Back on Home Soil

Well, we are back.  After a long day (actually the day was 48 hours long since we got to do Wednesday twice).   Exhausted but home.  No place like it.

So, I will be back into the blogs soon.  Got to go to sleep.


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Judi Baldwin

Welcome home Skip and Rosann,

There’s nothing like that deep, profound sleep that comes after an exhaustingly long transcontinental flight. May you sleep deeply and wake refreshed, focused and energized after your wonderful get-away to Australia.

I’m so glad G-d enabled you to take such a wonderful travel opportunity and brought you home safely.

I (and I’m sure ALL your readers) look forward to more “Amazing Photos by Skip.”

And, of course, we ALL welcome you back to the blog!!


Glad to hear you arrived home safely, Skip and Roseanne. We were very blessed to have you here with us. I trust you had a great time meeting with other readers in Sydney, too. Laura and the boys send their love.

Shalom (and sound sleep!).

Roy W Ludlow

Good to have you back home, Skip. I look forward to sharing with you next week.

carl roberts

Sleep well Skip and Rosanne, for “Behold,-He that keepeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.” (Psalms 121.4). Great to have you back with us, and we hope many wonderful memories of the “Land Down Under,” came home with you.