Hands And Feet
“But they become disobedient and rebelled against You, and cast Your law behind their backs and killed Your prophets who had admonished them so that they might return to You, and they committed great blasphemies.” Nehemiah 9:26
Blasphemies – The Hebrew words ne’atsot gedolot tell us that blasphemy is not limited to verbal expressions. In fact, it is possible to blaspheme against God without uttering a word. Nehemiah makes this abundantly clear when he associates blasphemy with disobedience, rebellion, casting aside God’s Torah and refusing the admonition to repent. Our conception of blasphemy follows the same reduction in theological scope that we find in other Greek-based abridgments. Blasphemy becomes cognitive, not empirical. We think as long as we watch our tongues we have observed the commandment. But not so, says Nehemiah. When we throw out Torah, when we resist the Spirit of repentance, when we disobey His prodding, we blaspheme. Two sins for the price of one.
Ne’atsah (blasphemy) is derived from the verb na’ats, meaning “to deride, to spurn, to despise.” The consonants Nun-Aleph-Tsadik reveal a pictograph of Life-Strength-Desire. But that doesn’t seem right? Life-Strength-Desire seems like something positive, something noble, something beneficial. How can this word be associated with an insult to God? The context provides the answer. Without Torah, the desire for strength of life is a rejection of God’s way of living. Without Torah, the attitudes and actions of life produce an alien god, a god fashioned in our own image. God has revealed His instructions. He has provided His constitution for His governance of His people. Those who cast His law behind them, for whatever reasons, make a terrible mistake.
The verb appears in 2 Samuel 12:14, Isaiah 60:14 and Psalm 10:3. It is often used to describe God rejecting men (cf. Deuteronomy 32:19 and Jeremiah 14:21). Heschel points out that the essence of blasphemy is confusion.[1] Why confusion? Because blasphemy is the endorsement of disorder, of chaos in the guise of enlightened acts. Life contrary to Torah is not only foolish, it is pathetic. It has no promise of lasting significance. It has no affiliation with the complete will of the Father. It works contrary to the character of God. And God is the God of order, not any order but His eternal, holy and righteous order. Blasphemy is life opposed to His direction.
Perhaps it is necessary to take a “fearless moral inventory.” Perhaps we are much closer to ne’atsot gedolot than we imagined. Wherever our hands and feet operate outside of His guidance for living, we attempt to raise up our own gods. Perhaps the prophet’s words, exhorting us to repent, are stinging our ears too.
Topical Index: blasphemy, ne’atsah, Nehemiah 9:26
[1] Abraham Heschel, The Prophets, Vol. 1, p. 78.
“of chaos in the guise of enlightened acts”
Sounds much like out world today.
I wonder, is being afraid and forgetting to trust God blaspheming? My husband went to the hospital the night before last with severe stomach pain. They said it was diverticulitis that had gotten infected, gave him antibiotics and some pain meds and sent him home. So far he’s still not much better, and if he doesn’t start improving soon they may have to do surgery or something like that. That freaks me out for a lot of reasons. Primarily, I love him and I don’t want anything to happen to him. And normally, we’d have insurance and it wouldn’t be too big of a deal financially, but since I’m working in a new district, my insurance doesn’t start until Nov. 1. And even if we could afford COBRA, we opted not to keep him on my insurance plan because it was cheaper to just cover the littles. It feels like a tailspin into chaos. We live with my mom because we can’t afford a place of our own, my oldest has autism and can’t speak yet, both cars are a heartbeat away from a breakdown or a blowout, and now this. I’m overwhelmed. (And if you add to that, some of the spiritual attacks and a major family history of bondage and curses that we’re trying to break… image the chaos.) But in the darkness, there are pinpricks of light. And although it seems bad, there is much blessing and it could be so much worse.
It’s a chance to truly walk by faith. What else can I do? Out in this wilderness there isn’t any food except what God provides from heaven. And there isn’t any water if He doesn’t open a rock. There is nothing but thorns and rocks, and my feet hurt from stumbling. Yet, in the sunrise there is brilliant color painted across the sky. And there is laughter as my children play with the tumbleweed and examine the delicate patterns embedded in the stones. There is a cool breeze caressing my cheek that whispers “remember His faithfulness.” And there is a stillness and a quiet, where, over the pounding of my heart and the tears in my eyes, I am not alone. I will learn to hear, and to wait, and to walk. But mostly, I will learn He is Holy and sovereign and faithful. Hear, Obey, my child. YHWH is GOD, He is One. And I am not alone.
Sorry for pouring out my heart. If you guys could be praying for us, we’d definitely appreciate it. And as David said, “Yet You are holy!”
Remember all things happen for the GOOD of those who love Him!
Goto naturalcures.com then login using my info
griffithstudio@mindspring.com user name
carson password
Click on “find a cure” and scroll down to diverticulitis.
This is the most comprehensive database I have found for curing naturally.
This really works! So just prayerfully consider.
Also very important to flood his body with probiotics because of the antibiotics he is taking.
80% of our health stems from the gut.
Hope this helps
I wonder, is being afraid and forgetting to trust God blaspheming?
No little one. Abraham was afraid of Pharaoh and Abimalech after his encounters with Elyon.
“I wonder, is being afraid and forgetting to trust God blaspheming?”
Hi Pam,
I think being afraid and forgetting to trust are natural responses that need to be managed.
Blasphemy is associated with “disobedience, rebellion, and casting aside God’s Torah.”
Not to mention “refusing the admonition to repent.”
All of the above are conscious, intentional, acts against God’s instructions (Law).
All of the above are conscious, intentional, acts against God’s instructions (Law).
So true. Because they reveal a hard heart at enmity with God.
But The LORD is near to them that are of a broken heart, and saves such as are of a contrite spirit. Ps 34:18
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise. Ps 51:17
For thus saith the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. Isa 57:15
For all those things hath Mine hand made, and all those things have been,” saith the LORD. “But to this man will I look: even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembles at My word. Isa 66:2
A bruised reed shall He not break, and the smoking flax shall He not quench; He shall bring forth judgment unto truth. Isa 42:3 & Mt 12:20
Dear Amanda, there’s no need to apologize for sharing your struggles. We are called to ‘bear one another’s burdens.’ My prayer is probably only one of many others who haven’t written: that you continue to experience YHWH’s presence in the midst of your trials. And even as you pour out your heart to Him, you know that you are not alone. He is a very present help in trouble and He is our Refuge.
I have a plaque on my kitchen wall that states it plainly: “Life isn’t about waiting for the storms to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” Continue to look up and see His glory magnified in your life as you wait upon His provision, daily giving thanks for His faithfulness. I join Carl in exclaiming, “G-d is good all the time! And all the time, G-d is good!!”
Yes, He is good! And I LOVE that plaque. I hate to be wet, so it speaks even more to me.
Thank you for encouraging me! 
thank for for sharing Amanda- I will pause and pray.
Yours is a familiar story. There is a “pattern” here and it is critical (as in life-giving) that you recognize it. Should I first share my story? Should I speak to you from my scars and woundedness?
There was a time, not to long ago. It was a Tuesday. My car was stolen from in front of my house. A very strange feeling to leave the house and see nothing but street. Then came Wednesday. I was laid off from my job and was to remain unemployed for nine months. Wife and two kids to feed. I am the only wage-earner in my family. No transportation, no job- nine months. And life goes on. Bills, etc.
For a man to be without work is not a good thing. (pardon me, but “duh”). G-d figuratively “cut my legs off” and plopped me (legless) on the ground. -Sit. Stay. And the beat goes on.
Then came the voices. I was on my knees and pulling weeds in my back yard, when the voices “showed up.” I believe this was the nadir (the low point) of my life. I was brought low. Not humiliated, but humbled. I don’t know why, but I thought of Nebuchadnezzar eating grass like an animal. (the thoughts that will enter our heads!). Well, I thought, “at least I’m not eating the grass like he did.” Not to long after this another thought entered my head: “no wonder you are where you are- don’t you remember how you have sinned and the rotten things you have done in your lifetime? A history of sins were being “paraded” for my viewing pleasure. Not. Nevertheless, I was under attack, and being accused. The long, bony finger of accusation. You are guilty. I could almost feel the press of the finger. Another crushing moment. Another nadir. My head was hanging in shame. Shame, shame and more shame. On my knees, no job, no future, no hope, and guilty as charged. Feeling the crush.
Then another thought, another voice. It was Romans 8:1. Where this came from- I don’t know. It just “showed up.” “There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” “No condemnation.” I had (for lack of better words), what I have come to call- an “aha” moment. G-d gave me a gift that day. He saw my need and He gave something to me. Allow me to pause here and say- all of G-d’s gifts are good. All of them. Why? Because the One who gives them is good.
It was on that day. A day to be remembered and recalled, G-d “showed up.” That is what He does, He shows up. And He brought something with Him and gave it to me. Here Carl, this is for you! lol!
He gave to me the gift of discernment. You see, there were two voices (and two choices) present that day. One was the voice of the Accuser. You are a sinner. One was the voice of the Comforter. Carl, G-d does not condemn you, you belong to Him and you are His. Did tears fall on that day? Yesssssssssss, they did- and in no small number.
All this is happening in some obscure corner of the world, some nameless (soon to be homeless) person in a weedy back yard. Amanda, G-d showed up that day and “spoke” to me. I heard (maybe for the first time), His voice, written in Romans 8:1. I was living in that moment, inside of Romans 8:1. “No condemnation.”
All well and good we may say, but what about the nine months and the bills that tend to accumulate?
I can promise this much. I am not your “go-to” guy when it comes to finances. I intensely dislike having to balance my checkbook. Some may enjoy this activity,- I’m not one of them. But the bottom line here is- G-d (somehow- please don’t ask me how- I don’t know) provided. He was faithful. (and I was blessed!)
All this “time,” my relationship with YHWH is growing. G-d has me where He wants me now..- my full and focused attention. The Hebrew word for this is “kavannah.” I am in the process of learning (maybe for the first time), how to “listen.” lol!- how often do we come to G-d?- listen LORD, your servant speaks, instead of “speak LORD, your servant listens?- lol!
“When the student is ready, the Teacher will show up.” I had been “meeked”, and now my Father is ready to show Himself strong on my behalf. This is “the turning point.”
This “story” continues to unfold. This was not my last crisis either. No, no and no! Ha! Open heart surgery, melonoma cancer, and now (even now!- lol!) a torn rotator cuff- I am a paperweight that eats! Six weeks wearing a 24/7 sling and of “non-productivity.” lol! Is G-d teaching me during this time? -I laugh on your lapel! He is constantly teaching us. That is, -for those who will listen.
G-d “commands” (actually “asks” us) to pray for one another. The talmudim (disciples/learners) came to Yeshua (the Master/Teacher) and asked Him: “LORD, teach us to pray.” G-d has been teaching us since “the beginning.” -Are we listening?
Amanda- you are not alone. Never alone. There are those who have traveled before you and those who will travel this pathway after you. YHWH is never “random” in anything He does. Where G-d “guides”, G-d provides. If He takes you to it- He’ll take you through it. He did not say to His disciples- “hey y’all, let’s go out to the middle of the lake and drown.” No, – if only we would listen to His words,- He said: “let us go over to the other side!”
“Can G-d furnish a table in the wilderness?” (pardon me… lol!!) Yes, He can! and Yes!- He does! – All the time- every time. -Amen?
Good morning Amanda and Carl,
Take heart YHVH will never leave you nor forsake you. He is preparing you. Carl you are right on about not taking any accusations from HaSatan.
We had our Job (as in the book of Job) experience about 20 yrs. ago. We were brought down from a life of 6 figure income’s self employment and fame, to poverty and illness in three months. I’ve never been so close and intimately cared for in my life as when YHVH put me in a sickbed for over a year and forced me to stop and turn aside to behold Him in a burning bush, while he did the same independent of me to my husband while he beat himself to pieces trying to pay rent and feed us. We lived in miracles moment by moment and we knew it. It was preparation for a ministry by faith when it was all over and the story hasn’t ended yet.
We never know when or where He will send us and we never know how He will finance it but He does. But we first had to learn that we could not do His work in our own strength because no one is sufficient for the task but Him. After 18 months of total dependency on Him which resulted in deliverance after deliverance in every aspect of trouble we’d gotten ourselves into, we were transformed to the point that He could begin to send us.
Today our great task is to REMEMBER His goodness to us as we go from one place to the next. The difficulties of each place seems to be preparation for the larger difficulties of the next. That’s why keeping Torah is so monumentally important to us. He has been hammering it into our souls for the last 3 years as never before. We had started thinking. “Oh He’s done with these two silly old people. Maybe we’re retired now”. LOL LOL LOL LOL No little ones He said. Brace yourself. I’m preparing you to weather a typhoon of biblical proportions. You must be my witnesses in utter darkness someday not to far in the future. The comfort of that is that We are His and He is ours. That’s why He sends us.
You are precious in His sight. A special treasure. Pearls of great price. Stones in His temple.
YHVH Bless you and Keep you.
Pam, thank you for sharing your story. It’s so helpful to hear others’ stories of God’s faithfulness. It does help me to remember. It’s discouraging because I feel like this is a storm that has lasted years (it has – almost 5 years). BUT, everyone here is right. I am not alone (I have God, and I have this wonderful community), and I have not been forgotten by YHWH. And, somehow, we will hang onto His hand and weather this storm, too. We’re being prepared for something.
Thanks again.
Hi Carl,
Thank you for bubbling over with Living Water as you contribute to this blog almost daily. May YHWH’s love and power bring the healing and restoration you need.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZI2gOBvBHk&feature=related Mandisa singing, “God Speaking” Be blessed!
Carl, you have such a gift with words! Thank you for your encouragement.
I fully believe this is a test. There is so much to learn! He has always been SO faithful in the past, and I know He will not stop being faithful now. It’s learning to walk and not just “know” all these things.
And then I read Skip’s post today (10/7), and I am so reminded of how much more I have, even as I have so little. It’s a dose of humility.
Thank you, again!
Good morning Amanda and Carl.
Thanks for taking the time for sharing where you are are at and glimpses of were the King is taking you!
Please know our heart and prayers go out to you and yours.
Always for your best and His Glory!
thank you Brian. As Skip has shared with us, we are in this -“together.” YHWH revealed to me several years ago,leading me all the way,- “it’s not about me, it’s not about you, (or him or her either!), but it is about “us.” We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. G-d always speaks to a human heart -through a human heart.
Hi Carl – please know our prayers for you and yours – in every encounter with God, every leading, every challenge and every awesome, quiet moment.
Hi Amanda – We, too, have had some “really interesting” financial experiences these last few years… but what we don’t have to worry about in the UK is how we will meet medical bills – I am so thankful to God our health service. Please know our prayers for you and the family. Can I ask something, though? Without giving me the specifics, what do you actually mean when you say “…some of the spiritual attacks and a major family history of bondage and curses that we’re trying to break…”?
I know that not everyone believes in demons and demon possession and attacks, but my husband’s family has a long history: his father was a sniper in Vietnam, they spent years and years in Hawaii, his mother is descended from druids, his middle younger brother used to be in a coven, and his youngest younger brother (and my husband) is dealing with a demon (or more than one) whom he unknowingly gave permission to as a child and actually manifests these things. They HATE the thought of giving him up, and hate the thought of giving up MY children (!) even more! I’m sure there are issues in my past that have some weight that I don’t know of.
Vietnam: curses places outside foxholes and on the soldiers who fought there to the second and third generation for sickness, poverty, unemployment, addiction (all have plagued this family for years).
Hawaii: a deep tradition of false religion, still worshiped today, and “vengence” is often sought over those who leave the island
Both my husband and my brother in law, and soon my father in law and mother in law, meet with a pastor who is used to dealing with spiritual bondage and harrassment. It’s been CRAZY to hear the stories of what they’ve been dealing with together. And it makes me FURIOUS that these things have a hold on my children that they don’t want to relinquish. I WILL NOT let another generation be cursed or bound for sins of their forefathers or things they did not commit.
I know there are a lot of people who will probably think that this is superstition or silly or weird. It is. But it hits home when someone you love suddenly turns into someone you don’t know and speaks with a voice you haven’t heard, or starts to shriek when I put on one of Skip’s mp3 teachings (that was kind of funny) or worship music. Weird? Maybe. But it’s a reality that I’m dealing with. And I feel very unprepared for the fight.
My husband has worked on the mission field and faced these issues before, and he’s always felt that God has a role for him to play in this area. Perhaps that’s part of why we’re facing this battle now.
Sorry, that got long.
I hope I didn’t freak out too many people. And, I know it’s rather specific, but it’s hard to explain without being specific. What is in the dark will be made light. I would rather speak openly than hide.
A speaker at my church said last week, “We must beat back the darkness until it bleeds daylight.” I thought that was really awesome – kind of a motto for us right now, I guess. Let the darkness be torn until all that can be seen is the light of YHWH.
Amanda, thank you for bringing these things to “light”. Light is that which reveals. Imagine yourself sitting in a dentist’s chair. (Hopefully we’ve all been there!) What is the purpose of this light “glaring” into your mouth? -to “reveal” rot and decay. We (according to G-d’s book are (now) the children of light. This bright light are G-d’s words,-all of them. All of G-d’s words are Torah. “thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” “Every word of Adonai is pure.” “It’s all good!” lol!
A quick review of John 14.26: I am using the “Amplified Bible” for this because this needs to be amplified, announced, uncovered,unfolded and revealed. John 14:26 (Amplified Bible)
“But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.” And for some additional “Hebraic” clarification, to bring this wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit into a clearer focus, let us call “Him” by the name “Ruach HaKodesh”- the Holy Wind, the Holy Breath, or the Breath of G-d.
Our breath “pushes” our words out of our mouths. The Ruach HaKodesh is the Breath of G-d. “Shalom aleikhem!” Yeshua repeated. “Just as the Father sent me, I myself am also sending you.” Having said this, He breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Ruach HaKodesh!
“He breathed on them” Who did He breath on? (the talmudim, the disciples,the learners,-us). We (who are His) too have been given this gift. The gift of the Breath of G-d. What is the purpose of this gift? Return to John 14.26 and let G-d’s (living) word(s) speak. To teach and to remind us of what? “Everything of what I (the Master/Teacher) have told you.” “Remember”- the talmudim/disciples/learners/fishermen/us referred to Him as “Rabboni!” “Teacher”.
“Without me you can do nothing” -who said this? “Ask, and you shall receive” -who said this? (The ONE who never lies).
What now? What about today? oh- I remember.. He said, -“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” I remember. Thank you Breath of G-d for reminding me. Shine your holy,bright light upon me this day, reveal my sin that I may ask forgiveness. Enable and empower us, sweet Strength of G-d to live and walk in the revelation of G-d’s instructions. Cause us- this day -to shema all of G-d’s words that we may gladly do them. This is the desire of our hearts and the petition we offer unto You,our Abba. Because You have invited us to pray and because Calvary made this prayer possible. Amen.
Thanks for sharing this, Amanda. I can tell from the way that you write, that all of this is a very real part of your experience and that this is something you expect to deal with from your particular church background – so did we…once upon a time. However, this is one of those occasions (that we have hinted at) when it is best for us to stay silent and keep our experiences to ourselves. However, I will say that such conflict reflects the Greek influenced New Testament interpretation, not the Hebrew Old Testament understanding. Please be assured that, as Yeshua prayed and confronted these forces, so will we. We stand with you. Peace to you and yours.
Yeah, that kind of stuff isn’t in the Old Testament at all, which makes it sort of frustrating. Yet it’s in the New Testament (at least according to the way I’m able to read it). How do they reconcile, and does my experience, which is very real, reconcile. This is where I get so confused! I know what I’ve seen and heard (and I’m not talking about someone’s teachings about this). Yet, it’s not a situation that is particularly covered in the OT, and barely touched on in the NT. Its real, even if it’s not something there. And I guess I see it as a conflict because I’ve never had these things be friendly (wrath, anyone?), and it’s always been anger and threats and hatred. They don’t want to let go. I don’t even know where to begin to look at this in any other way. I’m barely even sure how to deal with this from a NT interpretation, much less an OT (Hebrew) understanding since there’s so little there.
Anyway, the prayers are much appreciated.
-Who believes our report? To whom is the arm of ADONAI revealed? For before Him he grew up like a young plant, like a root out of dry ground. He was not well-formed or especially handsome; we saw Him, but his appearance did not attract us. People despised and avoided him, a man of pains, well acquainted with illness. Like someone from whom people turn their faces, He was despised; we did not value Him. In fact, it was our diseases He bore, our pains from which He suffered; yet we regarded Him as punished, stricken and afflicted by God. But He was wounded because of our crimes, crushed because of our sins; the disciplining that makes us whole fell on Him, and by His bruises we are healed. We all, like sheep, went astray; we turned, each one, to his own way; yet ADONAI laid on Him the guilt of all of us. Though mistreated, He was submissive – He did not open his mouth. Like a lamb led to be slaughtered, like a sheep silent before its shearers, he did not open his mouth. 8 After forcible arrest and sentencing, he was taken away; and none of his generation protested his being cut off from the land of the living for the crimes of my people, who deserved the punishment themselves. 9 He was given a grave among the wicked; in his death he was with a rich man. Although He had done no violence and had said nothing deceptive, yet it pleased ADONAI to crush him with illness, to see if he would present himself as a guilt offering. If He does, He will see his offspring; and He will prolong his days; and at his hand ADONAI’s desire will be accomplished. After this ordeal, He will see satisfaction. “By his knowing [pain and sacrifice], my righteous servant makes many righteous; it is for their sins that He suffers. Therefore I will assign him a share with the great, He will divide the spoil with the mighty, for having exposed himself to death and being counted among the sinners, while actually bearing the sin of many and interceding for the offenders.” (Isaiah 53)
-Who is He?- -Who is this?
“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'” (Luke 16.31)
Has Someone (ever) risen from the dead?
-Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures. (Himself?) -Who is this man?
“Has Someone (ever) risen from the dead?”
A good few according to the Bible… from memory, Elijah and Elisha both witnessed young men coming back to life; Lazarus, of course; the kid who fell out of the window when Paul was preaching; those who rose from the grave and walked around the city when Jesus died (Matthew)…
I didn’t know people rose from the grave and walked around the city when Jesus died! I’m going to have to go and read that again! It’s amazing what you read over and over and never actually READ.
“-the story hasn’t ended yet-” lol! Amen to that! Moses “story” didn’t really get off the ground until He was 80! This is my third “go-round” or mini-crisis. In the daily “trouble” we find ourselves in, I refer to these as the “crisis du jour.”
Just so you will know, I received “strong consolation” in reading the telling of your story. I’ve got dozens more, but out of respect for your time, maybe we’ll just wait till we “get there” (yes, I’m talkin’ ’bout heaven here) where we will have eternity to share with one another what our great G-d has done for us. “Don’t these lyrics ring true tho’- “if I never had a problem, I’d never know that G-d could solve them.”
Skip is absolutely correct when he shares- “the way we know our future is by looking at our past.”
I know it’s hard to see the forrest for the trees sometimes, but does it cause you to smile when we read about the traveling tribes of Israel “wandering” in the desert on their way to Canaan? The story remains the same even thousands of years later for us. We have a problem, we panic and complain, G-d delivers. Then we have a problem, we panic and complain, then G-d delivers, then we have a problem… etc., etc. etc. (etc.). Whyizzit we can’t remember “G-d delivers?” 1st problem -G-d delivers. 2nd,3rd,4th.. G-d delivers. And then comes number 5!!! Great time to panic, right? Uh, what happened to 1,2,3,4? -yeah, but you don’t understand!- this is “different!” Oh really? -Is it? Tell me something He can’t handle..
We, who have been through these things are able to “see” something here, most folks miss. Ready? Pay attention now- here we go… “G-d is good.” Did you see it? I never miss it. Maybe I’m blessed with recticular activation. (look it up!). I see the period (“.”) G-d is good. (period) Or, as some folks have come to say- G-d is good, all the time. I’d like to “kick it up a notch” and say- “G-d is good, all the time, and to everybody.” G-d’s love can be compared to sunshine. It flows one direction- outward. Doesn’t matter if it land on a tree, a bush or a bird- His love is always shining outward. (and to us-ward who believe.)
So what’s the difference then? Recognizing this love , and then thanking Him for it. Sharing this love with family,friends and neighbors. G-d is good.
I echo Pam: Amen!
This is more common than you might think. Demons are very real. Build yourself and your children up in YHVH’s truth and His promisespromises. They build strongholds in hurts, lies, and accusations.
oops!!!! Sorry for that last abrupt comment. I meant to cancel not submit it. I’m too tired to complete the thought tonight and this is too serious for trite advice.
Praying for you dear lady.