God’s Burden
“I have loved you,” says YHWH. Malachi 1:2
I Have Loved You – ʾahabti ʾēt-kem. What comforting words! The Lord Himself speaks to us. “I have loved you.” Could we ask anything more than to be loved by YHWH? This is glorious revelation. This is joy unspeakable. This is the foundation of purpose. God loves us!
Ah, but Malachi does not bring this message with exuberance. The opening word of Malachi’s prophetic announcement is not delight. It is massa – a burden. Malachi does not come bearing gifts. He comes loaded down. He comes crushed with judgments, broken under the consequences of sin. God’s opening statement should bring joyful celebration. Instead, it brings rebellious doubt. “When did You love me, Lord? Prove to me that You really cared? When have I ever seen You do anything for me?” What is this? How can this be? God’s chosen people demand proof of His care. Are they so blind? Have they no understanding? The answer is found in resistant hearts. The proof of God’s love is obvious to anyone who looks without a jaundiced eye. But God’s people are morally sick. They don’t see because they refuse to see.
Of course, this does not prevent God from saying, ʾahabti ʾēt-kem. But it does prevent His people from enjoying the divine design for fruitfulness. Moral illness and rebellion does not prevent the Father Revealed (Aleph-Hey-Bet). That’s the pictograph of “love,” the combination of ab (father) and the letter Hey (to reveal or behold). We have learned that Hebrew does not apply the quality of love to the person “God.” In Hebrew, God and love are synonymous. They are inseparable constructions. God (is) love. And love (is) the Father revealed. So it is not possible that God should cease to love. Of course, the Hebrew concept of love is quite a bit different than our cultural construction, but that is another story.
Did you notice that “father” is “leader of the house”? That implies family – community. The house of Israel is the manifestation of the fatherhood of YHWH. It is also the community that reveals YHWH’s love. House-Israel-YHWH-Father-Love are all tied together. You cannot separate Israel from YHWH without removing “love” in the process. None of these manifestations can be broken apart without irreparable damage. That’s why Malachi’s prophecy is ʾahabti ʾēt-kem, “I have loved you – plural.” The House is God’s first love. The House is where we find the Father. The House is the family-community that manifests God’s presence in the world. We are adopted into the House. We belong to the House. Our brothers and sisters are in the House. And if you want to experience the fullness of YHWH’s glory, you’ll have to come to the House. In the House you will hear, ʾahabti ʾēt-kem.
Topical Index: love, house, father, Malachi 1:2
We should all “notice” something. G-d always speaks to a human heart through a human heart. Always.- Who told you about Y’shua? Who told you about the Christ? How did you find out about the love of G-d displayed and revealed in full at Calvary?
The burden of Malachi. Malachi’s “name” (in Hebrew) is? In Hebrew thought- are names important? Malachi-my messenger. Review the book of Malachi and feel the weight of the burden of the prophet. Now “fast-forward” 2,000 years and review the revelation YHWH has given unto us. Malachi lived (of course) “before” the cross. G-d’s plan of salvation and redemption had not yet been revealed or had not yet taken place. Malachi lived B.C. We live A.D.
G-d’s love poured out for us at Calvary is our “burden.” Houston- we have a problem. We have been gifted with the “burden” of truth. Not the burden of “proof”, but the burden of Truth. The “proof” was the cross. The “truth” is:- that Man died for me. We have some news to share with “whosoever will.” Not only do we have some “news” to share, we have some news that is life-changing, Life-giving, earth-shattering, mind-changing, sin-defeating, sorrow-lifting, wound-healing,heaven-gaining, eye-opening news. Some even go so far as to call it “good news.”
The “gospel” (good news) of Jesus (who is the) Christ. Yeshua HaMashiach, the Lamb of G-d, wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. He (IS) the Way, the Truth, the Life.
-Are we “burdened” by this? Do we ache inside for others to know Him? Do you wonder (as I do) -why on this green planet do people “refuse” -this love? Is this a “wonder/amazement” to you?
I really don’t know. I’m confused and bewildered. Why, (somebody help me to understand) is this marvelous, amazing demonstration and revelation of the love of YHWH not welcomed and received? Men loved “darkness” rather than Light? They would rather stay in the dark, rather than come to the light? They prefer confusion over clarity? What’s up with that? I’m bumfuddled. Why do (some) people refuse this “Gift” of deliverance/salvation.
I’ll tell you what I have “observed.” It’s not because they “can’t” believe- it’s because they “won’t.” What can we do about a “hard heart?” Listen (again) to His words- “Today- if you will hear His voice.. harden not your hearts.” He (YHWH) has even “warned” us about having a hard heart! Ten times, Pharoah was given the opportunity to repent. It was his own hard heart that took him to his grave.
[We have some news to share with “whosoever will.” Not only do we have some “news” to share, we have some news that is life-changing, Life-giving, earth-shattering, mind-changing, sin-defeating, sorrow-lifting, wound-healing,heaven-gaining, eye-opening news. Some even go so far as to call it “good news.”]
The spirit within me is touched greatly by this comment you made today …. a lift was needed and a lift was provided …. thank you brother and praise The LORD!
“Who will believe our report?” … Anyone who will!
I think people see the commandments of G-d as a burden, not as tokens of His love. Is that why Jeremia 23:33-34 forbids speaking of His commandments as ‘burden’?
Man, what joy to know Him, even more: to be known by Him. To know He calls me ‘son’! It makes me want to praise Him ever more, every day. No, it’s not a burden at all. What a pitty no one in church ever tought me to keep His tora! It’s a pure joy! I’m still ignorent in this area, but more than willing to learn. Lord, teach me to walk in Your ways!
Above all- we know our G-d is a prayer hearing and a prayer answering G-d. If this is the “desire (prayer) of your heart”- “Lord, teach me to walk in Your ways!” and these words are lifted up to YHWH in sincerity and truth – will not the G-d who is hear and answer this prayer? His disciples- the Talmudim-the learners are still alive and well and living on this planet even today. Are we not in the process (still) of learning- ever more about Him. Has He not promised- (He who never lies!), “But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.” We each have our own “personal trainer” in the form of the Holy Breath. G-d is at work (still today) in the lives of those who belong to him. (Hallelujah!). We are (each and all) in the process of being conformed to the image of the Son. Our part is to abide in the Vine. (John 15) To submit, commit, don’t quit,- get fit. Daily- G-d is working in us and through us both to will and to do of His good pleasure. This to me is so exciting. I know- G-d is changing me. (and change is good..) Why?- because anything alive is growing (and changing). From a puppy to a tree- anything living is growing. I love the changes- Christ is accomplishing in me. My part is to “co-operate with the program”. To simply “do” as He asks. In the every day living of my life. Nothing “spectacular” and yet it is still a bit of adventure to walk by faith. I living “differently”. Walking, talking, thinking- “different.” Christ has made a change and IS still- making changes. I like what I see. I like what He is doing in my life and with my life. Go G-d!! Our Abba’s fullest blessings to you today my dear brother. Together- let us celebrate the Savior! He is LORD!
Yes, this is really the prayer of my heart.
And: Amen, brother!
Thanks to ALL of you guys today…Skip, Carl, Drew,
And now…I’m off to the “House”… to worship, to give praise, to love, AND basque in the LOVE shown to me by the Family and our Father who so generously expresses it.
Blessings to you all.
ah sister Judi.. I pray we (all) would be able to “receive” all that He gives! (now that- would require an “enlarged heart!”).. LOL! His overflowing peace be to you and your household- this very day.. -amen and ahmein!
The day of Yahweh
Malachi 3:1 Look, I am going to send a messenger to prepare a way before me. And the Lord you are seeking will suddenly enter his Temple; and the angel of the covenant whom you are looking for, yes, he is coming says Yahweh Sabaoth.
Malachi 3:2 Who will be able to resist the day of his coming? Who will remain standing when he appears? For he is like the refiner’s FIRE and the fullers’ alkali.
Malachi 3:3 He will take his seat as refiner and purifier; he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, and then they will make the offering to Yahweh as it should be made.
Let’s try to summarize the three passages above:
1. Yahweh God is going to send a messenger, the Lord, with an angel to prepare his way.
2. The messenger will be like the refiner’s FIRE; and no one will remain standing.
3. On that day, the sons of Levi (the priests) will learn how to make an offering to Yahweh.
4. At that point, I think we will all be transformed into “gold and silver.”
The issue, it seems to me, is that we are not just like Jacob, we are also like his brother Esau.
And we need to make these two things One.
Malachi 1:2 I have shown my love for you, says Yahweh. But you ask, “How have you shown your love? Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? — It is Yahweh who speaks; yet I showed my love to Jacob and my hatred for Esau.