The Man With The Gun
O Israel, you are destroyed, but your help is in Me! Hosea 13:9
Help – One of the most important themes of Scripture is the sovereignty over the history of men. This is a significant part of the Exodus drama. The prophets consistently proclaim God’s total control of the affairs of all men, righteous or wicked. Of course, this does not mean that the Scriptures relieve men of culpability for choices. This only means that God has the last word about everything. When God declares that Israel is destroyed, He sets aside Israel’s reliance on treaties, weapons or even temple rituals. Israel’s disobedience brings destruction. The problem is not negotiated alliances. The problem is idolatry. The rot is from within. Stop looking to other nations, other alignments, other sources of strength or security. YHWH is Israel’s help.
Before we reflect on the implications of YHWH’s declaration, let’s take a look at the noun He employs. The Hebrew is ve’ezreka, from the root verb ‘azar. There is quite a bit of difficulty about how to translate this phrase. Some contend it means something like “you are helpless without Me;” some suggest “Who is there to help you?” and some (like the NASB above) see the phrase as a statement, not a question. Regardless of the syntax, the root verb is always ‘azar. Without God, Israel is defenseless. He is help (in fact, the copula “is” does not appear in the phrase).[1]
‘azar is the verb behind ‘ezer, a word that describes God’s multi-faceted relationship with Israel. What functions does God perform as the ‘ezer of Israel? Exodus 18:4 – God delivers from the hand of the oppressor. He rescues from danger. Deuteronomy 33:7 – God assists, supports and reinforces Israel against her enemies. Psalm 33:20 – God is our shield, delivering us from death and showering us with lovingkindness (hesed – a much bigger concept than this single word can convey). Psalm 70:5 – God provides in times of affliction and need. Psalm 115:9 – God is the one that Israel must trust (see also Psalm 115:11). Psalm 146:5 – When God is ‘ezer, Israel is blessed and has hope.
The various expressions from the root word include military aid, social and moral support, deliverance, salvation, enclosure (protection) and general assistance. What is most revealing is this: God is always the assumed source of true help. For this reason, the noun ‘ezer is often used to describe the character of God. He is the helper par excellence. ‘Azar means “to rescue or save or to excuse.” The general sense is military assistance. In contrast to the gods of idolatry, it is God’s nature to help. You don’t have to convince Him, appease Him, placate Him or prove your worthiness in order for Him to act on your behalf. Aside from the fact that false gods are false, the distinctive difference between YHWH and idols is this: God helps in spite of our unworthiness. God showered His love on us when we were still acting as His enemies. He helps when we least deserve it.
Israel failed to realize that YHWH offered help even when they didn’t deserve it. Consequently, by refusing the offer of grace without pre-requisites, they destroyed themselves.
Now we know how to apply this most difficult Hebrew verse. YHWH is still Israel’s help. That will never change. Those who are grafted into the commonwealth of Israel inherit the great ‘ezer. He stands ready. The only question is this: are we ready to receive His help, or do we still think we need to find other sources of rescue?
Oh, yes. “The Man With The Gun.” The pictograph of ‘azar is “to see, weapon, person.” In Hosea’s world, God arrived with a sword. In our world, God carries a very big gun. He protects His own. But maybe there’s another picture here too. If YHWH is my helper, maybe others see me walking with the man with the gun.
Topical Index: help, ‘azar, Hosea 13:9
[1] Since there is a direct link between ‘azar and God’s design of the ‘ezer (the woman), I wonder what would happen to most marriages if husbands thought of their wives in this same way. She = help.
Interesting message brother Skip. Just like Marcion of old there are many who have major problems with G_D as the ultimate Warrior and conquering King!
It is just so politically correct to view YESHUA as the humble, gentle lamb being led to slaughter. Sadly most folks just do not want to really accept the truth as depicted in Revelations. How unsavory to us to think about a river of blood that is created by the destruction of those who stand against G_D by coming against HIS chosen people!
Oh yes indeed … HE saves most assuredly … but forget this notion of this rescue being accomplished by the faithful being whisked away and placed safely out of harms way! Instead … as is the LORD’s modus operandi … HE will arrive just in time … just when all seems totally lost … when we are completely helpless … just like at the Red Sea! And as glorious as the rescue will be the path of destruction upon the enemies will be staggering!
Man with the gun … hmmm! Perhaps it is more like the rip off that one of the Dune films came up with where Sting (playing the role of the evil Harkkonen) was ripped asunder by the pseudo Messiah … just by voice!
Now talk about scary … HE WHO creates life and destroys life by WORD … certainly the Warrior King I want to serve and have to protect me!
“the Dune films came up with where Sting (playing the role of the evil Harkkonen) was ripped asunder by the pseudo Messiah … just by voice!”
Hi Drew (just typed “Hi Dune”),
Although I have always liked Science Fiction, I have never read Dune or seen the movie; guess I’ll have to watch it some day soon.
What with Sting playing the role of the evil Harkkonen and then ripped asunder by the pseudo Messiah, WOW!
Dune has Max Von Sydow (The Seventh Seal) and a number of other famous actors, and in good Sci Fi tradition it came out in 1984.
I used to like the director David Lynch a lot; my favorite movies of his are Lost Highway (1997) and Mulholland Dr (2001).
But I grew up in the Inland Empire (2006) so I never bothered to watch that one.
oops, forgot to mention that David Lynch’s first movie was called The Alphabet (1968).
It looks very interesting:
The Alphabet hints at what linguists and intellectuals and songwriters have known for centuries.
Words are wholly inadequate to describe even the simplest of human perceptions.
The books are much better but the first of the Dune series films is pretty entertaining.
Dune is a great one! The original (with Sting) is definitely entertaining. They later made it into a mini-series that you can purchase. It’s two DVDs long (I think, maybe 3). And then they made another one (maybe this is the 3rd one I’m thinking of) about his two children and the fulfillment of the prophecy through his son. It’s a lot like Star Wars, actually, in that way.
I’m a nerd. I love Sci Fi, but not the scary stuff… mostly Star Wars, Star Trek, Dune, etc. If you do read Dune, it’s a multi-book series.
(Yeah, it’s off-topic, but I couldn’t resist)
B’rachot Amanda
Off topic? A bit but not all that far!
The Dune series (like the Matrix and others) really must be put into the “Messianic Fantasy” genre … yes?
And … in Dune they did need a “sound gun” … the wierding module if I recall … but in the end the Messiah figure could kill with a word!
b/t/w … I have read the books … way back … but I remember enjoying them very much!
Unfortunately, more often than not, we stand to judge the help that God is offering. In fact, we may think that we would do just the opposite of what God is doing to remedy the situation. Truth is, He can see to the end of the road; we can’t. To Paul, and to us: “My grace is sufficient for you.”