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diane alvarez

This is another wonderful painting! Where are you getting these photos? Totally love the artist!

Betty Huntington

A very sober looking community.
Hope you’re having a great time in Australia.

carl roberts

Abraham, Moses, Noah, David, Skip. What do all these men have in common? Diversity! Every one is different and unique and this is the work of our Father! Even our own children, born of the same set of parents, living in the same “environment,”-each are unique!
G-d loves all of us, it is true, but even more wonderful to know our Father loves each of us. There is tremendous unity in diversity- this is our Creator and our G-d. How blessed we are to be called the children of G-d.

I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of G-d,
-I’ve been washed in the Fountain,
cleansed by His blood.
Joint-heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod,
Oh, I’m part of the family, -the family of G-d.

Sharon S.

Carl, may I ask where you learned this chorus? I sang it at Bible college and in church fellowships afterward too.

carl roberts

“Sameness” is not “oneness”. He has made us different that He might make us one. This is why we need one another. I have something to offer, and so do you. There is tremendous unity in diversity. Male and female- we are different indeed,- but ooh-la-la, joie oh joie!- oh la différence! There are no “cookie-cutter” Christians! I’m am not Billy Graham and he is not Billy Sunday. We are ourselves, totally one-of-a-kind, formed and fashioned by our infinitely creative Creator,Artist,Designer and Chief Engineer. “Fearfully and wonderfully made” according to the word of G-d. Each a living stone, -together we are the body and bride of Christ. We swim together, play together, work together, fellowship together and together- we follow Him.
I love vanilla ice cream and the color green. (You know where I’m going with this!-lol!) Get on down to Baskin Robbins today and marvel at all the flavors. Go buy yourself the “big box” of Crayola crayons!- (I still remember my first “big box!”- what a joy it was to see all the colors!) Celebrate diversity! Celebrate the Savior, for He is LORD of all!!


“Sameness is not oneness. He has made us different that He might make us one. This is why we need one another.”

My brother … myself along with some mishpocha just this past Shabbat Erev undertook an exercise which had us relate to each other seven aspects of our individual relationship with The LORD! What we found was sameness but individual uniqueness as well!

All of us converse with our LORD regularly … but the manifestation of how conversations occur is often different.

All of us are moved in compassion but the output of this compassion is often times different.

We all pray regularly … but our prayer life … and even our prayers are variable … and so forth!

What we found is, despite our individual perspectives and relationship with our LORD, that we share a common bond and unity in HIS SPIRIT!

So I would offer up that sameness can indeed equate to oneness … I suppose it just depends on what common aspects are being scrutinized. Obedience for instance is surely a better measuring stick than dress code … or perhaps a malleable heart is a better gauge than a shared liturgical tradition.

So perhaps we might end up looking like different cookies but it would seem that we should all be formed of the same dough! The dough of course being the HOLY LUMP (YESHUA) … without leavening!



That is a beautiful photo and I love the faces on the fish, because they look so human.

Maybe they should be a little more upbeat though, considering how safe and well fed they are.

Even though they are underwater, they could be a lot worse off, out in the ocean (Think: sharks).

But I can empathize with them.

I would certainly rather take my chances with the sharks and dangerous currents.

And be in the ocean off the beaches of Aruba.

Than stuck in an aquarium, underwater, with a bunch of like-minded fish 🙂

carl roberts

Therefore, if anyone is united with the Messiah, he is a new creation – the old has passed; look, what has come is fresh and new! And it is all from G-d, who through the Messiah has reconciled us to Himself and has given us the work of that reconciliation, which is that G-d in the Messiah was reconciling mankind to himself, not counting their sins against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore we are ambassadors of the Messiah; in effect, G-d is making his appeal through us. What we do is appeal on behalf of the Messiah, “Be reconciled to G-d! G-d made this sinless man be a sin offering on our behalf, so that in union with Him we might fully share in God’s righteousness.” (2 Corinthians 5.17-21)

Remember, you are unique!!.. (just like everyone else..). I was so special for at least a millisecond! lol!
Excuse my overstating the obvious but have you noticed the incredible diversity in creation? No need to try and prove the obvious is there? Of course there is variety, we are not blind,-or are we?
So we should each “go are own way?” You live your (unique) life and I’ll live mine, and we’ll try to get along with each other? This sounds really good except for one thing.- It is not G-d’s plan. Our unity (no matter who or where we are is found in One Source. I truly believe- (this is a Carl-ism-I should patent this word, right?) G-d’s favorite number is one! One LORD, one faith, one baptism, one flesh, one spirit. Our diversity is obvious to a fifth grader, but our unity exists through Him. As we each draw closer to G-d (the Source) we then draw closer to each other.
My little children (the peas) issued forth from the same pod, and I love each of them and all of them. Abraham, Moses and Noah- each (and all) had a very special relationship with Elohim, and so do we- however, this unity with YHWH is critical in each of our lives and should be our number one priority in our daily living. If my heart is rightly-related with Him (and so is yours)- we will also be attracted to each other by His Ruach HaKodesh living within us.
A little about me. I love diversity! (I really do!)- and I think (another Carl-ism) you do too!- That is unless you really, really love vanilla ice cream and could eat it at every meal! -I am reminded of a Far Side cartoon (I miss Gary Larson)- As the dog approaches his dish, put out for him by his master, the thought cartoon over the dog’s head said, -“oh boy!, -dog food!” Another Carl-ism, (I’m full of something this morning!- lol!- I also believe we (all) fear “sameness!”
Oh, I see these kids with orange hair, and studs in the nose, and piercings on the face, tatoos on the neck, etc., -and what are they striving for? What is trying to be said here? What is the statement being made? “I’m different?” I’m not like them, I’m unique!” -If only we knew how much our Father loves each of us- just the way we are. It drives me batty, -people not knowing the love of G-d. I’m going nutz to tell them.
I counseled my daughter, who just recently graduated from a university with a Christian world-view, as she entered her first semester- be who you are. G-d made you just as you are. Be who you are,- in Him. Our identity, our sense of worth, our mission and our purpose are all found “in Christ.” -How blessed we are to be called by His name.


“my daughter, who just recently graduated from a university with a Christian world-view”

Hi Carl,

I’m very happy to hear about your daughter, because I think that is a great accomplishment!

It was very painful for me when I could no longer keep my daughter in King’s Academy.

And that is an understatement.

My wife takes the kids to a Christian church and they participate in summer programs.

But because of my limited exposure to the kids, I find myself focusing on my priorities.

And my priorities turn out to be one God (of the Jews) and the Son of God, the Model.

God has a set of expectations, is conscious of our actions, and our actions have consequences.

The Lord’s Prayer is very important, so learn to use it.

I’ll come back to Skip’s comment on colleges, because that is a more complicated issue for me.