I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; 2 Timothy 4:7
Kept – In Greek, this sentence reads a little differently. The direct objects come first (“The good fight I have fought, the course I have finished, the faith I have kept”). This doesn’t seem like much of a change, but the rearrangement has a subtle effect. It makes us think that “the faith” is a set of beliefs. We think that Paul is saying that he didn’t waver from the beliefs he has. He maintained his intellectual integrity. But when we read the text like it is written (“the faith I have kept”) we realize that Paul is not talking about his personal beliefs. He is taking about the faith, a way of life that exists independently of his thinking, which he has carefully followed.
You might say, “Well, that’s reading a lot into this small verse.” You would have a good argument if everything depended on only a rearrangement of the words. But then there’s the verb tereo. It comes from a noun that means “warden” or “guard.” Tereo means to watch over, to observe attentively, to obey, to keep. Paul’s use of this verse means that he is thinking of carefully obeying and strictly guarding the faith. And what is “the faith”? Paul gives us the answer in his court appearance before Felix. He is a follower of The Way, a “so-called sect” of Judaism. Let’s read this passage as Timothy would have read it. Paul is saying that he has meticulously practiced obedience to the teachings of The Way. That is the same as saying that he has been strictly Torah observant. Even James acknowledges that those who believe Yeshua is the Messiah are “zealous for Torah.”
When the Christian Church shifted its base from the Torah to a Hellenized version of theological Platonism, it no longer followed The Way. Christians stopped calling themselves members of a “so-called sect of Judaism.” They sought an independent religious foundation. They removed themselves from their Jewish roots and separated themselves from the Mosaic covenant. Today most of us do not realize that this was a deliberate attempt to break free of the connection to Judaism. Today most of us think that Paul and the rest of the authors of the New Testament were “Christians,” not Jewish believers. We have become victims of a rearranged history. We think that keeping “the faith” means nothing more than believing that Jesus died for our sins, just like the billboard says. Most Christians do not share the same faith that Paul had – and they don’t even realize it.
“Keep the faith” meant “Be meticulous in your practice of Torah.” Guard it. Watch over it. Observe it with great attention. Why? Because this is the way God desires us to live. This is Yeshua’s example. This is what makes us distinctive. This is how God draws others to Himself. Tereo is “to fulfill a duty, a precept or a law.” It’s pretty hard to imagine that Paul could mean anything other than Torah observance when he used tereo. That was the summary of his entire life.
Topical Index: kept, tereo, Torah observant, 2 Timothy 4:7
The “Hellenized version of theological Platonism” mindset continues to plague Christianity today and pastors, preachers, etc reinforce it so much especially Sunday mornings. The media is an even larger arena for perpetuating it. Are they not aware of this? What is taught in seminary? Or, is it easier to follow the “Hellenized version of theological Platonism?” Where are the teachers? Sometimes I want to throw my hands in the air and say forget it, but then Elohim has provided ways for me to hear Him speak and teach me. Thanks Skip and others in the forum.
I, too, find it pretty amazing how few people are willing to even entertain the idea that Paul, the apostles, and the early followers of the Way lived a Torah-observant life as Jews. The few times I’ve suggested this to people they get pretty shocked and pull out verses like the one in Corinthians (or Colossians – sorry I’m SO bad with addresses) about how the law was broken and was done away with. I just finished reading Pagan Christianity (which was good, interesting, disturbing, and insightful), but it seems that even they subscribe to this view. I don’t always know what to say to them because I am still learning, and sometimes my answers probably confuse them even more.
St Jerome Davis asks good questions. And I think the answer to most of them is that what is taught n seminary is so much the “norm” that few people question it (unless they innocently take Dr. Moen’s class and have their world turned upside down…
). Plus I’ve found, that as a teacher, my students rarely question what I tell them (which is why this profession is so dangerous – especially with some of the radical and crazy ideas that people hold today). Most Christians today don’t even dream that what they’re learning each Sunday isn’t the whole story. I know that I didn’t until Skip spoke at my church, and I started digging. But I think the Hellenized version is perpetuated innocently by pastors because through time the story’s changed so much that very few people know about the reality of what happened. And why question what someone you trust has told you is “the truth”?
I’m thankful for Skip and the others here who aren’t afraid of the scary questions and the dark corners of history. Shifting my paradigm might be difficult, but it’s amazingly worth it! Plus, it’s really interesting and incredible to discover how much more to the Truth there is!
When I read Pagan Christianity, I was so disturbed by what was written, that I could not finish the book! It just bounced around in my mind as I remembered the different passages (that I had read all my life) which indicated certain things were ‘a statute forever’ or ‘to all generations’ in the OT. (How could I have ignored those Scriptures for so long?) However, for some time, I had been asking the Father to show me the Truth, and I knew that I must be willing to hear it and do it. I am sorry that the book does not have such an alarming effect on all who read it. I wonder if we are ‘innoculated’ early in life by just a ‘little bit’ of truth, thereby rendering a stronger portion of it ineffective to impact our hearts.
I gave that book to 2 preacher friends but not about Frank.
I too was struck by the “all generations” and the overwhelming number of times “obedience” is referred to throughout the Old and New Testaments.
“Obedience to what”, I might ask?
When the LORD says He is the same yesterday, today and forever, I guess some think He has changed His mind about the Lasting Covenants. Congruency is a wonderful thing, is it not?
I was given the awesome privilege of speaking at a service recently and I spoke from Jude 24. This small congregation is Pentecostal and the LORD gave me grace to address false teachers and how the faith mentioned here is actually directing our attention to doctrine. Solid doctrine today is built upon shifting sand and the masses attending Christian church to day are swaying in the breeze. They are on holiday and like it…shhhhh…don’t wake me up! Don’t shake me, even though God is shaking what can be shaken and He is waking up the sleeping virgin for He is standing at the door and knocking, patiently and graciously waiting for the door to open. Isn’t this amazing love pictured…THE DOOR waiting to be opened! Bless you.
“I gave that book to 2 preacher friends but not about Frank.”
OOPS! My preacher friends thought he had a hidden agenda, and I thought the same, but not about Frank. (is what I meant to say)
Isn’t it said that a lie is easier to believe if there is a little bit of truth in it? Just look at the argument that got Havah in the garden.
I read Pagan Christianity with a filter, I think, knowing they would probably throw out the OT. What was disturbing is how far we’ve changed the Way. However, even though it was interesting, I wasn’t sure I agreed totally with their assessment of how “the church” should be “done” today, especially as I’ve discovered that Paul and the other followers of Yeshua were still Jewish. I doubt they would have stopped going to the temple or the synagogue and met exclusively in homes. It seems to me that those meetings were supplemental to their lives as Torah-observant Hebrews.
You’re right. Frank Viola is still locked into replacement theology, but his analysis of the origin of much Christian tradition is revealing. If we want to follow the Way as it was followed in the first century, we will have to look at Jewish roots, not Greek philosophy. As for worship, yes, there is no temple so many (but not all) of the sacrifices are no longer possible. But that doesn’t change the kind of worship that occurred at the local community level. There is much more coming about this – especially in the seminar I am teaching in Evansville next week (which will be recorded). Go back through the New Testament and notice that there is very little mention of the temple rituals but a great deal about what happens in the local assembly.
Hebrews 11: 1 -“In days gone by, God spoke in many and varied ways to the Fathers through the prophets. 2 But now, in the acharit-hayamim, he has spoken to us through his Son, to whom he has given ownership of everything and through whom He created the universe. 3 This Son is the radiance of the Sh’khinah, the very expression of God’s essence, upholding all that exists by his powerful word; and after He had, through Himself, made purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of HaG’dulah BaM’romim.”
So the clarion call is for “Christians”- (little Christs) to return unto the Torah and become Torah observant (since they are adopted into the Abrahamic covenant). I agree in totality. We should be “Torah observant “followers of the Way.” (We can’t even use the word “Christian” any more since it carries so much garbage with it.) -Just look at “church” history for the past 2,000 years. What a mess “they” have made of things.
Number 1. (uh-oh- he’s making a list!). The “church”/ecclessia/called out assembly is the body and bride of Christ. I didn’t say it- He did.
Number 2. “I will build my church.” I didn’t say it- He did.
Number 3. “Unto Him be glory-in the church.” I didn’t say it- He did.
Number 4. “Don’t go messin’ with the bride. He didn’t say it- I did. Christ died for His bride. The (gasp!)- church.
Number 5.- “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.”
G-d is indeed, “up to something.” It’s called “build a bride.” You want in on this? This is G-d’s will. This is G-d’s purpose. He is forming and fashioning a bride for Himself. Why?- “in order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in His lovingkindness (mercies/lovingkindnesses) to us in Christ Jesus.” You want in? -“Whosoever will may come..” This is G-d’s open invitation (to the Jew first- and also to the Greek)
Now let’s listen (one more time) to the “heart’s desire” of Rabbi Shaul. “Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is for the people of Israel to be saved.” (Romans 10:1)
Now,why would the people of Israel need to be saved? Saved from what? Paul is dead serious about something here. What else do the people of Israel need? They have the Torah (G-d’s instruction). They are the chosim- the chosen ones. Why do they need a Savior? These are Torah-observant people.
“What saith the scripture?” “All” have sinned. Does this include the Jew? Does this include the Gentile? Does this include me? “All.” Is there a translator in the house? So what if I’ve sinned? What then? Why does it matter? What does the “old” (older) covenant say about this? -(Not to panic, there is only one covenant.) It is the “blood covenant.”
“But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.” (Isaiah 59.2) Houston, we have a problem. “Sin”.
What can wash away my sin? What can make me “whole” (shalom) again? Yes, return to the Torah. Return to G-d’s instruction. “Believe on the LORD- Jesus Christ- Y’shua HaMashiach- and thou shalt be saved.” This is the gospel we declare unto you- “But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53.6)
Nicodemus, (whose very name means “superior”), a ruler of the Jews, way high up the food chain, came to Y’shua by night to inquire. Surely, this was a “just” man. Surely this was a “righteous” man. What did Y’shau say unto him? Surely Nicodemus was “Torah observant.” What else could he need? He already “had it all.” What need of a Savior did Nicodemus have? What did the Master/Teacher say unto him?
“What shall we conclude then? Are we any better? Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin.” (These are not my words- “it is written!”) -Romans 3.9
Looks like w’ere in this thing together. Are we stuck? Is there a way out? What do we (I just said “we”) do about this “sin” issue? Such an “old-fashioned” word isn’t it? Does this “offend” you?- being called “a sinner?” Would it “offend” you, if I were to say -there is a Savior?
“For I passed on to you the most important points that I received: The Messiah died for our sins according to the Scriptures,” (1 Corinthians 15.3). “Behold, the Lamb.”
Good Morning Sir: What is the difference – my keeping the Word of God, or my keeping the”Torah”?
Thank You
Rex George
Remember Jesus is Lord
Fabulously put! May those that read this, grasp the Torah of Truth. Shamar is the hebrew word to keep, to observe, to protect, to guard. May we be obedient to Yah’s will walking out in His righteousness from His Word. That we guard and protect His Sabbath, His feasts, His dietary instructions, and how we treat our fellowman, the beast, and the land according to the mitzvot of YHVH. If we are to provoke our brother Y’hudah to zealousness should we not walk in the Torah? Otherwise all they see is a pagan greek Jesus that can not be the messiah due to all the disguises man has throw upon him destroying the very instructions He has written. We need to take a stand in these end of days and be bold and courage upholding the Torah of Truth.
I would add that unless we(adopted foreigners brought near through Messiah) observe, treasure, guard, highly-regard Torah, the Word of Instruction and obey it, we are still viewed as self-righteous pagans following their own made up idea of God as those who promote myths and old wives tales. This is how much of today’s “church” is viewed. The LORD seems to call our attention to this in Psalms 44:13,14 and 79:4. Many of the true believers appear to suffer along with the rest although they are the remnant God has who have not bowed the knee to Baal. What would it be like if the community of believers could match their walk and talk with His Word, the ENTIRE COUNSEL???? How many would run to Oprah, Mohammed, Freud, Darwin, and the other notable gurus that lead have deceived masses, not to mention some of the TV “apostle/prophets” who are living high on the proverbial “hog” all the way to the offshore and Swiss banks!
Amen, Mary- love your heart!
“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints,” (Jude 1:3)
An interesting verse in Jude- “the common salvation”, “the faith” and “the saints.”
May we address these one at a time? “The common salvation”. Christ died for all. Jew, Greek, male, female, rich, poor, black, white, Republican, vegetarian- Christ died for all. The sins of the world. From the beginning of time until the last “tic of the clock”- (if there is a “last tic!”)- Christ died for all. He died for “whosoever will.” (Praise His name- this “includes” me!) He died for me and He died for my sins. But that is far from “all.” – But wait!- there’s more! (so much more!) Have you discovered the “more” in Christ? – It’ll “pop yer cork!” (Pardon my crude vernacular.., but there is ‘So much more’ yet to be discovered- “in Christ!” (You who are His know exactly what I’m trying to say here! “Joy unspeakable and full of glory!” (I’d like to tell you more about it, but it’s “unspeakable!”- lol!
“The faith”. One Lord, one faith, one baptism. (not three!- ONE!) Yes, “hear O Israel, the LORD (our G-d) is ONE. And His name is Wonderful! His name is (this is where my “religion” failed me..) -“Pele-yoez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom”. But even this name is far from “complete”. Yes, there is more! So “much more!” And as His name- so is He. He is who He says He is. He is the “I AM.” Amen. “Before Abraham was- “I AM”. Do you understand this? -(neither do I!!) This I understand- “the LORD- He is G-d!” The ONE who hung naked and shamed on the cursed tree is the same ONe who named the stars. Amen. (It is so!). And just so we could possible “be on the same page”, “Christianity” is not a religion- it is a relationship. (Yes, I am aware of the “abuses of the church” and those who have profaned their office)- and I am also aware- G-d is the righteous judge. Nobody gets “away with” nothing. Ever. (their “works” do follow them.) Every one of us (does this include me?) will give account of (his stewardship) to G-d. Not to worry- all will be judged. We just need to remember “who” the Judge is!
“The saints.” There are only two kinds of people ever to draw a breath. The “saints” and the “aints!” Either you is or you ain’t!. “In or out”. Are you a sheep or a goat? Are you wheat or are you a “tare?” (Tares look an awful lot like wheat!). “Let them both grow together”. Not to worry- G-d will “sort them out!”
I welcome all questions and comments concerning the above. The “plumb-line” of all of our comments should be and needs to be “the word of the LORD”- our Bible. (Yes, I am a “Bible-thumper”) if that is how you wish to “label” me. I will wear this “tag” gladly!
Yes, brother Skip- “if” the Bible is the “word of G-d” as it claims to be, should we “hearken?”- should we “heed” what He says? “Who is the LORD that I should obey Him?” Yes, Pharoah, – well-spoken. -If you only knew. (Eventually- he found out..and I guarantee- he knows now.)
Great article. I have only just found your web-site and am enjoying the articles very much. I have also subscribed to the Word-a-Day.
My wife and I are in England and have been on the journey away from christianity to a truer biblical faith for about 5 years now. We now only see ourselves as gentiles from the nations grafted into Israel through faith in Messiach Yeshua and we keep Torah as best we can on our own. We are very isolated and are always on the look-out for others to meet with but there are not many in the UK on the fantastic journey we are on. It’s not easy but we wouldn’t swap what we have for the world!
Web-sites like yours really help though and we are grateful for the meaty articles you provide which help us to get back to the reality of what YHVH has done for us and what He is really saying through the eternal and infallible Scriptures.
Shalom Shalom.
-the journey away from christianity to a truer biblical faith-
is this the goal here? What about a truer Christianity? “So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples (talmudim) were called Christians first at Antioch.” This “tag” (actually a deragotory remard- “little Christs”) amazingly is still a term of derision and shame even today! Say.. who wants to be a “Christian?” Who are the Christians of today? Do they hate Jews? Do they despise the law of the LORD? Even the term “church” has fallen out of disfavor. Incredible. Are we now our own worst enemy? Go ahead, name the Name of Christ and see how I treat you. I will love you with the love that has been given unto me. “Love one another.” Is this a “command” of (the) Christ? Is this part of His Torah?
“If you love me, keep my commandments.” Just how hard is this to understand? Y’shau was the most obedient man ever to walk the planet. And we are to follow (imitate) Him. “Shema, O Israel.” (Hear and obey). Any confusion with this? G-d speaks, we hear and we obey. Faith is our (right) response to what G-d says. And what is our (right) response? Obedience. G-d spoke to Abraham, Abraham heard what G-d said, and then he responded by saddling his donkey. G-d had Abraham’s “yes!”. Does YHWH have our “yes?”
Remember how G-d “commanded” Abraham? (thank you for this, brother Skip!). G-d did not “command” Abraham- He asked him as a friend would ask another friend. (The “na” word!). I was blown away by this! Another hidden Hebrew gem!
“If you love me, keep my commandments” -May I ask? Do I love Him? Do I profess to love Him? May I say with my Master- “I delight to do thy will”. Is “keeping” His commandments a “duty” or a “delight?” – It makes a world of difference to say- “Father,I delight to do what pleases you.”
I want to obey G-d. I know Yeshua is the Way. He is the Way to holiness. He is the Way to health (both physical and spiritual). His is the way of wisdom. His is the way of (true) wealth. He is the Way of Righteousness (right-relatedness with G-d and man) and peace (with G-d and with each other). Obedience brings blessedness and blessing.
Why should I want to obey G-d and do as He requests? – It’s a matter of motivation. Because I know Him and I love Him. I love Him for what He has done. (He bled and died for me) I love Him for what He is doing (interceding prayer on my behalf.) I love Him because of the future I will have in a Paradise that is so good, no language can begin to describe it. I love Him because “this love” is growing- every day. It just keeps getting better! Tears have been described as “the safety valve of the heart.” Thank you G-d for the tears I shed when You are near. Now I weep for joy! Blessed be the Name!
Call me a “Christian.” Call me a “follower of the Way!” -Call me by my new name- “His”
Hey Carl. You always speak from your heart, brother. So refreshing. The only point here is that “Christianity” as a religion is far from the experienced, personal, communal, Hebraic, Gentile-embracing assemblies we see in the New Testament. So, do we need a truer Christianity? I don’t believe so. Christianity is a formal religious system accommodated to a pagan culture and willing to fit within the prevailing worldview. Christianity accepts the role of a religion, a faith orientation that does not challenge that foundations of the culture that supports it. Yes, Christianity might call for a higher ethics or getting altruism, but it is itself a formalized idolatry, removing people from the vital living experience of God and substituting propositional and doctrinal statements. So I don’t think we want to go in that direction. I think what we want, and what we so desperately need, is a deeper, more vital living relationship with the God of our Kingdom and the citizens of His government.
Todays Word is not clear to me what you are saying. Is it that we are to follow the law? Jesus was obedient to every point of the law. Perhaps I miss what you mean “Be meticulous in your practice of Torah.” To be sure I do not keep all the ordinances of the law outlined in the Torah. I do believe that Paul and every other believer is first a Christian and secondarily a Jew, Gentile or what have you.
1 Cor 1:12 Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.
Hi Bill, Thanks for your reply. I am a little concerned about one comment. What makes you think that Paul (and the others) were first Christians and then Jews? There is no text in the New Testament that suggests this is the case. In fact, Paul and the others never call themselves Christians. They constantly speak of themselves as followers of the Way, a sect of Judaism. So, where did we get the idea that Paul was a Christian? A great deal of evidence, and some serious scholarship, suggests that this idea came from the church once it separated from its Jewish heritage. Augustine had a lot to do with this in his reinterpretation of Romans 7 as Paul’s personal testimony. You might look at Pamela Eisenbaum, Paul Was Not A Christian, for a thorough look at the textual evidence. At any rate, once we realize that Paul and the other first century believers were Jewish Messianic followers, our perspective on Paul’s view of the “Law” changes.
Deception is strongest when it is subtle. It amazes me each time you uncover yet another subtlety or nuance of understanding that when all added together amount to one HUGE deception that Christianity fell into over time. It is hard not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The baby is so dirty as well!
Sometimes it is so discouraging to realize just how far our theological fathers went to reject Torah as the Way! Yeshua is the Way and He followed the Way. Finding the Way back is hard!
Yes, it is hard, but Moses is there to remind us that it is not TOO hard. God expected His people to follow His ways at Sinai. I don’t think He has changed His mind, even though religion has done its best to convince us otherwise.
I find this all VERY interesting. First of all, how does one follow the Torah today? to what extent? You mention one book, Pamela Eisenbaum’s, “Paul Was Not A Christian”. What only books are helpful in understanding this point of view? I am a seeker of Truth.
Skip, I do hope we get enough participants for the PhD. in Theology program. I am going to be very disappointed if I can’t study under your tutelage. I believe it will not only be a intellectual experience par excellence, but also a time of great spiritual growth for me.
“Paul gives us the answer…. He is a follower of The Way, a “so-called sect” of Judaism”
Hi Skip,
In my view, Shakespeare was heavily influenced by Paul’s pre-Christian view of the world.
We can see this Hebrew vision of The Way refected in the following poetry from King Lear:
“And take upon’s the mystery of things,
As if we were God’s spies; and we’ll wear out,
In a walled prison, packs and SECTS of great ones
That ebb and flow by the moon.”
And in the following passage, which has always been my favorite, we can see Paul’s emphasis on the importance of bearing fruit and being prepared for death:
“Men must endure their going hence,
even as their coming hither:
– William Shakespeare, King Lear
I wonder if the guarding of the Way (Torah) is connected to Adam/Eve being told to guard the garden. That would be following Elohim’s teachings and instruction (Torah) to Adam/Eve? So they gave up the Torah, so now, is this part of the reparation of that original breach of contract?
I was raised Baptist and my family is Baptist. I was never taught once about observing Torah my church life either revolved around hell fire and brim stone preaching or the picking and choosing of one verse here or there to accommodate someone’s “God of their “own” understanding”. Just like the mantra from AA “God of your own understanding”. I am a follower of The Way through Salvation which came came for me and His Name is Yeshua. I love Him and He asked me to keep His Torah and Sabbath…my family is mocking me. True I don’t know the Word like I should to have rebuttals but Jesus Christ is the Name by which I was saved and He is “How I fight my battles”. We need to pray for our friends and families wrapped up in the doctrines of demons. Save them Abba! Hoshanah! Amen
I thought I would ask. You might not answer, and I will understand. I am curious, Skip, as to when or have you always practiced or followed Torah? I know a few denominations in Christianity do so. And if not, when did you decide that all of Torah, not just moral code was to be kept?
Intellectually, I realized that Christian doctrine was not in alignment with the Tanakh a long time ago, when I was working on my PhD. Then came a long time of just making a name for myself. But after a significant financial collapse (God engineered, I now believe), I started writing Today’s Word. About 5 years into that project, I found answers to my intellectual questions in Jewish writers and that led to Torah questions. So, about 10 years ago I made a significant shift in thinking and practice, which, by the way, is still a journey for me.