Our Man Down Under

Rodney lives in Australia.  In case you haven’t been reading his blog posts, I have created this one as an article.  This man, like so many others in the community, has much to offer.  So, please read his comment added May 8 to the discussion on John 1:17.  I tried to copy it here, but I don’t seem to be able to do that.  So, take a look at how much more there is to see when we read with Hebrew eyes.

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“Our Man Down Under”

Hi Rodney,

I read your content on Jeremiah31-10.net earlier this morning, and checked out the content related to the links; one cross reference seems to have a broken link.

You certainly have a great command of the Hebrew language. Lots of good stuff to read!

Speaking of Austraila, I named my dog after that old Aussie hero who was played by Mel Gibson and called Mad Max.

Keep up the great work! I think I need a coffee from Peets.


Thanks, Michael. I’m really only a beginner with both Hebrew and Greek, but I’m making the effort to learn from teachers like Skip and others because it is really opening up my understanding of the Scriptures and deepening my relationship with God.

Could you point me to the link that appeared to be broken? I run the link-checker plugin on wordpress and it reports no broken links, but it may not have been related to the blog? If you can let me know I’ll check it and make sure its fixed (or removed if I can’t fix it).

Shavua Tov (Have a good week).



“the link that appeared to be broken”

Hi Rodney,

Actually, it goes to Hebrew Manifestations, but to the comment area rather than the top of page.

Okay, but wasn’t sure if that was what you intended; no problem.

Roderick Logan

Rodney whether you’re a newbie or not your insights were an encouragement. Thank you.


Thanks, Roderick. I’m encouraged that you found it helpful.