Entering Into Scripture

as it is written, Mark 1:2, Mark 9:13, Romans 3:10, Romans 8:36, 1 Corinthians 1:31, Galatians 3:10 and many others.

As It Is Written – This phrase we find more than familiar.  In fact, Paul uses it so often that we probably don’t think of it as anything more than a citation reference, like an ancient footnote when footnotes did not exist.  We skip over kathos gegraphtai to get to the important part.  But perhaps we are a bit too hasty.  Perhaps we need to think of the world of the prophets before we rush to read the quotation.

Why is “as it is written” so important?  You might suggest that it grounds the thought in the authority of Scripture.  Yes, that’s true.  But what else?  “As it is written” provides us with the legacy of God’s history with men.  Yes, and what else?  “As it is written” gives us assurance of the truth.  Yes, and?

“The characteristic of the prophets is not foreknowledge of the future, but insight into the present pathos of God.”[1] Perhaps “as it is written” is not simply a reference but an invitation.  It is an invitation to enter into Scripture and into the heart of the God who reveals Himself in those words.  It is an invitation to understand the world with the eyes of the One who spoke what is written.

How would your appreciation of Scripture change if you read the words of YHWH as expressions of His emotions toward men?  Would you feel the disappointment, the anger, the compassion, the heartache, the hope that He expresses in “as it is written”?  Would those words bring pangs of grief as you read His pleas for restoration?  Would they cause shouts of joy as you read His words of triumph?  What would your vision be like if you deliberately determined to see the world as the Lord sees?  Would you be able to stand or would your knees buckle at the monstrous evil men have brought upon each other?  Would you weep as Yeshua wept?  Would anger shoot forth from your eyes as bolts of lightning at the wicked?  Or would you fall awestruck by the ability of a holy God to set aside His wrath in order to rescue His enemies?

Perhaps it is more important to read the flavor of the words following “as it is written” than it is to dissect them with exegetical precision.  Without pathos, they are nothing but proof texts.  Perhaps it’s time to step away from the carefully crafted arguments and listen to the heart of YHWH beating behind those words, “as it is written.”

Topical Index:  as it is written, kathos gegraphtai, emotions, Mark 1:2, Romans 3:10, Galatians 3:10

[1] Abraham Heschel, The Prophets, Vol. 2, p. 11.

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Roy W Ludlow

This is such a neat counterpoint to the Philosophy of the Problem of Evil which is so dry, stearil and without emotion. Thanks, Skip for well said words.


Shalom to all!

Thank you Skip for this beautiful teaching of the prophets this morning. I have tied into the emotions of the prophetic writings and the Scriptures in general for a long time now. (this is how G-d has wired me) I believe by reading the Scriptures “out loud,” we can Hear and Catch the pathos/passion of G-d. I believe we miss the intensity of His word, by not engaging in it this way. Do you practice reading the Scriptures vocally, and have you done any teaching on the importance of hearing G-d’s word this way? Shalom Skip!


Excellent instructions Brian. Starting with the Psalms I discovered the same thing some years ago.
Shabbat Shalom to all.

Roderick Logan

I grew up in a classical Pentecostal denomination that defined prophecy as a means of determining the future. Consequently I came to understand my hope was based on the outcome of circumstances and events yet to come. Many years I found myself passively waiting on God to act on my behalf; and sometimes disappointed that He did otherwise. Or, so I thought.

Heschel’s perspective is like a recalibration. The direction of prophecy has been misaligned in the church world. I need not wait on God to act for He has been acting all along. My hope is not based on the future or on a fantasy, rather, it is based on what “is written”; on what is and has been. My hope is from the past and that my friends is true reality. My hope comes from who God is, not on who one might conceptualize Him to be; or to do.

By the way, therapeutically speaking my anxieties are a lot less when I live based on what God has revealed as opposed to living on what has not been revealed. Instead of waiting with baited breath for something to come, I’m now engaged in living life and being productive with what has been granted to me. For me there is a peace in accepting who I am and what I have; not so much when I was believing more was coming because of someone’s “word of knowledge”.


Good afternoon Mr. Logan,

Engage in what “is written,” not what might be. Excellent my brother! This will lead to productive living and our own history with G-d, that we can pass on to the next generation. Thanks for sharing with us.


“therapeutically speaking my anxieties are a lot less when I live based on what God has revealed as opposed to living on what has not been revealed.”

Hi Roderick,

I agree and tend to think that everything we need is already at hand.


Hello Michael,

Yes, the greatest gifts are usually right in front of us.

Ron Fink

IT IS WRITTEN, is what Yeshua answered hasatan with in the wilderness, this also underscores my own relationship and the dialog with God.
Skip, it is as if you “read my mail” when it comes to seeing things as God does. I fear the wrath of God on mankind. I weep at the evil done to innocents and I feel terrible anger at those who scoff at God and lead His little ones into evil and disobedience.

Just as any obedient child is a delight to their parents, so it is with the children of God. We, as parents, cannot reward disobedience in our children, and neither will God. The wise one seeks Godly wisdom from the scriptures. The fool disregards wisdom in favor of his own desires.

We as human beings, fail to learn from our own history. The 1st and 2nd world wars scared people and made them fear war. The current Government is bringing about legislation that is in direct conflict with IT IS WRITTEN.
There is a conflict coming that will topple mankind.

Many will suffer and many more will perish. Now is the time to return to IT IS WRITTEN.
Now is the time to make a difference.

carl roberts

He HAS given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness- He has given unto us – the Word incarnated into flesh. He has given us the Son. The only begotten Son of G-d and (lest we forget) the son of man, the second Adam, the Christ. G-d incarnate. And He has given unto us (all), His blood and His breath and His book. – Shall we, should we, -thank Him for this?

carl roberts

how blessed we would be if we would hear and follow the word(s) of G-d “as it is written.”
Allow me, if you will, a short discourse. Is G-d Sovereign? Hopefully, we (all) have discovered He is. This is His book and these are His words. Yes, I do believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of every word that proceeds out of the mouth of G-d. The book I read (and hopefully you also) is His book. It is -“the word of G-d.” It also is (surprisingly) the Lamb’s Book of life! (I would be happy to explain why I believe this). We know (yes, experientially) this book is not the “book of the month”- it is the “book of the ages.” “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds forth out of the mouth of G-d.” And where are these books found? Bound in the bundle of life- Our Bible.
Now as to whether we read the KJV,NAS,NIV or the COJB- (complete online Jewish Bible)- I don’t see whether this matters tremendously. We have so many excellent tools at our disposal now (just a mouse-click away!) to “study” the scriptures. And as we do- we find- not only are we reading this book, but this Book is “reading” us! lol! Yes, it is G-d’s book. His love letter to His children, (us).
But the words of the Christ, continue to haunt me,- “you do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of G-d.” Why? Because dear family and friends- G-d created this world by speaking. One single word (especially from Him) can give us life. Every word is a seed and these “seeds” should they be planted in fertile soil, (our hearts and minds) will bear fruit. His words again tell us- “study” to show yourselves approved unto G-d- a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.” And again- “faith comes by hearing” and hearing by the word of G-d. Yes, yes, we need this book. This is G-d’s book of instruction- His Torah to us. We should listen intently with the intended purpose of obedience to what we hear. We should listen to His voice- “this is the Way walk ye in it.” Remember the words of John 14.26? The intended purpose of the Ruach Hakodesh (the Holy Breath) is to remind us of all He has said. What did He say? lol! – Read the Book! Rejoice! -“It is written!!”
I apologize in advance for I am not so interested any more in any man’s “opinion.” The plumb-line of Amos is: “What saith the scripture?” When Yeshua said “feed my sheep”- what is the diet He was referring to? Yes!- the good stuff- the word(s) of G-d. I don’t want to hear about the famous French philosopher who said.. – I (desperately) want to hear- “thus saith the LORD” or “the word of G-d says.” Yes, -“Comfort one another with these words..”