Talking the Walk

Today I had opportunities to speak with several readers around the country.  I wish each one of you could have listened to the conversations.  I am beginning to see just how important we are to each other, and how many of us need someone to lean on.  So, if you feel that you can act as a prayer partner for a wonderful woman in North Carolina and help her deal with her lack of nearby fellowship – or if you live in North Carolina and want to bless someone with your company, let me know!

If you (all of you) would just now at this moment lift up in prayer a young man who has made some tragic choices and needs firm but godly direction, say a prayer for this one from our larger family – and at the same time pray for his mother who will be checking with the doctors about a cancer scare.

If you would pray for those two women I spoke with in two different states who are feeling as if they are seeing Yeshua in a new light and at the same time finding rejection among their former churches, ask God to comfort them and provide new communities that care.

If you would pray for a couple who are experiencing the trials of being separated due to job loss, one working far away from his new bride, ask God to protect their marriage and give them the strength to hold on to each other across the miles.

If you would pray for the Shabbat group that is starting to grow in a neighborhood in West Florida where YHWH is honored.

If you would pray that we as a community will have funds to help one of our own deal with a tax burden that may take away her home.

If you would just ask the Lord to keep the phone lines open and the hearts open as well, then we will do what the church is supposed to do – to show the world that we love each other.


I’ll be calling.

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Fred Hayden

Praying – I might be able to help the North Carolina person; will discuss when you call…

beth goble


Robin Jeep

Thank you Skip for being a conduit to allow YHWH’s love and creativity to flow to us. I am praying.

Karen Haire

There is NO god like our God! Where would we be without our conversations with Him and with each other. We feel the loneliness, too, of lost fellowship with the church and rejection because we have chosen to walk this walk. But the greatest joy we have known is the closeness we feel with the One who walked before us and experienced many of the same trials. My heart cries out for all of those who are in desperate situations and need a YHWH miracle. I pray that it will be so in each of your lives in God’s way and God’s time. He doesn’t give up on His children! We’ve been through a lifetime of pain and anguish and found Him to be true to His word.

Cheryl Durham

I would be happy to conference with the ladies who are feeling alienated from their church…of course unless you were referring to ME..who is ALWAYS alienated because of some view…then I would be happy to talk to the other lady who is alienated…we could start an ALIEN group…lol

It would be cool to be able to encourage each other no matter where we are….


Skip thanks for the call. We’re praying and willing to meet with anyone in our area(s). Feel free to share our info with anyone you think we can help.


Donna Levin

What a wonderful surprise to hear you say “Hi, this is Skip Moen”. I’m sitting here at work and I had to think for a second, “Who?”. Then, I became very excited to hear your beautiful voice. Your love and enthusiasm oozed through the phone lines. Frankly, it lifted my spirits and just made my day. I’m new to your website and teachings, but I am loving learning from you. You have already blessed my life greatly and I just want to say Thank You from my heart.

I was wondering if anyone else lives in Maryland. I’m in the Baltimore area, so I’m curious. Shalom, Donna

Cheryl Durham

Hi Donna,

I’m in South Jersey, not too terribly far from you. Anytime you want to talk, email me, we can set up a time to talk…


Donna Levin

Hi, Cheryl. That sounds great. Maybe we can email or speak on the phone some time. Donna


Good evening Skip, and others:
I have had children make dreadful decisions concerning drugs and alcohol, sex, and other decisions children should seek the advice of parents or others with more experience. I have spent many nights praying for them.
I have prayed to God fervently when my wife was diagnosed with cancer the first time; then when the second event of cancer came about four years later, I prayed even harder. My wife is still alive twelve years after the first operation. I thank my God, my Savior, for every additional day she is still with me–even knowing that I may pass away first, even in my physical condition.
I continuously pray for the roughly million military men and women married who must of necessity leave their loved ones at home, even in unfamiliar areas, to go and serve their country so we may be free in this country to not only worship our one true God, but to feel safe. Their inconveniences are always on my mind, in my heart, for I too spent many long months separated from wife and children to serve my country. I will continuously pray for this and any other separated couple, whether just across the state, across the country, or around the world.
These are just a few of my daily prayers, whether specifically by name, or position, or situation; I lift them up to God so he will know–as if though He doesn’t already–they are not alone in their specific situations, but others are thinking and praying for them.
God bless you and this wonderful ministry.

Karen Haire

Who are any of us that daily seek after YHWH and call ourselves His followers? Haven’t we all been rescued from a life of the unseemly and ugly affects of sin? Set apart? YES – but not AWAY! Always “right”, with the “right” group, better than the ones who worship differently or minister in ways foreign to our experience? NO!!!! We are called to LOVE one another, not hold each other up to criticism and distain. I love my dear Catholic neighbors and we have precious fellowship in Yeshua. We pray together for our Jewish neighbors to meet Yeshua as their Messiah. Look who Jesus ran with, ate with, touched, and was touched by, rubbed shoulders with! Would any of them be allowed in our sanctuary’s? We are known by our works more than our associations.