Paradigm Shift
And since Jews ask for a sign, and Greeks seek wisdom I Corinthians 1:22
Sign/Wisdom – Why do Jews ask for a sign but Greeks seek wisdom? The answer is to be found in the cultural paradigms of these two groups of people. Once we uncover this difference, we can determine which paradigm fits our point of view.
“Sign” is the Greek word semeion. “Wisdom” is sophia. A “sign” has a special meaning in the Jewish culture. It is a mark, a token or a miracle by which divine power is made known. For the Jews, this means a supernatural event displaying the majesty and power of God. The Jews have a long history of signs. Crossing the Red Sea, manna in the wilderness, the capture of Jericho, Elijah and the prophets of Baal and many more manifestations of God’s covenant with Israel confirm the reality and presence of God among His people. The prophetic tradition is filled with signs, both contemporary and future. For the Jews, a sign confirms a truth already revealed. God choose Israel. His signs confirm this choice. The Jews look for a sign because they already have the relationship. Anyone or anything that claims additional revelation must meet the existing standard of God’s guarantee. Any man can claim to speak for God, but only God can confirm the voice with a supernatural sign.
The Greeks don’t look for a sign. Why? Because they do not have a history of revealed truth through the prophets. The Greeks seek (an important verb) wisdom. Because their paradigm is not based on revelation, they pursue understanding through the accumulation of information. Theirs is a completely natural theology, that is, it begins and ends with an examination of nature. And in the natural world, especially in the world limited to cause and effect, you don’t find miracles. If you’re going to find God this way, you will have to find Him through an examination of first principles like the cosmological argument. In other words, you will attempt to reason your way to the existence of God. Of course, you might end up with a God who appears to be much more like a transcendent, ineffable being than the God of the Bible, but that’s the price you pay for doing philosophy.
Does this mean that Jews don’t seek wisdom and Greeks don’t ask for miracles? No. What it means is that the general approach to religious thinking is different. The Jews know that they have a relationship to YHWH. Their concern is simple: “Who speaks for Him?” The Greeks do not have a covenantal relationship with YHWH. Their concern is different: “Is there a God?” The biblical answer to each of these questions is also very different. When the answer is applied to Yeshua, the Jews stumble. Why? Because they have always known, by direct revelation, that God is One (‘ehad). It is an enormous hurdle to all they believe to imagine that Yeshua is God. A very convincing sign would be necessary – like rising from the dead.
The Greeks find Yeshua’s claim an offense. Why? A God who dies for insignificant human beings? That is offensive. It is an affront to everything we understand about God. God does not die. He is not concerned with the petty affairs of men. To suggest otherwise is a display of intellectual foolishness.
But there it is. Yeshua does claim to be God. Now what do we do? If we are Jewish in our thinking, we will ask for a miraculous guarantee of this claim. We will want something akin to the great miracles of the past. We will want to know if it really happened. If we are Greek, we will seek to understand how this could be. We will want to know what this means for our idea of God.
Paul says both questions can be answered. Which do you find most important?
Topical Index: sign, wisdom, semeion, sophia, paradigm, 1 Corinthians 1:22
I think I’d rather see signs confirming the truth than wisdom that is only wise based on man’s authority. It would seem that these signs would be more believable and more authoritative. Plus, God’s definitive, see-able signs would be more reliable than something that can totally change depending on your axiom (I think that’s the word) or your paradigm. Or perhaps I’ve confused the issue.
Israel had plenty of signs. Did they embrace Him? Or did they just ask for more? Heschel makes the point that to believe is to remember. The signs given are enough. Do I need another one? Have I lost all my perspective on history? Wisdom, the accumulation of information, won’t convince. Neither will signs without eyes to see and ears to hear. Hockma (Hebrew – wisdom) is not information. It is alignment with God’s moral governance. We have to do a lot of unpacking of paradigms before we can really understand the difference between wisdom (sophia) and wisdom (hockma). Then we have to enter into the culture where past is present and future is present – where what has come before is as real as what I have right now.
Ah! I guess once again the Greek definition of wisdom gets in the way of true wisdom.
I like Heschel’s point about remembering. Maybe that’s one of the biggest thing I (we all?) struggle with – remembering. I think it’s easy to look at the signs given in the past and believe that they were just for the moment or to not truly grasp their significance because in our world of “science” so much value is placed on proofs; or maybe it’s that we get so saturated in knowledge that it’s hard to understand the supernatural and signs. I think we have lost all perspective on history – it’s become a collection of nice stories. As a teacher, I see how history is taught and it’s such an abstraction that students tune it out, and since it’s not “tested” there is little value placed on it and it becomes a bunch of boring dates to memorize with no connection to the present. Sad.
I wonder how many signs I (we all?) miss because our eyes aren’t trained to see and our ears aren’t accustomed to hearing?
Skip … there are some (I am one) who concur that remembering is the key. There are hints within Scripture that point to knowledge being intimately tied with the past. Past events and even our innate understanding … which is really “memory” delivered into us through existence!
You have broached this subject before and once again we are confronted with the same paradigm … G_D is experienced … not deduced. G_D is in memory … not in some understood philosophical framework.
Many believers think that truth is given as a revelation … but perhaps the revelation (true in a temporal/conscious context) is really the ability to remember what is innate to all creation … G_D is G_D and there is no other! If ha’emet was not innate to us then how could a wholly righteous Creator hold us accountable for not being taught the truth? It would seem that our minimum requirement is too remember that which is innate to all creation … no?
This sure seems to me what Paul depicts when discussing the “conscience” in Romans!
I will have more to say about this soon. Heschel is fantastic on this insight and I highly recommend his work on the prophets.
I am soon to release my book on God and Time – a book which shows in great detail the radical shift that occurs when we move from a God of experience to a God of abstraction. You will enjoy it. Hopefully by the end of the month.
I am certainly interested … I will wait patiently for your work and I am already convinced that I will be delighted!
Recognizing such a perspective seriously changes one’s walk and expectations!
“Both” signs and wisdom are confirmed, affirmed, displayed and demonstrated in the LORD Jesus Christ, Yeshau Hamashiach, “Pele-yoez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom”, crucified, buried, and resurrected.
There was the “miracle” of His birth. The “miracle” of His life. (only perfect, that is all..), the “foolishness” of His death, and one last final “affirmation” of His resurrection.
Yes, brother Skip, we do need to “figure out” who it was on the cross that day. My “test tube” is the Word of G-d, our Bible- both halves. The cross of (the) Christ is “both” central and crucial before we even start to have any understanding of YHWH.
Liar,lunatic or LORD- who was (is) Jesus Christ? I can empathize with the Jews-, I am very aware “Hear, O Israel, “the LORD our G-d is ONE, (the shema), and I also am aware of the affirmation and confirmation (the word of the LORD) in the New Testament- One LORD, one faith, one baptism. (We are all baptized (immersed) into ONE Breath) and we are share ONE blood.
What about this (in the name of) Father, Son and Holy Spirit? (the word – “trinity” does not exist in our Bible.) True. There are questions upon mysteries concerning the “triunity” of YHWH.
There are answers for those who wish to “seek”. – Now, a word from me. “Jesus is LORD” (of all). G-d became a man. (foolishness?- most assuredly). G-d still is “a man”- (more foolishness?- most assuredly). Yeshua acended into heaven- remember? -and this “man” intercedes for His own today!- (foolishness?- not at all.) How do I “know” any of these things? Three words, friends… “it is written.”
My beliefs are based on a Book. But, of course, not just any book. A book written by man (Amanda), but inspired by G-d Himself. How do I know the Bible is inspired? – the Bible tells me this of itself.
Do I worship the Bible?- No. I worship the ONE who inspired the Bible. But, the words I read from its pages are G-d-breathed (inspired).
Why is there so much history in the Bible? So many “stories” of things that happened so long ago and so far away to some “obscure” person or people group? Is there any “relevance” for us today? (Speak, people.. “testify”). Yes, yes, yes, and yes. His word(s) are eternal. As fresh today as when the ink (if they used ink) was not yet dry.
“Draw near unto G-d and He will draw near unto you.” I didn’t say it- He did. Where did these words come from? “If you seek for me, you will find me, when you seek for me with all your heart”- I didn’t say this- He did!– Where did these words come from? -Shall we continue or have you seen a pattern here?
Speaking of signs (miracles) in the O.T. Skip, you have rightly said, “the way we know our future is by looking at the past.” (I’ll add my amen- for what its worth..) Amen. (it is true). 1,2,3,4…. what comes next? (caution, this involves..”thinking”). “5?”… very good. Now for the application.-
Time for some history. A crisis in the desert. G-d delivers. A crisis in the desert. G-d delivers. A crisis in the desert. G-d delivers. (sufficient?- or do we need another?) Uh-oh, another crisis- “MOSES!” we don’t have any water!- what are we going to do? (I know, you’ve forgotten already, you have failed to recognize the pattern, so let’s go “through this” one more time. (One more trip around the mountain, boys!) 1,2, and 3 were not “sufficient”.. let’s add 4 to the mix. Maybe they will remember this time. Even Moses “forgot” the instructions of YHWH and “struck” the rock, instead of “speaking” to the rock. A happy ending to the “story” though- “G-d provided.” (Once again..)
My friends, did this “story” really happen? To real people? In a real desert? (I’m listening…- I can’t hear you..). (Just nod your head in a polite amen..)…(“oy vay”..) Yeah, we’re all good.. until the next crisis. “Hey, haven’t we passed this cactus before?”. One more trip around the mountain. 40 years for an 11 day journey. Why? – How “long” did it, (excuse me), will it take for me?
Four guys in a furnace. Who was that “fourth man?” Real story?- Were the “three” the least bit affected by this “crisis?” Ever read- “the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold?” Feelin’ the heat?
Looking for signs? Looking for wisdom?- “Both” are to be found displayed and demonstrated, confirmed and affirmed, in the Son of man. Now who might that be?
l have some questions? what do we do with these spiritual knowlegde?what are they for?how do we apply them? there are some very big differences between shaul and us, one of them is that he wasn’t seeking Yeshua like we do, as l see we’re looking for the ancients planes how it was made this kind of divine weapon(shaul) to rebuild it, he wasn’t looking for the YHWH gift’s because at first for him he already had as a religious man, we think we’re not religious’ men (l mean human) we already have those beuatiful gifts,but it seems that we’re still seeking for that own special gift to make the big change, l feel we’re missing the big comission(for me) you will do bigger miracles than l did (just paraphrasing not mention any version)
Hi Antonio,
I’ve only got a few moments before Shabbat, so this won’t be as long as Ian posts. Could I humbly offer this suggestion to your last question? I think I’m right in saying that John Ch14 v12 in the Greek doesn’t actually say what it is that the disciples will do that will be great/greater – it certainly isn’t miracles. The Greek word “me’-gäs” that is used here means “act or deed” – some translations insert the word “works” because they consider that to be the topic. Now, if Yeshua was a tzaddik, then he never did anything wrong, never missed an opportunity and never failed to extract the most out if the situation in a spiritual sense – so how we can do ‘greater’ than he did? Have you ever seen anyone do greater?
The Greek response is to get all mathematical – it must be talking about quantity, then. They think when it says greater it means “a greater number” especially as Yeshua was only person, and Christians are ‘many’. So the church does a greater number of works than Yeshua. No, wrong! The Jews say (Ian would be so proud of me!) that a tzaddik – great as they are – are not considered in the same league as a baal teshuva (ba’al teshuvah for ladies) – literally “master of return”… one who “was lost and now is found. The reason for the joy over the Prodigal is that he is a baal teshuva.” The baal teshuva does greater things than the tzaddik. The tzaddik never has to conquer the desire to walk in the opposite direction – but the one who conquers their yetzer hara and returns, willingly and eagerly submitting to Torah, is greater than the tzaddik.
Back to the preparations! Let us welcome the Shabbat for she is a source of blessing!
This is possible. There is another interpretation too. Greater is simply an extension of Yeshua’s work into the community. Think of his comments about mothers, houses, brothers, sisters (100 fold). Why do we have so many? Because we come into the family – and every member of the family follows in the footsteps, thereby increasing the works Yeshua began. But I Like Ian’s view.
hi Tara
when l wrote the comment it’s what l feel in my heart, let me say in other way l feel(maybe l’m wrong) we are overloaded in weapons and ammunitions and not using them, here we’re receiving a lot of wisdom,l’m learning not just from skip, now from you, when l wrote how all these wisdom is applying to your day by day l’m not pointing anyone,maybe this will useful for just one, and about great/greater yes is about miracle but my expectation about miracle is always big but l don’t forget the first miracle was l woke up today but l still looking the big one for someone’s else and l must understand tha miracle is miracle like sin is sin,so l ask you, if someday you could make this exercise stand in a big store or a big avenue and ask yourself how many of these people when they die are going to the father and how many are going to ha satan place, let’s make some numbers in the world there are about 6.000 milions people and died about 100 millions per year with these numbers we have per month,week day,hour,minute and seconds to reach 100 millions per seconds we have 240 people it means while l´m wirtting at least 10.000 are dying,in a country let’s say well evangelized being good and with mercy maybe is 30% of succes so having this numbers what is our role now? so what l mean if my began with a miracle what’s next? as l always say l could be wrong but this is the way l see.
Shabbat shalom
The greatest miracle of all Antonio is the miracle of the new birth. To be rescued from darkness and confusion and to be both bought (redeemed) and brought into the kingdom consciousness of YHWH. We must remember also- He that began a good work in us, is also the one to promises to perform and perfect it.
How wonderful it is to be part of G-d’s forever family. I see your heart is burdened for those who do not know Him as you do. This is further “proof” of your own “salvation” experience.
G-d has gifted each of us to fit a particular niche only we can fill. Our part is to remain “useable” by G-d (He only fills and uses clean vessels). Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. G-d is preparing a people as well as a place.
I am not one of those- “the world is ending soon” fanatics, but it sure does seem – especially as of late- something very peculiar is going on. I’ve never seen such blatant and bold hypocrisy and flat out, bald faced lies as I have seen recently. We are being lied to and manipulated left and right. And yet, with all that is happening- we have an assured calm, an anchor of the soul, and continual songs of victory seems to be floating somewhere in the background.
I am a lot like you. We are all dressed up- with nowhere to go. What is it we are to be doing? John 15.4 tells us. – “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” This my friend is no easy task, but it is do-able. In the very next verse (15) Yeshua says- “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For separate from me you can do nothing. Our task is to learn to abide.
I’d like to speak for just a moment on “wisdom.” As followers of the Way, what is the wisest decision or choice we could make? It is to imitate Christ and to obey His teachings.. His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2.5)- and mom was right. In one word: “obedience.” Do as He asks.
What is the “fallout” of obedience? A smiling Father. Our Abba is pleased. This is His will,- doing what pleases Him. Obedience to His words. (Shema!). “Be kind one to another.” Forgive one another” “Love one another” “Pray without ceasing” . YHWH is pleased when we do these things, and we are blessed to be a blessing to Him. We are pleased to be pleasing to Him. We may say with Yeshua- “I delight to do your will” (what pleases You), my Father. (Psalm 40.8)
Thanks Carl, for your words in a moment of wisdom, and for me l’m not breaking shabbat because (own oppinion) l’m in the father’s business talking about YHWH, Yeshua and the ruaj , l always try to fulfill the first commandment l love him with all my heart (my heart is burning with love for and with his relentless love and feel this amazing passion) all my mind ( it’s suppose to love him with inteligent knowing him by his will) and all might( all l’am everything is in me and that surrounds me) and when this words embodies me, my heart brokes when l see a lot a of people and they’re loosing and wasting not just this part of their life even the next in the new Yerushalaim because they just not know the father and his son Yeshua hamashiaj and they’re as close as just one word o a step we shall do.