Spelling Bee

These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that YHWH Elohim made the earth and heaven. Genesis 2:4

Generations – Rabbi Robert Gorelik makes an observation about the Hebrew word translated “generations” in his lectures on the genealogy of Yeshua.  It is worth remembering.  The Hebrew word toledot is spelled four different ways in Scripture.  In this verse in Genesis, it is spelled Tau-Vav-Lamed-Daleth-Vav-Tau (where the two instances of the consonant Vav act as the vowel “o”).  This full spelling of the word occurs in only one other verse in Scripture, in Ruth 4:18.  All the other occurrences of toledot (and there are over 100 of them) are “misspelled.”  The other occurrences are missing either the first or the second Vav.  Is this just a mistake?

Hardly!  Hebrew Scripture contains quite a few oddities like enlarged letters, words with missing letters, a word with “broken” letter, extra small letters and stretched letters.  Of course, none of these are apparent in translation.  In fact, they can hardly be seen in typeset editions.  But they are meticulously copied in hand-written Torah scrolls because the rabbis do not believe any of these oddities are accidents.  They all have deeper meanings.  Let’s consider the “misspelling” of toledot.

The rabbis taught that the full spelling of T-V-L-D-V-T in Genesis 2:4 indicates that this account of the generations of the world occurred before sin entered the world, before death and the angel of death existed in the world.  In other worlds, the full spelling of toledot was appropriate here because the world was not yet corrupted.  But a few verses later, when Genesis recounts the generations of Adam, toledot is spelled without the initial Vav.  It’s the same word, but just like the generations of Adam, it has been corrupted.  The spelling matches the status of the generations it recalls.  This corruption is true in every other occurrence of toledot – except one.

That single exception is Ruth 4:18.  In this verse, and only in this verse, the word toledot is found in its full spelling.  The obvious question is “Why here?”  Bob Gorelik points out that in this single instance, the recounting of the generations is the critical link between Boaz and David; a link that is part of the genealogy of the Messiah.  Jewish rabbis explain that the full spelling of toledot in this verse is based on the fact that Ruth and Boaz are progenitors of the Messiah in the line of David and the Messiah will restore God’s original creation and remove death from the earth.  The Messiah will remove the corruption brought about by sin.  When he comes to sweep away sin, toledot will be fully spelled out again.

So, you’re saying, “Wow.  That’s so interesting.  But does it really matter to me?”  Maybe the spelling of toledot doesn’t matter in your routine today, but the subtle intricacy of Scripture does matter a great deal.  This is one more incredible demonstration of the amazing planning of God.  This is one more bit of evidence that He cares about all the details, right down to the spelling.  This matters to me today because it tells me that I serve a God who can be completely trusted in the smallest detail.

Topical Index:  generations, toledot, spelling, Genesis 2:4

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carl roberts

(from Matthew 5:18)- “For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.”

The “Jot” is the Hebrew word “Yodh” which is the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is also the smallest letter. It’s European or English equivalent is the letter “Y” as in the English term Yahweh or in Hebrew YHVH since there were no vowel’s used in the ancient script.

The word “jot” itself is an English transliteration of “iota” which is the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet. “Iota,” in turn, is the nearest Greek equivalent for the Hebrew yodh.

The “tittle” is the small decorative spur or point on the upper edge of the yodh. If you can imagine a tiny letter with a slightly visible decorative mark.

Tittle is used by Greek grammarians of the accents and diacritical points. It means the little lines or projections by which the Hebrew letters differ from each other. One example would be the difference between the letter L and I. The difference is only one small mark. We use phrases like “the dotting of the i, and the crossing of the t,” and “every iota.”

It is interesting that the Jewish scribes who copied the MT (Massoretic Text) of the Hebrew Bible scrolls paid the greatest attention to the minutiae of detail and such marks attached to each consonant throughout the entire text. They even numbered every letter, word, sentence, paragraph, chapter, section, and scroll to insure that the total equalled that of the text being copied before allowing it to enter the holy synagogue.

The meaning of the passage is very clear. Not even the smallest letter or even its decorative spur will ever disappear from the “God Breathed” Word until all is fulfilled. In fact when heaven and earth are replaced by a new heaven and earth, the Word of the Lord will have accomplished its purpose and will be fulfilled in every detail even to the very letter.

G-d of the macro and the micro- even the very hairs of our heads are numbered. He knows the movement of a cat’s whisker in the midst of the storm. Our Sovereign Savior,- Blessed be His Name.



This is a commonly given explanation of this text but there are some scholars who believe that it is not entirely accurate.

According to the alternate interpretation, the jots refer to groups of 5 dots that are placed above specific words in 4 places in the Torah – Gen 33:4, Gen 37:12, Number 3:39 and Deut 29:29. These “jots” link these four passages together thematically and when the four stories are put together they teach God’s plan of redemption for Israel (which, btw, includes you and me).

The “tittles” refer to an entire class of scribal marks that consist of:

– Stigmatized letters:
a) The “inverted nuns” of Numbers 10:35-36, Ps 107:23-28 and Ps 107:40 (which again link these passages together thematically) – the teaching from these “inverted nuns” is truly awe-inspiring…
b) the Broken (bisected) Vav in Numbers 25:12
c) The Elongated Vav in Lev 11:42, and
d) The “Final Mem” or mem sofit in the wrong place (in the middle of a word where it is usually used only at the end) in Isaiah 9:6 (not in the Torah, but still very significant in its context).

– Enlarged letters, such as the enlarged Bet at the beginning of Genesis 1:1 (and too many others to mention here)

– Small letters, such as the small Aleph of Lev 1:1 (and again, too many others to mention here)

– Suspended letters (where the letter is written as a superscript) (all in the Tanakh but not in the Torah).

All of these instances of scribal marks have teachings associated with them and pretty much all have to do with the advent and ministry of Messiah.

The more I begin to understand just how much richness and depth there is in the Hebrew scriptures the more I am in awe of my Father who arranged it all. Truly we serve an awesome God.

Ian Hodge

“This matters to me today because it tells me that I serve a God who can be completely trusted in the smallest detail.”

YES! And when we consider God is the all-knowing, all-powerful, self-sufficient One who can control the smallest detail of Scripture to make sure we have it correctly today, we can rest in His arms as the Shepherd of the fold.



“It’s European or English equivalent is the letter “Y” as in the English term Yahweh or in Hebrew YHVH since there were no vowel’s used in the ancient script.”

Hi Carl,

As usual, you have done a great job illuminating the less obvious aspects of the Biblical text.

I guess you would agree with my old boss, Ross Perot, when he said “the devil is in the details.”

One detail you seem to have overlooked regarding the form of ‘ is that “Yodh” also signifies Hand.

So on the one hand, you have the Y and on the other you have the H as in the two letters YHVH.

Of course you also have the allusion to those closest to God, as in his right or left “hand.”

I tend to think of Ha Satan at His left hand; the one who makes the offer, “you cannot refuse.”

carl roberts

I would recommend Michael a study of our common Adversary, HaSatan. There is much material available today, but I will quickly run down what I know of him.
HaSatan is not one of the sons of G-d, he is an angel, a created being. His former name was Lucifer or “light-bearer”. He was indeed and exquisite beauty and it is said even when he breathed music would issue forth from his breathing in and out! (That would make a fun toy for your puppy to chew on!). Anyway, maybe because of his beauty or the praises he would receive because of this, (I dunno- I wasn’t there) his heart was lifted up with pride and instead of giving unto the LORD (His Creator) the glory due His name, he (HaSatan) decided the praise was due unto him (big dummy) and his heart was lifted up with pride. He was booted out of heaven and when he left he took one third of heaven’s angels with him. He was the serpent who tempted the first couple in the garden and he has been a trouble-maker (to say the least) ever since. The first Adam gave him his dominion and the second Adam took it away and rendered him powerless. Part of the good news (gospel) is “sin shall no longer have dominion over you.” We may choose that which is good and know through the enabling power of the Ruach HaKodesh what is the good and right path. All my words here today are contained within G-d’s book, our wonderful, authoritative and true Bible, G-d’s holy book.
Here is a website to consider: http://www.allaboutgod.com/story-of-lucifer.htm. We are not ignorant of his devices and we should know our common enemy. Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is dangerous, especially concerning our common Adversary, HaSatan.


“HaSatan is not one of the sons of G-d, he is an angel, a created being.”

Hi Carl,

I think one could argue that in the Book of Job, ha-Satan is a member of the divine council, one of the “the sons of God” who is subservient to God.

Seems to me that the sons of God could be angels and that the angel of God could be Satan.

In any case, I don’t think it matters on a practical level, because I believe God is in control of everything.

If God is competing with the Devil then wouldn’t we have a dualistic religion?

carl roberts

but wait.. there more!- lol! look again at Proverbs 6.18,19. All these things are descriptions of the Accuser of the brethren and number one on the list of things which are detestable to YHWH is pride! EGO- “edge G-d out.” Contrariwise from start to finish, from birth to death the life of Y’shua was marked by humility.


I think this is one of the areas I kind of get to floundering in, when it comes to the subject of the devil or HaSatan. Because he is a created being, he is limited in power and knowledge. He seems to cause more of a fuss within the Christian community than all powerful, all knowing and all wise, YHWH. I don’t get it…who is the focus of our affection? Who is the One we should be studying and learning about, the One to whom all glory is ascribed?
Yes, I do understand the concept of the enemy and the idea of an adversary and the powers of darkness which those who are unbelievers are subject to. But it appears that the Christian church is OBSESSED with fighting the enemy rather than giving Yeshua credit for destroying the “works” of the devil (1John 3:8). Rather than accepting responsibility for our own sin and corruption, many blame Satan for the sin in their lives and live powerless and timid lives of desperation, afraid to praise Him with all their might. Believers should focus on obedience to the pattern and life of Christ, repent of revealed sin, and carry on with the boldness and assurance that He is our champion! Whom shall I fear, but the One who is able to kill the soul. (Matthew 10:28) Sadly, the nations cannot see the provision of God because the ones who are called by His Name are running and hiding from the devil, and at the same time, being persuaded by the doctrines of demons. WHAT!!!
I have run into so many defeated Christians, scared to move, afraid of “the devil”, so steeped in the traditions of men, that to deviate from the status quo is blasphemy. Rather than obeying the revealed Words of Christ, they let the “prophets”and “apostles” tickle their ears and work their sorcery of killing the true prophets and lying for personal profit. Prophets of profit! If you do not fit THEIR mold, you are not “saved”. If you are not financially prosperous or have a huge following, something is not right. I am reminded now of a huge TBN preacher, a mega man of the gospel saying…the Word will work if you will work it!!! We are looking here and there following every prophetic teaching concerning the antiChrist, we fail to see that we travel the same path as the murder, liar and lawless ones who honor YHWH with their lips and their hearts are far from Him. We succumb to the doctrines of men, yet refuse to bow the knee to YHWH.
I guess ultimately, it all boils down to “whose report do you choose to hear and believe?” Does the enemy have to struggle with God for your soul now? Is he a defeated foe or not? YHWH will hold every MAN/WOMAN accountable at the Judgment. I think the answer lies within the jot and tittle…Shema O Israel.

carl roberts

I’m publicly “confessing,” and professing- “I love this lady!” lol! good morning Mary and right out of the cannon- you my conquering sister are “spot on!” Good news! Good news!- The devil is a defeated foe! No we cannot “blame” our failures on him-, the good ol’ handy dandy “finger of blame” belongs squarely upon the one we “face” in the mirror.
Let me be plain and clear- HaSatan does exist! But today, (all thanks to Calvary and the finished and final work of Yeshua- HaSatan’s dominion and power no longer are viable for those who are “in Christ.” The LORD is our Shepherd and we are His sheep. We are absolutely, positively, “in good hands,” because dear family we (who are called by His name!) are right now, today- this very G-d moment, the children of YHWH, the sons and daughters of El Gibbor through faith in the completed triumph of Yeshau HaMashiach on His tslav. Yes!- the cross was His and His alone. Not only have we been buried with Him in the likeness of His death but also we have been raised with Him in the likeness of His resurrection(should I place an exclamation point here? or a question mark! You are so right dear sister- so many of G-d’s children walk around looking like a question mark when we should all be G-d’s proclaimers- He has won!! Christ is the victor or sin, satan, sorrow and separation. No more death- His was the death of death. No more sorrow- “My joy I give unto you.” No more satan- the lion’s teeth were pulled at Calvary, only the foul breath of fear remains. His bark is truly worse than his bite. No more separation- (and I love this part)- please, please, know, recognize and realize- the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to the bottom. Folks- G-d did this. Do you know why? -Do you know why the veil was torn from top to the bottom? Because the heart and soul of the good news, the sacrifice of the Perfect Lamb was accepted by YHWH. My sins, your sins, the sins of every soul upon the planet from the creation until today were placed upon Yeshua at Calvary and He paid in full our sin-debt. He suffered, bled and died to pay for and to accomplish in a finite period of time what would have taken us an eternity to pay- our sin-debt, paid in full.
Thank you for the cross LORD. Thank you for the price you paid. Thanks be to G-d for His unspeakable gift. Yes Mary, forever- “looking unto Jesus, the Author and the Completer of our faith.”


“many defeated Christians, scared to move, afraid of “the devil”,”

Hi Mary,

I think we are supposed to fear God’s wrath, not the devil.

And I think if we focus on God we can overcome our fears.