Painful Consequences

“I, YHWH, search the heart, I try the kidneys, and give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.” Yirmeyahu 17:10 (ISR)

According To – The Hebrew here is not difficult, at least not on the surface.  It is simply the letter bet attached to the nouns for “ways” and “fruit.”  Since bet has many meanings, the decision to render it as “according to” is determined by the context.  Pretty easy.

The vocabulary is not the problem.  The problem is that God, speaking through Jeremiah, appears to claim that each one of us will be judged on his obedience and production.  This claim flies in the face of Christian theology that espouses God’s freely given grace.  Sola fide, the Reformers’ cry of salvation by faith alone, seems incompatible with God’s proclamation here.  Am I really going to be judged according to my works?  Is grace set aside?  Is it all about how well I perform?

It does no good to circumvent the difficulty by suggesting that this passage is for the Jews but we Christians are under a different covenant.  God’s dealing with Man has remained the same since the Garden.  The covenants are unbreakable.  Grace has always been the basis of rescue.  Every Jew knows this.  But if this is true, what are we to make of God’s proclamation in Jeremiah?  God says that He searches the heart (the seat of volition and intellect) and the kidneys (the seat of emotions) and metes out justice accordingly.  This is a very frightening thought.  I know that I don’t measure up.  I am quite sure that a careful examination of your life will lead you to the same conclusion.  What are we to do?  If Jeremiah is right, all of us are absolutely lost!  My ways and my deeds are completely exposed before YHWH.  There is no escape and no excuse.  How can I survive His gaze?

The answer, of course, is that I can’t!  There is nothing contradictory in this statement as long as we read it in its context.  God reveals the futility of attempts to conceal our thoughts and deeds.  The famous verse about the heart being deceitful above all things precedes this declaration.  Jeremiah deals a fatal blow to anyone who thinks they deserve God’s favor.  Through the prophet, God says He thoroughly examines everyone.  While justice demands that each be rewarded according to his walk and his deeds, no man can survive under God’s justice even though justice is completely appropriate.  The message of the text is this:  if justice were to be executed perfectly, we would all be punished.

God’s solution to this apparently intractable dilemma is the novelty of redemption.  From our perspective, there is no way out.  But that does not hamper God from designing a unique and unrepeatable answer.  Grace overcomes justice.  Mercy prevails over punishment.  But the point of this verse is not rescue.  It is the destruction of arrogance.  As soon as we begin to think God owes us life and liberty, we make a terrible mistake.  God gives; He does not recompense.  Our lives depend entirely on His goodness.  Thank Him for that today.

Topical Index:  according to, bet, grace, reward, mercy, Jeremiah 17:10

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“Grace overcomes justice. Mercy prevails over punishment. …. Our lives depend entirely on His goodness. Thank Him for that today.”

“Mercy Came Running” by Phillips, Craig & Dean 4 1/2 minutes (lyrics included)

“Your Grace Still Amazes Me” also by Phillips, Craig & Dean 5 minutes (lyrics included)

Ian Hodge


Good point. Luther’s “faith alone” created its own set of problems, since in the New Testament, the only time the words “faith alone” appear together is in the book of James, and then it appears negatively: “You see that a person is declared righteous because of actions and not because of faith alone” (James 2:24). Can our works be righteous? Apparently so, if we have the right kind of faith that is the ground of our works. Faith and works are like two sides of a coin. You can’t have one without the other.

John Thorman

Ian, I thought you would like that one!


Poor Luther. He was God’s man for the job of that day, but He certainly didn’t get it all did he. The reformer’s example serves to warn me to stay teachable. They proclaimed “Semper Reformanda” “Always Reforming” but they could only bring themselves so far away from what they were raised up in and then became as hardened as the pope in their own understanding.

I’m always intrigued with 1Jo 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. In this verse justice is forgiveness! It would be unjust of Him not to act with forgiveness. A reformed preacher taught me this!

This is covenant Language (The preacher didn’t teach me this) at its best in my opinion. Covenants are ALWAYS conditional. If we do ___, He is just in doing __________________________________. The covenant(s) requires it!
Repentant faith is demonstrated by the works which are illustrated in the context of this verse. The LAVISH reward for continuing (persevering) in the covenant is (the promise) eternal life. I know this sounds simplistic but but it’s as far as my little brain takes me “for now”

Gayle Johnson

In terms of context, my understanding includes verse 5: “Thus saith the LORD; Cursed [be] the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.” and also verse 7: “Blessed [is] the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.” I don’t see how this passage can be seen fully without those statements to frame it.

How perfect is YHWH’s timing? Skip had this set up for today, long before he knew the events of the last couple of days that would capture the attention of the world. “But the point of this verse is not rescue.” Tell that to the nation of Chile! Tell it to the millions who watched worldwide. In the short span of a few days, EVERYTHING was about rescue. It seemed very obvious to me that even though the rescued miners were exceedingly (and properly) grateful to the ones who had spent the last couple of months saving their lives, a number of them openly acknowledged the One who is truly Salvation. How marvelous, to see virtually everyone in this drama give thanks openly (even to the leader of their nation). What a testimony this was to the world!

It was humorous to me to hear the commentators mention more than once that ‘never in the history of the world’ have people been trapped underground for so long, and been rescued. I took that to mean that they had never read Matthew 27:52-53.

It was impossible for me to witness this marvelous event without gratitude overflowing to our King. I closed my eyes and ‘saw’ how many people around the globe must be pouring out thanks and praise to our God, who rescues us. Imagine what it must have ‘sounded like’ in Heaven, to receive all this sacrifice and thanksgiving from everyone at once. This offering was long overdue. Blessed be THE NAME of YHWH, King of the Universe!


Good morning Gayle,

I want to thank you for pointing this out.

I just finished reading Carl’s last post on “Worship the King” before reading today’s word and comments. His statement; (Today must be confession day!)- what bothers Carl? for people (any people) to refuse the deliverance offered by (the still extended hand of) Yeshua.

Evangelism burns in me. I find it difficult to hold it back for the appropriate moments sometimes.

It is unimaginable to me that any of those men could have refused to get in that rescue capsule. (although I suppose it is possible) But that is exactly what people do every day With Yeshua.

Like you, my heart also swelled with tears of joy and praise to Avinu when I saw that first man emerge. What stunned me was that the same intensity of joy overtook and gripped me for every single one of them that come forth after that. It reminds me of Lu 15:10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents.

This will stick in my mind from now on as an illustration for others, as well as a reminder to myself, of the urgent life and death situation I’m engaged in when I’m presenting the gospel to someone.

carl roberts

Gayle- you went and got my eyes to leaking!! lol!! Hallelujah!- so beautifully written! Would you “post” this as a note on Facebook? (it should be “published”). Amen, my sister!

My goodness people- 1. By Grace. 2. Through Faith 3. Unto good works. 1,2,3. Let everything be done decently and in order. Our salvation is 1,2,3. By grace- G-d gives it. He is the Source. Through Faith-we respond to what He says to do and do it. Unto good works- Because we are now “empowered” by the Ruach Hakodesh, we are able to know and to do what is pleasing to our Abba and are able to serve Him by loving our neighbor (the one who is near) and yes, we can “do” good deeds. Not “for” salvation, but because of our sealed covenant relationship with YHWH.
Salvation/ (Deliverance if you prefer) is in three parts. -Past,present and future. (1)-We have been saved from the penalty of sin. (2) We are (presently) being saved from the power (authority,dominion) of sin. (3) We will be saved (today would be okay with me) from the presence of sin and go to a place where sin is (praise G-d) unknown. (Scriptural references will be provided upon request for any and all of the above statements.)
Why do I do good works? Because G-d is good and because the son (me) reflects the image of the Father. It is “in me” to do good. I want to “do good.” -Why? Because dear friends, it would please my Father- the ONE to whom I belong. I am His and He is mine. I willingly, actively, purposefully will intend as I go about my Thursday to be awake and aware to the needs of those who YHWH will bring across my path. I am called to serve and to love and this, my friends, I will do, -by G-d’s grace and for His glory.
“According to”. Every choice is followed by a consequence. This verse in Jeremiah’s day can be later identified as what we now refer to as “the Law of the Harvest”- you reap “according to” what you sow.
Bad seed/good seed- it all depends on our “sowing.” “Consequences” don’t necessarily have to be a bad thing, but we do need to make sure of the kind and quality of the seeds we sow. We cannot sow our wild oats and then pray for crop failure. We will reap what we sow. It is the law of the harvest.
Today I will be a seed-sower. “A sower went forth to sow”- spread love? spread compassion? kindness? “good stuff.” “Give, and it shall be given unto you”- this would include even something so seemingly trivial as a smile or a hug. “Give.” We will reap “according to.” -Much love,-much reward!


“Every choice is followed by a consequence”

Hi Carl,

Great point and I agree completely!

At the same time, I get confused by what we mean when we say “saved by the grace of God.”

I think it was a miracle those folks were rescued and I’m very grateful they were saved.

But wouldn’t they have been saved by the grace of God in any case?

And wouldn’t you agree that every choice is followed by an IMMEDIATE consequence?

We reep what we sow right now.

It seems to me that Christians tend to project the “consequences” onto the future (death).

But I think this porcess of reaping what we sow is always happening in the presence of God.

We are either conscious of God or not conscious of God, but God is always conscious of us.

The concept of salvation doesn’t seem very practical to me.

We have no control over it, do we?

carl roberts

The concept of salvation doesn’t seem very practical to me.

We have no control over it, do we?

Lol! Oh, Michael! lol!- Yes! We do.. very much so. Thank you my dear brother- Mr. Carl has got a grin goin’ on!
The concept of salvation. Salvation is a concept? Nooooooo. (I’ve got to stop laughing..) Salvation is, my friend, a glorious reality! Jesus is very real and very near. He is a very present help in time of need. A Friend that sticks closer than a brother. A bright, shining, right here, right now, living in me, living in you reality. Has G-d been reduced to a concept? He created the world and everything in it. He became a man and walked the earth. How much more “real” can we get? lol!—thank you, thank you- my spirit is soaring!
–We have no control over it, do we?—Yes, we do. This is the control we have.. “Choose you this day- whom you will serve”. (Joshua 24.15) G-d has given unto all of us a marvelous gift. It is the gift of choosing. Some refer to this as “free will.” “If you be willing and obedient –you will eat the good of the land.” We have been given a choice. Will we obey? Will we be obedient? Will we listen (shema) to the voice of Adonai?
I am the father of a young teenage son. Seventeen and strong as a bull moose. But how I long for him to listen to his father. Please son- do as I ask. Please son- listen to your mother- who loves you. Our pleadings as parents are nothing when compared to the pleadings of Adonai. “Na” (in Hebrew-“please”)- Please listen. Please obey. These are the pleadings of Adonai.
I am a father, but I too am a son! I have a choice and a will to obey. I have a choice and a will to listen. Will I submit to those who are in authority over me?
G-d never “forces” Himself on anyone. Ours is a voluntary submission to His authority. I willingly choose this very day to “bow the knee.” I gladly, fully freely own Him as my King. My G-d is KING brother Michael. King of kings and LORD of lords! (if I’m not careful- I’m goin’ to go to shoutin’!- lol!)
Yes, we (all) have a choice, but choose carefully my friends- because every choice is followed by a consequence. We will reap what we sow. “Make good (tov) choices!” -I choose to follow Him! I willing choose to obey Him. I have decided (this day) to follow Jesus. No turning back. Why?- (lol!)


“I choose to follow Him! I willing choose to obey Him. I have decided (this day) to follow Jesus. No turning back. Why?- (lol!)”

Hi Carl,

Funny I was just thinking about you “lol,” but had forgotten that I had written something that would be the cause 🙂

I agree with you: “I choose to follow Him! I willing choose to obey Him.”

My point was that “choosing to obey Him” is a very practical concept!


This ties in interestingly with the piece from a few days ago about the price a prophet must pay and Luke 12:48 “But he who, without knowledge, did things for which punishment is given, will get only a small number of blows. The man to whom much is given, will have to give much; if much is given into his care, of him more will be requested.”