The Lamborghini
Lord, all my desire is before You; and my sighing is not hidden from You. Psalm 38:10
Desire – “My desire,” says David. The Hebrew is ta’awah – desire, delight, bounty, craving and greed. Havvah used the same word when she described the aesthetic, cognitive and physical beauty of the fruit of that Tree. It was desirable. David meditates about his desires and discovers that none of them are hidden from the Lord. Go ahead. Make your own list. Mine includes this – a Lamborghini 6.0 VT. It is desirable to me. There are lots of things that could go on the list. Most of them involve money, sex or power in some form or another. None of them are hidden from God. He knows us through and through. He even knows those personal, intimate desires that we struggle to set aside in order to let Him provide His desires. But if we really admit it, sometimes they still hang around the edges, don’t they?
It might be important to notice that this psalm is not addressed to YHWH or to Elohim (God). In this psalm, the word “Lord” isn’t a substitute for YHWH. This psalm is addressed to Adonai, Lord. Actually, it is addressed to my Lord. David usually sings his praises to YHWH (used more than 400 times in the Psalms). Sometimes he employs the class noun of status, Elohim. But Adonai is only used about 50 times. Why would David use this fairly rare expression when he expresses his desires?
Adonai places emphasis on the sovereignty of the Most High. He is the Lord. As such, He is certainly king David’s lord. Even the king owes allegiance to Him. Even the king must put Adonai’s requests before the king’s desires. But the Lord knows the hearts of those who serve Him. As Lord, He takes responsibility for the well-being of His servants. A servant lives to carry out the will of his master, but a master accepts the obligation of the well-being of those who serve him. Perhaps David’s use of Adonai is a reminder to himself (and to God) that as a servant, his personal desires are concerns of his master. God does care about Lamborghinis. Actually, He cares about Skip’s desire concerning Lamborghinis. That doesn’t mean He desires Skip to have one. God determines what is good for His servants because He actually knows what is good – for us and for Him. But even if God knows that a Lamborghini is not really good for Skip, He also knows that Skip has a desire for Lamborghinis. As long as Skip acknowledges that God actually knows about this desire, and Skip leaves it in his Master’s hands, the desire will only draw servant and Master closer. It is a matter of submission to the benevolent understanding of the Master. It is a matter of trusting that the Master knows and will do what is best for all. It is not a matter of ignoring, rejecting or dismissing the desire. The desire is simply a symptom of passion and passion is what makes us truly human. But passion unchecked by submission is like fruit picked from the Tree. Poisonous, destructive, deadly.
Topical Index: desire, Lord, Adonai, Psalm 38:10
“Desire – “My desire,” says David. The Hebrew is ta’awah – desire, delight, bounty, craving and greed.”
Hi Skip,
The meaning of desire has always been a theme of great interest to me.
And my experience with the Lamborghini was one of great meaning.
But my desire is at an all time low at this juncture.
At least in so far as it relates to “delight, bounty, craving, and greed.”
I had my “day in court” some time ago and it was good fun indeed.
But it lacked one very important dimension.
It left me wondering about the truth.
My desire today is the same as it was three years ago.
I’d like some “open communication” regarding the truth
Just one more point about my (little) desire.
Many might know about the game.
But only one person knows the truth.
And my desire for the truth is strong as ever.
Good morning all. Praise Adonai for the rest He gave to me last night. I continue to heal from my shoulder surgery and I most assuredly know- this healing is a process. There are necessary ingredients for this healing to occur and one of these is rest. Thank you for your prayers to the Great Physician, Jehovah-Rapha, our G-d who heals.
When you are wounded yourself, you notice other wounded people, moreso than if you are well. There is a name for this phenomenon: “reticular activation.” My eyes have been sensitized to suffering. Right now, my “strong desire” is for healing, but underneath this desire is another. Layers or levels of desire? Right now, brother Skip I could be given a bright yellow, shiny pile of bling on wheels as a gift -(thank you to all who would offer it)- and it would be nice, but would it meet my needs?
I ‘spose what we (all) need to do, or could do, is make a list. Today I need: ????
We have been given a wonderful promise in G-d’s book. A very familiar verse, (I hope), to all- “But my G-d shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 4:19.
I see (again) in these verse the “personal”- “my G-d”, Adonai. “But Adonai shall supply.” Could we say then He is the Source of our supply? The Supplier of our need? Our Provision and Provider?
If I may be so intrusive as to ask, Has Adonai ever met a need for you, but more than this- have you known it to be so? Have you known this “gift” was from Him, -the Giver of all good gifts? (Did you say thank you?)
Luke 17:11-19
-On the way to Jerusalem He was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. (12) And as He entered a village, He was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance (13) and lifted up their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” (14) When he saw them He said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went they were cleansed. (15) Then one of them, when He saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; (16) and He fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving Him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. (17) Then Jesus answered, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? (18) Was no one found to return and give praise to G-d except this foreigner?” (19) And He said to him, “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.”
What was the need of these ten lepers? Did Yeshua meet this need? Of the ten who were healed, how many returned to thank Him? -Where are the nine? -Am I among the nine?
Thank God for allowing you to bring clarity to this i appreciate it in relationship to my passion and desires, it is God’s appointed time in which i can understand and recieve it. God Bless your labor in His Word.
Skip, really good message!!!!
Two songs come to mind after reading Skip’s great column:
“Needing You” Vicky Beeching
Father, You are my shelter
You are my place to rest and hide
Father, You’re my Creator
You are the One who gives me life
I can’t live without You
Even for a day
Laying down my pride, I simply say
I am needing You
And I’ll be needing You a lifetime long
I am needing You
And as I offer up this fragile song
In my weakness, You are strong 3:13 MIN
“This Is My Desire” Hillsong
This is my desire, to honor You
Lord, with all my heart I worship You
All I have within me
I give You praise
All that I adore is in You
Lord, I give You my heart
I give You my soul
I live for You alone
Every breath that I take
Every moment I’m awake
Lord, have Your way in me 7:49 MIN
Here’s another favorite of mine: “Draw Me Close”
Draw me close to You
Never let me go
I lay it all down again
To hear You say that I’m Your friend
You are my desire
No one else will do
‘Cause nothing else could take Your place
To feel the warmth of Your embrace
Help me find the way
Bring me back to You
You’re all I want
You’re all I’ve ever needed
You’re all I want
Help me know You are near 5:14 MIN
Hi CYndee,
Nice song, thanks for sharing!
“As long as I acknowledge that God actually knows about this desire and I leave it in the Master’s hands, the desire will only draw the servant (me) and Master closer.
A powerful reminder for all of us as we struggle with our desires for (fill in the blank.)
Thanks Skip…this gives me great comfort and renewed strength to hold on and keep my eyes on Him.