The Man Who Would Be King

“Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen better than the fat of rams.” 1 Samuel 15:22

Is Better Than – Saul loved being king.  He loved to be the man in charge.  He loved to make the decisions.  That love of power and prestige ruined him.  He forgot that the king is called to have an ear for the words of the Lord.  He forgot that the only reason a man leads is because he first serves.  Saul thought he could pacify YHWH with ritual, but Samuel reminded him that ritual means nothing if it is used to replace obedience.  The Hebrew preposition min has a half dozen or more meanings depending on the context.  Here it is used as the indicator of comparison.  It could be translated “to obey is above sacrifice,” or “ to obey is beyond sacrifice,” or “to obey is greater than sacrifice.”  What is really important is the implication that failing to carry out God’s commands is the equivalent of rebellion, iniquity and idolatry (see the next verse).  Samuel speaks ominous words to Saul:  “Because you have rejected the word of YHWH, YHWH has also rejected you from being king.”  Disobedience has terrible consequences because disobedience is tantamount to serving some other god.

Many know this story but few consider its contemporary application.  Who are the people who substitute ritual for obedience?  It isn’t the non-believers.  They don’t care about the ritual at all.  Only those who are connected to the worship of YHWH are likely to use ritual as an alternative to obedience.  We are those people.

“How can you say that?” you might ask.  “We worship God.  We believe in Jesus.  We go to church.”  So?  The issue is not about religious practice or sacred rituals.  It’s about doing what YHWH says.  As far as I can tell, YHWH says to watch what you eat, use your assets according to His instructions, demonstrate justice and righteousness over excess gain, sacrifice for others, love enemies, honor elders, maintain holiness and respect His creation.  In fact, He gives specific commandments about exactly how to accomplish these things, including how to worship Him.  But it seems that a large number of Christian practices follow Saul.  They substitute what God said for some ritual, perhaps a ritual that even has a biblical connection.  But there’s just a little alteration, a little twist, a little difference.  And when YHWH rejects those substitutions as idolatry, we get upset, claiming that we have the right motivation.  Really?  What motivates us to make up our own rules for obedience?  G. K. Beale makes a comment about Israel’s history that seems particularly appropriate for us.  “The problem with these traditions was not that they were necessarily unbiblical or bad in and of themselves, but Israel’s attitude to the traditions.  Israel trusted in these traditions instead of in God and his word.”[1] What do you suppose Yeshua meant when He said, “Neglecting the commandments of God, you hold fast to the traditions of men” (Mark 7:8)?  Doesn’t that apply to us too?

John Stott said, “The hallmark of an authentic evangelicalism is not the uncritical repetition of old traditions but the willingness to submit every tradition, however ancient, to fresh biblical scrutiny and, if necessary, reform.”  Do you think he’s right?  Have you reconsidered the “traditions” of your faith and asked if they match the words of YHWH?  Have you taken a long, hard look at the actual words of YHWH, or does your faith rest on the traditions of your church?  Is it really better to obey or will that just cause too much conflict in your life?

Topical Index:  min, better, obedience, tradition, 1 Samuel 15:22

[1] G. K. Beale, We Become What We Worship, p. 169.

Grammatical Note:  You may have noticed a few typos in the last two days.  I apologize.  Too much travel and too little time often results in less than excellent work.  Please overlook these errors and concentrate on the message.  I will try to be more careful.

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Thanks again Bro Skip for the teaching/message this morning. May His name be sanctified as we learn to follow his wondrous commands, and may not rebellion be found in our hearts or homes. Blessed be the name of the King!


I have been part of a church fellowship now for about 10 years ( it was actually three different congregations coming together to make one.) We have walked together through a whole lot, and the journey has been really hard the last few years. I lost my first wife to brain cancer over 5years ago, she also left behind a three year old daughter.

Back in January I remarried. The journey has been very difficult. I have been sick the whole time and just recently found out that the culprit is mercury poisoning and some black mold. This seems to have affected my nervous system and I am struggling with fatigue and weaknes. The black mold has created problems for my wife’s respitory system.

A little less than a week ago both our vehicles were hit as they were parked on the side of the road. One was totalled and the other will not be repaired and ready until December 7th. I was in an accident back in the end of January that took another vehicle off the road for good. It was the other persons fault, and they were ticketed on the spot, yet still had to go court over that one.

Plus all the adjustments for all of us with the new marriage! God help us, it has been so stressful!
Please pray for us. Still pressing into the King’s kingdom and have been been blogging on facebook the reality of God’ Instructions/Torah. This blogging involves mostly people of the Church body that I have been involved with over the last ten years. Challenging this particular body of Messiah with the concepts of Torah. Enjoying this very much, with not a lot of respones and dialogue yet. I have realized I have a certain aptitude for writing, and communicating.

Please pray with me about this venture and that it will honor the Messiah and the Torah he fully fleshed and lived out. I deeply love this body of believers, at the same time I have been deeply frustrated and hurt by them. Yet, I want to serve them and our King, the best that I can in the power of the Holy Spirit.

LaVaye-Ed Billings

Our dear Brian, Wife, and precious little child, We have never seen you or spoken to you before, but although your problems seem so numerous, and right now in our elderly years of nearing 82 and 78years , we are walking in such great health and doing so much in these years of being OLD. We have not even in the past buried a spouse, or child, just brothers and sisters younger than us ( my husband is the middle of a pack of seven, and the only one surving now), we have had different heart breaking situations than yours: living in a third world 95% muslim country, all of us “knocked down but not knocked OUT even there! ( although at times in hospital beds, our own beds there and while traveling with two or three young children, it appeared we were knocked out!–truly)
BUT THAT IS NOT THE GOOD NEWS I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU NOW! We fainted not (even in high temperatures, bed rest from all the diseases picked up in dark continents, some times we could barely remember any of the many verses of scripture we had known since childhood— but one I held onto was the simple verses— “trust in God with all your heart, soul, mind” —several references for that– if you can not find them. let me know. Stay in the WORD, all the fullness of it, do not separate it from one covenant to another. We need it all— Jesus, the power of the infilling of the Holy Spirit, & His disciples in the New Covenant, along with Paul, and the rest, along with the Old marvelous Hebrew part.
I can promise you in due season, if you faint not, and continue in His Word, prayer, seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness ( in right standing with Him). You will be so blessed and the Lord will use you mightily.
Do not be disturbed about your fellowhip and people that disappoint you. If you think the Lord is leading you to stay, stay, if not leave–! ( yes, we have experienced untold numbers of people in the body of believers that did not act like they knew God’s Word or Him at all, during our long years–and yet, God is still on His Throne and knows that– just give it to Him in voice–and continue on in His JOY–(yes, look up all the references of that word, “joy”—so magnificent– “for the” joy set before Him, He—-” along with such sorrow, that we can not even imagine it—-)
I have written too much, as I did not have time to even read this devotional, but came in here to get some flour out of a second ref. in the utility room where I also keep my “office,computer, study Bibles, books, etc.—very easy to do laundry, and all the rest in this small room, no household help here, just Ed and Me,—–twenty-five guest coming to see us (are all descendants or spouses–three little great-grandchildren) from Tues. before Thanksgiving through Sat after— to feed, pick -up some at airport, partially house and bed, many of them, and be a blessing to two new grand-daughter-in=laws first time for main holiday here, and entertaining all of them –(Ed on the golf=course where he goes regularly, but today and has been at H.S. substituting for past two weeks and more). JUST WANTED TO ENOURAGE AND REMIND YOU THAT
GOD IS SO FAITHFUL.! ” JOY UNSPEAKABLE” — Rejoice and again I say Rejoice in the Lord!!! LaVaye Billings

Judi Baldwin

Hi Brian,

Thanks for sharing some of your story. Wow…you’ve been through a lot and are still in the midst of some significant and stressful issues… health, spiritual, circumstancial.

You can count on my prayers for God’s peace, strength and guidance.

Blessings to you.


Thanks Judi, I aprreciate that very much! Blessings on you and yours!

carl roberts

Sorry Saul. What a sad life!- It has been said, “if you can’t be a good example- at least be a horrible warning and can’t we say this for King Saul. From the git-go this man had “issues” in one form or fashion of another. He was always “messing up!” I can just hear him and Ol’ Blue Eyes, Frank Sinatra in their duet together,- “I Did It My Way.” Sorry Saul. I can’t help but feel sorry for the man.
“For I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing.” I wonder if Saul knew this. After all, he stood head and shoulders above the riff-raff. He was a man’s man, or so it seemed. Yeah, that’s right.. -don’t judge a book by its cover..Case in point- little ruddy David, a “mere” shepherd boy. How many times have I been guilty of judging after the flesh? We must, we must remember man looks on the eternal, but G-d looks upon our hearts.
Saul was the consummate “Greek” thinker! Well according to my reasoning surely G-d would want a few sheep spared for us to sacrifice to Him. You see- he ran G-d’s explicit instructions past the judgment bar of his mind and forget the words of YHWH “kill them all.” King Saul (with good intentions no doubt) said to himself- well..I’ll pick out a few sheep here and there to sacrifice to G-d. I know He said to kill them all, but you know- it seems like such a waste of mutton. G-d was not pleased one bit by this, because His instructions to Saul were- “kill them all.”
We all are just like Saul. Did G-d really say that I am supposed to do that? How well do we listen? How well do we “shema?” KIng Saul was not really concerned with G-d’s agenda- he had his own thing goin’ on.
Saul forgot. A major blunder. In order to be “over,” we must first learn to be “under.” We all must operate”under” authority. (Remember the Roman centurion?)- “I too am a man under authority”. He recognized Yeshua as being a man under authority. (Remember Yeshua operated as a man during His entire visit with us- to show us how to do it!
Brian, -welcome to the community! It seems like every one of us have been wounded in some way!- Very interesting indeed!. More to say on this later, right now- time is the enemy..


Thank you so much my dear LaVaye Billings your words bring great weight to my heart. I was out walking with my daughter earlier and the Holy Spirit was talking to me about great joy. I then ended up sharing with my wife a couple of Scriptures about joy inexpressible and full of glory and the angels announcement of great joy or mega joy to the shepherds. THIS ALL TOOK PLACE BEFORE I EVEN READ YOUR ENCOURAGING BLOG! The King is faithful!

LaVaye-Ed Billings

WOW— —Brian– certainly,” joy inexpressible” —– your reply reminds me: “He answers before we even ask”. — ( we usually do not know the reply immediately though)


LAVAYE/ED B. (58 YEARS OF MARRIAGE— — only because of His faithfulness!

Stephen Harrelson

Hey Skip,
I for one do not worry about a couple of typos. Over the last three years, consistently eating “At God’s Table,” Today’s Word has absolutely transformed my understanding of everything related to my faith. Thank you and please don’t ever stop. Blessings,
Steve from the Plane

Kees Brakshoofden

Sadly enough John Stott is very right. I served more than 15 years with other teachers, some of which now are my strongest opposers, since I learned to appreciate Gods Torah more than my evangelical tradition.

Still I experience difficulty in trying to obey. What are the rules, for instance, for the things I eat. I do want to except Gods words on this, but not the Jewish traditions. Clean animals for meat, ok. But no milk and flesh together? I suppose this is tradition, not what God told us. (I have never cooked meat in milk ever in my life). How do I seperate oral torah from written torah, when Jews don’t do this? How can I reccognize the difference? What in Oral Torah is acceptable, what is not? I don’t find this an easy job!

Bless you all,



Nehemia Gordon is an example. There are many more.

That’s a fact. We were separated from the Torah keeping community for many years when YHVH sent us to serve in a reformed ministry out in the middle of the NV desert.

A dear friend sent the link to Karaite Korner in 1997 and that was our only source of Torah keeping info until 2005. That’s how we began keeping the calender and Feasts according to the New Moon. We were starved to it. YHVH called a fast from all the traditions and left us only with our Bibles and the Karaite instructions in the newsletter and website.

How amazing to realize that keeping the calender is as simple as looking up in the sky. It faithfully hangs there night after night for all of mankind to see! Even my little grandchildren can keep track of the times and seasons.

When we came back we realized that the painfully oppressive circumstance had sheltered us from a nasty civil war. While the rest of the Messianic community devoured one another with all forms of craziness, we were learning to keep Torah totally oblivious to it all. As a result we still warmly love everyone even though they have split into several factions. What an amazing blessing.

Now it’s just the most natural thing to teach our little flock straight from Torah. As they begin to experience other members of the Torah keeping community, they have the pure teaching of Torah to compare all the traditions to and they share only pure Torah with their friends.

It also halts the arguments of our pointy headed reformed friends. We can honestly and sincerely declare נאמ־יהוה n@’um YHVH Thus saith the LORD! “It is written”. God’s words not Jewish traditions and fables because frankly we know very little about them. It’s disturbingly all but impossible to argue with two uneducated old people who approach scripture from context and common sense.

I have nothing against those who teach the traditions. Our style is far more streamlined and easy to keep, but I’m certain there are reasons for others knowing what they have been taught.

I believe that it’s probably because we are generally sent to the church more than the Jews. However the same answers we have for the gentiles are the same answers we have for the Jews.

Q; Why don’t you eat shellfish?
A; It’s not food!

Q; Who says?
A. God!

I’m still praying for you Amanda. You too Brian.

Shabbat Shalom