History Repeats Itself
“As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.” John 15:19
Out Of The World – The words of Yeshua confirm His divinity. So do His actions. But if we think that those actions are only the miracles, we miss a pattern deeply embedded in His life. Yeshua is the embodiment of YHWH and His actions express the same actions taken by YHWH centuries before.
The singular defining moment in the life of Israel was the exodus from Egypt. God’s rescue of His people established Israel as YHWH’s chosen nation. Separated from the world Israel was called to be the beacon of righteousness and the magnet of holiness. God’s plan has always been “one to many,” and Israel is no exception. He chose one people in order to reach many people. Yeshua came to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel” to remind them of their calling. He came to show them what it means to be the “one chosen” to reach the many. They were lost because they forgot their purpose, their reason for existing. Now Yeshua repeats the same calling with His chosen ones. If we see the pattern, then we know why these men were called out of the world. They weren’t called out so that they could live tidy little cloistered lives. They were called out so that they would become beacons of light set on the hill. They were called out to fulfill the same mission given Israel – to live according to God’s instructions so that God might use them to reach the nations. In fact, the book of Acts is the record of the impact of this calling. These men got it! They were separated for involvement! They were to step away in order to step back in. That’s why Yeshua prays that they might not be removed from the world but rather protected in the world. They have a job to do.
You take a long trip to a foreign country. When you return, you bring your experiences back to your old home town. But now things are different. Your eyes have been opened. You have seen things and done things that cast a new light on the old ways. The world has changed. What happens when you enthusiastically begin to explain this new vision? How do your buddies react when you critique and analyze and evaluate the old ways? Do they eagerly endorse your new views? Are they passionate about changing their ways? Or do you encounter just a bit of resistance? What do you think?
Yeshua calls us out. He takes us to a far country and educates our obedience. He has a purpose in mind – to send us back. Now we see the world in a different light. Now our vision has been corrected. But it was all for a reason. Vacation is over. Time to get going.
You have been chosen “out of the world.” What difference does it make now that you’re back?
Topical Index: out, world, ek, kosmos, chosen, purpose, John 15:19
It’s like when you can’t see the forest for the trees. Until I step away from the forest, get a bird’s eye view, I’m overwhelmed by the darkness on the forest floor and am unable to find the way out. Once I can see clearly, I’m out of the world, then I can go back to the forest with directions on how to walk and in what direction to walk.
Of course, going back to the forest and doing nothing would be ludicrous, but it’s often the easiest thing to do – habits are hard to break.
What a thought-provoking question: What difference do I make now that I have come out and gone back in? And if I’m not making a difference, why not?
PS. Skip, how does one go about figuring out our purpose? Do we each have a specific purpose, or is it more of a communal, just be light, kind of purpose?
I think the answer to your question is BOTH. I have a purpose that fits into God’s plan for US. We have a purpose that brings all of US into His presence. My communal purpose is pretty clear from Scripture. My individual purpose is a matter of discovering how my passion can be used to bless others and delight Him. That is the subject of the next book, with John Samuel, already written and waiting for a publisher (perhaps by February).
Thanks for the reply! Looks like my reading list is being written.
I think figuring out my individual purpose is the most tricky. I look forward to your next book. Although, having just ordered Guardian Angels, I’ll have plenty to keep me busy!
Shalom to all, this fine and late November morning! Thanks to everyone who shares their comments and insights, you guys and gals are greater blessing then you know.
Just a short comment brother Skip. These disciples did get it right after the resurrection and the poured out Spirit, they were burning lights to their people. Yet, even Peter had to reminded in a vision (no less then three times) very emphatically it seems to me, about those who were not fully Jewish i. e. G-d fearers, that they were his chosen also. Peter responded and was a willing student to be taught by his Master.
There is a rabbinic saying that goes something like this: It is not our job to complete a task, but at the same time it is not our job to detest from it either. There is only One who has fully completed the task and who will bring that completed task to its full realization; as you have so passionately brought out.
May he bring it about quickly and in our day! Until then………. We thank him for his great salvation, while doing the work of this Master in the power of his Spirit.
Thank you Skip again for all your hard work. May G-d bless and multiply the works of your hands!
This reminds me of the adage: One can never go home. It is true. When one leaves home and experiences other parts of the world, it does change how things are viewed. Those who have never left home simply do not understand what has happened to me. I am considered to have fliped out in some way. Normally, I tend to be quiet, knowingthat they will not understand. Skip, you have called this behavior into question. May I be more bold in presenting the world as I now see it in a way that will be eye opening to others.
John 17:15 (NIV). ”My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.”. Did Yeshua ever pray a prayer that was not answered? Hallelujah for the provision and protection of our Good Shepherd.. Very timely post, as I return from short-term disability (rotator cuff surgery) and return to work tomorrow. (Back to the lion’s den, lol!) -A reminder to all.. His name is Imanu’el- (G-d with us). Please pray for me that I would be the salt and light Yeshua has called me to be- for the glory of G-d and the service of man.
Carl, When I was still teaching in a School System, I would have the children draw around their hands on construction paper, and write this verse, Eccl. 9:10, ” Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might–” and we would put them on a bulletin board with their name .— we did not add the last part of the verse, but to adults I do: “for in the grave where your are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.”—- That will motivate you to do the very best job possible-even if you do not actually feel like it–and under your breath you will be regularly saying thank you oh Lord, that I am able to work again. Your face will show the joy of the Lord, and that is one of the greatest dashes of salt & light to others.
If you speak as much as you write, you may need to work on the quieter element of “witnessing”.— You know that I am not putting your good writing down, as I have commented in days gone by that Ed & I both appreciate it so much. I am often too much of a talker and writer, and God at times tells me to be quiet.— Also reread, Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”—– And one more ( see I told you I like to write–is in Proverbs– “In all thy labor there is profit, but the talk of the lips tends to penury– (poverty).——- L.B./my tall husband is in bed with high fever and chills–all of our descendants were here for 5 days during the past week–with constant talk, play, work, eating, & great times of celebration together, giving much thanks to the Lord!–It got him down!
A “timely’ email this morning..
The Sin of Silence
A coward Christian makes
The devil to rejoice,
And evil multiplies
When good men hush their voice.
And when God’s people fear
To stand up for His side,
Then Satan has his way
And not one voice deters,
Where vice goes unopposed
And not one voice deters
Christ is betrayed afresh
And Calvary re-occurs.
Jesus said unto them, “If they keep quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!”
Luke 19:40
-I’m just a Nobody telling Everybody about Somebody who can save Anybody!-
Thank you LaVaye, your words are very encouraging to me and that is exactly what all of us (including Ed) need is encouragement. I am rather “wordy” at times and silent during others. I absolutely have come to love “secret,silent prayer..” (let me tell you about it.. lol!!). No, our own Bible (the Owner’s Manual) ‘says’- “let the redeemed of the LORD say so.” We (as in all of us), need to hear from one another and what Elohim has done and is doing in each of of lives. I remember my mom saying (-was she speaking to me?-lol!), “It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt!” – “Thanks mom”, (I think..)
Having been wounded (on several occasions) I may now speak “from my woundedness, brokeness and need.” May I “proclaim” the faithfulness of the LORD and how He every day for the past two and a half months has kept this family fed and a roof over our heads? You know the drill (as do we all..)- “for the LORD is good… all the time… and to everyone.
Yes, Lavaye- my walk should equal my talk. I am carrying this with me today- “Weak men who find their strength in Another don’t fall.”
Our Abba’s full blessings upon your sweet husband. May He come to recognize and realize how fully blessed he is. My “selfish” prayer today is: “LORD, don’t let me be blind to my blessings..open the eyes of my heart, that I may know..”
“Genuine, New Testament Christianity doesn’t hang out at headquarters; it gets into the trenches with the wounded and weary.” Thank you again for your kind words of encouragement- please pray for me as G-d would lead you to do so. -“In Him.”.. carl
Hi Carl,
I will ABSOLUTELY pray for you as you return to work after 2 1/2 months of disability leave due to your surgery. I’ll be praying for the continued healing of your shoulder AND that you stand firm as the salt and the light as you re enter the work place (the lion’s den.)
You are SUCH an encourager/challenger/exhorter to to this sight and I have no doubt you will be the same in your work place. YOU HAVE DONE YOUR HOMEWORK!! In fact…I often jot down some of the things you say because I find them SO worth remembering.
Below are just a few of what I call Carlisms…
1. Don’t be hateful, be Grateful
2. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people
3. If you’re not enjoying Jesus right now, what makes you think you’ll be comfortable in heaven?
4. Who needs God when we have Google (said with sarcasm)ll
5. So much choosing and so much refusing. This ability to choose is a gift of God.
6. Sin (an old fashioned word) has been reduced to a concept.
7. When the student is ready, the Teacher will show up.
8. If He takes you to it, He’ll take you through it.
9. His way IS the highway
10 God is not our co-pilot…He’s our Pilot
11.”Whosoever will” may come. Are you one of the “Whosoevers?”
12. Repentance is a beautiful thing. I pray for the gift of repentance.
13. The Father ran toward the repentant son…As far as I know, the only time, ever, G-d was in a hurry.
14. Before I was saved, I used to leep into sin and love it. Now I lapse into sin and loath it.
15. Please don’t judge the book by the cover…I only look stupid.
16. We’ve become masters of manipulation…egos gone wild.
17. It’s not Luther we need to worry about…it’s lucifer, the gorgeous messenger of falsehood.
18. We do err, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of G-d (Matt. 22:29)
19. Out of the heart, the mouth speaketh
20 What’s down in the well will come up in the bucket (one of my personal favorites)
Carl…you’re a lover of the Lord and it oozes out of every pore in your body. I have no doubt that you are adequately prepared to return to the work place. And I have no doubt that G-d has some big plans for some of your co-workers…and He will be using you to assist with those plans.
God bless you my brother.