Cultural Hints

And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and put Him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Luke 10:25

Stood Up – We all know this story.  In our familiarity, we rush to the end, proclaiming the ethical superiority of the Samaritan.  We are anxious to include everyone in the category of “neighbor.”  But our familiarity causes us to actually overlook crucial elements of this storytelling event, elements that reframe the entire episode, elements that would have been straightforwardly obvious to any first century Jewish audience.  Let’s read the story again and see what we find.

We could start with the opening words – “and behold.”  Did you think that these were only odd ancient expressions of no consequence?  Hardly.  In Hebrew, the word would have been va-heni.  This word is used dozens of times in the Tanakh to express strong feelings, surprise, expectation, vividness to the circumstances and, in particular, the declaration of a servant ready for his orders (“Behold me” or “Here I am”).  Add this to the context of our event.  Why is this surprising and why is the surprise important?

How did disciples and rabbis interact when lessons were to be learned?  Physical position was an important element of respect and instruction.  How could it be otherwise in a culture where actions expressed reality?  Normally, a rabbi sat to teach and his disciples arranged themselves at his feet, maintaining a lower elevation than the teacher.  This expected arrangement is implied in the scribe’s dismissal of protocol.  Notice that the scribe stands up.  His action signals his disrespect and portends his subtle but aggressive question.  By standing, he notifies the crowd that he is no disciple.  He is an inquisitor.  He has come to test the teacher.  Va-heni is like an explosive cannon shot at the opening of the event.  Something is drastically wrong here.  Something is not as expected.  This scribe might as well have slapped Yeshua.  His action says it all!  “I have no respect for you.  I have come to see if you are more clever than I.  I will ask, and you will answer and then we will see who really knows what he is talking about.”

The West, especially the American West, pays little attention to social protocol.  In fact, these days shock value seems to carry more weight in the culture.  Social expectations are dissected with the scalpel of notoriety.  In the process, the culture dies.  Many followers of the Way realize the tragedy that lurks behind a bravado of flaunted etiquette.  We feel the sting of insult and rebuke when our versions of this scribe deny God His proper status.  In public, we decry the decay of humble regard for the divine.  But when we are by ourselves, when we come before Him alone, do we stand up?  Are we exposed as ones who attempt to put Him to the test?  “Surely, no!” we exclaim.  But perhaps we need to be more reflective.  Are our demands to be given an explanation of His purposes not spoken while standing?  Are our complaints about treatment in the world not lifted from a vertical position?  Are our insistent prayers about our perceived needs thrown toward heaven  while our feet are firmly planted on the earth?  Is there a bit of the scribe in us too?  Do our stories call for an opening of surprise?

Topical Index:  Good Samaritan, stood up, behold, heni, Luke 10:25

NOTE on classes and meetings:  I will be teaching a class on Apologetics in Evansville, IN from June 9-11 at Master’s International Divinity School.  If you want to understand the difference between Greek apologetics and the Hebrew view of witness, I encourage you to attend.  Contact the school fro details.

Following that class, I am flying to Seattle-Tacoma where I will be until June 13.  If you are in that area and want to meet personally, just email me and I will see what we can arrange.

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Skip, are you planning to record the lessons on Apologetics? Please? 🙂


Video would be fantastic, but I’ll settle for audio if you can’t. It gives me something edifying to listen to when I’m out driving (which I do a lot of in my work). 🙂

Roderick Logan

I recall a few years back attending a performance of one of my children when they had a high school recital. I remember parents and family members of other students getting up in the middle of performances and making their exit. Since their child was done they felt they were free to leave. They had no regard for other students, or family. They felt no hesitation to stand up, talk, and create a disturbance while another was up front putting their heart on the line. I recall my embarrassment for the student performing and my disgust for those being so rude.

God, please forgive me for showing up late and for walking out early on you. Forgive my rude, arrogant behavior when I stood up to you. Forgive me for my sin and the sins of my people. For me there is no higher place – no higher calling – than at your feet.

carl roberts

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of G-d and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” (John 4.10)

It has been said, (with apologies to the one percent) – “Ninety-nine percent of lawyers give the rest of them a bad name.” But this particular lawyer wasn’t like the rest of them- he was different. But he did have a problem. He just didn’t know Who he was talking to! (that’s okay- neither did the “woman at the well.” Neither of them knew. Y’shua knew them- but they didn’t “know” Him!
How many times have we read in our Bible- “when I saw Him- I fell at His feet as a dead man.” Revelation 1:17, Daniel 8:17, Matthew 17.6 – (not near enough- I’m afraid.) Y’shua is not our “buddy”- He is G-d Incarnate, Little Lawyer dude.. you just don’t have a clue “who it is” you are addressing sir. You are now encountering face to face the ONE who knew you before you were born! You are speaking with the Righteous Judge of the universe Mr. Lawyer sir, it really would be a good idea for you to “bow the knee”, because in a day not very far away -you, along with us, will “bow the knee!”
You see sir- His name is a little more than “Y’shua” even though many refer to Him as that. He is (actually- in fact)- the LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ. The one you are now “standing up to” is also referred to as “King of kings” and He (is) LORD of lords.
Yes, Roderick- “move over brother”- I will gladly join you and a thousand others- “at His feet.” He (alone) is the Worthy ONE.


O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. Psalm 95:6


He must increase but I must decrease. John 3:30

Gayle Johnson


Not long ago, I ran across an earlier statement of that passage in Romans. Here it is:

Isaiah 45:23 “I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth [in] righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.”

I love the Blue Letter Bible online. It is such a treasure trove and I am constantly finding things I did not see before – did not even know to look for them!

Gayle Johnson

Sorry, what I left out is this: I used to never pay attention to the part that said, “it is written,” and understand that I could find it somewhere else in Scripture. But, because of Skip’s teaching, and the way he has pointed us to others who teach the WHOLE of Scripture, I see that “it is written” may be verification of the two or three witnesses required for proof of testimony.

Also note Phillippians 2:10-11 “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and [things] in earth, and [things] under the earth; And [that] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”


“I used to never pay attention to the part that said, “it is written,” and understand that I could find it somewhere else in Scripture. But, because of Skip’s teaching, and the way he has pointed us to others who teach the WHOLE of Scripture, I see that “it is written” may be verification of the two or three witnesses required for proof of testimony”.
Hi Gayle,
When we speak of the Beauty of the LORD, we could interchangeably (without separation) speak of the WORD. It all fits together (without separation) if it is properly understood and received. If we did not have the WORD, how would we know….ANYTHING? Much of today’s issues within the religions of the world are based upon experience rather than the faith of believers. This faith given to the whosoevers of the Kingdom bow at the Supremacy of the Father, Son and Spirit.

Carol Mattice

Hi Carl. So true of the LORD’S identity. I was speaking to a lady on the internet the other day and she was seeking a book from anyone who could suggest one concerning the Holy Spirit. I found this funny as I have heard that some have been written and it was not well written. I suggested to her that the Book on the Holy Spirit has already been written and it was the Bible. She began to say but one on just the Holy Spirt. I then preceded to share that when the Holy Spirit appears on the page simply put The Lord Jesus Christ. When the name The Lord Jesus Christ appears simply put the Holy Spirit. We certainly have made a mess of things in such a way that the division has caused many an error . They do NOT understand a bit that the Holy Spirit being God tells us that there is ONE GOD but two forms: One spirit and one of flesh. This is a mystery that God could become a man without ceasing to be GOD. I enjoy what you have to share. I was also surprised to hear that you have left the four walled building of the church. I am not there yet but I am seeing a lot that is not desirable that is for sure. Thank you


“the Holy Spirit being God tells us that there is ONE GOD but two forms: One spirit and one of flesh.”

Hi Carol,

I don’t think the Holy Spirit ever tell us there are two forms of God and that one form is in the flesh.

Seems to me that worshipping God in the form of the flesh is like homosexuality.

Or like eating pork, it is proscribed by God in the text.

Carol Mattice

I guess I could have put : God being spirit is one and the second is flesh or body form. Two anyway, just to find the proper word. But NOT 3 as Spirit manifested takes on form..????


Hi Carol,

Well interpretation is almost always somewhat subjective, so I don’t like to be too dogmatic.

But it seems to me that in the text, God is our creator (“father”) but always spirit.

As spirit, God is one; and as flesh the Son of God, or Son of Man, is two.

Carol Mattice

YES, the FATHER is Spirit and those who worship Him worship in Spirit and truth. But then the Father put on a prepared body and clothed HImself with a body; The Son which is the second form. We will get it together at one time or another. Thank you for bearing with me. Doctrine and Devotion…right?


Hi Carol,

No problem to bear, but I don’t see any evidence in the text for your interpretation.

Seems to me that there are multiple Sons of God and Jesus claims to be the incarnated one.

Jesus also calls himself the Son of Man, but he tells us more than once to worship his Father.

Jesus tells us NOT to worship him as God, presumably because he is MAN and not God (Yahweh).

I am the Son of Alan, so one could say that I am a form of Alan the father; but I am not Alan.

The same logic would seem to apply to Jesus, but that is not the issue in my view.

Remember the old saying, “do what the teacher tells you to do.”

Well Jesus is the Master, and he says: “don’t worship me.”

Why would we want to disobey him?