Conflict Of Interest

Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities.  For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Romans 13:1

Governing Authorities – Do you have difficulty reconciling this verse with the actual history of the world?  Most people do.  While theologians go through hoops trying to show how a holy and good God could be behind despots and tyrants, most of us simply ignore the implications.  We can’t do the theological gymnastics necessary to claim that a good God would put Hitler or Pol Pot or Stalin into power.  The texts tells us that the governing authorities (exousias huperechousias) derive their authority from God.  Paul seems to argue that since God establishes these men, we should all submit to them.  But the history of governments causes us all kinds of ethical distress.  We just can’t understand how God could expect us to subject ourselves to the rule of men whose megalomania led to the extermination of millions.  What kind of God is that?  Since the ethical dilemma is overwhelming, we avoid talking about it.

But what if our interpretation of Paul’s words is completely off base?  What would happen to this typical but excruciatingly difficult exegesis if we looked at the historical context before we decided that Paul was speaking about general principles of governance?  Mark Nanos makes a compelling argument that Christian exegesis has ignored the actual cultural situation in Rome at the time Paul wrote his letter.  Nanos shows that the real objective of Paul’s advice was not general principles of government but rather the relationship between Gentile believers and Jewish believers in the synagogue.  In other words, Paul is telling those Gentiles who have joined the Messianic community of believing Jews to subject themselves to the governing authorities of the synagogue.  The problem is a local one, not a universal one.  Paul wants the congregation to be in harmony.  So he tells the newcomers to follow the directions of the already-established synagogue authorities.  That’s why he can describe these men as ministers of God, servants of God and rulers.  He is not talking about Caesar (or any other worldly leader).  He is talking about the very specific hierarchy in the synagogue in Rome.  Nanos writes, “Jan Botha points out that the terms describing those in power do not indicate ‘abstract institutions’ or ‘systems.’  Rather, their lexical sense is specifically related to personal relationships.”[1] Nanos continues, “[Paul’s language] was a clear reference to those in charge of the government of the synagogue, an institution that in fact has been ‘ordered’ by God to interpret righteousness for his people.”[2]

For centuries Christian political theory has assumed that Paul’s comments were about the divine authorization of the governments of men.  All kinds of “divine rights” have been based on this misunderstanding.  Can we suggest that removing the Jewish historical context from Romans resulted in claims to power that Scripture never endorsed?  Nanos thinks so.  If you have ever struggled with Paul’s passages on government, maybe you also need to put Paul’s remarks back into the actual circumstances his letter addresses.  If you read these words as a Gentile believer in a first century Roman synagogue, what do you think they would mean?  Maybe the answer has been staring us in the face all this time, but we couldn’t see it because we had a global point of view.  Now we have a chance to re-examine our assumptions.  What will your view of God and government look like if Paul is only talking about governing inside the community?

Topical Index:  government, authorities, Mark Nanos, exousias huperechousias, Romans 13:1

[1] Mark Nanos, The Mystery of Romans, p. 297.

[2] Nanos, p. 301.

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Kees Brakshoofden

The implications of the wrong exegesis are very sad indeed. For all you in the States this may be no more than theory, for Europe things were very different. When the Nazi’s occupied the Netherlands, laws would gradually become stricter on the Jews. Many times Jews came to my grandparents asking them to hide them. But this was totally impossible, because they had orthodox christian neighbours that collaborated with the Nazi’s, because they were the by God appointed authorities. I know many orthodox christian churches that said that. The sad result is that Holland lost the biggest percentage of Jews in all of Europe: 105,000 of 140,000 Dutch Jews were killed. I’m convinced many more Christians would have had the courage to help Jews, if their pastors would have understood this text.

Leo Van Gulck

I still do have questions. If we read the whole chapter, then the subject changes back to public authorities. Verse 4 speaks of their sword to punish those who commit wrongdoing. Verses 6 and 7 speak of taxes. In the synagogue there was no sword no tax collectors. So I remain with questions whether verse 1 speaks only of the synagogue authorities.
I do believe that the divine law of loving enemies and caring for the brethren surpasses every brutal killers system. Here in Europe we learned to survive under Napoleon, emperor Wilhelm II in WW1 and the nazis in WW2. The Lord helped our family through both wars: no one had even a little scar. My bed was several time covered with broken glass when bombs fell. Not a scratch.
But if we commit tax fraud, we damage the society in which we live and we eventually cause anarchy, which is exactly the opposite of the rightesness, the peace and the joy in the Holy Spirit that characterises the Kingdom of God.


Good morning Leo, thanks for your comments and the very good questions to Skip. We may be subject to the governing authorities, but we only bow the knee and fully submit to the One true King and his kingdom! Thanks and blessings my brother.

Daniel Jones

Leo, I have had the same questions for a very long time. As the corruption in the U.S. government and financial institutions becomes ever more evident having a true understanding of this becomes ever more important.


I’m with you Leo. As many Christians as would not help the Jews in WWII there were more than we know about that did. I think we are talking apples and oranges here. The mid-wives submitted until doing so would violate YHVH supreme concern to sustain life. We keep Shabbat until we have an ox in a ditch.

This also brings up the question what do you do when you are no longer welcome in the synagogue? I REALLY WANT TO KNOW


Sorry I still don’t know what key I’m hitting that submits before I’m done.

As I was saying, I REALLY WANT TO KNOW because our Torah keeping lifestyle has caused us to be total oddballs and unwelcome in most congregations both Jewish and Christian. We have been asked to leave more than once.

carl roberts

“Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by G-d.” Romans 13:1

The issue at stake here is authority and submission, not who is good or who is evil. In other words, to be “over” we must be “under.” G-d is in no way saying “bend the knee” to Hitler or even as some would say (just) pray for him. No. Pray for him can be (and should be) interpreted pray (because of) him- and the pain destruction, misery, ruin, etc. he (or she) is causing.

If we wanted to and if the question were raised, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” -there is an answer to this. Why did G-d exterminate millions of Jews is not the right question. Why did the Christians stand by and allow the extermination of millions of Jews is a better question. Evil exists in this world. Evil still exists in this world, today and right now. Do we need to “point” this out, or is this better answered, “duh.” Abortion, homosexuality, adultery, idolatry- shall we go on? (This could end up a very long list..). Sin (still) exists. And so does righteousness, holiness and peace.
Now is the time for us to speak. Now is the time for “us” to be heard. Yes, all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Amen. We have been called to be “salt and light.” (It is written).
There seems to be (still) no shortage of narcissistic megalomaniacs even today. And some of them have risen (through deception, fear, or tooth and claw) to “power.”
Yes, let us view our future by looking at the past. King Saul, -better known as “exhibit A”. He stood ‘head and shoulders’ above the people. -Or King Pharaoh, raised as a god. Ego incarnate- “who is the LORD that I should obey him?” -“Give us a king,” the people cried. What did the people want? G-d gave them their request. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
The question I ask this day is: Do we need a Savior? Today. Right now. In this day and in this age and at this moment- do I need a Savior? Do I need redemption, rescue, resuscitation, revival? Do I need a Savior? A Redeemer? A Comforter? A Friend? And where can we go and to Whom shall we turn? What (or Who) are we depending upon to “see us through?” Have we prayed with the beggar- “Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me?” A most excellent prayer. -Remember Lazarus.
Why does G-d tell us (over a thousand times) in His book- “remember?” Do we need to be re-minded? What, why and Who do we need to remember? – John 14.26.

Gayle Johnson

The European Holocaust is one of the most baffling mysteries I have ever considered. When I cannot understand things, I implore God for an explanation. I have yet to perceive anything about that time in human history, that shows the love of a just God. I am not trying to say that God owes man an explanation, but the God of my experience is not silent or impotent.

The only thing I can remotely imagine is that WE, who know Him, were/are expected to be the rescuers. It pains me to see that there are situations like this going on in the world today, and the political system denies rescue to the most vulnerable. I happened to see ‘Dateline’ on television last night, and this is the situation in Sudan. The Christian leaders are asking for intervention from the international community, to prevent them from being slaughtered by the Muslims, who want to control their lands. They just want someone to stand in the gap with them.

How do we ignore those who plead for our help, when we have the means to stop the next genocide?


Good morning my precious sister and to all the beautiful people who share their comments. I feel so richly blessed this morning to be a part of this rich and mature community. I so…. appreciate the diversity and perspectives from around the world. I would love to meet you all and give a big Abba’s love hug this morning.

Sister Gayle, Two passages of Scriptures come to my mind after reading your thoughts this morning. Job 38:1-4, v. 4-“WHERE WERE YOU when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding.

The first question God asked man, Genesis 1:9- But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “WHERE ARE YOU?” These emphasises are mine.

I believe you are very much on target when you say that we are the rescuers. Concerning the past and the crimes against humanity, God is still asking the question “WHERE WERE YOU?” He was there waiting for us to be his hands and feet.

Concerning the present crimes concerning humanity, God is still asking the question, “WHERE ARE YOU?” He is longing to meet these hurting and devastating ones with his love and great compassionate heart. He is waiting for US to move into these peoples lives and situations with his great love and compassion.


That passage is Genesis 3:9, not 1:9. Blessing to everyone and Shabbat Shalom!


Shalom Gayle once again, I believe the real question that we need to answer is not, “Where were you?” that is not a question of condemnation, but of perspective. We cannot change the atrocities done in the past. Hopefully, we can learn from the mistakes and successes of the people of that particular generation. In the end, God will sort it all out; He is the true Judge!

The real question is, “Where are you?” in relationship to the suffering of others right now in the here and now. This is the question that demands a response. Our response to this question, is what we will be held accountable for in the end. He has giving us everything we need to respond convincingly, the choice is OURS!

Ian Hodge


Good point about the misinterpretation and therefore misapplication of Romans that is undertaken outside of the context of Torah.

A follower of Torah known to us as Daniel provides the right perspective on authority, a point you made a few days ago. A civil-religious law was decreed the proscribed prayer to YHWH — but only for 30 days. After that, it was back to prayer as normal. Daniel took it upon himself to provocatively pray in public, and we know the outcome.

Torah sets the boundaries — or the jurisdictions of legitimate authority. Both Sha’ul and Daniel make this point, and it applies to “religious” authorities just as well as it does to “civil” authorities – or even parental authority. If we acknowledge YHWH as our authority, there comes a time when disobedience to earthly authorities, who move beyond their God-ordained boundaries, is the right thing to do.


This truly is a can of worms. The church I attended for many years used this verse to defend the leadership. Our “government” consisted of:
1. Pastor 2. Seven Deacons
Within these two entities, there was a struggle for power resulting usually in deadlock, which resulted in doing virtually nothing except maintaining the status quo. If anyone within the congregation attempted to branch out and actually DO something radical like reach out to the community, their efforts would be watched with a critical eye and soon be squashed.
Through attrition, the “election” of the deacons ended up either a popularity contest, without consideration of Biblical qualification and/or reducing the number needed due to congregation decline and a decline in the number of ANY prospective deacons.

I heard this verse sermonized from the pulpit without an understanding of how the True Head of the Church could tolerate such a lack of concern for anyone outside its own walls. It appeared to be so self serving and it was apparent something was amiss, but I could not quite reconcile the thing until recently.

When the foundation is faulty, the whole structure will crumble eventually. It appears the christian church has been built on a faulty foundation, yes? Likewise, the legalism of any construct creates the conditions for a perfect storm of destruction. The unyielding yoke of bondage without grace of the Spirit is as destructive as private interpretation used as license. We are to have the gifts of wisdom and knowledge to serve our King according to the His Way, not some rendition that runs parallel. If He paved the Way, shouldn’t we also be walking that same Way? As we flippantly flock to so called men of God, let’s ask Him for wisdom and discernment as we journey to our Haven of Rest.

Thank you, Skip for presenting us with this provoking message.

carl roberts

“It appears the christian church has been built on a faulty foundation, yes?” -The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her LORD.. I am so hurt to read of your pastor and his seven accomplices. The heart of Yeshua is a servant’s heart. He took a towel and girded himself. The Son of man came not to be served, but to serve. If you or anyone reading these words is a member of a church or synagogue whose leadership is anything but servant-leadership, it is time to head for the door marked “exit.” Again, the mind of Christ is the mind of a servant. Do not worry, do not fret, do not fear- Yeshua (whose words never fail) has said- “I will build my church.” And He always accomplishes what He sets out to do! The church (that’s us folks!) is the bride of Christ. YHWH is working 24/7 readying the bride for the Bridegroom! We have a wedding feast to look forward to- not to mention a “honeymoon” that will last for millenniums! lol! -May the Comforter heal your wounded heart Mary and restore the years the locusts have eaten.. Amen.


I’d like to hear a response from Skip on the post from Leo.


Wasn’t Jesus saying to submit to government authority when he spoke about following tax code? Or was that just for taxes and laws?

Leo Van Gulck

A short answer to Gaile Johnson. When the nazis took the power and invaded most of the European countries, everyone in Europe experienced the “night in which you could not work”. Every word or act was on the spot punished with automatic gun fire. It was simply too late to come up for whatever. Why ??? The answer is not that God didn’t see nor know, but that the so called christians in whole of Europe, both catholics as protestants, were deeply sunk into “religion and tradition”. The gospel had lost ALL of its power. This is exactly the moment where evil spirits wait for, to attack a whole continent and even the whole world. He used, according to the terminology of Lenin, every useful idiot, to carry out the most disgusting crimes; this is the character of satan. Dead churches open the gate to this force over and over again. Leadership in the church is responsible so that the Holy Spirit does not take away his lampstand from the congregation. This is in a nutshell one of basic reasons why this holocaust could happen. Of course the church fathers and even Luther were guilty too. They uttered the most disgusting anti-semetic rhetorics; Hitler answered, when questionned on the holocaust, “why do you complain? I only put into practice what Luther asked for!!” We must be honest with ourselves and ask the Lord for forgiveness for the sin of our “christian ancesters who were in many cases nothing less than dry bones”. Let it be a serious warning for the USA, where steadily secular humanism had become the rule. Forget denominations and traditions, but come back to Yeshua now that you still can.


Leo you nailed it! My husband Ron and myself see another sign that (in our opinion) Is a serious warning.

A few rabbis that we have had the opportunity to ask have admitted that before the holocaust God sent them righteous prophets to warn them and they would not listen. It appears to us that the Church is having a similar experience today.

Twenty years ago you almost could not find discussions such as this one between believers. Even among Messianics, Torah observance was rare. We personally now know hundreds and know of thousands. Some say millions could be counted. We don’t know that for sure but there surly is a righteous remnant being assembled.

We were just recently called those [(wicked) emphasis mine] Torah people. I guess they thought we were sent by the enemy to TP their congregation. We simply stated why we do what we do and they immediately took us into a discussion (that they were not prepared for) of Galatians. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! We now proudly bare the shame of being called the “Torah People” or TP for short. Interesting that YHVH is sending TP to the Church.

Nehemia Gorden sent out a hilariously sad newsletter yesterday that contained a Christmas poem from a self proclaimed S.O.B. scripturally observant believer. I love his wit. It’s a great read.

Thank you all for listening to the voice of YHVH and obeying. You are a great encouragement to us.

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Hanukkah to those who observe it.


Thanks brother Leo for your response to sister Gayle. There are sections in the body of Messiah that have been moving toward the Jewish people in repentance of our forefathers. Yes, and there is a continual need for this as the Holy breath of G-d dictates!

We need a wise and godly responses to the atrocities, inhuman acts, and rhetoric done in the name of Yeshua to his beloved people. At the same time, it seems to me, we need women and men under the authority of Yeshua and the power of the Ruach HaKodesh; who move toward the problems and atrocities done to the Jewish people today, and toward all other people groups.

We cannot change what has already taking place. But we can move and hopefully change, what is taking place today. In the here and now.


Thanks Skip for pointing me to your prior article. My daughter and I were in some very life changing events at this time last year. Yet, I do remember reading parts of this article.

My basic comment doesn’t change, “we cannot change the past.” But………… that doesn’t mean we cannot allow it to change us in holy, good, and righteous ways. While living in the glorious infinite possibilities of this present moment; knowing and trusting the good G-d and that he has already dealt the death blow (the future of all evil/sins and atrocities has met its match and has an end), in the death and resurrection of Yeshua our Messiah!

Our G-d and Messiah has the resounding and final say!

Roy w Ludlow

Oh my! The hornets nest got stirred up this monring. Thanks Skip. More people are reading this than the normal responses begin to show. The thesis of the main article fits my own convictions. I will need to read the surrounding text before I decide about some of the other issues that are raised in the many comments.


“Nanos continues, “[Paul’s language] was a clear reference to those in charge of the government of the synagogue, an institution that in fact has been ‘ordered’ by God to interpret righteousness for his people.”[2]”

In 12:21 Paul says: Resist evil and conquer it with good.”
In 13:01 “Paul” says “you most obey the governing authorities.”

There is no transition between Romans 12:21 and 13:01, so if Paul is talking about the synagogue, it is evil.

I don’t think Paul is talking about the synagogue.

In any case, in my Bible the interpretation by Mark Nanos is not valid.


Rom 12:14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.

Rom 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.

Rom 12:16 Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation.

Rom 12:17 Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men.

Rom 12:18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.

Rom 12:19 Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord.


Rom 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

I think the point made by John Dominic Crossan and Marcus J Borg in The First Paul, Reclaiming the Radical Visionary Behind the Church’s Conservative Icon is more compelling:

“Paul’s concern …. is about taxes and revenues demanded by Rome, but precisely about refusing them violently; about the specter of violent tax revolts among Christians.

It is something that appalls Paul so much that —- in rather a rhetorical panic —- he makes some very unwise and unqualified statements with which to ward off that possibility.”

In my view, when Jesus says “love your enemies,” Paul takes his Master very seriously.


“The issue is what the Greek text says within the context of Rome in the first century.”

Hi Skip,

I agree and, without a knowledge of Greek, can only try to convey my sense of the English.

After reading the text over and over again yesterday, I could find no evidence whatsoever.

In a number of translations.

That Paul was speaking ONLY about Jews in synagogues.

We know for a fact that, to the contrary, Jesus was hostile to Jews collaborating with Rome.

And that Paul was an emotional leader who could overstate his position to make his point.

“Don’t worry about circumcision.”

But when I read “You must obey all governing authorities etc,” it “jumps off the page” at me.

Without the look, feel, or sound of Paul, in my view.

On the one hand, I might tend to interpret Paul’s words above as an attempt to protect.

His flock of Sheep from the Lions.

Or on the other as an admonition that ultimately “everything” is God’s will.

But for me the truth is that Romans 13:1-7 seems to be inauthentic.

And I’m very uncomfortable with it.


Hi Skip,

On a slightly different topic, I have always liked the following scene with Jesus and Nicodemus:

“I tell you the solemn truth, unless a person is born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

But for some reason Paul’s letter to the Romans never had quite the same affect on me.

Yesterday I found myself feeling more drawn into Paul’s discourse, as though he were starting to “grow on me” in my old age.

And Paul’s message now seems much closer to Jesus than I used to think:

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—-what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

carl roberts

One more stone in the soup- let us each remember the book we read is not the “book of the month.” It is the Book of the Ages. The word of the LORD (it is written) endures forever. When YHWH speaks- His words endure. Yes, what was the message to first century believers, and yes, what does it mean now, today, to the creature now sitting in front of his laptop. Every word of G-d is pure and we (all) Jew and Gentile alike, do err not knowing the scriptures nor the power of G-d. As Skip has pointed out, (and thank you Skip) this is an open blog. He has given each of us opportunity to openly express our thoughts. Here are mine, (belonging to man and yet more than one..)- Here is the plumb line of Amos..- “What saith the scripture?” “It is written” is the sure and solid foundation we who are called by His name stand upon. Not Hebrew or Greek- “both”. Not Jew or Greek. Both. Not male or female- both. Every word of G-d is pure and if any man (can someone please interpret “any?”) lol!- Any man is a new creature in Christ. Yeshua said, (are we listening when He speaks?- after all.. He is only G-d..”You must be born again.” Who was He talking to when He spoke this? To Nicodemus, whose name means “Superior.” This was no muckety-muck schmo. This was Nicodemus (whose name means superior), a ruler of the Jews. Nicodemus marveled when Yeshua spoke. So did a lot of other folks as well. Some received and welcomed His words. Others (purposefully) shut their eyes and ears, rejected and even hated Him for the gospel He proclaimed. They held up their puny hand to His face and said, “talk to the hand the face ain’t listening.” He came unto His own and His own received Him not. Why not? Answer this question and we might see some change what am.
A better question would be (there always is a better question it!) Instead of why did they not?, how about, “why do we not?” Again, “what saith the scripture?” (How this needs to be our “mantra” if you wish to call it that..). How did Yeshua, as the Son of man, defeat HaSatan?- “it is written”- not once, not twice, but three times- “it is written.” Are we paying attention? – I wonder.
Brian, I am so glad to read your posts my dear brother, the Ruach Hakodesh is strong in you. YHWH often speaks to us in the crisis periods of our lives. I’ve been through some “stuff” as well and will get in line to testify, “for the LORD is good, -His mercies endure forever.” “My grace is sufficient for you!” (Are you talking to me?!- Yes!! to you..) To all of us and “to whosoever will.” Thank you YHWH for your open invitation purchased by the precious blood of Calvary’s Lamb. Amen. Thanks be to G-d, for His unspeakable Gift.

Pat Sullivan

Wow! That sure changes a whole lot of things. And a lot of errors. Awesome.