Prepositional Problems
But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; Isaiah 53:5 NASB
For – “Don’t get me started.” Someone should have restrained me when I began to investigate the idea of sacrifice in the Hebrew text. Not only have I discovered that there is a connection between blood sacrifice and Egyptian pagan rituals (see my article), I am now forced to take a very deep look at this famous passage in Isaiah. What I find is disturbing. It appears that the translators of the text have selectively altered the Hebrew to support a Messianic view. Before you go crazy, just read a bit more.
The Hebrew words translated “transgressions” and “iniquities” are mipshaenoo and meavonoteinoo, respectively. Hebrew doesn’t work like English. It constructs words that combine elements into a single form where English separates these elements. Both of these words attach prepositional prefixes and possessive suffixes. In other words, the root words (pesha and ‘awon) are like the center of a series of building blocks. Each word adds min to the beginning of the word and noo to the end of the word. Noo is the particle that means “our” (the possessive adjective) and min is the prepositional particle that is translated “for” in the NASB. But this is a problem. Min usually indicates spatial separation (like “from, out of, away from”) or connection (“part of”) or a temporal indicator (a certain day or time) or the cause of something. In this verse, Jewish translation would render “because of,” not “for.”
That’s the problem. Translating min as “for” implies purpose. It orients the verse toward the future. Translating the verse as “because of” implies cause. It orients the verse toward the past. The implications of this subtle alteration are enormous. If the verse is about cause, then it does not seem to apply to a future Messiah. It is about the contemporary situation of Israel, a people who have been punished because of their past transgressions. This is one of the central themes of Isaiah and all the prophets. God is punishing Israel through the actions of the Gentiles because Israel has been disobedient. When Christian translators change the min to “for,” they shift the statement away from its contemporary application in the time of Isaiah toward a Messianic prophecy. The question is whether or not they are justified in doing this based on the text.
Christians might be perfectly correct to read the text in this way, but that is not because this is what the text actually says. Christian interpretation of this text follows the direction established by the New Testament. There is no doubt that John, Matthew, Luke, Paul and Peter all apply the Isaiah 53 text to Yeshua, but does that give us warrant for claiming that the Isaiah passage was Messianic from its inception? Given the typical midrashic application of Scripture by authors of the New Testament, one could argue that these men found an application to the Messiah by re-reading the text to fit their belief. This is the way they used other Scriptures. That means it would have been perfectly appropriate for Jews to read Isaiah 53 claiming Israel as the suffering servant until the New Testament authors presented an alternative view. And if this is the case, then the passage in Isaiah should not be altered to fit the midrash of the New Testament even if it can be interpreted this way.
The mixture of theological presuppositions and biblical interpretation can’t be avoided. The more we look, the more complicated it becomes. Of course, none of this means that Isaiah’s proclamation can’t be about the Messiah. The early followers of the Way certainly thought it could be applied to the Messiah. But what we must realize is that this is a creative application, not a textual requirement. Now perhaps we can understand why contemporary Jews read Isaiah 53 and don’t come to the conclusion that Jesus is the Messiah. Paradigm shapes the reading.
Those who have discovered truth in the words of Yeshua and the declarations of the apostles will read Isaiah 53 as a Messianic confirmation. Those who have yet to see the truth of Yeshua will not be so inclined. That means we who apply the midrash have much more to do than simply point to the text. We will have to “provoke to jealousy” by our lives, regardless of the actual meaning of the preposition min. We will have to become the preposition of transition. “Because of you, I am able to see Yeshua in Isaiah.”
Topical Index: min, because of, Isaiah 53:5
MarK 14:61 But He kept silent and did not answer. Again the high priest was questioning Him, and saying to Him, “Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?”
Mar 14:62 And Jesus said, “I am; and you shall see THE SON OF MAN SITTING AT THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER, and COMING WITH THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN.”
Hi Skip,
I agree with your main point that Isaiah was probably not thinking of Jesus.
But I think Jesus wanted his followers to see him as the Son of Man in Isaiah.
Yes, and that’s the point. The NT authors and Yeshua all applied OT passages to the Messianic role, but that doesn’t mean that the original texts were unambiguously Messianic. Once we shift the paradigm, we reinterpret the texts to fit the new understanding. But it takes a shift in the paradigm. Therefore, Jews who do not recognize Yeshua as the Messiah are not being obtuse. They just read the texts as they would be understood without the new paradigm. How people move from one paradigm to another is the real question.
Michael you make an incredibly interesting point and one that is actually pointed to in a text known as The Urantia Book (not here to convert btw just pointing to the parallel in thinking). I believe the Urantia Book points to the Book of Enoch as also being quite influential in Jesus choosing to apply the title “the Son of Man” to himself. I’m very interested in Isaiah 53 also, and the language originally used for these verses, as i have a different view of the purpose of the cross to the one held by many Christian thinkers (penal substitutionary atonement).
Since “for” and “because of” denotes time and God is not in time would this help in the understanding of the application?
Who said God isn’t it time? You apparently didn’t read God, Time and the Limits of Omniscience. Better order it.
There are a couple of books by H. Clay Trumbull that may be of use to you during your study of sacrifice and covenant:
The Threshold Covenant Or The Beginning Of Religious Rites (1906)
The Blood Covenant A Primitive Rite And Its Bearings On Scripture (1893)
Both can be read online (click on the links above) or downloaded as pdf, djvu (DejaVu) or text files.
He wrote another one called “The Salt Covenant” but I’ve not been able to find an electronic copy online – maybe its copyright hasn’t expired yet. All 3 books are still available in hard-copy e.g. through
Allow me Rodney to “double-up” amen on this critical text: “The Blood Covenant.” You want something old?, something ancient?, something universal?- look no further than “the blood covenant.” Why is sex outside of marriage so abhorrent to YHWH?- because of the blood covenant. Why am I so confident in the G-d that is? because of the blood covenant. If every preacher of the good news of Christ would lay hold of this reality- the blood covenant and this was proclaimed throughout the Christian community- it would change the way we do business and daily live, radically and dramatically. I cannot say enough about “the blood covenant.” What did Yeshua Himself declare to His talmudim? “This is the New Covenant in my blood. Not only the blood of the perfect man (the sinless second Adam) but also the very blood of G-d (who was in Christ) reconciling the world unto Himself. What can wash away (atone for) my sin? (and yours also?)- my friends.. nothing but the blood of JESUS, the Crucified ONE. We cannot, we must not ever dismiss the cross of Christ as insignificant, when it was the central event in all of history. Am I excited? Am I passionate about this? If you only knew the half of it. Listen to the word of G-d- -old testament loving Jew- “without the shedding of blood is no remission of sin.” None, nary, zip, squat, nada. Blood must be shed-blood has been shed and we are not talking about the blood of bulls, goats, or calves, we are talking the precious, atoning blood of the perfect Passover Lamb- Yeshua HaMashiach, the (now living, reigning, death-defeating, victorious Son, Jesus (who is the) Christ.
Does this not shed new light on this verse: (Revelation 13:8 “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Yes, Calvary was not an “afterthought” in the mind of G-d. G-d never says “uh-oh”, or “oops” or “my bad..”. No, my friends, before Adam ever even gave a thought to eating the fruit, Calvary’s cross was part of the intricate eon spanning will of G-d. G-d looked down through the telescope of time and saw a man (me) who would need a Savior. Oh, the mighty gulf that G-d did span “at Calvary.” Mercy there was great and grace was free- pardon there was multiplied for me. There, my burdened soul found liberty- “At Calvary.” Thank you for the cross LORD.. – thank you for the price you paid. “Testalesti!” Paid in Full! Hallelu’ Yah!- What a Savior! Hallelu’Yah, what a Friend! – And speaking of a “Friend”- do you know Rodney, (and all) – “friend” is a covenant word? David and Jonathan were covenant “friends”. And yes!- there is a Friend who stick closer than a brother! – Do you know His name? – We, my friends, are (now, today) in a blood covenant relationship with the very same G-d as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We pray to and worship the very same G-d as Moses, David, and Isaiah.
Yes, He was wounded “because of” our sins. Yes, He was bruised “because of” our iniquities (twistedness). Yes, His name is Yeshua, Son of the living G-d, and G-d the now living Son. Alive, alive, alive Hallelujah! – And because He lives- we also have been made alive. Death shall no longer have a hold on us. Oh grave!- Where is your sting? Oh death- where is your victory? His death was the death of death, and He loved us unto death!
One last comment and I will close this (seeming) rant.. – John 3.16 “Because” (for) G-d so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life.” Why the cross?- “Because” my dear friends,- “G-d SO loved..” -Amen
One other book, sir Rodney, by H.C. Trumbull, “Friendship: The Master Passion.” Another excellent “must read.”
A friend and I were talking yesterday about how to pray for Israel right now. Our conclusion is that it is nearly impossible for us to pray anything other than ‘Thy will be done”, because in our human condition we only want the glory and not the suffering that is yet to come. We in our flesh do not want all of God’s promises to be fulfilled, because many of them involve suffering. We do not want the birth pains, we just want the new creation. It would have been the same for us if we’d lived in Y’shua’s time: we would never have wanted Y’shua to suffer and die, but the Bible tells us that it pleased Y-H-V-H to bruise him. Since we do not fully have the mind of Messiah, we find it nearly impossible to fully agree with God about Israel, His chosen one, having to endure suffering, just as we would have fought tooth and nail to prevent Y’shua going to the cross.
May all of God’s promises be fulfilled SPEEDILY AND IN OUR DAYS!
Isaiah 53, as you probably know, is not read aloud in the synagoges as it is not included in the Haftorah portions. I have heard from groups such as Jews for Jesus that this is done purposely so that the Jew would not see Yeshua as we see him in Isaiah 53. The reason it is not included, in the Haftorah, who knows. But knowing that these portions were put in place in 168 BCE or before..shows that the sages were not doing this to stop the Jews from seeing Jesus, since He had not even been born yet…
By Baruch S. Davidson “The most common explanation is that in 168 BCE, when the Jews were under the rule of the Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes of Chanukah infamy, they were forbidden to read from the Torah. The decree, however, was limited to the Five Books of Moses, so the sages instituted that a section of the Prophets be read instead, usually an idea that was related to the Torah reading that should have been read that week.1 This custom stuck even after it became safe to read from the Torah again.2”
When will Romans 11:11 be fulfilled? How are we going to bring the Jews to jealousy? They do not listen to “Christians” and if I was a Jew, I wouldn’t listen either. They will never become jealous until we do what they do and know what they know (Torah) better than what they do and know.
Is it up to us to start the paradigm shift? With all of the information we have access to today, ignorance is no longer an option. Like Rabbi Noah Weinberg (obm) use to say ….”Just Do It”
Provoke to jealousy! Yes, but certainly not by shoving Jesus in the face of a Jew. Until the rise of Torah-observant Gentiles, no Jew need pay attention to the declarations of Christians.
“Until the rise of Torah-observant Gentiles, no Jew need pay attention to the declarations of Christians.” Now I like that!
Thank you, Skip! Thank you for all that you do. If I ever get a chance to go to Jerusalem, I want to go with you and your group. If Yeshua is coming back to this earth, to sit on the throne in Jerusalem, shouldn’t that change the perception of what Christians think heaven will be like?
Yes, that would be nice. Bob and I are talking about another trip in 2012.
Earlier today I “saw” the face of Jesus as drawn by a child who proclaims she saw Him, and He hasn’t changed much from the other artists’ rendering. Hair is a little shorter and styled with nice layers in a modern do. Definitely having a great hairday!Without much discernment, years ago, I wondered about these pictures and thought it to be rather presumptuous of Anglos to put out this “pretty” but speculative presentation, especially after reading Isaiah 53:2.
I wonder also, if the provoking/paradigm shift and the drawing by the Spirit are not closely related to believers/followers’ alignment with the Scriptures. If we will be known by our love for one another,wouldn’t it seem that showing love to a Jew means showing love for YHWH through obedience to what He deems to be holy and faithful? Would inviting a Jewish friend to observe Shabbat and a Torah portion be more compelling than inviting them to Sunday School and a pork loin dinner? And of course, this would mean the invitation would be genuinely from the heart and not a production attempting to ambush them with a worldview to convert them to Christianity.
I am asking Father to work HIS perfect work, not the work of the early church fathers. Bless us YHWH.