Rock of Ages
and I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it. Matthew 16:18 NASB
My church – What a difficult verse! What theological wars it has perpetrated! What schisms it brought to Christendom! Partly because we didn’t hear it in Hebrew. The establishment of the papacy, the concept of the Church as a hierarchical organization, the issues of power, the abdication of our Hebraic heritage – people have used this verse for justification of all these beliefs. “My church” has becomes the source of segregation from Judaism and the foundation of a new covenant that replaced God’s promise to Israel.
The problem is apparent once you translate the passage back to its Hebrew original. The word in Greek, ekklesia, becomes qehelah. In Greek, ekklesia is never used for a religious assembly. It is certainly never used to describe a building, an organization with property ownership or a hierarchy of offices. In classical Greek, ekklesia is a political or social gathering. If this is true, then why did the translators of Matthew use ekklesia? They could have used synagoge, the correct Greek word for a religious assembly. But they didn’t. Why?
The answer is discovered in the geography of this announcement. Without the geography, it’s nearly impossible to understand what is happening here. Yeshua takes His disciples to one of the most recognized pagan sites in Israel. A massive rock, hundreds of feet long and high, stands before them. At its base is a giant cave, a cave that was considered by pagan worshippers to be a passage into the underworld. This is the place of the gods. And here it is appropriate to ask, “Who do you think that I am?”
Once Peter declares the answer, Yeshua comments on the “rock.” What rock? On the “rock” Petros (Peter), the man who made the statement? Many scholars, not all Roman Catholic, contend that this is the correct meaning. But this position depends on a word play in Greek and Yeshua and “Peter” (Kepha Shimon) were speaking Hebrew, not Greek.* What other rock is available? Gundry and others have argued that the statement itself is the “rock,” i.e. “You are the Christ.” But that also ignores the linguistic and idiomatic issues. The only obvious rock is the enormous boulder right in front of the disciples. Right here, in the place where pagan gods seem to be in charge, Yeshua will build His qehelah. And what is this? It is the movement of the Kingdom, the assembly of people who will become the true followers of the Way. “My ekklesia” is the movement He has begun, the Kingdom of Heaven that is at hand.
The reason the translators do not use synagoge is that synagoge means any assembly, religious or otherwise, and in this case, using that word could easily have been confused with the pagan assemblies gathered on this spot at Caesarea Philippi. Qehelah also does not distinguish between a religious assembly and a social/political assembly. But the translators need to make a distinction, so they chose a word that does not fit, and they invested it with new meaning. Yeshua’s movement is not a synagogue, nor is it a church (from the German kirche). It is the recovery of God’s reign and rule in the hearts and actions of men and women. Yeshua is not building a church; not a building, not an organization, not a religious institution and certainly not an ethnic or nationally oriented claim on God’s favor. He is reconstituting the reign and rule of the Father as it was established at Sinai. After all, it is His assembly, the same assembly called to hear the word of God at the base of the mountain.
What does this mean for you? What distinctions must be torn down? What ones must be erected? If you were standing there, in front of that cave, what would you have heard Yeshua say to you? Where do your loyalties lie? Are you an attendee at a building, a member of an organization or a follower in a movement?
Topical Index: Caesarea Philippi, Matthew 16:18, ekklesia, qehelah, church
* In fact, the real word play is on the name Shimon, derived from the Hebrew word shama’ (to hear, to obey). Kepha Shimon “heard” the heavenly message. Would he obey it?
Skip, this paragraph is so true – ……’Yeshua is not building a church; not a building, not an organization, not a religious institution and certainly not an ethnic or nationally oriented claim on God’s favor. He is reconstituting the reign and rule of the Father as it was established at Sinai. After all, it is His assembly, the same assembly called to hear the word of God at the base of the mountain’.
Yesterday a secular neighbour came around to see how I was managing surrounded by boxes etc. She looked very unwell herself and after a moment it became apparent she was very distressed about a family matter. As we talked I asked her ‘what are your thoughts on God’? Her reply was ‘ my parents dragged me and my sister to church and all I saw was people who behaved contrary to what they said and I thought it all a load of bumpkin! I was able to tell her that she witnessed bad fruit, and gave a small example from my garden. I then said ‘God is not a religion, denomination, church or anything other than God and he loves you and your sister. She allowed me to pray for her and returned later to say thank you she felt better. I said to her because He is not what you have learned or been taught be prepared for Him to surprise you and reveal himself in your desperate situation.
How sad it is that Church/religion has pushed so many away from Truth. Skip thanks for your gift of unpacking words and causing people to revise, repudiate and restore who YHWH really is. This is the second secular neighbour to come with devastating problems this week. I think I can see why I am still here at the moment – how he uses us in during our own troubles and weakness always amazes me.
Thanks for this encouragement to all readers. On the other hand, I didn’t know you were also under stress. What can we do for you?
Please just pray for me. Its a testing time because every avenue is closed to me. I have applied for jobs…no one answers me. I have had only one viewing, yesterday, of the house and the house was not for them. The people in Ethiopia just hope and wait for me to come. And for the first time in my life I have had to borrow money to keep going add to that some illness, which I have just recoverd from this week.
The strange thing is that although it is stressful I have peace and can only believe that YHWH is going to do something beyond my understanding. So thanks so much for asking. It was his word to me to go in the first place and whilst I have been waiting I had a dream – I was lying in a Hammock surrounded by hundreds of children in the middle of the desert, playing and running around suddenly one of them crawled up and said he wanted me to come and play and kept pulling my arm – I said ‘go play with the others I will be there soon’ and lay back down in the Hammock. I feel it represents new beginning for me….I just have to wait for it to come to fruition. Meantime I hope and wait and renew my strength. Isaiah 40:31
Although its a cyberspace relationship, being able to receive the word for today and read others comments has been a joy and encouragement so thanks to you and the rest of the community.
Christine, I am currently reading (and enjoying!) “The Upside of Adversity” by O.S. Hillman, recommended to me by a friend. Lo and behold, but if the name “Skip Moen” isn’t mentioned in this book!- lol! (small world, indeed!)
Skip has mentioned “the dark night of the soul” and O.S. refers to this “waiting time” as “the dark pit” or our “Joseph” time. I too have had (and am having!) a small taste of this, currently, so this has been a source of encouragement to me and in your case I believe it would be a great asset for you to “know” these things as well. In His love, Carl.
“I have included clips from the video teachings shot on location at Caesarea Philippi when Bob Gorelik and I took a group of reading to Israel in 2009. There are 3 video clips (now on YouTube).”
“On the “rock” Petros (Peter), the man who made the statement?”
Hi Skip,
If I recall correctly, Rabbi Gorelik says “petros” means small stones and “petra” means big rock.
If Shimon is derived from the Hebrew word shama (to hear, to obey).
Then Peter certainly puts a lot of words into play
I’ve never heard this verse delivered in this context. It just rings true and is liberating. I don’t recall who said it or where I read it but I know I’ve seen somewhere that believers take Jesus’ movement and sync it up with their own cultural norms. I know one part of it was that in the time of empires in Europe the church became an empire and when it came to modern times it stated that we have made it a business.
Your work on this verse puts it all back into a context that is believable for second temple Judaism.
Do you know anyone who has continued to flesh this out theologically?
Thanks Skip.
The “rock” certainly is not a “place” either. If the rock in this statement were “special” then certainly we should all migrate to this holy site, at least to pay our respects, (all for a small fee, of course!). No, this was another “word play” Big Rock/little rock that we see so often scattered throughout the scriptures. Another example, our G-d has a magnificent sense of humor!
How often did Yeshua use whatever was near to teach and proclaim the kingdom of G-d? Dirt, fruit, grapevines, children- all physical representations of greater spiritual truth. He loved to teach using parables. (An earthly story with a heavenly meaning). This “occurs” over and over in all of His teachings. And by not using names, dates,places, etc. these parables have stood the test of time and are still “fresh” even to us, centuries later. We still (today) have dirt, fruit, grapevines and children! lol! All (still) physical representations of greater spiritual truth! Israel also is a “picture” for us! Israel also is a “parable” for us. Israel also is a Person. Israel also is a place. Israel also is a prophecy. A physical representation of a greater spiritual truth. May we say “who” is Israel? Yes, we may. May we say “where” is Israel? yes, we may. May we say “what” is Israel? Yes, we may. A physical representation of a greater spiritual truth!
How many today in the physical land of Israel (Israel is now officially recognized as a nation) know “beyond knowing” and without a shadow of a doubt, Yeshua is the Annointed ONE? Yeshua is the Messiah? Yeshua is the living Word of G-d made flesh? Is He the SENT ONE?- He is our Kinsman-Redeemer? Is He the ONE? -or do we look for another?
My confession today is the same as Rocky’s (Peter). Why? Because dear friends,- Yeshua was very pleased with his answer. And if it pleases Him, I’m going to say it, think it, and do it. -Amen!
“It is the recovery of God’s reign and rule in the hearts and action of men and women.”
” ..For I didn’t speak to your ancestors or give them orders concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices when I brought them out of the land of Egypt. Rather this command I gave them: ‘ Pay attention to what I say. Then I will be your God, and you will be my people . In everything, live according to the way that I order you , so that things will go well with you. Jer 7: 22.23
“The prophet knew that religion could distort what the Lord demanded of man….. To the people religion was a Temple, priesthood, incense………worship preceded or followed by evil acts becomes an absurdity….” Heschel
Seems like a renewed problem and part of the journey’s circle. The Prophets, Yeshua, Peter, us. YHWH answered the people the first time, guess us modern civilization demands a new answer.
Carl, thank you. I am reading many books at the moment so cant take on another. I am finding inspiration from a daily word in ‘Streams in the Desert’ Vol 1 by C E Cowman -a worn, torn old copy of my mother’s but many of the readings are very powerful and comforting.
“for such a time as this” maybe this will help. “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” Rewind to the O.T. – “But no one says, ‘Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night,”
I was over a half century old when I learned something. “Suffering is a gift.” “For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for Him.” (Philippians 1.29) Now, I am just like you- I don’t like or prefer pain, it hurts. But G-d knows what He is doing. At all times. And in all places. In every situation and “circumstance.” He is (always) there.
Then let us beg the question- “why?” Why suffering? Why pain? Why not nirvana- here and now? Where is heaven when you need it? lol! (I’m so “happy” to be able to laugh- now..)
Nobody, (nobody) gets through this life “scar-free.” I’m covered with them, and so are you. “Both” external and internal, I am frequently (both) “bruised and crushed.” (So was He..)
One more thing Christine.. (lol!-there’s always “one more thing!..) G-d “hears” tears!
“The LORD (ADONAI) is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” (Psalm 34.18)
So let those tears flow!-And thank G-d for them. There is nothing “better” for our vision, “both” physically and spiritually, than tears. Whom the LORD loves He chastens. -Chastening is NOT punishment. A father (Our Father) chastens those He loves. Chastening is a sign of “ownership.” “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding [and] eternal weight of glory;” (2 Corinthians 4.17)
What then, is the purpose of pain? (We all learn by asking questions..) Elohim is not afraid of our questions…- He welcomes them, just as a Father welcomes the inquiries of his children. (As a father I delight in communicating with my children..)
This time of suffering is a time of “drawing near.” -“As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 66.13) I never knew the “female” side of Elohim, the “compassion of a mother” until I knew affliction. – What did the Songwriter (King David) say? “It is good for me that I have been afflicted.” (Psalm 119.71) Huh? Good? lol!- yes, “good!”
“What saith the scripture?” (this really needs to be our “theme-song!”) “AFTER” you have suffered awhile…. Hallelu Yah!- there is an “after.” “And He shall sit as a Refiner and Purifier of silver: and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.” (Malachi 3.3) “The refining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold, but Yahweh tests the hearts.” (Proverbs 17.3) Is G-d going for the “gold”? He is also the Master Chef. He (alone) knows how hot and how long.
“Remember” the fourth man in the (perfectly heated) furnace..(Daniel 3.19)
Yes thank you Carl – 5 years of being in the ‘wilderness’ has taught me the necessity of trials and testings to refine us for service to others. He certainly is the Master chef and knows how hot and how long – nothing else to be said really.