The Follower’s Work Ethic
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 NASB
Be diligent – Spoudazo. That’s the word for this day. Be diligent. Be eager. Be earnest. We get that, don’t we? We’ve heard this verse repeated many times as encouragement for studying God’s Word. In fact, it is so often associated with intellectual pursuit that the verse is translated “Study to show yourself approved.” But we need to remove those paradigm blinders and read what Paul actually writes. Paul isn’t encouraging the writing of commentaries or the memorization of hundreds of verses. He is encouraging being the person God approves. Be diligent to present yourself, not your cognitive ability. Paul tells us that we are to think of ourselves as workmen. We are building something, something that we do not need to be ashamed about and that God will approve. That isn’t degrees on the wall or books on the shelf. It’s you and me! You are building yourself into a workman who is approved. I am building myself into someone who delights the Lord. Study is certainly important, but it isn’t the goal. The goal is the person, completed in Christ.
Am I enthusiastically building my life so that there is no reason to be ashamed? Am I conforming myself to the instructions God gave, insuring that He is delighted with who I am becoming? Have I put aside those behaviors and attitudes that might cause me humiliation and cause Him dishonor? That’s what a workman must do. He must focus on the excellence of the finished goods. He must set aside all the distractions, overcome the obstacles and aim for perfection. Michelangelo once said that in order to produce incredible statues from blocks of marble he only had to remove what didn’t belong. That’s what we must do. Chip away what doesn’t fit the final image.
Paul concludes with a remark that probably caused the confusion about translating this verse. “Accurately handling the word of truth” was often understood as “correctly interpreting Scripture.” The verb is literally “cut correctly” (orthotomeo). This is the quintessential skill of a true workman. Michelangelo knew just where to cut. We are inclined to think of the action as a cognitive one, but once we realize that the Hebrew perspective is about doing, not just thinking, we see that the workman produces nothing if he only thinks about it. He has to put his skills to work to produce the intended result. Just so, we have to put God’s words to work in our lives to produce the intended result – a finished workman.
The objective of life is to become the master craftsman of ourselves. Our goal is to produce a person approved by God. The material is our behaviors and attitudes. Our tools are God’s instructions and the Spirit’s guidance. Cut correctly, the end is assured.
Topical Index: be diligent, spoudazo, rightly dividing, orthotomeo, 2 Timothy 2:15
Today is my birthday. I have a lot of cutting yet to do, but I see progress. The image of God in me is being manifest. God is patient. I am glad to have lived another year.
NOTE ON ORDERS: As you know, I am leaving for Africa in 2 days. That means I will not be filling any orders after tomorrow. Go ahead and order products but please be patient about delivery. And, by the way, there are only 3 copies of the DVDs left.
Happy Birthday Skip! I hope your day is blessed, fun, and restful! Enjoy your trip to Africa; how awesome that is!
Happy birthday, Skip! Have a wonderful day and I hope that Rosanne spoils you/showers you with blessings :-).
(You must be up early, Amanda – you beat me to the punch by a couple of minutes
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKIP! The Lord knew what He was doing when He raised you up for this time and this generation. I appreciate, as always, the greater insights you bring into scriptures such as II Tim. 2:15. So true.
Just came back from China where we were conducting marriage enrichment seminars from a biblical perspective. Our Chinese brothers and sisters there are so cerebral, cognitively astute and diligent about studying God’s Word yet the “simple” application and obedience to His truths are clearly lacking due to woundedness, cultural strongholds, emotional pain and oftentimes just “works of the flesh.” (It’s not just with them, however, it’s everywhere.)
There was a great need for them to EXPERIENCE powerfully, God’s love and grace, in concert with what God’s Word truly expressed, on key relationship issues, in order for true transformation to occur, not only in themselves but their spouses as well. This experience came with them taking the first hard step in simply “doing” a Godly gesture versus merely thinking it, which has no spiritual kinetic energy in itself. Praise HaShem. It happened. Quickly, they began to realize that — “What I think” is not necessarily “What I am.”
One of my keynote scriptures in light of what you were sharing today is I Thess.5:24 (Amplified Version). “Faithful is He who is calling you [to Himself] and utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it [that is, fulfill in His call by hallowing and keeping you].
Makes me think that one of God’s callings is to fulfill His calling in us. That is pretty mind-boggling. So as He carefully chisels, sands, hones and smooths out all we are created to be through every season in our lives (as long as we allow Him to), there is no way we cannot glorify Him as long as we TRUST and OPEN our hearts to HIS love that molds and shapes us into the very masterpiece we are to be. And when we do, we indirectly give others the permission to do likewise. We then become a community of artisans for one another under the Master sculptors’ loving directives. Now that’s a veritable Garden.
“So as He carefully chisels, sands, hones and smoothes out all we are created to be…”
This reminds me of a youth Pastor who was in charge of a program that our son, then a teenager, was involved in; on addressing the parents of the youths, He gave each parent a small stone to carry with them. Consequently, each time the Dad or Mom would reach into his pocket, or into her pocketbook and feel that stone, they were to say a prayer for their youth that God would continue to polish and smooth out the rough spots. After my son finished that program, I still carry that stone with me (have it with me daily) and changed the prayer to God continue to polish me!
Happy Birthday Skip!
I pray that YHWH’s full blessings be upon you as you journey to Africa. See you in June in Dayton!
Happy Birthday to you, Skip! With all the ‘busyness’ that must be included in this day, I hope you will enjoy the day, and experience contentment. You will certainly be in our prayers during your travels.
Hi Skip,
Have a wonderful trip to Africa. May He bless you and those you share His message with.
Happy Birthday dear brother! I am so excited for you and will certainly pray for G-d’s direction, guidance and protection during your visit to Africa. May you return enriched and overflowing with the goodness of G-d to the work He has called you to do.
Christina, I was very blessed to read your response today. I would like to share this story with all. I started to live “Providentially.” I started to live intentionally or “purposefully.” I started to live as if, everything, (note:-everything) was Providential. This is such an old-fashioned, outdated word: “Providence.” It literally means: to see before. Pro- before video- to see. G-d is watching. Right here, right now- He is “with us.” Guiding our footsteps, guiding our thoughts- step-by-step, from one moment to the next, from one breath to the next- He is with us, intimately and intricately- G-d is with us. We may (as brother Lawrence wrote), practice the presence of G-d, in our daily lives, whether mowing the yard, writing a novel, working in the kitchen- He will never, ever leave us nor forsake us, He is the G-d of the “Now Here.” Whether in sunny south Florida or thousands of miles away in deepest African jungle,- G-d is with us.
We must “know” this experientially. G-d (Himself) must show or reveal to each of us- this is true. Nothing “occurs” randomly. Nothing. The good, the bad, the ugly- G-d is in control. Please turn on the screen magnification and notice the period at the end of the preceding sentence.
G-d is “in charge” of the microscopic as well as the telescopic. We like to sing “I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder” and we are quite taken with the majesty of mountains and the vast expanse of the ocean waves, but do we know “He sees when a sparrow fall?” or that the very hairs of every head on planet earth are numbered? He is a G-d of the “jots and tittles.” Every dotted “i” and every crossed “t”. He is LORD of the small and insignificant.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch..- “Here am I.” And here is the story. If nothing “occurs” randomly, and life “happens” on purpose, what is G-d doing? Why does he have me “paired up” with this abrasive personality who is working on me like a chainsaw works over an ice sculpture? “Carl, are you on the cross right now?” What a “wow” moment that was.. G-d, you went through all this “trouble” to teach me this? His answer? “What trouble?” (this folks, is a genuine “kairos and “Selah” moment) “Selah” -the pause that refreshes..
So we are to live life “on purpose.” We are to live as if our lives do count, and we are,each, (as iron sharpens iron) instruments of YHWH, -sharpening one another! This is the why of community. We need one another- we are the tools Elohim uses to challenge, to tweak, to file, to polish and perfect- “one another!” (You irritating person you! lol!)
So, welcome to planet earth. Live life today, whether in Montana or Missouri- we are to love the LORD our G-d with all our heart,soul, mind and strength and to love one another with a pure heart fervently. Remember, -G-d is with us, and yes, -He is (ever) for us! Blessed is the worthy and wonderful Name of the LORD.
Thanks for the great reminder – live Providentially.
God bless you, brother.
Happy birthday sir.
May God grant you health, strength, and wisdom all the days of your long life.
Yom Huledet Sameach Skip! Safe travels to and from Africa may it be a fruitful excursion.
Happy Birthday Skip!
Thanks for lighting the way.
Travel in safety,
Happy birthday, Skip! Carl, I loved what you wrote, “We must know this experientially.” I would add we must know HIM experientially. With all this cutting going on with me, it sure is comforting to KNOW intimately the sculptor. That sounds so pretty and poetic, right? But you all can attest this isn’t the walk we thought we were getting in the beginning. This walk is tough. The cutting sometimes leaves me bleeding. It is lonely too. Not many are willing to go thru this process. But when you really KNOW Him and you’ve experienced His presence, you surrender it all again. He IS worthy. Its not for nothing!!! It is for Him!!!
Glory!- love that name!- Yes, to live life not only “Providentially” but also to live intentionally, or to live with focus.
As this is now “Providentially” (and serendipitously) the month of May, I would like to speak (if I may) of authority and permission.
We have seen lately much in the news concerning “sharia law”. There are two “religions” conflicting here- one is a religion of love and the other is a religion of force. As we (now) know, we are in a voluntary blood-covenant relationship with our living, resurrected ADONAI. This is illustrated and demonstrated to us in the covenant-relationship between David and Jonathan, and Ruth and Boaz- her Kinsman-Redeemer. Also in the life of Mephibosheth, who was lame in both his feet, yet sat at King David’s table, served by Ziba and his sons. Have you read these stories? They all testify the the goodness and chesed (lovingkindnesses- a covenant word, everlasting mercies) of our Sovereign King.
Today, through the blood of the covenant, and through the indwelling Ruach Hakodesh, (the same Breath that raised our Messiah from death unto life, -He is to us, all He has promised in His
Word, and He (Truth and Love incarnate) never lies, not once, to anyone, ever. And no scripture is of any private interpretation- this, in and of itself is another mark of authenticity of the scriptures. His is a universal call to “whosoever will.”
Love is a choice, it is voluntary surrender to the will of another. I’ve often thought of this verse: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock..” Who is speaking here and why is He standing outside the door? G-d knocking? Is He waiting for our permission? “Enter in?” How strange, that Elohim would need our permission to come across the threshold or entryway, the “door.” We must also give Him permission to “have His own way” in our lives. The prayer of the Son of man must become our prayer also- “not my will (what I want), but thy will, (your desires) be done. We (amazingly) must give G-d our permission to slice, to dice, to crush, to burn, to remove “whatever” does not reflect Christ, the impurities and defilements of sin- in any form. Sin (in any form) is the only thing that separates. The wages of sin is death (the ultimate separation), but the gift of G-d is eternal life (the life of the Eternal ONE) through Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMaschiach) our LORD. (our ADONAI).
G-d never “forces Himself” on anyone. Voluntary surrender is “our part” in salvation. Christ (our Example and Examplar) humbled Himself and “voluntarily” died upon the tslav, the execution stake of Calvary. In any great love story- there is One who is able, and one who is willing. If we are willing- He is able!
Have thine own way LORD,
have thine own way..
Thou art the Potter,
I am the clay.
Mold me and make me,
after Thy will,
while I am waiting,
yielded and still.
“The LORD will fulfill [His purpose] for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever–do not abandon the works of your hands.” (Psalm 138:8)
Happy Birthday Skip. I am sure Africa will be a blessing and you a blessing to them! I yet remain stationary! But the call of Ethiopia still strong. HIS timing is perfect. Have a safe trip.
P.S. Am really enjoying your book Guardian Angel…..thanks.
Blessed Happy Birthday Skip
Happy Birthday, Skip. Blessed Traveling! Shalom.
Happy Birthday Skip!
Happy Birthday Skip, I appreciate your diligence. your friend, Craig
Happy Birthday Skip! May the blessings of Elohim overtake you!
Happy Birthday,Skip. and many more as He guides you on your way……
Happy Birthday dear brother. May the Lord bless and keep you and make you a blessing to all those you come in contact with.
Happybirthday Dr. Moen. Good bless you today and forever. Have a nice trip to Africa.