I’m loving it (it scares me half to death sometimes, too)! Anyhow, thank you for the prayers and the words on wisdom. I’ll keep you posted on how G-d shines through this.
Amanda.. I am highly encouraged by just “clicking” on your name (which is a “hyperlink”). I can see by your words that you are a G-d fearing woman. I will encourage you with these words.. “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.” I know at this time it sounds rather strange but I’ll testify the best I can- that about sums it up for me. This “living by faith (and not by sight) is “anything but” boring. It is an adventure you’ll never forget- especially as brother Fred has shared when you get “on the other side” of Romans 8.28.
Having “been there” and “done that”- I feel I am semi-qualified to speak on the subject. (Nine months of unemployment for me!!) Now, I hope that doesn’t want to make you run out the door- “kicking and screaming”, let me say from the get-go (as I love to say)- “G-d did that!” I’ll also say at the outset I am no financial genius and it was not my dollar bill savvy that “got us over”- It was YHWH all the way. Dear sister- “to G-d be (all) the glory- great things He hath done.”- Yup, it was Him. Now for the “why” of it all..
So, what was that all about? Nine months for what? I know, I know, and hallelujah I know!! lol!!!
G-d is taking you deeper. He is working on your roots! Words like “cleave” unto the LORD will find new meaning. Your prayer lives are fixin’ to take a quantum leap! I’ll tell you a secret to “shorten” the days for you! lol!!- -G-d wants your focused attention. You will “see Him” in ways you never have! Even a breeze passing over your face will cause you to say- “thank you Abba!” lol!! You will have a greater understanding of verses such as “count it all joy when you fall into divers trials!”. Count it all joy?- what’s that supposed to mean? You’ll know (through experience- yada), “G-d (always) delivers.”
This is the time to “deliver” to Him massive quantities of thanksgiving and praise- in everything and for everything. G-d has to take us low in order that He may exalt us in due time. You will say (experientially)- “this is the LORD’s doings and it is marvelous in our eyes.” (Psalm 118.23)
Remember- He took bread and He broke it. G-d uses broken people. (I never said this would be easy!!) Not to worry or be anxious in any form or fashion tho’ dear people- He is “always faithful”. He will take you to where you need to be. The crisis situations (study the word “crisis” sometimes it will be another blessing to you) in our lives cause us to grow. Yes, “growing pains” are included in this process.
What does YHWH want in all this (mess?). He wants our “focused attention.” The Hebrew word is kavannah. Just as you Amanda would love to have your husband’s “focused attention” and yes Mr. Youngblood there are times when you would love to have Amanda’s full and undivided attention, so also our Heavenly Bridegroom would love to have our “focused attention.” The question remains- “what does He have to do to get it?” (He will..) So.. let’s “cooperated with the program” and give Him (quickly) what He desires and do (daily) what pleases Him.
Yeshua did not say to the disciples (the learners) – hey- “let’s all go out into the middle of the lake and drown,” no, He said – (-are you listening? lol!!) – “let us go over to the other side”- (of Romans 8.28?)- lol!
Yes, Amanda I will joint with these my brothers to pray our Father’s blessings upon your household. What a delight to be married to such a woman – one who “fears the LORD.”
Amanda: Dios es Fiel. El salmo 61 dice que Él les ha puesto sobre La Roca y les ha escondido bajo la sombra de sus Alas. Esa promesa es de mi salmo de este año. Yo lo leo todos los días y me encuentro esa promesa diariamente. Ustedes no se preocupen por sus hijos… ellos son herencia de Jehová y Él se encargará de hacerles llegar sus medicamentos cuando los necesiten. Bendiciones.
I have to share some of my testimony with you for encouragement.
Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
My husband was laid off back in November,2008. We have three children at home, the youngest is 10. We survived 15 months on unemployment and work every now and then. We never went without food, we never had our utilities cut off, except our phone , which we had restored, (more than once) and we are still in our home! Stress test to the max. But, G-d is our provider. My husband started a new job three weeks ago!
Matthew 13:58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.
Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith
Dont’ give up, don’t give in, keep your faith in G-d and never, never doubt what He can do!
I’m so glad I happened to catch your post before it exited the “recent posts” titles. I pray for the Lord’s guidance in every area-*wisdom*- to “choose wisely”. I say this as having just come through a period of unemployment also. I lost a job last November that had been described to me a year earlier as mine for however long I wanted it. Of course, to think that anything is mine without His desire for my life is to take life for granted. So I say to you, dear one, hold on to the unchanging Hand of God. Press forward even when you feel the “g” force of adversity weighing you down to a crawl…crawl anyway! God will provide the grace for you to hold on! Simply ask in faith and trust Him to do good to you and your family. I began a new job 3 weeks ago o/. Endure hardship as a good soldier in the fight! God has plans for us that we cannot always see, however, He must convince US that He will never fail!