Forgive and Forget

“My sacrificial gifts they offer in sacrifice and they eat flesh.”  YHWH does not accept them.  Now he will remember their iniquity and punish their sin.  They will return to Egypt. Hosea 8:13 (translation J. A. Dearman)

Remember – We often think that once God forgives our sins, He forgets all about them.  Maybe that nice piece of comforting theology doesn’t quite cover the whole picture.  If you find the thought frightening, maybe you need to take a much closer look at Hosea.

Hosea delivers the message: “Israel!  You have made a mockery of worship.  You think that you can deal with your troubles and your guilt by increasing your prayers and your sacrifices.  You are wrong!  God is sick of your religious pretensions.  Until you come to Him with a repentant heart and changed behavior, He will not accept your rituals.”  Hosea spells out the dire consequences.  Those things which Israel hoped God would forget are now remembered.  Punishment is guaranteed.

Does Hosea’s grim alarm have a place in our world?  Without a doubt.  Consider the reaction of the country just a short ten years ago.  Millions flocked to churches.  Millions prayed (in many cases for the first time).  Millions evoked the name of the Lord to rescue America.  Ten years later America has returned to its place as one of the most wicked nations on earth (50 million dead infants cannot be ignored by legal manipulation).  What became of the great increase in moral and spiritual awareness?  Nothing!  God will remember.  God will remember the blood that cries out from the ground, the arrogance of our leaders, the abuse of our political conscience, the favoritism for advantage, the lying of our officials, the unabated pursuit of unsustainable “rights.”  God will remember.

In Hebrew thought, to forgive is not to blot something from memory.  It is painfully obvious that an omniscient God cannot “forget” in the sense of removing the events from consciousness.  But we seem to conveniently ignore that logical fact.  To forget is to not act on what it brought to mind.  In other words, forgetting is a behavioral term, not a mental one.  When God forgets, He determines not to act according to the dictates of the circumstances.  When God forgives, He decides to forget that our behavior deserves punishment.  He does not remove the awareness of the sin from consciousness.  He just doesn’t carry through on the consequences.

But when God remembers terrible things happen.  To remember is to bring to consciousness circumstances that require action and to proceed with that action.  When God remembers sin, He does something about it.  Oh, do we wish He would forget our trespasses!  But how can He when we do not remember Him?  Once again we arrive at that great biblical principle:  the reversal of behavior.   If we do not remember God, He will remember us.  If we forget, He will not forget.  If we want God to forget, we must remember.  What is the punishment for not remembering?  Israel is sent back into bondage.  I shudder to think what that will mean for us.

Topical Index:  remember, zakar, forget, shakah, Hosea 8:13

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Amanda Youngblood


Abba, we intercede on behalf of this nation. We pray for a softening of hearts, a conviction of spirit, and a passion for truth that leads to renewal and revival in our nation. May we remember with fear and trembling Your justice, and not forget Your requirements of righteousness. Let Your children join in prayer and petition that we may be pulled back from the brink of destruction. Once again pour out Your mercy, and let us remember Your great jealousy and anger, in addition to Your love and compassion, Your magnificence, Your power, and Your might. Amen.

beth goble

Amen Amanda. Praying this along with you.

carl roberts

I love your prayer this morning Amanda- it begins and ends with “amen”- (it is so). A realization and recognition of the truth. Amen.
One thing I’ve noticed from those who contribute their words to your words brother Skip,- this is a praying bunch. “LORD, teach us to pray.” G-d is (no doubt) our greatest threat, and G-d is (no doubt) our greatest hope. Folks, “it is the LORD.” It’s all Him. We’re in it, (in it to win it!) and we are witnesses of these things, but we are most assuredly- “seeing” some stuff going on these days. -Just as He said. What we are viewing are the very words- “and it came to pass.” Is this not preparation for the second Advent of our Messiah? –
Brothers, “it is written” (just love those three words), Christ is returning for His bride. There will be a snatching away- in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, -just like that. Ba-boom, -we’ll be gone. Yes, here today and “bam”- gone tomorrow. I, for one, say “Amen!” May it be so.. (and soon!)
It is, according to a former pastor, getting “gloriously dark.” Nation shall rise against nation.. etc.
Read the book!- it’s in there! G-d’s word is true!- (as if you needed to hear this from me..), but I’ll add another amen,- it is so. Every jot, and every tittle- things which shall shortly come to pass, again- amen.
How do we know our future? lol!- by looking at our past.. G-d is Faithful. Amen?- And He “ever loves” and cares for His own. I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever..

Roderick Logan

Let’s say you are going to give a gift someone you love. You purchase the gift item, the wrapping paper, the card, and envelope. What is the first thing you do before you wrap the gift? It’s no surprise most women and men answer the same way when I pose this scenario for them. They say they remove the price tag before they wrap the gift. Why do we do that? It probably has something to do with our culture and the need to conceal what we spent; or didnt spend.

God does not remove the price tag from His gift to us. He causes us to see and remember the cost associated with the gift. He wants me to remember the cost in terms of the pain my sin inflicted. As Skip points out so succinctly my remembrance brings my action – repentant behavior – towards the Creator and the community. So the gifts of God spur me into serving others at a cost to myself; one gift leads to another gift. Because the LORD gives give. His generosity leads to my gratitude, which leads to my being generous, which leads to your gratitude. And, the kingdom expands through gift giving.


Right on Mr. Logan! Thank you for unwrapping and sharing your thoughts with us this morning.

Gayle Johnson

This is only a slight paraphrase of a remark I heard this morning:

What we FORGET is not about our minds; it’s about our hearts. – Seekins

You can watch it here. This is a powerful teaching. Husbands and wives will learn more of the same, in line with Guardian Angel.


Thank you Mrs. Johnson for sharing this beautiful teaching. I have added the video site you shared and also Mr. Seekins site to my lists of favorites. Blessings!

Kees Brakshoofden

Incredible! Some time ago I ordered his book, the new edition, which is stil in print. What an excellent speaker! What beautiful language Hebrew is. The language of revelation. Seekins shows that Hebrew reveals G-d as the G-d of relationships. I will never read the 10 ‘commandments’ the same way again. Thank you so much for this link!

carl roberts

Excellent Roderick!- -“The Gift that keeps on giving!” -And He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?



I am looking for a community of likeminded believers who are followers of Yah! I know Skip made an attempt of this last year. I live in southwest VA. Anyone who would like to give me a shout concerning this, I would greatly appreciate it! In His Care. Brian