2011: Opening Remarks
This year, 2011, will be my ninth year of writing a daily Today’s Word. In about two months, I will write the 3000th edition. During that time, there has been only one repeated Today’s Word posted on the web site. It feels good to have 2,999 different looks at Scripture. Writing this has become a permanent part of my daily routine. A few years ago, I collected many of these in the form of my second book, Spiritual Restoration, Vol. 1. This year I hope to complete Volume 2, focusing on the Law and Grace controversy, justice, the social system under God’s design and perhaps a few other topics. I will also attempt to rewrite and publish my work on the Beatitudes. Of course, there will be mp3 files to download and hopefully some in-person seminars in various locations around the world. I will be in Puerto Rico in April and South Africa in May, if you care to join me. If you would like some person-to-person time this year, where you live, let me know and we will see what can be done. This year I will start a Beth Tefilah at our home on Friday evenings. I hope that this will grow to become a place of refuge, prayer and fellowship.
I am forever grateful to my monthly supporters. Your contributions are the difference between bread and no bread around our house. What you donate makes it possible for me to have the time to produce all this work. Thank you again.
It is my hope that 2011 will be a year of growing even closer as a cyber-community. We are really doing what is rarely done, even in churches of face-to-face members. We are demonstrating care and concern, commitment to the Word, a hunger to learn and a willingness to debate. I love it! Ever since I left L’Abri nearly four decades ago, I have longed for such a community. One day we will all be face-to-face, greeting each other with kisses of fellowship. Until then, we will do all we can to be a real global village.
I am looking forward to this year. I hope I can serve each of you even more in the coming months.
But I do have one confession. After nine years of digging into Scripture, I am beginning to feel as if there is just too much here for me to handle. What I mean is that I clearly know enough to know that I don’t know much at all – and every day when I pick up the text to write, I discover that I know less than before. It’s taking longer and longer to write even the one page Today’s Word. Every idea leads to more ideas, intricately interwoven into the fabric of God’s revelation. I am starting to feel lost. I don’t mean that I question God’s care or my desire to study. I mean that it now seems so much more complicated than the simple salvation message I grew up with. I now recognize how severely limited my prior training was – and I recognize how much culture I didn’t have because I didn’t grow up in a Jewish environment. I am way behind and there just isn’t enough time left in my life to catch up. For example, today I am working on an edition about the covenant. The research tools I use contain literally hundreds of pages on the topic. How can I ever really understand it?
I am not telling you this in order to engender sympathy. I am telling you this because I suspect that you might be feeling the same way. IT IS COMPLICATED. God’s revelation is deep, complex, intricate, demanding, and at times, overwhelming. If you’re feeling like this, you are not alone. The teacher feels the same way. That’s why we must keep the perspective that this is a journey, not a destination. It is traveling toward obedience and wisdom. And the road goes ever on.
Sometimes I’m afraid to turn the page. Sometimes I think, “What else will I have to reconsider?” That’s when I must remember that I trust in God’s character, in who He is, not what He does or what He is presently doing in me. He is churning the carefully crafted information organization of my life. He is engineering the exclamations, insights and concerns. He is creating a deep sense of dependence. His purposes are taking me – and maybe you – into the depths. But we won’t drown. Trust Him.
2011 will be a startling year. I can feel it now. The things we will learn together! The miles we will traverse! My head may be spinning but I can’t wait.
Shalom uv’rachot (Peace and blessings)
Happy new year, Skip!
Yes, PaRDeS isn’t always paradise …..
God’s word is disigned to keep us humble and it does a great job. Keep up the good work it has helped me so much. I teach Precepts Bible classes and we are working our way through Revelations and it makes me realize how much I must depend on God for every class.
Thank you for this letter! I feel like I will never catch up! But everyday I praise and thank Yah that you love what you do and to continue to give you wisdom and discernment.
Skip in reference to your “Opening Remarks” just the other day I was telling Nan (my wife) that I think I know not much and feel as I am beginning all over in my knowing the Word of God. So much of what I thought and the revelation I had is becoming out dated so to speak. The more I see in the Word of the real meaning from the Hebrew understanding or view poing the less I know. I do know that our walk with the Lord is only done by whole hearted trusting Him. It is all about Him and not us. Thanks again for what the Lord has put on your heart to do.
skip i just wanted to thank you for this message..its nice to see a glimpse of what it is you go through and what you think..i also want to thank you for all the work you do and all the studying you do to make sure we have our devotion..i do believe ive been subscribed to your site the longest..its such a blessing to me..i know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you do your research and you dont print a word unless you feel God has moved you to do so..i just wanted to personally wish you a happy new year..and to thank you for dedicating yourself to the Lords work..for us..just so we can know God and His word better.
i will never forget the talk we had that day you were ready to board a plane in florida..and i was driving the back country roads on my way to go clean a house..that was such a cool moment..i thought..not too many people would take the time to care or be so personable like you did..you touched my heart that day..
carolyne from pennsylvania
It was my honor to serve you. I hope it won’t be the last conversation we have. I will always try to be available to any who need to talk.
correction..i meant to imply that of all the devotions i receive yours in the one ive been subscribed too the longest..not that im your longest member
Got it.
Hi Skip
“Exodus 2:23-25 ” ….Isra’el still groaned …, and they cried out, and their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. God HEARD their groaning, and God REMEMBERED his covenant with Avraham, Yitz’chak and Ya’akov. God SAW the people of Isra’el, and God ACKNOWLEDGED them
( Num 6:24-26 in practice)
I think the Lord heard the cries of His people and you were willing to obey Him to come and show the farao’s, the Egyptians, the magicians and the children of Israel who the God of Israel is, if I may say so. ( Sometimes the message is even worse than frogs- iron sharpens iron?)
I thank the Lord that your head is spinning in the right direction and thank you for all 3000 blessings! (And since I have missed out on most of them, I wouldn’t mind having a copy of all, in no particular order) I try to always have a printout available, since many people cannot afford the internet.
I definitely have the same confession every day after I try get to grip with an idea and then trying to do it. Of course some take a while and others I leave for another day. But the fact that I know a little to know that I don’t know much sometimes scares me for it feels like time is running out and although He has given us an awareness of eternity , I cannot fully comprehend that the journey will never end.(Eccl 3:11)
Blessings for Beth Tefilah.
Dear Luzette,
How can I ever thank you for the love you showed to Rachel when she was with you in Africa. And how I look forward to being there myself in a few months. If you remind me before I leave, I will bring a CD of the entire 3000. Most of them are now available in the search engine on the web site and soon the remaining ones will be ready for downloads by year.
Lol!- Praise His name brother Skip!- Rejoice in the LORD always- and again, I say rejoice!! Maybe we could use the KISS method in our approach to scripture!- Yes, we are looking at the “jots and tittles” (and there certainly are “not a few!”), but what does this do but strengthen our faith, and this is what pleases our ABBA. These words of Yeshua “stick” in me like a two-edged sword (lol!) -“you do err, not knowing the scriptures or the power of G-d.”
Allow this simple-minded child to wander “at play in the fields of the LORD.” Let us look at some “Bible truths” and maybe it will help to anchor us.
The disciples (talmudim/learners) had a Teacher. They referred to Him as Rabbi. (Yes! -gasp!.. He was Jewish!-..oy!- lol! We also are learners. Amen? Oh yes, -we are, -most assuredly. More about Jesus would I know- more of His grace to others show- more of His saving fulness see, -more of His love, who died for me..
We have a “book of instruction.” It is the Lamb’s book of life: our Bible. We should all maybe visit the tatoo parlor and get a tat- “it is written.” lol! -(just kidding..)
By the way, “it is written” and “thus saith the LORD” are synonomous. “This” is G-d’s book. Any doubters out there in cyberspace? Join us in 2011 and “fasten your pew-belt!”- lol!. Brother Skip- much prayer will get us there.. Aren’t these exciting days? As my former pastor would say: “it’s getting gloriously dark!” But Someone said, (now what was His name?)- “I AM the Light of the world.” Light is that which reveals. Light is that which reveals. Too simple? -Probably.
Something else we “followers of the Way” have. Found in John 14.26, Someone is there to “remind” us of “what He said.” Not “something,”- “Someone.”. The Ruach Hakodesh- the Holy Breath (of G-d). wow!
You are a blessed man, my dear brother. There is no way anyone can look into the “light”- the written word of G-d, and not be changed. Nice tan you got going there brother Skip!- lol!
Thank you again for you labors in service to our LORD- we know where there is a butcher shop serving choice cuts of meat from the word(s) of G-d! Our ABBA’s full blessings to you and Roxanne as we enter into this new year. Skip, may Immanu-el be with you and cause His face to shine upon you and your sweet wife, Roxanne. “in Him”- carl
BTW- if you, (dear reader) are not a supporter of this ministry- “this workman is worthy of his wages”- please consider doing so.. A personal word: I have “grown” more as a Christian, er.. “follower of the Way”- in the last six years from this website than I have in the previous forty five. Why? -because of my new diet. “When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O LORD G-d of Heaven’s Armies.” (Jeremiah 15.16) And folks- this man, Skip Moen,helps us to “discover” G-d’s words. “The words I speak unto you- they are spirit and they are life”-(John 10.10) and again..(and again..)- “man shall not live by bread alone, but by __________?” Yes, -we “need” to know this book. This book is G-d’s book and these “words” are His words. Remember these words from Yeshua?- “if you abide in me and my words abide in you..?” Should we “hearken?” Should we “heed?” and dear ones- -should we “shema?” Amein and amen! Absolutely, -positively, -Yes.
Thank you Carl. What encouraging words – not to mention a great endorsement for support.
Mighty Abba, may you bless my brother with the fullness of your Holy Breath, and may you renew his strength like the eagle. May you unite his life to walk step by step in union with your heart and kingdom.
Thank you Abba, for his laboring for the sake of your people. Thank you for the people you have surrounded his life with, for your purposes. May this be a year of greater and deeper relationships with these people. Take away every yoke; except your yoke, King Yeshua! Bless his family beautiful Abba, and teach them your glorious ways. I ask this in Yeshua gracious name, amein!
Good Morning Skip,
Thank you for sharing your heart.
Job 42:1-6 and Matthew 11:28-30. Indeed, when we are weak, He is strong.
Blessings to you for the blessings that come through you.
Blessings for you and your whole family in this year that start today. I can not agree more about that IT IS COMPLICATED but I am so happy about it, this means I am doing something right. I hope to meet you face to face one day soon. Could it be that you come to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic? I know this country needs the Hebrew perspective on the Bible!!!.
I used to have a house in Sosua and I still have friends there, so I would love to come to the DR. Let’s go to work on how to make that happen.
Skip and Rosanne,
You have graciously opened the doorway to your lives, and shared them with us. Your work has not only planted, but also watered, and tended the Word that has been placed in our being. It is unlikely that many of us will be able to adequately repay you for your efforts. Hopefully, as all things go ‘full circle,’ what you have sown will return to you.
May the days ahead bring forth a ‘crop’ so abundant that you cannot contain the harvest! Shalom.
Thank you Gail. I am looking forward to a great new year of traveling together.
Judith tried to post this, but couldn’t make it work, so I am posting for her:
Happy,Blessed New Year to you and your family Skip
I would leave a comment and have tried but am doing something wrong and can’t figure it out (what does website, mean and what is to be put in that line ?)
Your Opening remarks today helped me a lot. If you are overwhelmed at times and say it’s complicated, how much more am I !!! Though I grasp so much of what you are teaching there are times my mind gets frozen and it all seems like ‘too much’. I also found myself angry at one point as I thought ‘why have so many been allowed to be deceived by the way the bible has been written’? It is like when I left the Catholic church thirty some years ago, when I was ‘born again’ and began reading the bible for myself, I felt anger at all that had been withheld from me in not being told the TRUTH ! I am feeling that way again ! I have always been a seeker of the TRUTH and will continue . I have so many questions when I read some of the Daily Words and I don’t have the great scholarly mind you and some of the others seem to. I must and always have relied on the Ruach Kodesh to help me in ALL things so I may remain on the straight path. I take great comfort in Yeshua saying ‘you must become as a little child’.
To me that means a simple TRUST in Him. Yes I want to learn, but not allow my life to be so complicated I can’t have the joy in trusting Him. He seems to make things very simple and man wants to make it so complicated for some reason.
I have had to put the Guardian Angel book down for awhile, like you said not a read through, quickly book and my brain got a little overwhelmed
Anyway, thanks for all you do and for your Berean spirit. I still feel I was led to your site by the Holy Spirit . I enjoy reading the others comments too and really like Carl Roberts. Think I mentioned that before. He seems to bring a balance to things at times.
You are truly a blessings to us and I like your ‘heart’ of humility
Again, Blessed New Year
Judith Jeffries
Thank you for your commitment to everyone. My wife and I have learned much from your writings and look forward to another year of discussing them every morning before heading off into the world. May YHVH bless you and your family in 2011 more than you have ours.
“What I mean is that I clearly know enough to know that I don’t know much at all”
Hi Skip,
Be careful there; you are starting to sound like Socrates
To one of my teachers who, in the relatively short period of time that I have been following “Today’s Word,” has directed me to more biblical truth than I have attained through other sources in the past twenty years, I am eternally grateful. Even though I do not participate that much in the forum setting (my two cents worth and five dollars will get you a cup of coffee), and have not been able to financially support this ministry in an amount that it deserves, I still remain a faithful and eager student excitedly looking forward with my teacher to 2011 – thanks Skip.
Thank you Skip for your faithful diligence. I am grateful for you and your commitment to this journey as are so many others! I look forward to learning and growing more as you continue to teach us in 2011. Many blessings to you and your family this year.
Thank you, Skip, for your humble opening remarks. I firmly stand in your comment…”I must remember that I trust in God’s character, in who He is, not what He does or what He is presently doing in me.” I am reflecting more and more on Who He is then where I find myself, and the circumstances around me. It frees me to simply rest in Him…Jesus alone…only Jesus.
Love to you and your family this coming year.
Bless you Skip,
Your work is producing fruit far beyond this community. The saints are being equipped for the work of the ministry. There is something in the wind. I feel the Ruach hovering. This will be a good year to be vigilant.
I am also so overwhelmed at times. When it gets too much for me I go all the way back to
“YHVH loves me this I know for the bible tells me so.” Nothing else grounds me like that.
I believe that ever learning of the wonder, beauty, and majesty of our Elohim will be an eternal state for us. We should be overwhelmed when we behold Him as He is. Will we ever plumb the depths of Him? I can’t imagine we can. Every time I gaze upon Him (in His word and in prayer) I just can’t get much past WOW! It’s something like how I feel when I see my husband coming through the gate after work. This amazing man, after all these years, still loves to come home to me. WOW!
Avinu sent me to this sight at just the right time. My husband who was off grid on a job out of our state all summer, and couldn’t get these messages is now home and being blessed each morning with me. Our little Sabbath group has benefited as well without really knowing it. Guardian Angel is a wonderful and important work. I can’t at this point put into words what I want to say about it.
I love this group of saints. This is the only blog I’ve ever wanted to even read let alone participate in.
Thank you all for your love and insights. You have enriched my life to no end these past months.
You have blessed my life through your website! Thank you. Today, I am studying Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 for my sermon this coming Sunday. I wanted to see the insights you had on it. You answered that question by your post (2011: Opening Remarks). It can be burdensome, the depth of insight you have on God’s Word and yet it’s in the process and discovery of knowledge and wisdom and the ability God gives us to discover and process, that we find true peace and contentment!
In an American culture of competition, we are so consumed with results, we don’t take time to enjoy the process…
Thanks and God bless!