Who’s Who
There and then the whole town came out to meet Jesus; and when they saw him, they urged him to go away from their area. Matthew 8:34
Whole Town – I am sure you are familiar with the story of the demoniac and the pigs. Yeshua crosses Lake Kinneret and encounters a man (two men in Matthew) who is extremely violent, being filled with demons. Yeshua frees the man, sending the demons into a herd of pigs who promptly run into the water and drown. Then the townspeople hear about this, but rather than rejoice over the rescued man, they become very upset and demand that Yeshua leave. I am quite sure that your recollection of the story leaves you with the impression that these people had a lack of faith, that they rejected the Messiah and were spiritually darkened. But maybe Matthew’s account is far more understandable than we usually think. Let’s see.
In order to understand the reaction of the town, we need to know who these people are. They are people who live on the other side of the Sea of Galilee, near Gadara. This is the region of Decapolis, a non-Jewish occupied territory in the first century. That means these people were not looking for a Messiah. In fact, they probably didn’t have the Tanakh (the Hebrew Scriptures) and they clearly had nothing to do with Jewish Torah. The economic operation of herds of pigs tells us that much. As far as they were concerned, Jewish religion was probably something to be avoided.
Furthermore, when the demon-possessed men (plural?) are freed, these people are not particularly pleased. Why? Because the price was a very fine herd of pigs. Their pocketbooks were adversely affected by Yeshua’s compassion, and everyone knows that money trumps empathy. (Paul had a very similar experience in Ephesus.) So the townspeople urge Yeshua to leave. The last thing they want is some Jewish holy man stirring up trouble with the economy. It was nice to be able to travel past the tombs (caves) without being attacked, but it wasn’t worth the cost. Who knows what else this man might do if He sticks around?
What does this correction in the context teach us? First, it underscores the fact that Yeshua came to the Jews. They were the only people prepared to receive Him. The fact that they did not speaks only to their hardness, not to their ignorance. As we see in Acts 2, thousands responded when they finally understood. “To the Jew first” is an essential part of God’s plan. Had Yeshua come to the Gentiles, He would undoubtedly have received the same treatment as He found in this small community. Gentiles are about business, not holiness, so the priorities are very different.
Secondly, we learn that misplaced priorities often have enormous, unseen consequences. The Messiah walked right through this town. He demonstrated incredible, godly power and compassion, but they weren’t interested. Quite a different reaction occurs with the Samaritan woman, but there Yeshua doesn’t perform a miracle. He just speaks to her heart. It makes you wonder if God arrived in our communities whether we would even recognize Him or whether He would pass through while we urged Him not to bother us.
Finally, we discover that spiritual awareness is not necessarily tied to the miraculous. There are always other explanations, other motivations, other concerns. Miracles don’t have much lasting effect if the heart isn’t prepared. And maybe that’s the real lesson here. Preparation of the heart was a generations-long process among the Jews. It took thousands of years. Do you really imagine that we can get it all done in a flash?
Topical Index: town, Gadara, preparation, economics, Matthew 8:34
Today my daughter leaves for Zambia with Overland Missions. She will be there for 3 months. Thank you to all those who helped with her support. Please pray for her. The work is difficult and she is a LONG way from home.
-spiritual awareness is not necessarily tied to the miraculous.–
Does this story every tell on us..(ouch!) Where is the compassion of the people? Dude.. where the love?
Attached to the tender spot near the buttocks..-The contents of the wallet or purse- “mammon.” This same “spirit” is running rampant today. “In Gold We Trust”. The looting and pillaging of the Somali pirates is tame according the plans of some. Such a spirit of avarice and greed. Quite “anti-Christ” my friends.
Where does “compassion” come from? (I think we need a word study on this one, brother Skip!)-dating all the way back to Exodus 34:6.
I think today’s quote (from igoogle) might give us a clue)- “There are too many people, and too few human beings.” This reminds me of something I learned here at “today’s word”. -(I still prefer “At G-d’s Table!)- “To pray is to become fully human”. Until we learn to pray- we are but a selfish animal. “Mine” is one of the first words a toddler learns to speak. (that, and “McDonald’s”). -There are a few of us who never grow up..
This reminds me of the JOY equation- (remember this from years ago?)- Jesus, then Others, then You, – what a wonderful way to spell JOY. We ought to try this sometime.. – But, it’s gonna cost us..
(- Robert Zend)
Hi Carl, l agree with you and feel the same, and take a look at ephesians 1 you will find maybe the answer for exodus 34:6
Dear Skip,
I have prayed for your daughter, and will continue to do so as the Lord lays her upon my heart, as He did this morning.
Also praying for you, that your heart will be at peace, trusting God to protect her. May the fruits of her labors, her devotion, and her love for the Lord be abundant and bring Glory to Him!!
Thank you Helen. Now you can add, if you don’t mind, a prayer for my health. I was in the hospital at 7AM this morning in terrible pain. All the tests later, and morphine, and I am back home. Kidney stones that still have to travel outward. Couldn’t even go to the airport to see Rachel leave. But God is good – and so is my wife.
I had my first kidney stones in 1977. They are so very painful and I can truly understand your difficulty. May you be granted an abundance of comfort.
Skip, I will add your kidney stone problem when I pray for you. Am so glad it wasn’t more serious, even though I understand that passing stones is quite painful.
Be blessed, my brother, and healed quickly by the loving Hand of our LORD!!
Sorry you couldn’t go to airport to see Rachel off to her mission!!
Dear Brother Skip,
Blessing as you wait. May His faithfulness keep you through this.
“I was in the hospital at 7AM this morning in terrible pain.”
Hi Skip,
Sorry to hear about your terrible pain!
I missed your comment somehow, but remember Helen’s mention of it and didn’t know what she was talking about.
But what about the REST of the story? Dr. Charles Page, author of “The Land and the Book,” says that the Gadarene demoniac was one of the greatest evangelists who ever lived. He “spread the news to the nearby city of Hippus and throughout the Decapolis. Today this event is commemorted at the fifth-century Byzantine church at Kursi along the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee.” When Sha’ul arrived there, he found a large, thriving group of believers to whom he could minister and encourage.
We shouldn’t underestimate the amazing things that the Master can do with only one (or 2) who receive the sudden revelation, as God reveals his Son to them.
One of my daughters has been to Australia, Argentina, South Africa and Uganda for extended trips. btw, she is only 21 years old! Your own will be spreading the word and working for Christ and Jehovah. Mom had a tougher time than she did
I never did get quite used to her being so far away.
Hi Skip, I’ll pray for both of you in the name of one who took all our diseases and ask YHWH to give you de confort to body and peace at your heart and still being this special man in front of YHWH and us too
Skip, and others, I wish that I were not laughing, but I am, I just got home from dental work and came home very happy about the work done, and two weeks ago; had cataract surgery with another one coming up in a about three weeks,–which is neither here nor there.
But what I am laughing about is my reaction to my husband’s second kidney stone, we lived in a third world country, and I was expecting our third baby that week. The entire ordeal of being pregnant had been a nightmare: traveling aborad, living without a car for three months, our possessions nor arriving for several weeks,our oldest daughter -, six years oldm had malaria, so seriously ill and took all the quinine a child could take. In the midst of this I was suppose to teach in the English Speaking School. So what happens? My husband awakens about three a.m., and is in so much pain — and I had just gotten to sleep. I had learned from medical resources in the past, that THE PAIN of a kidney stone is equal to giving birth to a baby.
. I was totally exhausted, and THOUGHT I could not handle one more problem, so I said, ” Ed, in another week I will be giving birth to our third child, could you just turn over and try to go back to sleep?”–
BUT, HE COULD NOT, and we got up, and somehow in a land without phones, or taxis where we lived, got someone to loan us a Volkswagen Micorbus, with drive right side,stick gear. I had never driven one before. I had an international Driver’s License, but it did not help me. Ed was able to direct meand we got him to the United Christian Hospital ( where I would deliver a baby girl in a few days.) and he passed the kidney stone somehow–do not remember those details, as the birth of the baby far outweighed the details. That baby girl is our Sonii, who has given us the crown jewels of our four granddaughters. I LAUGH BECAUSE WHEN I HEAR ABOUT KIDNEY STONES, I REMEMBER THIS, AND BECAUSE NOW 48 YEARS LATER, NONE OF THE OTHER THINGS THAT HAD HAPPENED IN AN ISLAMIC WORLD AT THAT TIME, FOR US MATTERS. God is so good, in letting us forget when it is necessary, and then at times, letting memory have its work! We were in total culture shock, not prepared for the poverty, population, the dead, and dying all around, the odors, the LACK of everything we were accoustomed. And our walk with the Lord was somewhat narrow to say the least! But we sat ourselves like flint to seek HIM with all our hearts, soul and mind— And HeNEVER, No Never fails, when you keep on doing that!– Prayers for all those in need, and Love in His Glorious Names: ” every knee shall bow—” LaVaye
wow!- thank you for sharing- we (all) need to hear testimonies like that one! That came pretty close to an “ordeal!”–
just this past Sunday- our pastor mentioned the scripture- about being “pressed out of measure”, above strength. I would like to toss another stone into the soup- (maybe even a carrot!)
We’ve all been through some “stuff.” Yeshua did say,- “in this world you will have tribulation” (John 16.33). And if you live long enuf- you will see some “stuff”. Nobody leaves this world “scar free.” We live in a fallen, sin-infested, sin-damaged world. (Maybe this might be a good time to interject about “original sin!”). Let me shorten things up a bit to say- “I’ve got enuf of my own to worry about!” (amen!- that came from my wife!). Yes, Adam was a sinner, so was his son and his son and his son. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Moses, Peter, Paul, (and Mary)- the Bible says it ever so simply- all have sinned. I have a great memory- the only problem is, it is real short, but as I last recall- there was only perfect person to have ever lived and hopefully by now we realize “Who” this is. It is important that He lived a perfect life though. By the way- was Yeshua “tribulated?” – “For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have One who has been tempted in every way, just as we are–yet was without sin. (Hebrews 4.15)
We are born with “potential”. For good or for evil, we are capable of either. Some good deeds are by choice- I can choose to do right. I can choose to pray or I can choose not to pray. YHWH has given to us the power of choice and the “choosing” is up to us. We are free in our choices- unless we have someone “over” us who is doing the choosing for us- such as a mom makes the decisions for her young children.
I bless our Sovereign G-d for giving unto us the power of choice.
Today was a “tribulating” day. So was yesterday. As the song says- some days are diamonds, some days are stones. So, in short, two stones. Does this mean G-d doesn’t love me, because I have been “tribulated?” As I am able now to reflect upon the events and people I encountered, my question has to be- How did I reflect the character of Christ in my conduct this very day. Were the words of my mouth and the mediations of my heart pleasing in His sight?
Our actions are planned and pre-meditated. Plan your work- work your plan. (you know the drill). But then there is this thing called “reaction.” It is how we respond to the crisis situations of our lives- both “big” and “small.” (just as an aside- what is “big” to G-d?- and what is small?)
So, if G-d is Sovereign (and He is!) and we are suffering, – What’s the point? – Why do we suffer?- Remember- G-d is purposeful in everything He does and says. He is our perfect Father. So why are we suffering? (You know the answer, before I can spill it…)- He is “conforming” us into the image of the Son. (Romans 8:29) Through heat and pressure- our character/persona/inner man is being transformed with every passing day! (pretty exciting stuff!) – except for one thing…- I don’t like pain! (G-d knows that!).
Bottom line. G-d is good! He is holy, just, pure and perfect in all His words and ways. My task is to ask Him to direct my paths, daily. We may all say it and know it,- “The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want!”
Skip … you touch upon a very touchy subject for some anyway … “to the Jew first”!
Your assessment relative to “being groomed over time” is well spoken. In Chaggai 2:7 we see where all nations shall bring their desire for the House (Yeshua) … but again what is the time frame?
Perhaps the time frames are not so different! Israel was not ready for fullness until the passage of a long long time … Abraham until YESHUA! Maybe now after two thousand years it is finally time for the Gentile to come into fullness … not by count but by Spirit?
It took time for the hearts of Israel to be softened up enough to receive Yeshua … In my humble opinion the desire to grasp the Biblical inheritance in the fullness of Yeshua by Gentiles has arrived … we are living in amazing times!