Prayer for Dr. Tom

Since only a few people read the blog regularly, you might have missed this prayer request from Pam on Dr. Tom’s behalf.  I am posting it so all of us can intercede.  We are here to serve Him by being His hands and feet for each other – and in this case we can lift our voices in unison.  Thank you all.

Pam wrote:

I am writing to request prayer for one of our members, Dr. Tom Bolan, of Aurora, Colorado.  I have known him for a number of years now as a friend who played Jesus in Easter plays we both were in through our church, and as a patient, as he is also my chiropractor.  He notified us earlier today that he has been diagnosed with mononucleosis and the Epstein-Barr virus secondary to exposure to black mold discovered in his home quite a while back.  I’d like the community to lift up Dr. B in prayer to YHWH with expectation that he will be fully healed and recover from this set back.  He is so ill at this point that he has had to bring in another chiropractor to temporarily take over his practice.  I’d also like to request prayer for his family as he as his wife are raising their grandson, now 3 yo, along with having their youngest daughter at home, Allison, who is 16.  Thanks to everyone and especially Adonai beforehand for the complete and total healing and recovery of our beloved brother.

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I will gladly say a prayer on Dr. Tom’s behalf and hope that he recovers from his illness soon.

Carlos Berges

Elevamos una oración por el Dr. Tom y su familia. Que Hashem obre según Su Voluntad. Bendiciones.

Amanda Youngblood

Definitely praying for him and his family!

Ellen McFarland

I pray in agreement that our brother be totally healed in the name of YHWH. Thank You for faithful saints that love and stand by their friends!

Barbara Jones

I am praying forDr Tom.

Shawn Greener

I am a specialist in the area of mold remediation and abatement. I have extensive experience in the impact of mold on the human body and how to detoxify the body from molds. I may be able to help. Please have him call me at 302-593-1679 and I will see if I or any of my colleagues can help him.

Melinda Lancaster

I’m lifting Pastor Tom up to God.

Nola Dieringer

I will pray for Dr. Tom and his family. It is G-d’s will for all of his children to be healed.


Our Father,
In the name that brings deliverance, salvation, healing and peace, we lift up brother Tom and ask you to accomplish your perfect will in this situation. Provide the wisdom that comes only from you for the medical community involved with treating him. Provide the grace of faith for our brother and those interceding on his behalf to bring about a speedy recovery that he may live for your purpose. May this experience cause all involved to look to you for everything we have need of. May the Scripture be fulfilled:
“Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put [his] hands on them, and pray:”
Matthew 19:13
May the hand of the Lord be upon you and deliver you from this sickness, brother Tom. In Yehua’s mighty name.


May the Lord bring you swift healing brother Tom.

In Yeshua,