What Happened?
But wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. James 3:17
Pure – Want peace in your life? Want gentleness, mercy and integrity? Want clear reason and satisfying production? Then start with hagnos (Greek for pure). Of course, it’s important to know what “pure” means.
Some synonyms help. “Free from defilements, holy, unblemished, perfect” for starters. When we investigate a bit more, we find that the Greek term is almost always the equivalent of the Hebrew kodesh, a basic term for purity within the religious sphere. Procksch notes that this is distinct from the idea of ethics since it is grounded in the divine, not the human (TDNT, Vol. 1, p. 89). The distinction is important. When we read “pure” we naturally think of moral acts. We imagine that James is exhorting us to ethical uprightness. But that’s not the way the New Testament uses the term hagnos. James is talking about ritual purity, about not being defiled before God in worship. In other words, James is telling his readers that the first thing required for wisdom is personal and corporate acceptability before God, the ritual purity described in Leviticus.
Once we realize that James is following Jewish protocol and not speaking about ethical behavior, we see that Torah observance is the basis of wisdom from above. Wisdom, that understanding and appreciation of the practical application of awe and reverence in life, begins with ritual compliance. If I want to enter into fellowship with YHWH, I have to come to Him His way. Hagnos is the New Testament equivalent of “clean.” Everything depends on it.
Now for the “What happened?” question. In the Greek text, hagnos is preceded by the Greek word men (the phrase is proton men hagne). For some unknown reason, the NASB simply leaves out the translation of men. The literal translation should be “first truly pure” where men emphasizes the perfect quality of ritual purity. Both the Textus Receptus and the NA27th Edition of the Greek New Testament include men so there can hardly be a textual excuse for its omission. Now that you know it’s there, you don’t have to exclude it. The kind of purity James is declaring is the real stuff, the 100% genuine article kind. Why would he need to mention this? Perhaps James’ concern with proper behavior, the kind of behavior that does not leave someone “dead without works” requires first and foremost adherence to the proper form of worship. If we can’t get that right, what chance do we have for peace and gentleness. Our presence before the Lord is an offense from the beginning. James writes to an audience of Jews and Gentiles who are now in fellowship together under Yeshua HaMashiach. They need to be reminded that the form of worship hasn’t changed. It’s still vitally important. Life begins with worship and worship begins with being pure before Him. Isn’t that still true today?
Topical Index: pure, hagnos, men, ritual, worship, defilement, James 3:17
I’ve found during my 60 year walk with God that He always diciplines me under Grace and never under the Law. This is worth knowing as you follow the Way.
May the grace and peace of Yeshua be unto all..
First of all the Source of wisdom. Wisdom comes “from above,” or comes from G-d. And according to James, all we need to do is ask G-d for it. “If any man (that’s me!) lacks wisdom, let him ask of G-d who gives to all men (would that include me?) liberally and upbraideth (or chideth) not.” (James 1.5) or as the word of G-d has also said, “Ask, and you will receive.” Can it really be that simple? Don’t I have to do this or do that or jump through some hoops or something? Ask? Really? As a child would ask his father? -We are His children, amen?
The wisdom from above. This wisdom is not of this world. There are those who are worldly-wise. I do not wish to be counted among their numbers. I’m looking for and expecting the wisdom from above. “Wisdom is better than gold,” Solomon said (and he was a wise man!). Better than gold? (-thus saith the LORD..) – So what is wisdom? What is the wisest thing, any man (that’s me) can do? And? The absolute wisest and best thing any of us may do is to obey G-d. Live according to His instructions. G-d said to the first couple- “don’t eat the fruit.” They disobeyed and paradise was lost. How may we regain paradise?- obey G-d. Do what He says. Or as the mother of Yeshua said unto the servants (that’s us!)- “whatever He says unto you- do it!” Great idea, Mary, for obedience is the pathway of blessing. (Remember, blessednessis a state of “being,” not necessarily “having.”) Obedience=blessing. G-d (our Father) wants obedient children. (How about you,- dad?) Nothing delights the heart of a father more than obedient children. Amen?
If thine eye be single (http://strongsnumbers.com/greek/573.htm) thy body shall be full of light.
“Pure” can also mean “without mixture” or “unadulterated” as in a “pure” glass of water. Not even one half drop of pollutants- (aren’t you glad??). Cool, clear water. Pure. Unmixed. G-d wants our unmixed, undivided devotion, just as you want the undivided, pure, unmixed devotion of your spouse. All He asks is the “all of us”, that’s all..
I’ll have to confess, I’m rather selfish when it come to my bride. I expect 100% of her and she expects the same from me. I want the “all” of her, and she wants the “all” of me. My affections for her are “unmixed” or pure.
Because of the sacrifice of Yeshua on Calvary’s cross- it is possible to kneel in His presence , clean and without defilement. And the blood of Jesus Christ, G-d’s Son (continually) cleanses from (95,96,97..)- or 100% “all” sin. It is soo good to be 100% clean. Praise His name, He has provided a way for us to be “pure.” “Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. (Isaiah 1.18) “Of David. A maskil. Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.” (Psalm 32.1)
-Nothing between my soul and the Savior. -Pure.
Nothing between my soul and the Savior,
Naught of this world’s delusive dream;
I have renounced all sinful pleasure;
Jesus is mine, there’s nothing between.
Nothing between my soul and the Savior,
So that His blessed face may be seen;
Nothing preventing the least of His favor,
Keep the way clear! -Let nothing between.
(Charles A. Tindley)
Nothing between, like worldly pleasure;
Habits of life, though harmless they seem,
Must not my heart from Him e’er sever;
He is my all, there’s nothing between.
Nothing between, like pride or station;
Self-life or friends shall not intervene;
Though it may cost me much tribulation,
I am resolved; there’s nothing between.
Nothing between, e’en many hard trials,
Though the whole world against me convene;
Watching with prayer and much self-denial,
I’ll triumph at last, with nothing between.
Hi Carl,
You might be interested to know that “if your eye be single” is a HEbrew idiom that really means “if you are generous.” The Greek text does not capture the HEbrew idiom because it is a translation of what Yeshua said.
excellent!- thank you for sharing!
If we are to be “godly,” and reflect the character of our Father, we also should be “prodigal” in our giving, for -“Love is benevolence toward another-at cost to myself!”