Diet, Dress and Holidays

When a person commits a trespass, being unwittingly remiss about any of YHWH’s sacred things, he shall bring as his penalty to YHWH a ram without blemish from the flock,  . . . Leviticus 5:15

Penalty – A few days ago Matt and I looked carefully at the list of the 613 Torah commandments.  You can find them here.  We spent about an hour and a half going through each one in order to determine if it applied, how it applied and what we were doing about it.  Of course, we immediately discovered that the vast majority of these 613 are things that we either already do or would have no problem doing.  We don’t lie, cheat, steal.  We do love God.  We honor His name.  We know that He is the only God.  We want to take care of others.  We wish to worship correctly.  When we were all done, we looked over the list of the ones we thought might present some debate.  None of them included sacrifices before the priest at the temple (because there isn’t any temple so we couldn’t do them even if we wanted to).  None of them included any commandment that presupposed inheritance of the land of Israel since we (as Gentiles) aren’t part of that group.  Of course, we also aren’t Levites, so those didn’t count either.  When we were done with the list, we had about 12 commandments that might be controversial.  Almost all of them were about what we eat, which days we celebrate and what we wear.  That was it.  Nothing theologically earth-shattering.  Just diet, dress and holidays.

Then we realized that for us Torah observance simply meant deciding to eat what God tells us to eat, dressing as God asks us to dress and celebrating His festivals.  Everything else we already were doing or could quite easily do.  Suddenly the very big issue about law and grace seemed quite inconsequential.  It all boiled down to this:  am I going to live the way God asks me to live even in these simple things, or am I going to offer any number of excuses for living some other way.  There was absolutely nothing on the list that was impossibly difficult to do; nothing that would require a revolution in my life.  Everything left on the list of the 12 things were simple, tiny, insignificant changes.  If I did them, I would have the joy of knowing that I did them simply because I wanted to be closer to what He said.

This reminded us of Moshe Kampinski’s comment when we heard him speak in his store in Jerusalem.  He said, “You silly Christians.  You think that keeping Torah is about keeping rules.  We think that keeping Torah is about 613 opportunities to love God.”  It all depends on perspective, doesn’t it?  And that perspective is usually the direct result of an attitude of the heart.  Look at this verse from Leviticus.  It requires the one who has unintentionally offended God in some element of worship to bring a sacrifice as a penalty.  Of course, we could react to this and say, “Penalty?  Why do I have to bring a penalty?  Doesn’t God love me?  Why do I need to follow some rule about removing guilt about something I didn’t even know I was doing?”  That is the same attitude that says, “Shrimp?  Why can’t I eat shrimp?  What’s wrong with shrimp?  We have food processing today.  Eating shrimp is my right.”  What’s wrong with all this?  It’s the attitude – seeing God’s instructions as impediments to my freedom instead of seeing God’s instructions as opportunities to enter into His presence.

So, what will it be?  Are they 613 ways to love God or are they infringements on my right to do what I want?  How you answer that question will probably determine the direction of the rest of your life.

Topical Index: 613, Torah, penalty, attitude, Leviticus 5:15

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Amanda Youngblood

I looked at that list and found it interesting that under the section labeled Torah that one of the laws says:

Not to add to the commandments of the Torah, whether in the Written Law or in its interpretation received by tradition (Deut. 13:1) (CCN159).

It was the part about the interpretation. I’m thinking (and correct me if I’m wrong) that it says not to add to the interpretation received by tradition. That would, in many ways, seem to cut into the heart of how we study the Bible, especially in churches (which I realize is already quite different from how Paul and the early churches worshiped). It’s so much about interpretation. Is it saying that we shouldn’t be adding any extra laws or regulations on top of what is currently there? Or is it saying we shouldn’t be interpreting what’s already there in our own way and trying to say it’s G-d’s command? Or something else entirely?

That was a kind of confusing question on my part. Sorry!

Amanda Youngblood

LOL! I see what you mean about the clothing part… how would you obey that portion? I can’t imagine how you’d attach those things to the corners of clothes (do we have corners?) and how you’d be able to go around with that thing bound to your head (the arm wouldn’t be such a problem)… Also, did these requirements apply to all Hebrews or just the men? I know that in our art (which is admittedly completely politically motivated and probably completely inaccurate) you never see pictures of women with that thing bound on their head or with the tassle things attached to their clothes. Or maybe I’m just looking at the wrong art.

And sorry about the multiple posts… I just keep running into questions.
Amanda (again)

carl roberts

My tiny suggestion would be to cut the Bible. Slice it anywhere you wish. Place your finger upon any verse you wish. Read it. Meditate and marinate upon it. Think deeply. Go ahead- your are welcome to do so. (We have His permission-“selah”) Remember- (above all) this is whose book of revelation? Why was this book written? Why do we have a history of a people written in a book? Why is there poetry and singing? Yes.. what about worship and temple sacrifices? Just keep on reading. Read on – and soon the mind will begin to lay hold on something very “different” about this book. What is it? Why do these words make such a difference in the lives of people everywhere? Yes, “explore the book.”
Part A- the Old Testament. Do you realize how many people do not know “testament” is another word for “covenant?” Scads. They are clueless- waiting for someone to tell them about one single word. One word can make such a difference in someone’s life. (Do we need an example of “one word?”) We do have (in reality) such an Example. Now to whom could we go to in order to find this exhibit “A?”
We read in G-d’s book (it is His book-right?.. yes? or no..) these words: “Do this and you will live”. “If you love me- keep my commandments”, “every word of G-d is pure”, “I am the bread of life.”
Woah.. hold on here.. “Who” is the “bread of life?” I am interested in this “bread of life”. Who said this? We read (it is written) in Isaiah 55:1- “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.”
Again- my curiousity has laid hold of me. Something about being thirsty and something about water and wine and milk. All of a sudden- I am thirsty (for more). Where may I go to find these “waters” and this “wine” and this “milk?”
Lay hold of this word: “relationship”. “Christianity” is a word which has of late- fallen out of disfavor. It has become a politically incorrect word. A false word. A word representing a false way of life and a false system. Hypocrites, liars, ne’re-do-wells, thieves- robbing from YHWH His true worship. A system of creeds and codes, of doctrines of men. It’s all about buildings and “churches” (another word fallen into disfavor!) which are brick and mortar places of false worship. It’s all about (false)kingdom-building, and systems of mass manipulation.
Now to introduce (once again) these two words. “Covenant relationship”. “Christianity” is not about a creed. It is not about a code. It is not even about our conduct. “Christianity” (I feel as if I am a defense attorney!-lol!) is entering into a covenant relationship with the (now) living Christ. “Christ” is the center, the compass and the circumference. He is our Source, our Substance and our Song. Isn’t it interesting how even the very word “Christ” has fallen into disfavor. This amazes me. I stare with mouth agape in wide-eyed wonder.
So-.. what do we have goin’ on here? A war of words? Hmm.. Whose book was this again? Who is the author of this book and what is He (that’s right “He”) trying to say? O LORD, penetrate this anvil-head of mine. Hard-headed and hard-hearted- not “either or, but both”- that’s me.
‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” “Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” “Eat that which is good and let your soul delight itself in fatness”. “For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:”
Whose words are these? “I will build my church.” Whose words are these? “For it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.”
Whose words are these? -“Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy laden.. and I will given you rest”- Who said this?
You want some clothing? Well then.. get yourself dressed. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

carl roberts

I will absolutely have to agree with you on this one point brother Skip-we (all) have come far since the original twelve. “Christianity” has “evolved” or seen some major changes over the years. For sure. This really doesn’t bother me too awful bad seeing as how anything living is goin’ to see (or know/yada) change. But true enuf- it’s really no me or you that matter- the question we all need to ask is- what does G-d think about all this? And how may we know His mind? And amazingly enuf again- we know the answer! lol!- and the answer is……- “it is written!” “What saith the scripture”– amen??
So.. yes- we should “study” to show ourselves approved unto G-d, a “workman” that needeth not to be ashamed. Another “action” word- “study!” lol!- amen and ahmein! I am so convicted by the Holy Breath in hearing the words of our Master: “you do err- not knowing the Scriptures or the power of G-d.” I believe this very statement to be a Hebrew tautology- that is the same thing said twice but in a slightly different way… (lol!- “in other words”..)
I must also confess (agree with the teacher!)- I have grown exponentially as a (gasp!) Christian since partaking of the daily feasts Chef Moen prepares daily. Bring on the Hebrew meat and we will feast together on the words of the Lamb!
I welcome an in-depth study of every feast, every holiday/holy day of the O.T. Herbert Lockyer has written a series of books sometimes called the “All” series. “All” the divine names, all the men, all the women, all the miracles, all the parables, all the promises, all the prayers, all the kings and queens, – there are 23 of these books!!
Bottom line?- “The Bible is our Him-book”. Whatever you eat, think, drink or do- do all for the glory of G-d. All for Him. Point men, women,the aged, the young, the Asian, the European,the Jew and the Gentile to Jesus (who is the) Christ.
Savior,Redeemer, Counselor,Friend,Security,Author,Finisher,Architect,Builder,Carpenter,Brother,Prophet,Priest,King, Friend. Tell me the story of Jesus- write on my heart every word.
Israel has been/is/and will be very key to our understanding. I tell anyone who will listen: “the Bible is a goldmine when you learn to use a Hebrew key.” I hope I live to be two hundred in order to take it all in. I truly do believe there is more in this book than I will ever fully comprehend even in two lifetimes! One thing I hope we all have “discovered” by now.. “for sure”- this is no ordinary book!


Amen, Carl, this is no ordinary book. The sages say that there are 70 faces to the Torah. That is, for every weekly Torah portion that there are 70 distinct and complimentary teachings that can be gleaned from it. In other words, if you follow the yearly cycle faithfully every year, it will take 70 years to get every teaching that is in there, by which time I’d think I’d probably have forgotten the early ones anyway so I’d be starting over. What is it that they say? Everything old is new again? 🙂


Shalom Rodney …. and now introduce Yeshua and the integral B’rit Chadasha as Torah … shall we say 70 X 70 …. and of course this would be an injustice as well!

The WORD is endless … timeless … and ITS value can not be adequately comprehended or measured … and certainly not contained within the mathematical configurations of the sages or any other men!

Praise Yeshua!

Barry Jenkins


Recently, my wife and I were involved in a business transaction between a Jewish man and his adult son. At our office, he noticed my wife’s prayer book. This caused him to ask questions since he knew we were gentiles. I stated that we celebrate the Sabbath, the Bibilcal festivals, and eat a kosher diet. The son exclaimed, “Why? We have to do these things but you don’t!” I replied, “But, I get to.” They could not comprehend why we would undertake to live this way. They saw the commandments as restrictions on their lives, while we saw them as opportunities to love G-d. Also, Jeremiah 31:33 says: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. (KJV) Most Christians believe that this occurs when they are Baptized in the Holy Spirit. Some groups believe this occurs at “salvation” while others believe this is a second act of grace, i.e. their personal Penetcost. My question is, if the law has beenw written on their hearts, why don’t they obey it?



Perhaps an over simplification of matters … but quite effective brother Skip! 🙂

It is a matter of heart attitude “kavanah” … and it is a matter of submission to The HOLY ONE … and it is a matter of patterning our lives after Yeshua … and it is a matter of being grafted into Israel … and it is a matter of purpose … and it is a matter of covenant … and it is a matter of being “kadosh” … and it is a matter of being “echad” … and on and on!

Ultimately it is a “BIG DEAL” in The LORD’s opinion. Skip has been driving down a path of “verbs” and “actions” as the definition of our essence. Torah provides us the clearest path to maintain a life style of obedient activity … day after day … from one Shabbat to the next … from new Moon to new Moon … from Mo’adim to Mo’adim from Shemitah Year to the next … and finally the Yovel/Jublilee Year. Torah observance puts individuals and more importantly the community into a continual pattern of … yes … I will say it … servitude and single mindedness towards ELOHIM! Torah is the reflection of my heart’s inclination … my free will is given to HIM in bondage because HE knows better than I what is good!

It would seem that those that fight Torah (and please let us discount the often elegant theologies employed to explain away “the law”) are simply not willing to engage in thankful and loving servitude to Adon HaOlam!

Skip concludes: “So, what will it be? Are they 613 ways to love God or are they infringements on my right to do what I want? How you answer that question will probably determine the direction of the rest of your life.”

Moshe through John The Apostle put it a different way … choose life or choose death!


Brother Skip, you wrote:

“…None of them included any commandment that presupposed inheritance of the land of Israel since we (as Gentiles) aren’t part of that group…”

Perhaps in our current context, living among the nations and learning how to return to the “ancient paths” (Jer 6:16) that may be presently true, but I’m not sure that it can be said as a blanket statement. Consider the following questions:

Who inherits the land of Israel? Is it not, indeed, Israel? Who is Israel?

[11] Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh–who are called Uncircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands– [12] that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. [13] But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. … [19] Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, [20] having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner[stone], [21] in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, – Eph 2:11-13, 19-21 NKJV

Those who were once called “uncircumcised” by those who were called “circumcision” (in the flesh), who were once “far off” (a Hebrew idiom for the “lost” tribes dispersed among the nations), aliens from the covenants of promise, foreigners, are now “brought near” i.e. brought into fellowship and joined to Israel by the blood of the Lamb (exactly as were the “mixed multitude” who came out of Egypt with the natural born descendants of Jacob by trusting in the blood of the Passover Lamb).

[25] For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. – Rom 11:25 NKJV

What is this mystery that Paul is talking about? Blindness in part has happened to Israel (in this case, the nation of the Jews) until who has come in? Who are the fullness of the Gentiles?

[17] Now when Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand on the head of Ephraim, it displeased him; so he took hold of his father’s hand to remove it from Ephraim’s head to Manasseh’s head. [18] And Joseph said to his father, “Not so, my father, for this [one is] the firstborn; put your right hand on his head.” [19] But his father refused and said, “I know, my son, I know. He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great; but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations.” – Gen 48:17-19 NKJV

The phrase “multitude of nations” is the Hebrew phrase מְלֹֽא־הַגֹּויִֽם (melo ha’goyim) and has the literal meaning of “a great school of fish”. The LXX renders it as εἰς πλῆθος ἐθνῶν. In Romans 11:25 Paul writes it πλήρωμα τῶν ἐθνῶν (pleroma ton ethnon – “the fullness of the Gentiles”).

[10] “Yet the number of the children of Israel Shall be as the sand of the sea, Which cannot be measured or numbered. And it shall come to pass In the place where it was said to them, ‘You [are] not My people,’ [There] it shall be said to them, ‘[You] are sons of the living God.’ [11] Then the children of Judah and the children of Israel Shall be gathered together, And appoint for themselves one head; And they shall come up out of the land, For great [will be] the day of Jezreel! – Hsa 1:10-11 NKJV

This is a repetition of the second part of the Abrahamic covenant. To whom was it said “You will not be my people, and I will not be your God”? Read the rest of Hosea ch 1. It was said to the 10 northern tribes after the kingdom was divided following the death of Solomon, after they fell into idolatry and refused to repent. The prophecy in vs 10 and 11 above has not yet been fulfilled. The children of Israel and the children of Judah have not yet been reunited – they have not yet appointed for themselves one head (Messiah) and they are not yet back in the land. But the scripture is clear – it will happen. And you and I, having joined ourselves to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, holding fast to the promises of God (including those given to our Father Abraham), and “keeping the commandments of God and the testimony of Yeshua”, are a part of that.


Bob Adams

Barry, your experience with the Jewish men and your response is the best commentary of Jer. 31:33 I’ve heard. Thank you.
The most often repeated comment I hear from my ‘Christian’ friends and family is about observing the 613 laws. Nearly every tone is one of being restricted not of opportunity to Worship. The greatest freedom experienced in my conversion is worshiping YHWH in the manner He has prescribed. Thanksgiving, praise, obedience, etc., bring joy and contentment. Searching His ways and teachings assure proper direction. Fellowship with those who do the same accelerates and secures that direction. YHWH is smart.
A fellow worker, whom I thought never knew I was around, said in my hearing, “I don’t know what Bob smokes, but he is happy all the time.” Thank you YHWH!!!


Questions have been in the back of my mind.

1: For all: If you are observant of the 613, do you follow Niddah? Do you physically separate? My question is asked with an assumption. The assumption is that Niddah required physically putting a woman outside the normal dwelling place. That is the scope of my question. Nothing more.
I know this is intensely personal but it is a law and God speaks openly of it.

2: To all: Do those who are adherents to what is called Christianity and who would consider themselves in the evangelical camp have the Holy Spirit as promised in the Renewed Covenant? Put another way: Do they have a place in the Olam Ha-Ba? Are they in God’s Kingdom? I’m hoping for straight forward responses not dancing around the issue.

3: Skip specifically: You spend a fair amount of time with Master’s International. Most of your students, as you state above, are laboring in an invented religion. Should they leave the invented religion?


Thanks Skip.

1 is a non-issue for my marriage as well but is something I’ve wondered about.
2. I’m with you.
3. It is a conundrum for me personally right now. I feel like Paul when he said that he would prefer to be in the presence of the Lord (the analogy would be in a full Torah/Messianic fellowship) but it was better for others if he stayed in his present state (the analogy would be to remain in an evangelical congregation, something less desirable than the preferred state, and be salt and light). I’m not sure what the answer is for me yet so for now I’m staying put.


I have had many discussions regarding the 613 with many people in our community. We have finally turned a corner with teaching from a Hebraic perspective and our community is really starting to engage in God’s word and starting to ask questions from a different perspective. It has taken a year to get to this point with many tough conversations, even a few accusations of heresy and being called evil for teaching from the Torah and claiming its relevance to our life. Yet we continued in obedience to follow our God, our Messiah Yeshua. Thank you Skip for your continual research and teachings and your personal conversations. Thank you for introducing me to Bob and Lindy. They too have played a big part in educating me and our community.
Pentecost is right around the corner. This is the next celebration we will partake in this year and we are looking forward to the party.

Lindy Gorelik

This was very well put.



“The WORD is endless … timeless … and ITS value can not be adequately comprehended or measured … and certainly not contained within the mathematical configurations of the sages or any other men!

Praise Yeshua!”

Amen and amen, brother! Well stated.

Chad Johnson

Is it sinful to transgress any one of these 613 laws? I have always been taught that the 10-commandments where of moral nature and to transgress those would be sin. However other teahers would say to trangress any of the Torah would be sin. Still others say to observe the entire Torah is an expression of my love for God. So it that where it begins and ends…an expression of love?
If in fact to transgress any of the 613 laws is sin, how do most people get around #172-Shall not borrow on interest or Lev 19:27- Shall not cut the sides of ones beard?
Lastly, what about Jesus’ additional commandments to “go and share the gospel…making disciples of all the nations. Matt 28:19-20?
Just looking for clarity and a good explaination that is biblically sound.
Thanks, Chad