The Missing Ingredient
for there was joy in Israel 1 Chronicles 12:40 (Hebrew World)
Joy – “Joy is not a theological category in the teachings of most religions and it is never discussed in handbooks of theology. Those who are overwhelmed by spiritual solemnity and are unable to forget that faith lives in a constant state of tension between ignominious death and eternal life find it difficult to comprehend the Jewish conception. Even within Judaism the teaching that joy lies in the very heart of worship, that it is a prerequisite for piety, is a scandal to the dullards and a stumbling block to the bigots.”[1]
What more can be said? Should we recall that Yeshua does not greet the women who come to the garden tomb with “Shalom” but rather with “Chairete.” [April 11, 2004] Should we reflect on James famous statement, “Count it all joy when . . .”? Do we need to remember the number of times Paul speaks of joy? Yes, it’s true, this passage is about the joy of Israel when David is finally crowned king of the entire country, but joy is the watchword of true Hebraic faith. It is the essence of our relationship with the Father and the substance of our message to the world. Without joy, religion is just another way of plodding through the day. If joy is absent from life, life is absent from being.
Simhah is not a feeling. It is the reality, experience and manifestation of overwhelming gladness. It’s not simply an inward emotional state. Joy delivers actions. Singing, dancing, shouting, offering praises, prayer, feasting and celebration. Joy is the flow of worship and service. In fact, God expects us to exhibit joy as we involve ourselves in His redemptive work. That should give us pause. If joy is the essence of my relationship with the Father, why does it seem so absent in the lives of many who call themselves His children? If joy is to characterize our worship and our work, then why do so many of us drag ourselves through the day, hating what we have to do to make ends meet? The Hebrew imagery of joy is captured in a wedding celebration. That’s the kind of rapturous exuberance we are expected to display before God! That’s what we bring to the Sabbath, to prayer, to His festivals. This is the age of joy, the time of rejoicing.
If you’re like me, reading these words produces melancholy. Yes, we know it’s supposed to be like this. We are supposed to be flooded with joy. But somehow life saps us of that divine vitality. We catch only glimpses of joyful reality. We experience only moments of bliss. And we think, “Well, that’s just the way life is in this broken world.” No! That’s not the way life is. That’s the way we have allowed it to become. If the Lord of hosts expects His people to live with joy, then that is the reality of our experience. Once again we are listening to that inner voice instead of the external word of the Father. If He runs to greet us as we return to Him, and prepares the finest banquet to celebrate our recovery, why do we withhold what is His – our joy? Get up and dance! Eat! Sing! Love life! Be joyful! That’s an order.
Topical Index: joy, simhah, 1 Chronicles 12:40, chairete
[1] Abraham Heschel, A Passion for the Truth, pp. 51-52.
Last week I visited a christian youth-rally organized by the largest national christian broadcasting company. There 30.000 young people were woshiping, listening to some very, very good (and short: yes, it’s possible) sermons and … jumping and dancing to the sounds of Toby Mac, Kutless and some other US an Dutch gospelmusicians. I was there with my two teenage daughters (13 and 16) and tears were secretly flooding my eyes. Yes, there was real joy and enthusiasm among those thousands of young people. They are not restrained by conventions. They simply express the joy of their hearts. And yes, I know you can think of all kinds of criticism. But standing there in the midst of all this tremendous ‘nois’, with which musicians were praising God, this really touched me to the bone! I felt a joy and gratitude toward God I haven’t felt for a long time visiting my church … Yes, Lord, You’re still at work in this godless nation!
Question Kees – why were tears “secretly” flooding your eyes – why didn’t you join in with them. i remember the first time i let go to worship & dance before the Lord in a large crowd – it was so liberating & have done it several times since then but not in a long time. Didn’t you feel the pull to join in – did you with your two teenage daughters??? Did they join in/with the praise/worship of dance & music to the Lord?
Well, I did join them – a bit. That’s one of those conventions, isn’t it? Men don’t cry! Took me a lot of time to get rid of that! And dancing, well, my grandmother told me it was of the devil, although I read in the Bible that David was dancing in front of the ark. So I feel at liberty dancing now. But the truth is: I’m not 18 anymore. So I think it’s great for the kids expressing their joy this way, I use my prayers. And the songs we were singing out loud.
Conventions – reminds me of densely filled rooms of people milling around looking at things/stuff – or a treaty with yourself!!! That is why we taught our son it is never unmanly to cry & he really has not a problem with death either – knows a body/shell with no spirit when he sees one – some people are so afraid of death or a dead person/body – no power there now (rabbit trail).
ANYWAY – back to freedom to/of worship in dancing, singing, praying, etc. I have also done some Davidic dancing at a Messianic church & that music calls out to me so strongly – like it is part of my DNA & the last two times i attended – i did just like you – stood by & watched while my heart danced & my body stood still – not really completing the JOY of it all because i held back once again.
Just my story which is much like yours – in holding back restraining where our hearts really want to go but don’t. Can hardly wait for Glory to come get us & be totally free in HIM. ♥
Paul Wilbur, “Zealous Over Zion” 5 MINUTES
Let this inspire you to sing and dance and rejoice! There have only been 13,000 views of this ‘home video.’ The song’s lyrics are posted on the large screen and the dancers’ hands can be seen by the platform stage. But you can dance to this as your heart is stirred up. If this doesn’t cause you to at least tap your foot, I don’t know what will !
I highly recommend the entire “Desert Rain” CD from Paul Wilbur.
What’s a powerful powerful message! Thank you again for giving us a message that churches need to hear today. I will try to practically live out that message in my daily life!
Through tears in my eyes, I thank you for this powerful message…one I needed to hear. I tend to see the glass as half empty.
I plan to show up in Dayton with JOY in my heart!!
And I am looking forward to seeing you and John again, after all this time.
I’ve often thought that, at least in part, this is the reason Jesus wept at the tomb. It says that He “groaned” inside Himself. In the greek it would seem that he was almost indignant. Not at the people, but at the deception that had overcome them. (kinda sounds familiar, huh?) The contrast of what they actually had, as the people of YHWH, and how they actually conducted themselves was vast. (vastly understated
) It seems Jesus had a mind to drive that kind of approach to living as far from His people as possible. Isn’t that part of our job as the body!!? The fight is on, I can feel it! I have a choice, I can either bemoan or enjoy my situation which is temporary at best, or I can understand who I am in YHWH which is eternal and in His strength fight against the darkness.
What a wonderful message to read on Shavuot morning.
I’ve had to many discusions with despairing suicidal saints in the last few weeks and this letter went out to a few of them just now with a link to this site. It occurred to me that some of you may need to hear these things as well. I know I do.
I don’t claim to have it all together but these things make sense to me for the moment.
Dearest blessed friend of my heart,
Shalom and blessings to you this bright and sunny Shavuot (Pentecost).
I thought I’d pass this on to you.
I was speaking with another dear friend yesterday about the same subject you and I spoke of just last week. We should not sit in despair crippled by fear wishing for death. No form of that is from the Lord.
My friend and I sing and play music together which really lifts us both in the process. She also has a longing to escape from the earth and live in heaven. But I told her what I told you just last week. Heaven and earth are all part of the same creation. In the beginning God created the heavens AND the earth. I’m realizing that we’ve really been sold a wicked bill of goods from the world (life is hard and then you die) in the church at large. No wonder suicide is rampant. We have flung the door open wide and are holding it thus by our own death wishes.
When Paul speaks of the idea of going to be with the Lord, he begins with how torn he is between this earth and (what we perceive as) heaven. His work in this life is a joy to him and extremely desirous. That’s just flat astounding when you think of the torment and torture he endured for nearly 30 years after his encounter with Messiah.
I think we’ve arrived here because of all of the end time theologies that pro-port that we are going to heaven and this earth is nothing. It’s not the earth that is bad it’s the WORLD. This system that has usurped the earth (which includes DEATH) is wicked to the bone and ALL ALL ALL of creation, (INCLUDING HEAVEN) not just the earth groans under it’s weight.
We are suppose to redeem the time, take back dominion, and be repairers of the breach through the gospel of the kingdom that has been given to us to do battle with the forces of darkness that stole our earth from us in the first place. It’s been given back to us! We’re suppose to rip people out of the old order and place them into the new with the message of the gospel that Messiah has come and given us the keys to the kingdom of heaven to use on this earth against this wicked usurping world system.
We are to ruin Satan not give the earth back over to him!
Every lie he speaks is now revealed. We can crush them all with the truth and give birth to everlasting LIFE in those around us with the gospel of the kingdom in our mouth. The law reveals Satan’s lies and God’s truth. He sets it before us and commands us to CHOOSE LIFE. This is how we further the kingdom OF HEAVEN. This is the gospel!
Paul was part of a people prepared by the Lord by good works that God had prepared before hand that he should walk in them. His vision of the use of the law on this earth is expanded. It’s the law of the kingdom that he’s been waiting for his whole life. He glories in the fact that his name is written in the book of life as evidenced by the kingdom power in his ministry.
He counts it all joy to go to war with Satan. He proudly displays, for all to see, numberless purple hearts. You and I will never suffer the way he did.
And when we are resurrected from this earth we will administrate this gospel to the nations (on earth) in bodies indestructible as well as incorruptible. We will be visibly unstoppable. And every knee SHALL bow and every tongue SHALL confess that Yeshua Ha Mashiach is King of kings and Lord of lords to Him be the glory in the assembly of the saints.
Amen and Amen!!!!!!!!
Lets take up the word picture for peace; Destroying the authority that creates chaos
I haven’t been able to locate the April 11, 2004 article. Anybody have a link?
You’re right. It isn’t posted to the web site. I’ll fix it as soon as I can.
I have been experiencing a LOT of atsav in my life since Thanksgiving of 2010, this message, is a grouping of messages I have been hearing; I take them as personal whispers from my G_d. Isn’t it “joyful” that the “perfect timing” of G_d, encourages us when we are down. It is a JOY to know that HaShem uses the community to be a joy to me despite my experiencing the “atsav” of Haavah; sorrow because of what she sees in her children….thanks for the message!