Islamic Slavery in Africa

I have never forwarded any news links or video until now, but tonight I received this link and it struck me so powerfully that I had to send it on to the community.  This is a European documentary of a historian in Senegal discussing his findings about his own people who suffered at the hands of Muslims many centuries ago.  It is powerful and revealing.

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Ellen McFarland

Thanks for sharing this Skip. I had never heard about this particular evil going on — at least not to this extent.

It’s so very sad that anyone could be treated in such an evil way. How did they have survive having no right to be human. How can anyone justify such a devish inhumane practice.

It will be so wonderful when the Lord comes to wipe away every tear and evil.

Bill Cummins

Thanks Skip,
Absolutely amazing information.
Why haven’t we been told of this atrocity until now?
Only the TRUTH can set us free.
Is it available in print?


I do not want open up an ants-nest here, but this is still going on in parts of the Middle East.

You still have a severe racist attitude between the Arab-speaking peoples and the black peoples of Africa. Even when a black person will convert to Islam, he is still seen as a second class muslim.

Here in South Africa, a black man seeking work with a muslim has to convert to Islam before he can get the job (and due to the unrighteous government we have, the black people in South Africa is desperate for work). He is then not payed his wages on time, has to work unreasonable hours, etc. (I have several testimonies of incidents here in my own home town where this is going on).

Slavery and Islam indeed has a longstanding partnership. And we also need to know that Islamic slavery is not understood as it is in the Biblical / Hebrew context. Because the term slavery is associated with what is described in this video link, we have difficulty explaining parts of the new testament related to slaves – only because we do not know what the Torah says about who and what slaves are and how they should be treated.

Roy W Ludlow

I feel sick to my stomach. I always thought the slavery in this country to be an abominations. What this vido shows is that it could be worse. And that this still goes on in its own way without repercussion. I can not say more right now.

Diane Alvarez

Wow. I had no idea.

Amanda Youngblood

Wow. I teach history, and I had no idea. It’s amazing what gets hidden and covered up. Next time I teach that period in history, or the slave trade or Islam, I’ll have to use this. Thanks for the link.

It’s nauseating to think that the leaders of our country seem to encourage and promoted and protect this kind of thing (whether they realize they’re doing it or not).