This time of the year, many people think about making a year-end donation.  Last year At God’s Table received many checks on the last day of the year.  That actually caused a bit of a problem.  It means that the check does not go into the bank until after the 1st of January of the next year and this causes some havoc with the accounting.  So, could I ask anyone who is considering writing a check before the end of this year to make sure it gets here by December 26 so I can get it into the bank before the 31st.  That would be an enormous help.

If you are going to make a donation by credit card on PayPal, there is no problem at all as long as the donation is done by December 31.

Thank you once again for your faithfulness in supporting my work.  This year 3 books were finished and, of course, 365 Today’s Word editions were published.  I was able to travel to teach and meet readers in far away places and we all grew as a community.  You made all this possible.

Shalom uv’rachot,


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Gayle Johnson

Skip and Roseanne,

Your efforts and sacrifices are manna for us. We all appreciate it so very much. Bless you both for obeying the Master’s call on your lives. This is a challenge we all need!