News on Amanda

Dear Community,

In case you missed Amanda’s post, I thought you would like to know what you (all) helped with.

A few days ago I told the community here about my husband’s job loss and asked for prayer.  I got so much encouragement from everyone, and was greatly blessed.  But G-d wasn’t finished…

Today, I received an envelope with a substantial check from some members of this community!  I, of course, started crying and thanking G-d for His faithful provision!  The amount given was exactly enough to cover my husband’s car payment and make my final car payment (which will alleviate a huge burden from us)!

How great and amazing is our loving Abba!  I can’t thank you all enough for being so greatly used by G-d, and I hope you are as blessed as you have made my family.

Like David in his psalms, I wanted to share the faithfulness and trustworthiness (I can’t remember the word that means He is stable and reliable, but that’s the one I’m looking for) of YHWH through the generosity of His children!

Thank you again!
Amanda Youngblood

Name: Amanda Youngblood
Regarding: I have a prayer request and/or a need from the community

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Robin Jeep

Thank you Skip for making this possible. Thank you Father for Skip.

Patrick (Skip's Tech Geek)

Awesome! 🙂

What other ministry can you give to where the money actually goes to people who are in the community of the ministry without any stinking red tape?

I love it!