Conversations on the Phone

As I continue to call readers, I discover so many needs and blessings.

Just so that you know what to pray about for the rest of the community, here’s what I have on my notes so far:

Cindy wants to be discipled.  Is there another godly woman out there who would be willing to start the friendship.

Susan is in a wheelchair and needs to be able to talk regularly with another woman who is on the journey.  Are you willing?

Nancy – wants prayer that she will be more useful to YHWH

JoAn – needs prayer for finding work in Tennessee

Ed – in the process of adopting an 11 year old, needs prayer that God will bring it all about

Janet – needs prayer for two grandchildren, 7 and 11.

Linda – who asks for prayer for her husband who isn’t quite on the same page

Anita – who asks for prayer for her daughter who is struggling

Susan – who needs a new hearing aid

John – needs prayer for his business since it has really taken a beating in the recession

Gail – asks for prayer in the upcoming class she is teaching on Revelation

Patricia – needs prayer for her adoption agency, trying to care for many children but being exhausted in the process

I also talked with many who are doing well and being blessed.  I am so thankful for their support as they have resources that help everyone.

I will continue to call.  Only 616 people to go.

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Gayle Johnson

Thank you for this post, Skip.


Shalom Skip,

Just a quick question. Is Drew on your calling list? He used to blog considerably and consistently. Have been concerned for him. If anyone else out there can respond to my inquiry, please let me know. In His Care, Brian

Cheryl Durham

Will be happy to disciple any woman…Cindy give me a call…812-518-0471.

Jamie Rindt

Cindy or Susan, I love to have conversations with women over the Word and God’s Kingdom and just share some time. My contact info: Jamie Rindt,
I am o Facebook as well.
Skip, you may have to send these ladies this info.

Jamie Rindt

I lifted everyone in prayer and you too Skip. Thank you!!