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Not that I have already obtained it, or have already become perfect, but I press on in order that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12  NASB

Press On – How do I change boule into thelo?  When we discovered yesterday that “will” is the translation of both boule and thelo, we were confronted with the difference between good intentions and actual execution.  I believe that everyone who has determined to follow the Way and has committed himself to Yeshua experiences boule.  We want to do what is right.  But there is a big difference between good intentions and right action, and most of us know all too well the terrifying gap that separates the two.  How do we cross over?  How do our desires and plans and hopes for obedience actually become obedience?

The common answer points toward will power.  “Just do it!”  Just start acting the way you should.  You know what to do.  Now get to it.  If you have lived long enough, you will know that will power can’t be cured with Viagra.  Will power is impotent in the face of human frailty.

The second answer usually involves the work of the Spirit.  “You just need to let the Spirit have more control over your life,” or something akin to this.  God will do it.  Step out the way.  Let go and let God.  Have more faith.  If faith came in a bottle this might work.  But faith for those of us struggling with thelo often seems as tangible as rainbows.  We can see the reflection, but we just can’t get our arms around it.

We need to take a look at Paul’s solution.  Press on!  If Paul can say, “I have not arrived.  I am not perfected,” then what makes us think we have to get to the destination before we can be whole.  Paul’s solution assumes that the answer is found in the direction we are traveling.  The “Just do it!” or “Have more faith!” answers often imply completion, not direction.  If I can look back over my life and notice that things are changing, that my relationship with Yeshua is stronger now than it was a year ago, that I am more obedient than I used to be, that my understanding of the Father has grown and my actions are coming into alignment with His instructions, then I can say with Paul, “Hey, I haven’t arrived, but I am pressing on.  I am turning boule into thelo one day at a time.  Some of what used to be just wishful thinking has become active practice.  I’m moving.”

The Greek verb dioko is an unusual choice here.  It means to pursue in the positive sense, but it is also associated with persecution and prosecution (see Matthew 5:10-12).  Perhaps Paul chose this verb on purpose (thelo) knowing it would stir his readers with images of intense action and unrelenting hostility.  Paul presses on with the same zealousness that once characterized his persecution of believers.  Paul’s solution is not simply direction.  It is  ferocious direction.  Converting boule to thelo is like pursuing an enemy.  You’re going to keep after him until he is caught, no matter what gets in the way.

Topical Index:  thelo, boule, dioko, pursue, press on, Philippians 3:12

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carl roberts

Day by day, as we are exposed to the light of G-d’s words, we are being changed. We cannot be exposed to the light and go unchanged, especially if we are receptive to it. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Light is that which reveals. Step-by-step, moment-by-moment,- He leadeth me- O blessed thought, O words with heavenly comfort fraught- where e’re I go, where e’re I be, still tis Thy hand that leadeth me.” And you too! “For it is G-d that worketh in you (and worketh in me), “both” to will (to purpose) and to do (it’s gonna get done) His good pleasure.” Our job? Our responsibiity? Co-operation. Work with Him, not against Him. Instead of running from G-d, run to Him.
A marriage made in heaven? Mr. Able and Mrs. Willing. G-d is able, when we are willing. When we give unto Him our yes, (our amen!)- then He is able to perform in us (and through us) that which pleases Him. He must however, (and we must) give unto Him our “absolute surrender.”
One thing that has laid hold over me these past few years is this: (True, Biblical) Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship.” I am not including in this statement the atrocities, heresies or abominations performed in the name of religion (remember to look for our Adversary in “religious” places- he still desires to be worshiped)- I am speaking of the ever-existing remnant, the ones who are followers of the Way. Am I included in this group? lol!- Are you? For His Breath joins with our breath to affirm that we are G-d’s children. (Romans 8.16). Well.. are you or aren’t you? Do I belong to the Shepherd? Have I been called by His name? Is my deliverance secure? Have I been “born again?” -May I? Hallelu Yah- I am. and “amein!” I belong to Him. I am my Beloved’s and He is mine.
This “pressing on” is palpable. Salvation is a crisis followed by a process. Our salvation (deliverance) is a three-part process. We have been saved from the penalty of sin. (We are heaven-born and heaven-bound) We are being saved from the power of sin. (Does sin have the same allure and attraction to us as it once did?) I once leaped into sin and loved it (as a hog loves mud), now I lapse into sin and loathe it- I know the deceiving corrupting power of sin. And one day (soon, I hope) we will be delivered (Hallelujah!)-permanently, from the presence of sin.
This “pressing on” is also another indication of our aliyah- the journey we each (and all) are on. We are (lol!) moving from here to there! There is “both” and exodus and and eisodus. A coming out of and a going into. – Who am I? I (too) am (in Christ) a new creature.


“Some of what used to be just wishful thinking has become active practice. I’m moving.”

For some reason the statement above makes think of the book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”

And the importance of meditation and prayer as part of our daily routine (Eastern view).

Because even if we are always trying to do the right thing.

We often get lost in the business of this world.


The “Just do it!” or “Have more faith!” answers often imply completion, not direction.

But I need to balance PRESSING ON with RESTING IN HIM. Here is the simple song, “In Me,” by Kris Huston:

My will satisfies
My love set men free
My time will testify
Come rest in Me

In Me, rest, in Me, rest
In Me, rest, in Me, rest–enter-in-a7991 Read the review of her CD here.

Shabbat Shalom.