Lectures on Prayer: Henri Nouwen

Please enjoy these comments on Henri Nouwen’s book, The Way of the Heart, as an introduction to thoughts about the nature of prayer.

Lecture 1


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Lecture 2


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Kees Brakshoofden

Hi Skip,

A bit of comment on the pronunciation of the Dutch name Henri Nouwen – Nouwen is pronounced like your word ‘now’ plus ‘en’; the emphasis on the first syllable: ‘nówen’.

Before I start listening I must admit being a bit worried. He’s a mystic, promoting contemplative prayer, which, in my opinion, is contrary to Biblical prayer. There’s no Godly ‘spark’ inside of me by nature, as far as I can read in Scripture. But I will first listen before commenting any further.

carl roberts

Good morning Kees- I am not familiar with the Henri Nouwen but I am familiar with contemplative prayer. There is a “godly spark” within us- we are made in the image of YHWH. It is buried deep within us and isn’t exactly dry tinder or easily ignitable, but if we pray and ask our Father to set us on fire and to “consume us”- our G-d is a consuming fire and He will burn the chaff with unquenchable flame. He will sit as a Refiner’s fire “burning off” the impurities within us. The heat is on my brother- this is we are feeling a bit uncomfortable in the present moment because we are in the midst of the process of purity and this involves heat and pressure. Feelin’ it? I am. And I am grateful to my ABBA He has promised not to give me more than I can handle. G-d (at times) puts us through the ringer and slices, dices, chops and purees- and sticks us in the perfectly heated furnace to reveal and to consume the impurities in our lives. Thus the verse- “the fining pot for silver and the furnace for gold.”- Been to the furnace? If not- it’s coming. Remember these words?- “after” you have suffered awhile- make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. Thank G-d, there is an “after.” I don’t know about you- but I’m “ready for rest.” I am one of those who labor and are heavy laden. “Sick and tired of being sick and tired”..Lol! But what was His promise?- “come unto me”- Hallelujah- there is a cure, there is a “balm”- there is healing and health, holiness and happiness (blessedness). And where may “all this” be found? In the Source of every blessing- the Giver of all good gifts- “ask and you will receive, seek and you will find- knock (persistently, continuously) and it shall be given unto you.
Oh yes, there is (now) a “G-d spark” within us. “This little light of mine- I’m gonna let it shine!” Yeshua, the Light of the world, now resides within the heart of every believer. We have the Shekhinah glory of G-d, the Ruach Hakodesh abiding within us. “Greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world.” “We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” He that spared not His own Son- but delivered Him up for us all- how shall He not with Him (and through Him) also freely give us all things? He has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness. “Every good and every perfect gift.” Are we lacking anything? -And my G-d will provide all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Whatever our need is- He is the Provision for that need. He is the “Need-Meeter” and the “Peace-Speaker.”
The Prince of Shalom- our ADONAI- Yeshua Hamashiach, the LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ. Amein.

Kees Brakshoofden

Good morning Carl,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I’ve been ‘there’. There was a lot of chaff He had to burn away. So He did, praise His holy Name! It took quite some time contemplating all this. That’s not my problem.

I start feeling bad where there’s nothing more than silence. That won’t get me going! That like being a Bhuddist trying to save himself. I’m very much in need of a Saviour. I need to hear His words, telling me what’s wrong in my life, what’s His plan, what are His feelings about the things I do.
My feelings can be very treacherous, bring me far away from Him. I need His Words to set me straight, not silence alone. It may be very helpful to seek Him in silence. But it’s not enough: I need Him to speek to me. And as far as I can see there will be no voice in my head telling me what He wants. If there would be – I would distrust it’s words. I think Scripture is the only safe basis on which to base my actions. Or am I missing something?

Kees Brakshoofden

To make myself perfectly clear: I’m not ready to surrender myself to Ain Soph, or ‘nothingness’, nor to Kabbala in general.


Shalom Skip,

In my journey with G-d in prayer, I have found that in G-d’s silence, he is speaking the loudest. The paradox is when it seems G-d is not saying anything, that is when he is speaking the most. Shalom.

Have you ever read the book by David Wolpe: “In Speech and In Silence The Jewish Quest for God?” Became an atheist as a young man and has recently returned back to his faith.



carl roberts

yes Kees you are right – it is scripture alone- the word of G-d is sufficient. But G-d speaks through men. We are the (weak,clay) vessels He uses to speak to others. G-d always speaks to a human heart through a human heart. Isaiah was (shudder..) a man. So was Moses. So was David- etc. All the “heroes” of the faith were goatherders, tent makers and fishermen. lol!- I guess that puts me in good company as I too am “just a man.” But praise the name of our Redeemer, I now am “a just man..”- in His eyes. In the eyes of man- I’m still a work in progress and even in my own eyes I’ve got miles to go to “untie the laces on His sandals.” But that’s okay with me- He is the Worthy ONE. He must increase, but I must decrease.
I’ve been “holding off” telling my testimony as I want to focus more upon His words which never fail or falter. I am in total agreement with the assessment of Rick Warren- “it’s not about me” and my good brothers- it never will be. Neither do I want it to be- “don’t look at me- look at Him!- amen!
Our “stories” are similar, yet different. (duh..) G-d is a G-d of diversity, but also He is a G-d of Unity and oneness. He made us different that we might be one. I need you and you need me. We are (as Skip has brought out) meant to live in community. Yes, it is very much true we are gregarious creatures and are made for fellowship with our ABBA and with each other. We’re gonna be swappin’ some stories when we “get there!” lol!
Think of all the squawkin’ critters aboard Noah’s ark. What a caucophony!- I wonder if Noah got any sleep at all.. But they all arrived (after a rough ride- no doubt). It is the same with us. Lots of squawkin’ and a wild-ride no doubt. I like to say- to walk by faith is anything but boring and G-d will turn us any which way but loose!- I remember singing “Whatever It Takes To Draw Closer To You Lord” when I was a youth, but I had no idea what I was in for! – lol! -I’m gonna “long story” short this by saying- G-d wastes nothing. There are no wasted days in your life or in mine. Truly- “it’s all good.” I may look back on my past and say “it is so.”
And as Skip has pointed out (thank you Skip)- the way we know our future is by looking at our past. 1- G-d is faithful. 2- G-d is faithful. 3- G-d is faithful and then here comes “crisis number 4! Oh no!- what are we going to do? Moses! Moses!- Moses, please, remind them of their past! 1,2,3- G-d was faithful and now here comes number 4.. – what do you think? what is the pattern here? Faithful, faithful,faithful- and then? You got it.. “fearful.” – It’s enuf to bring tears to a glass eye.
Hell is going to be a place of isolation. Total isolation- cut off from everything and everyone- up to and including the Light of Heaven. But the son of the prodigal Father (it was the Father who “lavished” His love upon the wayward son) had to be isolated in order to “come to his senses.” I know this story “up close and personal” as I too had to be brought to a low place (yes, a place of “crisis”) before I would “repent.” Oh, but when I did- it was “Katy bar the door!” G-d really does love sinners. I am “living proof” He does! lol! Gotta get me a t-shirt: “Exhibit A” lol!
Our Teacher concerning prayer is Yeshua Himself. “LORD- teach us to pray” is still the prayer of the students/pupils/learners still today. I am one of the talmudim. A learner. A novice. An apprentice.
I’ve been an apprentice carpenter (four years) and an apprentice electrician (four years)- I know how an apprenticeship program works – eight years worth! lol! Follow me- “do as I do”- and yes, lol!- plenty of “on the job” training. – One moment.. I feel and “oy” coming on.. “Oy!”- There, now I feel much better. lol!
Never a dull moment for sure and for certain! How blessed we are to be called the children of G-d. What a privilege to be able to pray. -To enter His gates with thanksgiving and to enter His courts with praise!
I can learn from any man. I call it “positive” and “negative” learning. I learn what to do and I learn what not to do. How can I discriminate? The same way you do- by the Ruach Hakodesh living within you. He is the Spirit of truth- and yes!- the spirit of discrimination and discernment. – You know the difference between a hamburger and a steak? Good!- your well on your way!- lol! Trouble is..(I believe)- most people have never seen “the steak.” Oh- if only G-d would give us, (please)- “just a glimpse of glory..”


Good morning Carl.

This blog blessed me so much this morning. I would love to be able to meet you and give you a brothers hug in the name of our Messiah, Yeshua! May we continue to learn from our Master and his Spirit, and from all G-d’s people and his creation. And may the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Rememberance, continually bring to our minds/hearts the faithfullness of our G-d and King!


Kees,I am knew to trying to understand.I have been a christian for many years.My heart aches for you.Before you even try to understand the Toro you first need to know Jesus and his love.You will not feel God until you know Jesus.The scripture tells us that you have to go through Jesus to get to God.When you experience Jesus you will Hear and feel.It is like fire works going off inside of you.Some may not agree with me but you should start with the New testament.I feel that you will find the love and understanding you are looking for.Then you can come to understand the Old.I will be praying for you.God Bless.Keep in touch.

Kees Brakshoofden

Don’t worry, Vicky! I know Him and – much better – He knows me, even better than I know myself. Sometimes it’s hard for me to accept we’re all different. I have a problem with feelings when it comes to believing. Bad experiences. It always makes me very allert: is this true belief or is someone trying to manipulate me? This way of praying simply is not for me. But I am starting to accept that it may be of value for brothers and sisters.

Kees Brakshoofden

My way of praying in the morning:

God bless!

Jan Carver

I probably will not listen myself Kees – for I know the same thing(s) as you do about Nouwen. My ears are tickled & polluted enough by the world – don’t need a mystic portraying godliness to tickle/pollute them more.

Kees Brakshoofden

Hi Jan,

I think I understand what you’re saying. But I will listen. In the past I rejected everything an author said if there was some point in his teachings I though to be unbiblical. Than I had to read some of Nouwen’s books. One was: The return of the prodigal son: a story of homecoming. This book had some very deep thoughts which impressed me. I don’t have to agree in everything with someone to still learn something. Clearly I don’t agree on his view on prayer. Still he has something of value for me.

Also I think it’s important to listen to be able to discriminate what’s wrong in someone’s reasoning.

Jan Carver

“Also I think it’s important to listen to be able to discriminate what’s wrong in someone’s reasoning.”

So we discriminate what’s wrong in someone’s reasoning – he/Nouwen is no longer of this world – so how is it going to help him or us. Just a little leaven ruins the whole batch of dough. I choose not to tickle my ears & “download” even just a little leaven to discriminate what the man has to say – I try my best to stay as clean as I can – like a matzah cracker for sure…

Why unleavened bread?
Referred to as lechem oni, or the bread of affliction, matzah symbolizes the minimalist fare that was eaten by Egyptian slaves.

The matzah also represents the actual food taken by the Jews when they fled from bondage. The Jews had to leave so quickly that they didn’t have time to rise their dough. “Why do we eat this matzah?” asks the Hagaddah, the compilation of stories, prayers and songs recited during the seder (ritual meal). It answers, simply: “Because the Holy One redeemed our forefathers from Egypt before their dough could rise.”

In their haste, the Jews were forced to focus on the bare essentials. On both a literal and a spiritual level, matzah embodies this concentrated, singular focus.

While matzah is called the bread of slavery (lechem oni), it is actually the bread of freedom: The freedom that comes from learning what you really need in order to enjoy the things you want.

Kees Brakshoofden

I have listened. Now I am really starting to get worried! What are you doing, Skip, reccomanding man like Thomas Merton, brother Lawrence and Philip Yencey to people? They have no gospel! They are introducing people to the New Age Movement! We don’t need Roman Catholic monks to lead us to the road to Rome! The desert fathers sought loneliness, where God said: It is not tov, not good for him to be alone. We are created for relations, not for loneliness. We came to believe by hearing the words of God (Romans 10:17), not by silence, opening our spirit for whatever unclean spirit is passing by, filling our mind with the false ‘light’ they spread.

Please, Skip, I urge you, reconsider what you’re doing! You’re on a false track here. Where are the Scriptural references? I hear none!

Kees Brakshoofden

Sorry for the typo’s; I’m really worried!

Kees Brakshoofden

Ok, you’re right. I should not have included Philip in the next sentence and did not mean to (I was too fast typing and felt not happy reading this back: I read his books too and value them); that’s my mistake. As for the mystics: I read them too, so I’m not afraid of different opinions. There are no two individuals on earth who believe the same! But my concern is – and this is a very serious question to me – is it possible to take the contemplative way of praying as a guide for prayer? What does it mean? Where does it differ and why so? Where do Scriptures indicate this is a valid way of communicating with God?

I told you I learned from Henri Nouwen. He’s great on many topics. But prayer? No thanks! You’re right: this is absolutely not a topic on which I would choose him as my teacher. The thought of you going this direction, well …. let’s say I have to work on my feelings. But than again: please be carefull, people follow you, you’re the guide. Please guide us to safety.


Kees Brakshoofden

Btw – and this will be a shock to others in the community – I don’t believe (hell as we have learned to understand it) exists. Nor ‘gehenna’ nor ‘she’ol’ comes anywhere near hell.

carl roberts

Kees.. is “not believing in a place of burning torment- scriptural? We’re not “making this stuff up as we go”- just reporting the facts- “in hell he lifted up his eyes being in torments”- “for I am tormented in this flame.” (Skip?)- looks like we need a study on gehenna and sheol!

G-d gave Pharoah ten opportunities to repent. Pharoah asked what I believe is the second greatest question in all the Bible: “Who is the LORD that I should obey Him?”.. He found out, -but by then He was on his way to the bottom of the sea. It was too late for him- what about us? How many “opportunities” have we been given?

Linda Smith

My thoughts exactly! I have spent the past 5 or 6 years trying to warn Christians of the dangers of comtemplative prayer and the mystics who promote it. Yes, it is leading the church straight into the arms of Rome and the New Age. Quite frankly I don’t trust that my discernment is mature enough to sort out the true from the false in writings that have such “good” sounding words and thoughts. Skip, I am feasting at God’s table; I don’t want to go to the pig trough again to try to find something edible.

Jan Carver

I totally agree Linda – no pig trough for me either…♥

Judith Jeffries

I just finished listening to part 1 and thought it was excellent. Great content and good teaching. I am looking forward to part two.
Because someone is a Catholic Priest does not mean God can not reveal truths to him. I Googled Nowen and read one of his writings and it leads to Jesus ! Nothing bad about that !

Kees Brakshoofden

Sorry carl,
It’s one at night here, have to go to bed now (or I’ll not be able to sing in church tomorrow :-))
I’ll answer in the morning, but for now: let’s agree to disagree.

Carl roberts

No, please! There is no disagreement here at all! May G-d bless and keep you my brother and cause His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.

Kees Brakshoofden

Good morning to you all, brothers and sisters! You’re probably still asleep, but the sun is already shining over here.

Hi Skip, glad you responded. It’s true: we’re all part of the one Body; nothing can seperate us from the love of God. I repect every brother and sister in Christ, I’ll never try to convince anyone I’m right, they’re wrong. My question is: is ik all right with you to discuss something like ‘hell’ here? It could cause damage if there are ‘hot heads, cold hearts’ (I don’t know if this expression exists in English, but I hope you understand what is meant: if theologians fight each other, this has nothing to do with the love of Christ).

Yesterday at first I was very worried, but later this changed: for you it’s just as OK to be different as it is for me. God is our judge; He can see our hearts and motivations. We’re brothers, that’s all I need to know. But when dogma’s are discussed, this might change into a ‘fight’, and fights never build up in love. That’s why I want your approval before I say anything on ‘hell’, or I won’t say anything at all.


Kees Brakshoofden

Ofcourse it’s absolutely not my intention to ‘fight’; that exactly what I’m trying to avoid!

Kees Brakshoofden

Ok than, I’d like to share this with you, without imposing anything.
Carl, you are citing Luke 16:23, I suppose. I asume you read this story of the rich man and poor Lazarus as being an actual picture of life after death. I don’t. I read it as part of the parable Jezus is starting in 15:3 and ongoing to the end of chapter 16. He is speaking to the Farisees and to his disciples. First He starts with God’s side: joy over the one lost sheep being found. Than Israels side: the woman, having lost part of her dowry, finding itagain: joy! Than the two lost sons: the taxcollectors returning home and the farisees being angry over the party!

In chapter 16 Jezus starts teaching his disciples about how the leaders are doing the wrong job as to justice and money. The farisees hear this and derided Him (16:14) Than He starts showing them the consequences: 16:19-31.

In this part you could read the future for them: they are the rich man, wearing royal and priestly clothes (purple and fine linen) The name of the poor man is Lazarus or Eleazer (God-Helper), which could be a picture of Jesus Himself or of the taxcollectors that listened to him or everyone of the Way.

The rich man: is he being punished for being rich? Poor Lazarus rewarded for being poor? Man, than we’re on the wrong side of the earth, we rich westerners! Better become poor! No, ofcourse not! Their wrongdoing cost the Farisees and the rest of this royal priesthood their place as a nation. They went under into Hades (no hell as we translate). Hades is the un-seen or un-see-able. The place of the dead. Where is that? What is death? It’s a state of being nomore; Jesus compares it with sleeping. Read Ecclesiastes 9:10,5. Why resurection if we go to heaven by dying? I wouldn’t want to come back here if I would be in heaven! But Scriptures tell very clearly we will meet our Lord through resurrection!

End of part 1; please respond.

Kees Brakshoofden

Ok, part 2:
Israel disappeared as a nation form the time the Romans destructed Jerusalem untill 1948. The nation was in Hades, could no longer be seen, did not exist any more. Hades, as far as I know, is the greek equivalent of She´ol (hebrew).

The churchteachings on hell are a mixture of hades, gehenna, abussos, tartaros and the lake of fire in Revelation. These words represent very different ideas. Gehenna is the greek form of the valley called Ben Hinnom (Joshua 15:8 and many others). It was a dump outside the walls of old Jerusalem. I’ve been there two years ago, it’s a nice park now. So if you translate this with hell, well, I’ve been to hell! There was always fire there in the old days, as you can imagine, and worms. In future opposers to Messiah will be executed and their body will be thrown there, not being burried (Isaiah 66:24). What disgrace! Terrible. But you cannot make a place that is very much on this earth something like ‘hell’. I know Jeroen Bosch, the famous painter. He scared people to death with his paintings of hell. But are they Scriptural? I think not!

Well, this is about as short as I could make it. I don’t believe in hell, a place of torture and flames, because I can’t find this churchmixture in my Bible.

Well, Carl, hope it´s not too concise.

Kees Brakshoofden

Have to add: ofcourse the people still existed, the Jews! And what they experienced during the centuries without land was pure hell! They litteraly experienced fire! Terrible, what they have undergone. Being burned in the camps! I pray this will never happen again. How sad that this picture, Jesus painted, became reality. What guilt for Christianity, persecuting the Jews.

Abigale Barnabas

Dear Skip,
So glad you gave the example of a prayer of repentance. People were first baptised in water by John for repentance, then He baptised with fire. I am so thankful for the gift of Godly sorrow and repentance, and I know My Master because I have washed His feet with my tears and He has forgiven me of much. He who is forgiven much, loves much. I am washed by the water of the tears of repentance and the water of the Word. What a merciful God we have who loves us so much by sending us His Son to save us from our evil ways.

carl roberts

G-d bless you Abigale for your witness to me this early a.m. The gift of godly sorrow and repentance. YHWH gave to Solomon the gift of wisdom (every good gift is from Above), but if I were to ask for one, it would be this: godly sorrow (not the sorrow of this world) and repentance. Amen, my beautiful sister,-amen.


I didn’t understand what I was praying for when I asked Him to show me His heart. I expected amazing love pure and simple. But He took me to the place where love and sorrow flow mingled down. He began by showing me His experience with and heart for me. Amazing love, how can it be, that thou my Elohim should die for me. I could see Him dying for someone else more worthy but for me? It’s hard to fathom. It began a torrent of tears that lasted for months.

My poor husband was frightened that I would never recover but I did. It changed me/us forever and began our journey to abandon our predigested faith and pursue Him wherever He leads. We find it much safer to dwell in the secret place of Elyon than the open square of the church.
YES AND AMEM Avinu carries unbearable sorrow over the state of His people as well as those who are “not His”.

So I know the sorrows of His heart to some degree. It is an almost crushing burden to share at times. But I know that every tear in my prayer shawl He stores up in a bottle. They are precious to Him therefore I shed them gladly and bare His burdens gratefully. He’s only given me a few. I hope and pray it lightens His load if even just for a moment. Could this be our way of taking turns holding up His arms in the battle? I don’t know for sure. But it just could be.

I exhort any and all of you who have never known Him in such a way to seek to know His heart and don’t give up until He shows it to you. Pursue, pursue, pursue until He meets you and puts your hip out of joint. It requires chunks time of set aside in the prayer closet with your bible and a hymnal. He WILL answer this kind of prayer.



Just a comment I once heard from a Torah teacher on Genesis 18:1
” Adonai appeared to Avraham by the oaks of Mamre as he sat at the entrance to the tent during the HEAT OF THE DAY.” – By the time I hear the voice of God in a dream (of which we are often very proud), or when I am silent, He has probably seek to speak to me several times ” during the heat of the day,” without any responds from me.
For me the easiest way to hear His voice is when I seek absolute outward silence ( no noise, walking in the veld), but the challenge is to have the ability to have an inward, personal and spiritual place of silence when I can hear him when I am stuck in traffic or working. I then tend to not intimately seek Him, until I get to my earthly place of silence again. Which is of course not the right thing to do. Its like only praying in a church building.(and that is exactly what many religions do, whether they are Christians, Roman Catholic, Buddist ecc.) So my place of silence with God should not be a Thing or a place, but a Way(verb)?

“..I think Scripture is the only safe way on which to base my actions.” Kees, I too only want to live Scripture, but the question I have is: What Scripture did Avraham,Yitzak , David
and the prophets have?
Futhermore, I am very careful to tell the Almighty how He should talk to me. The Lord work in mysterious ways and can use anything or anybody.(As he did with me) I am so very glad if He prefers to use silence, because for me it is much easier than :” there was thunder and lightning…all the people in the the camp trembled……smoke went up like the smoke from a furnace,and the whole mountain shook violently.(Exodus 19) ” His Words struck the flesh off people, rocks split, animals calved. If the Lord wants to talk to me the same way as to the people of Isra’el, and even if it kills me, I am willing to listen. Are you?

Kees Brakshoofden

You’re probably right: I spoke before thinking. It was my worries that made me… And as Scriptures say: I’m not to worry.

Kees Brakshoofden

Something tells me you’re Dutch? (You’re walking in the ‘veld’ instead of in the field)

carl roberts

We all have our “mentors”- no one was born a brain surgeon, etc. I was not born knowing how to ride a bike, I had to be shown. I needed someone,somewhere to teach me how to fry an egg, to handle a steak knife, or a pair of chopsticks. We also learn by doing. I did not learn to ride a bike by reading a how-to book, but rather through a process. We learn to pray by praying- “try it, you’ll like it!” I must confess, I enjoy prayer!- I really do, especially “secret,silent prayer.” I’d like to say more about this, but I can’t because it is secret and it is silent! “oy!” My “prayer life” -oh what we miss out on by not praying, is so.. -I’m going to say “necessary.” I need to pray and to “spend time” (what else can we do with time but spend it?) with my unseen but very present ABBA. He is near and He is holy. Yes. merciful, caring, compassionate- “all of the above.”
Prayer is not “new age,” but rather ancient. Man has prayed since we first drew a breath of G-d’s good air and realize where that “breath” came from. I have had an aortic valve replacement (metal) and now I “tick” when my heart beats- (just like the crocodile who swallowed the clock -Peter Pan!). It gives new meaning to -“with every beat of my heart!” -lol!- But also I recognize and realize- every heartbeat is a gift from G-d and every breath of air. And am I thankful for this? – Draw near that I may laugh on your lapel..- Yes!! Spiritual and physical redemption! I’ve “seen it”- “up close, and personal” and may I also say- day after day and moment-by-moment. Jesus IS LORD. -Not was, not will be..- IS. -We serve a living Savior! – Should I be the least bit excited about this? – quietly… (amen.) This man will worship the King. This man will bow the knee.. Amen.


We’re all students :-). I especially appreciated the comments on compassion for God in terms of seeking to understand how God feels about a situation. That was a real “of course!” moment. Thanks!


Hi Carl
Although I do not always have the time to read all your commentaries, I really enjoy the one’s I do get to read. Here in South Africa ( yes, Kees I speak Dutch- related Afrikaans),we have an TV advertisement of a well known energy drink: ” RB gives you wings” And every time I read your comment, that is exactly how I feel: ” It gives me wings”!
According to my own interpretation:
field- poppyfield, maizefield, wheatfield, sunflowerfield – full of something
veld- dry grass, rocks,semi- dessert – full of nothingness or emptiness

Kees Brakshoofden

Pitty you don’t live in Holland; I hoped we would be able to meet. But this ‘place’ is just fine.

God bless!


Jeremy Lambert


You mentioned your disagreement with the likes of Aquinas, Augustine, etc. There are two people I pay attention to on the Internet in the way of Christian argument, reason, and things of that nature. One is you. The other is William Lane Craig. What is your opinion regarding his work? I know that sounds broad, so I’ll try to narrow it down. Do you feel that his views and his theology is more in-line with Hebrew worldview and theology than those that you disagree with like Augustine? I am about as much of a layperson as you can get, so I just want to be sure I stick with the right people and am not swayed by any wrong currents. After all, the only things that are taken with a current are the things that are in it in the first place.


William Lane Craig is an interesting apologist. His arguments are cogent and he does quite a bit of debating. His worldview is defined in an Aristotelian way….however, listening to William Craig, and then sitting in the synagogue of the Second Temple Sages are two entirely different experiences.

Here’s a video clip that might help you….http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI1eGAvSib4

The reasoning the man uses for coming back to faith is not the same as that of Craig.

Jeremy Lambert


You can see his “question of the week” right there on his front page; when you click on the question you can get to his archive with all of the “typical” questions that he answers. Hope it’s what you’re looking for.