God’s Diplomats

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were entreating through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20

Ambassadors – Are you an ambassador for Yeshua HaMashiach?  Paul says that he is.  Furthermore, he claims that everyone who is a new creation in Christ is an ambassador for Christ.  We can add this function to the list of God’s assignments.  We are royal priests, part of a holy nation and now, ambassadors.  OK, so what does that mean?

Paul uses the Greek word presbeuomen.  You might recognize the connection to presbuteros, a word that is the basis of Presbyterian.  It means to be aged, elderly, and also an ambassador.  In spite of our contemporary need for “relevance,” it is unlikely that the elders of Paul’s day were young men.  Experience in the ways of God takes time – sometimes a lot of it.  Nevertheless, while we might not all be aged or elders, we are all ambassadors.  We are all engaged in advancing the interests and agenda of the moral government of God.  At least that’s supposed to be our role.

Paul’s declaration raises an important question.  Quite often this verse is used as a proof-text for evangelism.  We read it as if it says, “We are recruiters for Christ.”  That makes us think that the sole purpose of being a presbeuo is to “save souls.”  We act as though our function as ambassadors is limited to declaring the need to be saved.  But is this what Paul says?  Put yourself in the audience that heard his letter.  You are in Corinth, a very pagan city, but you are standing in the synagoge, having converted from your pagan background.  You have become a part of the Messianic Jewish way of life.  Everything about your prior worldview has changed.  You have adopted Torah as the guide for life.  Now Paul says that you have another role to play.  Like any ambassador, your role is to advance the interests of the government you serve.  What is that government?  It is the government constituted by the reign and rule of God, explained to Moses at Sinai.  Of course, part of that role will be begging others to see that life under God is the Way.  But an ambassador who only presents potential citizenship isn’t doing his job.  He doesn’t work for immigration.  He works for the head of the State.  His job is to proclaim, promote, persuade and pursue what advances the State.  An ambassador is the symbolic local representation of God’s government in foreign territory.

We are ambassadors of Yeshua HaMashiach.  That means we follow His agenda. We represent Him in alien country.  How do we do that?  By living according to His standards.  By acting as He would act.  By welcoming, exhorting, engaging, demanding, teaching and walking as the current symbolic representation of the moral government of God where we are right now.  This is not immigration work.  This is being who He is at the check-out counter, on the road, in the meeting, on the shop floor, at the dry cleaners.  No ambassador can represent his government if he takes on the agenda of the land where he is serving.  There must be a difference.  You cannot serve two masters, can you?

Topical Index: presbeuo, ambassador, 2 Corinthians 5:20

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Shabbat Shalom,

Skip … quite the interesting take on matters .. particularly when we rightfully view our own homes as an Embassy upon foreign soil in addition to us being ambassadors for The Kingdom!

For instance … placing the “Shma” upon our doorposts gives notice to anyone that they are entering an Embassy of YHVH’s Kingdom! Or wearing the Tzitzyit is serving notice that we are operating under “diplomatic immunity” and we are at liberty not to abide by the customs of any foreign government because of WHO we serve.

And then the shock of those that we entreat … when from our lips comes witness that we bring tidings of Mashiach slain on the cross for restoration of the World and the hope in the resurrection to the World that comes! 🙂 … “Who hath believed our report”? … Certainly the report is only credible if we ambassadors live to the standards!

This specific dynamic you broach today really brings into focus how Torah observance is universal … it really brings into focus purposeful Kingdom living within a societal framework … awesome!


carl roberts

brother Drew, -you have placed a smile in my mouth!- lol!!

may I bother you (once again) to ask for the “name” written in Isaiah 53.6- (His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor-Mighty G-d-etc..) I will “tag” it this time- so it is not buried! It somehow got buried in the gigabytes!, but needs to be brought to the forefront! This is (after all..)-“Hashem”! -Ahmein?


Brother … no bother at all!

And the child shall be called … “Pele-yoez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom”

carl roberts

This absolutely amazes me and really does call for some heavy Hebrew investigation, especially concerning “Hashem” or “the name”. My full name is Carl Elton Roberts. Easy enough, it could be worse. But G-d’s full name (Isaiah 53.6 is only the beginning!..) we could not pronounce in a single breath as there are over three hundred “names of G-d”. What also entrances me is He has made himself known through each of these “names” to us. Jehovah Jireh- the LORD, our Provider. Have we “seen” and “known” this to be true? Oh yes!- He has, He has, He will provide “all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”. Physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually – He (continually) meets (and exceeds our need. – But this, is “only” one name of over three hundred! (As His name- so is He!). We could fill a book- and books have been filled already!
I was also thrilled to find out the “punctuation” is not commas here, but rather “dashes”. He is this, but not only this, but this also, and not only this, but this also- etc.. (As His name- so is He) Our Comforter, Creator.. etc.
So- where’s the “bottom line” here? We will not know Him- until we know His name! Gene Edwards said in lovely book: “The Divine Romance”, His “latter name was Jesus.” His latter name.. I like that.
There is ONE G-d (not three). He is a “plurality in unity” – yes, I talking about (shudder..) the trinity, Elohim.
Why the sudden interest in the name(s) of G-d? – We have to be very careful here, because His name is holy. Very holy- very sacred. We should never profane His name, or use “this name” in a vulgar, profane way, jokingly or otherwise-
“For whosoever (that’s us y’all) shall call upon the name of the LORD- shall be saved”
Well- that’s simple, some say. His name is:_________ . Yes, it is- and, no- that’s not quite it. There is.. “so much more to this name- than just “Jesus”.
Just to “prime the pump’- His name is “Pele-yoez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom” – four/five down,- two hundred nintety five to go!
So.. when we pray.. (we do pray, right?) – do we have any inkling of an idea- “who” we are praying to? (I don’t). -Aren’t we grateful for the Ruach HaKodesh to interpret our prayers before His throne? I’ll have to agree with David on this: -“Who is this King of glory?”

carl roberts

And now, (in my best John Wayne voice)..”good morning, pilgrim!”
Strangers, sojourners,pilgrims,aliens,ambassadors.. “this world is not my home-I’m just a-passin’ thru..” “We are a twice-born creatures (he called me a creature!), living in a once born world.” It is no wonder, we “don’t quite feel at home here..” We are made for “something/Someone else.”
So, “we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.” (Do we?) “For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4.18) These words are found in the Brit Chadashah (new covenant scriptures), but as the word of the LORD is “one book”, these words are also to us (the talmudim/disciples/learners, part of G-d’s Torah (teaching/instruction). “Every word of G-d is pure.”
“We live by what we hear, not by what we see.” Faith comes by hearing. “If any man (us) have “ears to hear”. “Shema”- O, Israel. “Hear”-(and obey!). (We act under the authority of Another.)
An “ambassador” is a representative of his Sovereign on foreign soil. Selah!- (stop… and think about that!). -My train of thought has just been “derailed!” This (if it is true..) is awesome!- Is it true? (you knew I was going to ask that!) Are these words, just any words? – or is this, (according to the word of the LORD), true? (just askin’..)
This “ragamuffin” has a lot of cleaning up to do. If I am going to represent today, (working the checkout lane at Super Target),- the King of kings, I must be “on my game!” Shoes shined, hair combed- (what hair?), teeth brushed-(please!)- we are “Ambassadors for the King”. It does make you want to “stand up a little straighter”, doesn’t it?


And now look whose smiling? … John Wayne (the duke) … dating myself 🙂

I agree Carl … the ramifications of the Word upon our lives … if taken seriously and passionately … are most significant.

As far as being a “ragamuffin” … I am thinking that perhaps a better view for us would be: “a sometimes less than perfect ambassador”! My point being that it is easy for us to over apply the fact that our “works are filthy rags” declaration. Surely this only applies in the context of “salvation” and most certainly not in the context of one operating as a “servant of The King of Kings”!

Brother … your humble and at times humorous colloquial self degradation … is not being brought by me! 🙂 … Oh I believe brother that you like all of us sincerely recognize our former serious state of malfunction or at least our continual propensity for same … however … a man that provides faithful witness at TW like yourself, can in no way shape or form be anything but a nobleman!

And we of course we know that being noble has nothing to do with presentation but everything to do with character and actions! So forget shining up the shoes … just keep the heart light shining brightly!

carl roberts

thank you my brother- “go ahead.. make my day!”- lol!!- “He must increase, but I must decrease”. Not is “self-degradation” or even “self”- pity (anything at all that originates with “self” is destined for failure) but to be ever purposefully and prudently mindful,- “without me – you can do nothing!” I am, -I will freely ,fully gladly confess, an extremely G-d dependent creature. (He allows/gives my next breath!)
One thing that will “surprise” us all is when we find out just how intricately and intimately YHWH is involved in the daily common round of life! He is LORD of the micro as well as the macro. LORD of the telescopic and LORD of the microscopic. -LORD of all- (it’s a big/little word!)
Yes, we (all) are “ambassadors” for Christ. To even top that- (it just keeps gettin’ better!), we are (today, right now) the “children of YHWH” and have been invited to pray, saying “Our Father!” (Behold, what manner of love has been given unto us!)
Ah, brother Drew,- the “Daystar” is rising in our hearts! – “Bless the LORD- O my soul- and all that is within me- bless His holy name!”


Shalom achi,

The ultimate mystery my brother … we know in our heart of hearts that it is all about HIM (Yeshua … The Son in Whom all power and glory has been given) … but at the same time HE loves us so much and in such a unique way that HE makes it about us … about you and me!

I can’t explain it … I just go with it!

Only HE can make it so!

I concur … Bless HIS holy NAME!


My confidence is not found in my obedience or my ability to obey, but in The One who was obedient unto death even the death on the cross. May this lead too exalt what the Father has exalted, The Name above everey name!

Also my response, worship and confession toward God and humility and service toward others. Lord Yeshua may this be so of my life through the power of your Holy precious Spirit. Ahmein!

Judi Baldwin

Hey Skip,

You forgot to mention one more place we can be Ambassadors…on a AIRPLANE. 🙂

That’s where you do some of your most obedient work in demonstrating what an Ambassador should look like!!