Shooting Blanks (2)
What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace might increase? May it never be! Romans 6:1-2
Continue – “I’m saved. I’ll go to heaven when I die. Jesus’ death guarantees it. Why should I worry about all those Old Testament rules. I’m under grace. Rules don’t save me, God does.”
Paul must have heard this same argument. Paul’s answer: Yes, God’s grace has declared your status before Him as “not guilty.” But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing more to do. Now you have been included in the community of people who accept God’s declaration and live according to His words. You trusted Him for righteousness. Will you now reject His expectations? Will you continue to live a life of disobedience just so that God can apply more grace to you? You’ve got to be kidding!
The Greek verb epimeno literally means “to stay in or remain in.” Paul’s point is simple. Sin is missing the mark. It is shooting blanks at the target. No score. Just because God declares us righteous, are we then going to continue missing His bull’s eye just so we can ask Him for more forgiveness? No! Load the gun with real ammunition and shoot straight. God expects you to hit the target in the center. That’s where life exhibits His instructions. That’s where He is. That’s where we belong. Any man who claims to be shooting with God’s gun but consistently misses the target isn’t living out his trust in God. The aim of the Spirit never misses.
The invention of “once saved, always saved” as a gate pass to heaven is a terrible heresy. The idea that God’s instructions for living no longer apply is an equally terrible heresy. The first attempts to justify justification without transformation. The second attempts to make God a liar. The entire point of being declared righteous is to stop missing the mark. God sets us straight before Him and then tells us exactly what to do in order to enjoy the full benefits of our new status. If we trust His declaration, then we will trust His instructions. One without the other is hypocrisy.
Apparently what is perfect common sense in ordinary human interactions has been completely ignored in spiritual relations. If a man tells me that he is going to pay what he owes me, and then time after time he has one excuse after another for why he hasn’t paid me yet, I will soon determine that he has no intention to pay me. He is merely abusing the relationship and ignoring the obligation of my loan. Common sense tells me this man is a liar. But somehow we think that we can continue to appropriate grace without doing any of the obligations that come with grace. This is spiritual stupidity. If you’re “saved,” the world will know it. Everyone around you will know it. You will be aiming at the bull’s eye – and hitting it.
Topical Index: continue, epimeno, Romans 6:1
The heresy has been exposed for what it is. It is a cheap, “lets just keep doing what we have been doing all our life,” lie and the church has buoght into it hook line and sinker. Unfortunately, I have preached it myself. Oh woe is me. This morning I will but the “bullets” in my gun, shoot straight, and hit the target (I pray) and then watch the fireworks come from those who are so sure that the old is gone away and the new is simply talk with no substance. Skip, I am so glad I have my heavy hob-nailed boots on this morning or my toes would be mangled! The toes still hurt and that will remind me to whom I belong.
Well, we started out so well here, and then just had a “come apart.” We had the “amen” of the Spirit, and then the train jumped track. So- where did we go wrong?
This reminds me of the “reporters” on the box of lies known as our television adding their “color commentary” to a speech given not thirty seconds ago. This is known as “spin.” And this dear brother, this morning has my head spinning. I may be spinning, but I’m still standing.
I am a heretic. There, you have my confession. If you say, those who believe in “once saved always saved.” will continue to live a life of disobedience just so that God can apply more grace, “You’ve got to be kidding!” No, No, and no. Wrong answer, my friend. Let’s talk.
You have kids. Wonderful. They have been born into your family. Excellent,- nothing more fun than kids- nothing. Do you discipline your children? More accurately, do you chastise your children and for what purpose? (Please, remember, we do not “punish” our children,we chastise them with a view toward correction.) Now, dear friend, let us just s’pose your dear Johnny or Susie decides to rebel against dear old dad and *ahem*, “step outside the fence” (in place for their own protection.). They “mess up”, they “err”, they sin, they do wrong, they do not measure up to the standard mom and dad have for them. They disappointed you. Your reaction to this sir? – Oh, I know!- immediately they are disbandoned, debarred, and banned forever from your family, wandered as now orphaned aliens, no longer “worthy” to be called by your family name. Too bad.. but after all- they broke the rules. (and every knows, our house has rules!).
Now- over at my house sir, we too “have rules”, and I expect and hope my youngin’s will obey. If they do-aren’t we all happy and doesn’t this ship sail smoothy through the seas. But, the little urchins are mischievous and tend to wander from time to time. Hey ma- “fetch me…. “the belt!” (you ever been “whupped” as a child?)- it hurts, but somehow- the board of education expertly and skillfully applied to the seat of knowledge, somehow tends to do the work intended by the parent and that is correction of (both) the child’s attitude and actions. “Chastisement” when properly applied works.
Meanwhile (back at the ranch) my neighbor’s children are little hellions. Running amok and living lives of wanton, reckless behavior- I am helpless to do anything to correct their behavior other than engage and emplore the parent. “Please, do something about your children.” I cannot discipline other peoples children. (regardless of my “want-to.”)
Therefore “chastisement” is a mark of ownership. (Savvy?). This is (one way) we can know we belong to Him!- and dear brother- if we belong to Him- I can guarantee you (ouch!!!)- He has a “way” (usually involving some sort of pain) to get our *ahem* attention. Once we realize and recognize- “how this works”, we then may live with focused attention (kavannah) and intentional purpose to do the will of G-d, that which pleases Him. (If you love me- keep my commandments.)
Again, dear family, “if” we belong to Him- there will be, (may I repeat?), there will be a heart change.
As we enter into this new relationship and learn what it means to “walk by faith” (to do what He says-obedience), to strive to live our common everyday lives with a new awareness of our identity and status (in Christ), there will be a (dipso fatso) radical transformation of our “want-to”. (the yetzer hara).
I no longer “want” to sin!- Isn’t that amazing? I hate sin. I am no longer running towards sin, I am running away. I am (intentionally) turning from sin and (intentionally) moving toward the Savior. I want to live my live (wide open) in front of His holy eyes. Total transparency toward G-d and man- “rightly related.”
Now, for those who are Torah obedient- these are my words- first word: “amen”. May it ever be, but don’t stop here.. there is so much more “in Christ.” Listen (again) to the words of the mother of Yeshua: “Whatever He says unto you- do it.” When we can say with Rabbi Sha’ul- “for me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain”, – this is our goal, and this is the center- “Christ.” To hear, at the end of days- “well done, thou good and faithful servant”, will be worth every mile and trial.
Meanwhile, (back at the ranch)- if we “claim” to be His, and there has been no change in behavior, and we still are living lives of rebellion and reckless behavior, thinking (incorrectly) “I” am the captain of my fate, “I” am the master of my destiny.., Grace will still be seeking, for our G-d is a tireless Hunter/Lover.
-For G-d is not willing that any should perish, but that “all” should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3.9)
Sin kills. It maims, destroys, divides, and in the end, unless we repent, we will be defeated. We’re goin’ down. Left on our own, we are no match for the dominion/authority/power of sin. But, (praise His name) there is a (much) greater power. There is a much greater authority. There is a conquering, living Savior who destroyed the authority and dominion of sin. This is the power of His (tslav) cross. Want to know more? Is this your “heart’s desire?” Ask, and you will receive..- Seek- and you will find.. Knock- and it (the way of salvation/deliverance/freedom/life) shall be opened unto you.
Once again..(without comment) straight from the Book of books: “What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace might increase? May it never be!” Romans 6:1-2. (amen)
All wound up … as usual …
Just gotta love the south of the Mason-Dixon Line lexicon “add ins”
Brother … you are correct indeed! The LORD will chastise and rebuke those of HIS own …. those that are loved by HIM … as it is written!
Only a single comment. It is important not to forget that God’s covenant applies to Israel as a people, not to every person. Israel is chosen, not every person in Israel (Paul’s argues as much). The remnant, the insufficiency of bloodline and ethnic association, the entry of Gentiles all point to a covenant with a people. If this is so, then where did we get the idea that salvation is guaranteed for the individual?
“The invention of “once saved, always saved” as a gate pass to heaven is a terrible heresy. ”
Amein, Amein and Amein!
I have been battling this nonsensical heresy for years … frankly there are very few things which irk my Spirit more than this horrible lie!
And please let us not bring up discussion of being “sealed by Ruach HaKodesh” … Sha’ul himself was filled with Ruach and performed many signs and wonders and works of faith … yet what was his advice? … Work out salvation in fear and trembling!
And Skip … I see you have come up with your own version of First John |4| The one making the
claim, “I have da’as of Him” and not being shomer over His mitzvot is a shakran (liar) and in this one HaEmes is not.
The sheer audacity of us people at times simply amazes me!
Well then, s’more of the south of the Mason Dixon line add-ins. I went to church today with my family to worship (corporately). All well and good- however- I got to thinkin’ (that’s what we do here in the South), “what if I was to be kersmacked by one of those big rigs passin’ up and down I-40 on the way to church? Well, if’n (sometimes we say if’n) I was to become a “statistic’ out there on the highway, what guarantee would I have of being accepted before the One (and only One BTW), who is the Judge? Why should He let me into His heaven? Heaven is a perfect place. (Do you agree?) G-d is holy. (Do you agree?)
Well, here I am- dead as a doornail, and standing before Him. What now? Is G-d going to bring out a set of scales and weigh my “good works” against my “bad”? After all, (other than living here is the South, I’m really not that bad of a guy- at least I don’t think so.. So may I ask? (those who know..) what would “qualify” me for the shall we say..- “afterlife”. Or is there even such a thing as life after death? What is the one thing that “separates” me from Him? According to Isaiah 59:2 -“But your iniquities have separated you from your G-d; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.” Sin separates. Sin contaminates. Sin corrupts. What can we do about this? Try harder?
Peter is “out there” and about to drown. “Lord, save me” was his short (but very effective) prayer. Well Peter, if you just try harder. Peter, you just aren’t “good enough”. Peter, let me tell you all about the Law you have been neglecting. Peter asked for deliverance. His was a short, direct, to the point and (I guarantee it), a heartfelt prayer,- “LORD, save me”. (Matthew 14.30) (Yeshua was quick to answer,- and don’t you know Peter was glad for it.)
So, I have no guarantee of eternal life (in this life). I must live my life as a question mark then, instead of an exclamation point. My friend- please. “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.
My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.” So, how long then is “eternal?” How long is “forever?”- 10 minutes? okay then- I”ll try really hard and I just know I can go at least thirty minutes or even an hour without sinning. But (wiping away the sweat from his forehead) after these (most strenuous) thirty minutes, I sin, -well, there goes my salvation. No longer a son- back to being a sinner and now I need to become born again- again. We’ll just start the whole process over again. I just hope I don’t die between sinning and repenting- that would not leave me in good standing, now would it?
So, who is this guy? (me) I am a sinner, (eternally and forever) saved by grace. (still, very much though, a sinner,- worse than that,- a Southern sinner- what a rube! But I’m in good company- Rabbi Sha’ul felt the same way about himself- poor guy- “Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?” Yes, Paul, excellent question sir,- “Who” indeed? (not a “what” but a “who!”) -Who is our Deliverer? Who is our Defender?
Rabbi Sha’ul himself, the equivalent of a triple PhD, needed deliverance. (These are his words). Praise G-d, by the time we reach Romans chapter 8 (thank you Hugo,) I believe Paul found the peace he was seeking.
I would like to bring out here that in Romans 8:15-16 and also several places in 1 John He tells us how we can know we are saved and in Ephesians He points out He is the one who does the action of making us His child. Jesus said, that all of whom the Father gave Him were His, and no one could pluck them out of His hand, which includes me getting myself unsaved. If a person is born of His Spirit it is His power that keeps them and there will be change in desire, because His desires come into their spirit when He comes in. You will not have to be told that you should please God. Once you have recognized His love and fellowship responding to you by His Spirit bearing witness with yours, His normal want to will become normal in you. James 4:5-6 points this out also. When you find you don’t want to there are usually 2 reasons. One can be that satan is saying to you in some way, “hath God really said, and does He really care?” or some other lie to make God look like a bad Father, or, you have looked at all the good things that a Christain should be, and should be doing, and you are finding yourself trying to please by doing them all in your own power to meet the expectations of the perfect mark of righteousness, which results in finding yourself striving in futility, frustration, and disappointment in trying to be, and do it all, until self condemnaton drives you away from desiring to be a Christian. He is the only perfect Christian and the only one who meets the standard, so surrendering to the reality of His own ability to live in your vessel by His own power, is the only means to any ability to obey. If you find your are losing the desire to obey and not enjoying Him then it may be you are fighting surrender of some area of your life to Him, or holding on to thinking you are able to perform God life by human ability. It is impossible. We don’t save ourselves, and we can’t operate His life by human ability. If He is in you, you will find His desires are also in you, and if His are allowed to operate, you will find peace and be able to follow. If you try it by yourself you will still be eating off the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil instead of partaking of His life and mind. He said He is able to finish what He started in you, and no matter how you interpret that, if a person is really His child, and they try to turn from Him or as you, Skip, showed us, we get out of the fence, I can promise you from experience you will not be happy without Him. You will never again be able to find anyone, or anything more secure or fulfulling anywhere else, and one way or the other, His love will follow after you and bring you to the end of you, even if it means breaking the sheep’s leg, and He will carry you back. Some people refer to what Paul said about some who tasted and went away, could not come back, as proof we could get ourselves unsaved, but tasting is not swollowing. Once He has been received into you and you have really met Him personally, if you try turning from Him you will find out just how powerfully able He is to let you know you are still His.
With love from Him,
Thanks for the affirmation of God’s eternal love and compassion – and His unwavering and relentless effort to bring HIs people to Him, no matter what the cost (to both parties).
dear sister Kay,– you are a Hallelujah delight!
“Some people refer to what Paul said about some who tasted and went away, could not come back, as proof we could get ourselves unsaved, but tasting is not swallowing.”
Hi Kay,
I was just thinking about Heidegger this morning, in relation to Drew’s remarks about Hebrew.
About how language can be like a “Prison House;” and how hard it is to escape from our Greek prison.
Reading your comments make me think about Heidegger because you have packed so many concepts into your “box” up there that it is like reading Heidegger.
Reading Heidegger in English is no easy task, but it is easier than learning the Hebrew alphabet for me.
About the only thing I can remember about Hebrew is what a few of the names signify in the alphabet.
And I really love the significations.
For example, A’-leph is Ox and Beth is House (and my first date was with our neighbor Beth Hoy).
And your statement above makes me think of Vav or Hook, because once the fish swallows the hook, it can’t get away.
The Hook makes me think of Hemmingway’s Old Man and the Sea and the great fish against the sharks.
Hemmingway also wrote a lot about the bulls in Madrid and the bull is an uncastrated Ox.
Those things in my box are from having experienced the power of His love which He revealed personally when I received the gift of Himself as my Savior. His love is not like a hook on a fish that can’t get away, which is a good description of satan’s power over mankind since Adam took his bait, but my box is about God’s love shown when He came to lay down His life to save us from being enslaved to that hook of sin and death and being the fish swimming futilly to our own death. But if that is all that came to your mind in reading it, then perhaps that is not a box written for you to understand right now. Keep searching through all those other sources and see what you find.
Skip’s article and the comments following have evoked an emotion in me that is best expressed by Erin O’Donnell in the song, “Wide Open,” from her CD, “Scratching the Surface.” Here are the lyrics:
I curse the day I thought enough
Of myself to trickle out
From the under side of Your big thumb
And make my way about
A prodigal without a game
A rebel without guts
But that weakness brought me home again
When I had had enough
And that’s why I’m
Wide open, torn in two
And finally I’m ready now
To fall back into You
I dreamed a dream once
Of me and You
Me peeking ‘round every corner
And You just out of view
I’d sometimes see a coat tail
Or maybe just a shoe
But lying here wide open now
I’m seeing all of You
And that’s why I’m
Wide open, torn in two
And finally I’m ready now
To fall back into You
With everything pulled away
You can get inside
Where I’m wide open
With nothing left to hide
I’ve got to turn my face away
I cannot meet Your eyes
There are no secrets anymore
No thing hidden from sight
Wide open….
That’s why I’m wide open,
Torn in two
Finally I’m ready now
To fall back into You
With everything pulled away
You can get inside
Where I’m wide open
With nothing left to hide
Wide open
Wide open
Once saved always saved? And no discussion on the Atonement? Pelagianism has created man-centered religion, man-centered politics, and man-centered culture wherever it becomes the governing view. Nothing’s changed in 2,000 years. Because if Christ has not paid the penalty for our sins, past, present and future, then we ultimately save ourselves.