The Pursuit of Power (3)

Babylon was a golden cup in the hand of the Lord, making the whole earth drunk; the nations drank of her wine, therefore the nations went mad. Jeremiah 51:7

Mad – The elixir of the gods is power.  It is the aphrodisiac of self-sovereignty.  And it is deadly.  Jeremiah proclaimed that the world of the 6th Century BC was drunk on the power of Babylon.  What do you think the world is drinking today?  The same toxic brew has been spilling into the halls of government for as long as men have believed they are in charge of their destinies.  Today is the 6th Century BC.  We worship those who wield the sword, proclaim everlasting prosperity and devour the earth.  We are the madmen, consuming ourselves in the rush to have more.  We are a world of bigger barns, storing up our treasures here while God prepares an accounting for our souls.  Oblivious of our impending doom, we reel from one barstool to another, leaving in our wake the vast sea of impoverished faces.  Drinking to stay drunk in order not to face the guilt of our pointless excess, we transform the powerful into idols and role models while we vicariously live their unrighteous exploits.

Is the world mad?  How else can it be described?  In a headlong death spiral of disobedience, only insanity can account for the complete disregard of the awe of existence and the call of the Creator.  Men are lauded for their rejection of the fundamental question, “What does God demand of me?”  But this is not an inherited condition, although it is certainly passes from one generation to another.  This is voluntary madness.  It is not only completely unnecessary, it is also completely unexplainable.  There is no reason for sin.  Sin is insanity.  It is the deliberate decision to destroy myself by ignoring the grace, peace and harmony that God offers.  Why would anyone do that?  The question presupposes there is a valid reason for such self-contradictory actions.  There is no valid reason.  There is only madness.

The choice of Hebrew word here is most instructive.  It is halal, the same word that means “to praise” used in conjunction with ministry to God.  Halal includes boasting, shouting, acting foolishly and raging insanity.  Consider the spectrum here.  On the same scale we find madness and godly praise.  What is the difference?  Only the object of our worship.  To be in one’s right mind is to be in praise of the one true God.  To be insane is to be in praise of myself.  Reasonable men, men of sound and righteous minds, are confronted with the inexplicable behavior and thought of madmen when they encounter those who are most surely running the path to self-destruction.  There is no ground for argument or negotiation with such men.  Until they come to their right minds, they are no different than the Gerasene demoniac, dangerous to themselves and to anyone in proximity.  The Bible does not apply the terminology of the DSM IV to such men.  It calls them demon-possessed for that is what they are.  Insane.  Self-destructive.  Savage.  Desperate.

Removing the spiritual component of such terminal behavior by dressing it in psychological garb is a mark of general cultural insanity.  Redefining self-inflicted, eternal destruction as “normal” behavior does more to assist the enemy than any decline in morality.  Men no longer fear the inevitable consequences of voluntary madness because today voluntary madness – the rejection of God’s instructions – is accepted and expected even within the Church.  The nations came to the table of the Eucharist and were offered intoxication.  Now who’s drunk?

Topical Index:  mad, halal, drunk, power, demon-possession, Jeremiah 51:7

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Roy W Ludlow

I have words running through my head, it seems to be part of a hymn. “There is power, power power in the Word of the Lord, of the Lord. I can hear a congregtion singing this hymn with gusto. As Skip has suggested, there is a connection to the whole notion of power, whether in the Word of the Lord or the word of man to whom the people give that status. Or in ourselves if we give ourself that maddness. My prayer is “O Lord, keep me sane in this world of madness!”

Judi Baldwin

Yes, I believe we are in a death spiral of disobedience and irreverence. And, while it might not be inherited, I certainly believe much of it it TAUGHT. Universally, generation after generation choses this voluntary madness (desire to control their own destiny) making it exponentially harder for the successive generations to find their way out of the hole we’ve dug for ourselves. Praise be to our Lord and Savior that he has provided a lamp that shines unto our path in order to help us find our way back to Him. May we all get more intentional about leading the lost to that glorious LIGHT!!


Hi Judi,
I was struck by your comment “generation after generation choses this voluntary madness (desire to control their own destiny) making it exponentially harder for the successive generations to find their way out of the hole we’ve dug for ourselves.” as what I believe the Word tells us is the hardening of our hearts. This hardening is a result of disobedience to the plainly spoken Word and instruction of the Almighty,time upon time, and it’s cumulative. Skip inserts the clinching dramatic effect of self exaltation, the death of any sensitivity to the Voice of God. The intentional consumption of “the elixir of the gods” leads to an unquenchable thirst for more to numb the pain of separation from the One who truly loves us. From the pulpit to the pew, the constituency to the political throne, the consumer to the profiteer, we are staggering from the deathgrip of idolatry. The pagan regime of antiChrist has seemingly overthrown the kingdom of churchianity. But for God! He preserves His remnant. Out glorious Messiah!
I had a very heartfelt conversation with my dearest neighbor yesterday and he is so disenchanted with church. He sees the hypocrisy and does not want to attend. He feels he is as good as anyone who attends for all the wrong reasons, and now admits he is not a Christian. I said, good for you, it is not about whether you claim to be a Christian or not, it is all about having an honest and sincere relationship with the Creator of all things through His Son Jesus. No need for me to go into an unsettling diatribe about whether the Name is Jesus or Yeshua. He needs to know there is so much more to life as a Christ follower than doing the legalistic charade of the culturally accepted venue called church. He needs to know that the only thing that has any lasting value is knowing who God is, listening to HIM and obeying HIM.
PLEASE, LORD take us back to the Garden! Let’s get back to the place we belong. Some will take giant leaps, some will walk baby steps, all of His children will arrive through His grace and mercy that endures forever!

carl roberts

Mary, your words are like a healing balm to the wound of my soul. Yes, my sweet sister, G-d always has a remnant. A ragtag band of ragamuffins. When we learn to listen to Him (He is “only” King of kings and LORD of lords- that’s all..) and obey what He has said, (which BTW “dates back” to Genesis 1.1) our lives are radically altered and changed (and for the better). Yes, the two words we all love to see written- “new and improved!”- lol!.
Four words. “Not I, but Christ.” -Whether these words were written by the Apostle Paul or Rabbi Sha’ul matter not. What matters is these words are included in the Book of books. The Bible is not the “book of the month”, it is the book of the ages. Enduring, eternal, life-giving and life-sustaining. I not only read my Bible, my Bible reads me.. I’ve read this book and have come to the conclusion- if we provide the sinner, He provides the Savior. G-d “shows up” to rescue and to deliver, every single time. But, do we have to wait for a “crisis?” in order to call upon the ONE who is our Help in time of need? Why can we not recognize His good hand when things are “running smooth?” We get full and sleepy, fuzzyheaded and complacent. We need a good crisis in our lives to wake us up. Y’shua said, -“in this world you will have tribulation.” (John 16.63). Here lately, this verse has been poking me in the eye like a sharp stick, but blessed be Hashem, as Paul Harvey once said, (let us not ever forget) the “rest of the story.” There is a “part B” to this as well. This particular word from the Word contains one of the blessed “buts” of the Bible. “But” be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Oh, we “hear” and receive the first part, and immediately our oppressed spirit cries out- Amen! I’ve been tribulated! (-and indeed we have..), but please, oh please fix our eyes Adonai where they need to be fixed- “You have overcome”. You, blessed Redeemer, have overcome the wicked one. HaSatan is a defeated foe. Sin cannot win, and faith cannot fail. Y’shua is the Victor.- Not “will be”, -is. We do not pray for victory, we pray from victory. (If I’m not careful..-I might go to shoutin’ “Glory!”). Every once in a while, an ancient Bapticostal may be heard to say, a very prim and proper, “Hallelujah!”


“Out glorious Messiah!” Should be “Our glorious Messiah”


“I had a very heartfelt conversation with my dearest neighbor yesterday and he is so disenchanted with church.”

Hi Mary,

I cetainly understand your friend’s dilemma; because, like a hypocrite, I have always encouraged my wife and children to go their church.

But I feel uncomfortable around people in social gatherings unless I am at work or with friends.

And although I feel comfortable in a Catholic church, I see no reason for me to go.

carl roberts

–And although I feel comfortable in a Catholic church, I see no reason for me to go.–

Michael- there is a reason for you to go. Because G-d’s word “commands” it. “Forsake not the assembly of yourselves together” the scriptures say. As Skip has pointed out- we are meant to live in community. We are gregarious creatures. (probably accounts for the popularity of facebook and even I love this website and love reading everyone’s comments. We truly need “one another.” – Now one thing I cannot provide you with Michael, via the “internet” is the human touch. We need some “face time” with one another. I need to be with G-d’s people.
I’m going to attempt to “long story/short” this but my wife and I (and kids) found ourselves looking for a church home. (We decided to leave our church home of over thirty plus years.). “Why did you leave?”- Glad you asked. -lol! It was a rushing mighty wind that moved the tumbleweeds out into the street. lol! Brother, -I can assure you this was no small decision. Reach down my throat, grab me by the big toe and pull me inside out and you will have some idea of what all was involved in leaving our “home/church” of over thirty years. Another “crisis du jour!” So, now we have no church home..- We are now “wandering sheep”, without an “under-shepherd.” Homeless, churchless vagabonds. Strangers and pilgrims, “starting all over again.” -Were a few tears shed over this? Oh- brother..How can these things be? (except G-d be in it..)
We “wandered” from church to church- “seeking.” Looking and listening it was our desire to be “plugged in” somewhere. For all you “churchless” ones reading this-read this:- “Unto Him be glory in the church- world without end, Amen.” and “I will build my church.” The church is both now and forever the bride of Christ, and if I were some of you- I wouldn’t go messin’ with His bride.. -(not a good idea..). Christ died for the church. -Get it? Got it?.. good.
As a former pastor/friend (rightfully) said- “Every Christian needs three homes.” An earthly home, a church home, and an heavenly home. This man says- “Amen!”
Oh dear brother, I wish I could send you a jar full of yesterday’s worship at my new churc/home. It was indeed glorious. The singing, the preaching- all “present and accounted for!” Bible-based preaching and teaching of the word of G-d and lifting high the name of Jesus!- Marvelous!
“Ask, and it will be given unto you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” We need “one another.” Adonai has made us that way. We really should love what G-d loves and what G-d loves is people! Red and yellow, black and white- they are precious in His sight! lol!
The first two letters in “gospel” are g-o. “Go” to church. Which one? The one that honors Christ. The one that proclaims the Bible as G-d’s word. And don’t forget to A-S-K. G-d knows your needs and G-d knows your heart. He will provide, just as He has promised.
-It may be time Michael to leave the Catholic church. (I’m just sayin’..). I’m really not trying to “proselytize” (hope I spelled that right), and I am absolutely not saying all “Catholics” are evil! No, no, and no. But, does “this church”-(whatever church it may be), honor Christ? Does this church recognize Him as King of kings and LORD of lords? Do these people know Jesus and worship Him, -daily?
Being a part of corporate worship is like “heaven on earth.” Oh, my friends! How long has it been since you were a part of such an experience? If not, or never- my heart bleeds for you.. please move on until you find such a place. They really do exist- ask G-d to take you there. This prayer is within His will and will be answered and in a way that will both surprise and delight you. -Amen!

Joseph "Don" Barnett

Wow Skip! What a powerful and pointed word. I used the first paragraph in my sermon this morning related to Jesus warnings against covetousness and “a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of things he possesses.”
Thank you for being a faithful messenger . . .
Joseph Don

Ian Hodge

“The elixir of the gods is power. It is the aphrodisiac of self-sovereignty. ”


It is also the problem of a culture that cannot get a balance between the “one and the many” issue. Only the biblical worldview has a “balanced” response in the doctrine of the Trinity to the tendency towards anarchism on the one hand (the many) or the all powerful “one”, whether that is church or state. This was the “battle” of the Renaissance period, and the Reformation ideas came up with the “radical” idea that neither church nor state had supreme power. Unfortunately, those “radical” ideas went out the door in 1688 in the English speaking world when Parliament gained supreme power — “the one” — claiming for itself unlimited jurisdiction (power).

Thanks for the great reminder — and the challenge we all face to change things to the way they should be.