The Righteous Man
He said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I shall return there. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD. Job 1:21 NASB
Blessed be – The standard of righteousness is not exhibited in peace and prosperity. The standard of righteousness is displayed in adversity and affliction. Any person can be noble and altruistic when good fortune shines, but only the righteous man will maintain an example of God’s character when life falls apart. Righteousness is revealed under duress.
“A righteous person who suffers from affliction should not say, ‘it is bad for me.’ Afflictions are precious, and a truly righteous person does not rebel against them. Instead of saying ‘a righteous person is suffering,’ rather say, ‘in the case of a righteous person, whatever the Compassionate One does is valuable and precious.’ Rabbi Akiva.[1]
Job is a righteous man. Only a truly righteous man could say, “YHWH gave and YHWH takes away. Shem YHWH mevorah” (The verb is barak – to bless). Righteousness is revealed under duress.
This is a particularly hard lesson to learn. In fact, it is so difficult that only exemplary people like Job seem to get it – and Job even had his problems. There is, of course, one role model who clearly understood – and exhibited – righteousness under duress. His name is Yeshua. “Not my will but Yours be done,” is righteousness. It is the equivalent of saying, “I don’t know how this will all turn out but I trust that You do, and I am willing to accept what You have to offer me.” “Not my will but Yours be done” is the long version of “Blessed be the name of YHWH.”
We who observe Torah often proclaim Baruch atah HaShem. I wonder if we realize what this really means. I wonder if we remember that this blessing incorporates righteousness under duress. I imagine that most of the time we think of this blessing in positive terms for us. “G_d, bless me” would be our translation of Baruch atah HaShem. But the real translation is “G_d, use me. I will be content with whatever You bring to my life because I am Yours.”
The righteous man or woman is the one willing to let God be God.
Topical Index: blessed be, baruch, righteous, Akiva, Job 1:21
[1] As cited in Abraham Heschel, The Heavenly Torah, p. 36.
Thank you … exactly the right word for me after yesterday … and so incredibly valuable for life with Yeshua.
Thank you for letting God be God and not wanting to “theoligize” Him into something else.
“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.” (Proverbs 27.1)
Very true, Solomon sir, I do not know what a day may bring forth, but I know Who brings forth the day! I know the Day-Planner and I know the Day-Runner, and the good news is I (now) know the LORD is my Shepherd-(and because He is) -I shall not want.
(Today, this day) will there be hardship, trouble, pain, sorrow, affliction? Are we “tribulated” every moment of every day? No, we are not. There are (blessed) times of refreshing that come from the presence of LORD. Have you known these “G-d moments?” (maybe a review of chronos and kairos would be tov?)
My marriage vows to my beloved included these words: in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in wealth..- there is going to be some of both. Good times (G-d times) and bad times (dark threads the Weaver needs) are all included in His Sovereign plan for our lives. We (all) must go through the fire for purification purposes. (yes, G-d is doing this..), but let us please remember..-“He does all things well..”
Can this G-d be trusted? Is He able to deliver us as He delivered Daniel from the mouth of the lions? Yes, friends, -Hallelujah!- “Therefore ? He is able to save (deliver) completely those who come to G-d through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.” (Hebrews 7.25)
Why do we call Him Savior? -because Yeshua saves- completely! Body, soul and breath- He is LORD of Heaven and of Earth, LORD of the living and the dead, LORD of the telescopic and the microscopic, LORD of (the big little word) all. What is the scope of our salvation? Where is the top? Where is the bottom? Can the minnow fathom the ocean? -“Lost in wonder, love and praise” are far more than words..
Out of respect for everyone’s limited time, I’ll save my “G-d stories” for heaven. Do I have a story,-a testimony? Am I a witness of the grace of G-d? Do I have a tale to tell? Most assuredly friends, – I do. He has ransomed me, delivered me, lifted me from the miry clay and set my feet upon a Rock.- “But wait.. there’s more! lol! (always more..) This is our G-d. He is Able. The question is: Are we willing? -Fasten your seatbelts- it might be a bumpy ride.. This day- cleave unto the LORD. Draw near..- Listen to Him, our Master-Teacher. There are life-lessons to be learned today and great joy in serving and loving one another. “This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118.24) -Does it rejoice the heart of the Father to see His children smile?
“…and bad times (dark threads the Weaver needs)…” I like that one – I must remember it
Fred..- from the excellent book by the same title. Author Herbert Lockyer- (also author of the “All” series of books)
The word “contentment” has been filtering through my mind the last few days…despite job loss, economy pressures and everything else that has affected our family the last two years, am content. It is good to know, and I mean that more in a capital KNOW… “knowing that God is God.” So be it.
If we could see the big picture, we may shudder at what lies ahead. If Havah could have seen the havoc her choice would bring about, her actions, to be sure, would have been different…or is that the case? As perfectly “blessed”, she still desired the undesirable. So now, I wonder, what about us? How much do we look to the revealed Word in order to determine what true blessing is? Modern psychology teaches us to think happy thoughts…although a modicum of truth is encapsulated in that, the Scriptural reality shows us that without chaos, YHWH does not seem to be able to get our attention. Keep peeling back the layers, Skip. Much of this word is contrary to the tickling of ears that so many precious ones flock to.
Open our ears, Abba, we are blessed to shema YOUR Truth and see you “high and lifted up”!
Mary,- I’d like to chase this rabbit a little bit.. “without chaos, YHWH does not seem to be able to get our attention.”
I wrote a short blog on this subject (focus) awhile back. Through a series of situations in my life (yes, He leadeth me) YHWH revealed to me the “blessing of brokeness.” I went through about nine months of “the dark night of the soul” (what?- you too?! ) followed by a period of great joy and many “aha” moments with G-d. Much testing, much revelation, much insight into the ways of G-d, and knowing all the while, it was G-d who was doing all of this.
About 7 yrs later, here I am and still being “refined.” But at least now I know these trials, afflictions and troubles are not without purpose. If I cleave unto the LORD and wait patiently for Him, He will bring it to pass, give me the strength to endure, and will teach me some marvelous truth somewhere in the process. I’ve heard it said, “our life is a crisis followed by a process.” Underneath us all are the everlasting arms, but we are continually in the process of daily being refined and conformed (a word of heat and pressure) into the image of the Son.
My part? To listen, to wait, and to be obedient to His leadership. When we are willing, -He is able.
Yes, Carl, Truth spoken here. Unlike many (dare I say most, hopefully not all) of the TV/Internet preachers who have an agenda ($personal, if I may be so bold$) the essential truths of the full gospel/covenant will bring us to our knees (or flat on our back)-we need Torah to keep us right before Abba and our brothers and sisters. This Word pulls no punches and takes no prisoners-it is the only means that can use a two-edged sword to kill US and yet give us life. It is the only provider of peace and division that works everything out for good. It is the only means whereby a cooked road can be made straight and a straight road be made crooked. To live by any other means is not to truly live! No Christ-No Torah: Know Christ-Know Torah
I, for one, appreciate fair and balanced teaching. I love the fact that freedom in Christ means the privilege to know the Mighty One of Glory in all His splendor and if that means listening to a rabbi expound the OT so I may glean from his study, I am there.
Thank you once again, Skip for sharing your heart with us. Thank you also brothers and sisters of YHWH’s family, that you also encourage us with your lifesongs!
Another great teaching. Righteousness is revealed under duress really sums up so much of my own personal struggles. When times are tough, that’s when I come face to face with my fears, shortcoming, lack of faith, lack of commitment, lack of obedience, etc. We are struggling financially right now and I keep hearing Him ask me “Why don’t you trust me? I will never leave you nor forsake me, so trust me, really trust me”. Adonai, help me to submit to You and to truly submit in love.
How many times have I failed to understand, that in the press of affliction, I must not act in my own strength. What grievous errors I have made, because it was the way I chose. I pray that we all choose His Way from this day forward.
Here’s a portion of the lyrics from “We Will Hold On” by Paul Baloche:
We’ll be tested by the fire
Persecuted and reviled maybe
Either way there will be trials
We will hold on
We’ll be tested by the blessing
With all the comforts
Of the world surrounding
We will not forget the Savior
We will hold on
“Blessed Is the Lord” Paul Wilbur
If you want to hear the entire song with printed lyrics, click on this link to “We Will Hold On.”
Statements that I really find amazing in Scriptures – concerning this matter of righteousness found in duress – include:
“Though He slay me, yet I will hope in Him” (Job 13:15) and
“But the Lord was pleased to crush Him, putting Him to grief.” (Isaiah 53:10)
“I will be content with whatever You bring to my life because I am Yours.”
Took me almost 60 years to begin to realize this most important point.
To live it is another story.