Nehemia Gordon on Matthew

You are in for a treat.  On Wednesday, May 13, I was able to attend a meeting with Nehemia Gordon.  He kindly allowed me to record his discussion of his two books, The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus and A Prayer To Our Father.  The lecture was very intriguing.  I am sure you will enjoy it.  So, here it is, on two discs.


(To listen, hit the Play button above, or right-click here, select “Save as…” and download the file to your computer.)


(To listen, hit the Play button above, or right-click here, select “Save as…” and download the file to your computer.)

By the way, I also have several autographed copies of his book on Yeshua.  If you would like one, they are available for $15 which includes shipping in the USA.  Just drop me an email.

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the .mp3 extension is missing from the first link so when people try to download it they’re going to get a “not found” error.

Patrick (Skip's Tech Geek)

Rodney, yes if you “right click and save” from the email, the link will appear broken.

But if you do that while on this webpage, both mp3 files download correctly.

Thanks, Patrick. Yes, they both work correctly from the web page after Skip fixed the file extension on the http link, but when first posted it was broken – no matter, it is fixed now :-).


O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.

Just for the sake of argument, does it really matter if we misinterpret “wherefore” as “where” rather than “why”?

Technically, yes.

But the point is that Juliet is not with her beloved Romeo, because his father is prohibiting the relationship.

Seems to me that the point is very clear one way or the other.

At times, Nehemia seems to make arguments based on faulty logic.


Having the same trouble as Rodney: I can download disc #2 but not #1.

Donna R.

Hi Skip,
Nehemia spoke several weeks ago at one of our local churches in Easton, PA regarding this. It was both fascinating and humbling …so much to learn:)
(I asked him if he knew you. If not, you two should talk:)


Hi Skip,

It was good to listen to Nehemia Gordon.
However, some critical thoughts are expressed by Tim Hegg (

God bless you all


Hi Kees,

Thanks for sharing the article by Tim Hegg.

I would say that Tim Hegg is politely calling Nehemia’s credibility into question from the standpoint of textual criticism.

I would say that Nehemia’s methodological approach to interpreting a text is not valid.

That Nehemia is basically manipulating the text and his audience with his extraordinary speaking skills.

Kees Brakshoofden

For me as “Christian” it is difficult to discern between all different kinds of Jewish / Messianic movements. Only recently I realized there are about as many different kinds of Jewish faith as there are Christian churches. Nehemia is honest enough to say not to believe him, but to study Scriptures yourself. Tim Hegg’s studies are very deep. I don’t want to doubt the integrity of either one of them, but they can’t both be right. Tim has a point in his criticism on Nehemia, but on the other hand Nehemia gives me a number of new insights. Let’s do as the Bereans did …


Hi Skip,

After reviewing Nehemia’s paper, I would make the following comparison.

Tim Hegg writes like a college professor who has published works of serious scholarship.

Nehemia is obviously a very bright guy; I envy his speaking skills and knowledge of Hebrew.

But Nehemia’s writing in the paper above makes me wonder if he ever went to college.

And doubt seriously that he graduated from Hebrew University.


Skip,Just wanted to give you something to consider; time times & 1/2 times is a specific year
When Daniel asks YHWH ‘how long’ God replies’When’ meaning a specific time’time,times& 1/2 times.I believe we ARE supposed to know the year[Dan12.7] but no man shall know the month day or hour!The wise shall understand at endtimes.NOW!
first part time times-God measures time in days[to create,live your life,1260,1290,1335 etc
so 1 day[24 hours] X 1 day[24]
second part Bible time 1/2 week[3.5years] times
altogether 24 X 24 X 3.5 = 2016a.d. When power of the Holy People will be Shattered.
Much of the prophecies have already been fullfilled but for some reason most of the Christian Churches have not seen or recognised the four horsemen in 2003 Bush,Sadam,Blair &Bin Ladin fullfilled all prophecy about them.I believe we are in the 2nd year of the last week.
Alekum Shalom …..the servant of Jacob.