The Pursuit of Power (1)

She did not listen to the voice; she did not take correction; she did not trust in YHWH; she did not draw near to her God. Zephaniah 3:2

Did Not – Zephaniah speaks out against the oppressing city.  His words are harsh, convicting, condemning.  They are less a call to repentance than they are a proclamation of judgment.  “Woe to her rebelling and being defiled,” says the prophet.  Perhaps we need to hear his words afresh.  Everything he says about the ancient society is true of our civilization, one hundred times over.

In this verse, Zephaniah provides four accusations, each one beginning with the Hebrew word lo.  This is one of two Hebrew words meaning no or not.  It is used to express the unconditional prohibitions of the commandments (“You shall not”).  In Zephaniah’s mouth, this word strikes the hammer blows of impending doom.  “You never listened; you never took correction; you never trusted in YHWH; you never drew near.”  Now it is too late. Just as God instructs Jeremiah not to pray for His people, not to delay their chastisement, so God’s word through Zephaniah is the flash of lightning before the inevitable thunder.  Judgment is coming and nothing will stop it.

What did this oppressing city do to deserve such terrible consequences?  Nothing more than we find in our own land.  Lo shamah.  You did not listen-obey.  God’s instructions were clearly given.  Every person heard them and agreed to follow them throughout the generations.  There is no excuse.  Today we look out upon the land and see very, very few who uphold Torah.  Certainly the culture is adamantly opposed, fighting even the smallest remnant of Torah suggestions.  We did not listen.

Lo laqha.  We did not grasp; we did not seize; we did not take on the correction of the Lord.  He provided it time and again.  He reminded, cajoled, encouraged, remonstrated and engineered circumstances to bring us to our senses.  But we refused.  At every crossroad of opportunity, we chose power rather than humility, pride rather than repentance.  We did not take.

Lo vataha.  We did not trust.  Batah is a verb expressing confidence, reliance and security.  It is the defining action of those who truly follow Him.  It is the replacement of retirement accounts, bank balances, insurance, security alarms, body guards, job guarantees and anything else that becomes the foundation of our perceived security.  In a world demon-possessed by fears of the future, God offers safety.  But we preferred money.  We did not trust.

Lo kareva.  We did not draw near.  There is a procedure for drawing near, a ritual that brings us close to Him.  We have ignored it and created our own approach.  So we pray, “Lord, be present in the place today.”  But why should He?  We approach without purity.  We require Him to join us instead of coming to His house His way.  Across the land we act as if God draws near at our invitation while we summarily dismiss His.  We did not draw near.

And what is the result?  The oppressing city will be destroyed.  God will start over with the remnant.

Zephaniah’s proclamation is the sound of the hammer about to flatten the metal on the anvil.  When the hammer strikes its blow, none will escape.  The righteous and the wicked will perish together while God reshapes the earth.  Their ultimate destinies may be different, but collateral damage is the consequence of living in a civilization of “did not.”

Today is a great day to be alive.  We who know Him have much to do before He arrives.  There are many, so many, who need rescue.  There are many who need the favor of righteous acts.  There is light to be shed abroad.  Before judgment, there is re-collection.  Who will you rescue from the “did not” society today?

Topical Index:  lo, did not, Zephaniah 3:2

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carl roberts

Well spoken brother Skip. The first one to confess will be the man typing these words. Even as I point my finger, I see three pointing back towards me. I am the one who did not listen to the voice. I am the one who did not receive correction. I am the one who did not trust in YHWH. I am the one who did not draw near to my G-d.
But G-d is merciful. His mercy endures forever. G-d, through His mouth-piece Zephaniah has clearly laid out for us the steps for us to take to draw near unto Him. Are we pursuing power or are we pursuing purity. Where is our delight? What motivates us to action? What is the desire our hearts this very day and this very hour. Do we say with Yeshua, our Example and Examplar, “I delight to do your will?” I read this very morning of the “mitzvos” or (religious duties). The question that came to my mind was- are these mitzvos a duty, a drudgery -or a delight? Can we say with Yeshua- I delight to do your will?
“Adonai, I delight to do what pleases you?”
Let us take these words from the prophet Zephaniah and “turn them”. Let us remove the “no” and replace it with a “Yes” and see if this will reveal the will of G-d. (Yes, I will) listen to the voice. (Yes, I will take correction. (Yes, I will) batah/trust in YHWH, (Yes, I will) draw near to my G-d. Would Adonai be pleased with these actions? Listen, receive/welcome, batah/trust and draw near. This is (according to G-d’s Torah spoken through the prophet Zephaniah), the will of Adonai. This is what pleases Him. Our mission is clearly drawn out for us today, step by step. -Step number 1.) – “Shema”. There never was a greater living demonstration of “shema” than the LORD, Jesus Christ. His entire life from birth to death illustrated and illuminated for all mankind the command issued forth to all G-d’s people, “shema.”
Step number 2.) take, receive and welcome correction. Do you enjoy being corrected? (I hear the sound of shattering glass). Why is that? The thin layer of Ego has just been smashed. Oh, how many times have I heard this sound. Again and again- “self” rises to the top and must be broken. Instruction is present and G-d is constantly speaking (through various sources!) but are we listening? and will we welcome His “correction” when it comes. “My son, despise not the instruction of YHWH, neither be weary of his chastisement;” (Proverbs 3.11). For the mitzvah is a lamp (revealing the next step to take), Torah (G-d’s written instruction) is light (that which reveals) , and reproofs that discipline are the way to life. (Proverbs 6.23). My son, don’t despise ADONAI’s discipline or resent his reproof; for ADONAI corrects those he loves like a Father who delights in his son.(Proverbs 3.11,12) We must welcome His words, His reproofs, and His chastening. -(All designed to improve our “hearing” and our “seeing”/discernment.)
Step 3.) Trust in Adonai. (Proverbs 3.5,6) He knows what He is doing! lol! We don’t. He does. Trust Him. It is next to impossible to trust a stranger. Trust (batah) is a word of relationship. And G-d can be trusted implicitly and wholly- His holy word(s) never fail. Are we able and willing to trust Him? (Again, -Proverbs 3.5,6)
Step 4.) (This is a most enjoyable duty!) “Draw near to G-d”. What a privilege and a delight this is! Yes, -come near to the Source of all good things. Draw near to the ONE who breaths life into all flesh. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise! Be thankful unto Him and bless His name! -For the LORD, our Adonai- is good! His mercy(s) are everlasting and His truth endures to all generations.
My wife has been saying for some time now,- “either G-d is going to judge America or He is going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” G-d is truly, -our greatest threat and yet at the same time- He is our only hope.
Thank you brother Skip for this very timely word from G-d’s Word today. Are we listening? Will we (who belong to Him), this very hour, -“shema?” This very moment, I am remembering and recalling yesterday’s “word”- “in wrath, remember mercy,” and an effectual prayer that was offered so long ago- “Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me.” “Y’shua, thou Son of David, have mercy on us.” -Amen.