The Severity of God
“Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations.” Isaiah 42:1 NASB
Justice – I sincerely hope that you do not pray for this prophecy to come true. There is no doubt that one day it will come true, but I hope you are praying that this isn’t that day. Today we need mercy, not justice. Justice brings the divine wrath of a holy God who has been blasphemed, ignored, disgraced and disobeyed. When justice comes to the goyim, the cosmos may be set aright, but the bloodbath will be as nothing ever imagined. For more than a century, we have lived under the false assumption that God is filled to overflowing with grace, compassion and forgiveness. We have ignored the undeniable fact that justice, a constantly recurring theme of the Bible, means judgment. We think that somehow we are exempt, immune, excused. But when His servant brings forth mishpat to the goyim, the mouth of Sheol will open wide and swallow all those who pretended to be serious about God. Yeshua calls it the day of wailing and gnashing of teeth. Until we recognize that the God of Scripture is both Father and Judge, we live in dire peril of treating His justice with contempt. There are good reasons why the rabbis constantly prayed, “May Your mercy outweigh Your justice.” We act as though there is no longer a balance scale.
Justice (mishpat) is a deep and wide concept. It covers the full range of the legal process, of forensic decision-making. Even God’s punishments imply positive mishpat because this means the removal of enemies. For our purposes, we must recognize that mishpat is upholding the righteous claim of the innocent. There are dozens of verses that support the idea that God upholds the cause of the oppressed, the innocent and those who have no advocate. And this is our problem. We are not innocent. Under these circumstances, mishpat means facing God’s wrath. When the Servant brings forth justice to the goyim, this is not a joyful announcement. This is a proclamation of doom for those who are not part of His household. May that day be delayed as long as possible – and then some.
We have the tendency to cite Amos 5:24 (“But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream”) without considering the unspeakable consequences of such an event. For them – and for us. It is only because we have lost our sense of God’s holiness that we are so ignorant and arrogant to believe such an event brings comfort and prosperity. We are hardly the oppressed. We are not strangers. We are not without advocates. How then do we presume to escape such terrible power? And if by His grace we are rescued, if we are spared because He has chosen to suffer for us, what will we experience when we see so many consigned to the execution of justice? Will we not weep over Jerusalem?
Topical Index: justice, mishpat, mercy, wrath, Isaiah 42:1, Amos 5:24
Who is sufficient for these things?
Yeshua Ha Mashiach and those who place their trust in Him, those who see Him as Deliverer, Prophet, Priest, and King. HalleluYAH!
Such a stern warning here and rightly so. Abba will take whatever means needed to keep His own from total destruction.
Hi Jan,
Yes the Word tells us He has given us everything we need to live holy lives. He gave us another opportunity (MANY!) This is truly by His grace and our choice to obey Him.
Skip…thank you for continuing to pound us daily with the God’s Truth. Thank you for not sparing us the reality of what justice will look like when Yahweh chooses to deliver it. We need to be hearing more of this from the pulpits. I need it…America needs it…the nations need it. We need to be awakened from our “sleep-walk.”
” Adonai answered, ” I have forgiven you as asked. BUT as sure as I live, and that the whole earth is filled with the glory of Adonai, none of the people who saw my glory and signs I did in Egypt and in the desert, yet tested me these 10 times, and did not listen to my voice, will see the land I swore to their ancestors.! None of those who treated me with contempt will see it. BUT my servant Kalev, because he had a different Spirit with him and has fully followed me. ”
Does this mean I can be forgiven and still miss out on the Promised Land? Could this different Spirit that Kalev had, be the Spirit of asking for grace and mercy?
Robert and Rodney, another number 10!
Whould that be deliverance in reverse? (bad sense) They were “delivered” from taking part in the inheritance. Teachings lke todays, hammer home what I’ve been learning over the last coupla years. I used to think (for what reason I’m still not sure, it’s not like it wasn’t written clearly enough!) salvation and inheritance were synonomous terms. Now I understand that this isn’t true, and that the day of the YHWH includes, at least to some degree, evers.
Amo 5:18 ¶ Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end [is] it for you? the day of the LORD [is] darkness, and not light.
I’m starting to understand what the fear of the LORD is, and it’s refining me. The odd thing is that you would think that fear would push us away, it doesn’t. It forces me to push in and ask for mercy and truth.
There is another reason not to desire the day of the Lord, the same reason Yeshua didn’t desire it. That day eliminates all future compassion. It stops the process of rescue. It is a terrible day because it shuts the door on mercy. May that day be delayed so that more may come to know Him.
That would be; “to some degree, even believers.”
May that day be delayed so that more may come to know Him.
Amen! Isn’t the reason He does finally return is because of the destruction of the earth? At least that seems to be a major consideration, there are others that seem to be more or less resultive.
“For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:but the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness; but is longsuffering to you-ward, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:5-9)
I am mostly concerning with the two words “willingly ignorant” and have found them to be like a burr under my saddle- most irritating.. Why would anyone on this green planet, want to be “willingly ignorant?” Very odd, indeed. I need some help here folks. Can anyone possibly explain this? I am rejoicing today though, and very much for the long-suffering and extreme patience of G-d. In keeping with the recent theme of ‘ten’s’, He gave Pharaoh ten opportunities to repent, during which we read “Pharaoh hardened his heart.” A hard heart (could we substitute stubborn,egotistical mind?) is the greatest obstacle to repentance. I believe most who read ‘Today’s Word’ have been ‘broken’ in one form or fashion and I have learned through the course of years, unless we are broken (or meeked) we cannot be taught. “You can’t teach me, I already know everything.” (lol!) I also believe among all of G-d’s gifts to men, the gift of repentance is the one gift I will seek after and ask YHWH for, and He has promised: “Ask, and you will receive!”
I need some help here folks. Can anyone possibly explain this?
Do you mean explain WHY they are ignorant, or HOW they are ignorant?
Ignorance is one thing, and all of us at one time or another can claim this, but “willingly” ignorant just doesn’t cut it with me. Purposeful ignorance, knowing and recognizing the truth but willingly turning in another direction or refusing to listen? Why would anyone choose to be “willingly ignorant?” Knowing the right thing to do and then refusing to do it? It is not ignorance. I can understand how a man can be ignorant, but it is the willingness to remain ignorant that bumfuddles me.. It is as if they are ignorant on purpose (if that makes any sense..).
I think it goes deeper than just knowing what’s right. There’s actually an agressive attempt to prove what God declares as truth to be wrong. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.”
An immediate modern day example is the attempt of science to cross the genetic barriers between species. It’s kinda like going to the moon, it didn’t happen by accident. “I was just flyin’ around up there and POOF! all of a sudden I was on my way to the moon!!” There’s an emmense barrier THAT HAS TO BE OVERCOME TO ATTAIN BREAKING AWAY FROM OUR “SAFE ZONE”. It the same with the species thing, if they can show that it’s “safe” to cross the genetic barriers, then they can “prove” that God doesn’t exist. In fact they want to show that God is a made up concept to explain the observed order of things.
I think this is what Peter is describing in these verses, and it’s interesting that he references the division of the waters to describe these people and their folly. Apparently they had little concern for the divisions that God had put in place and were judged accordingly. (He removed the divisions that were in place in the waters) Where do you think the crossing of the genetic borders will lead to!!? The same end of Pharoh when he knowingly rejected God’s word.
Jesus said that if those days were not cut short that ALL flesh would be destroyed. I somehow think we’re at the beginning of these things. (but that’s just an opinion
) and that’s why He’s gathering His people.
“Mystery – “Why don’t they see it?” The question concerned the Jews, but it could just as easily be applied to anyone who finds the claims of Yeshua unwarranted. It just seems so obvious to believers. However, for some reason, even those who have held the Scriptures in highest regard for centuries still don’t see that they all point to the Lord and Savior Messiah Yeshua. It’s a mystery.”
I dug this out of “TW” from days gone by. (yes, I keep this things!- I recognize value when I see it!). This concerns the word “mystery.” I wrote a short piece awhile ago (I was in a writing mood) entitled: Life 101- (Some Assembly Required). This is also a prerequisite class to Life 201! lol! Yes, the pieces and parts of this puzzle are coming together. I remember my pastor saying, and now I am saying it myself- “What’s this world coming to?” and his answer?- it’s coming to Jesus!. After all, He is the Alpha (the beginning) and the Omega (the end). And as we know G-d is not (after all) an absentee Landlord, but very present at all times and in every situation and circumstance of everything that has breath, and is the Giver of every good gift and every perfect gift, and is the Lover of our souls, and is our faithful Guide and Companion throughout the course of our earthy journey and education, we may see with all the saints and followers of the Way- this world, though going through a seeming crisis including political upheaval, earthquakes, famine, floods, etc. is under His Sovereign control at all times, down to the very hairs on our heads. How wonderful it is to know our Redeemer and Victorious Friend, the Brother that loves us at all times. It is amazing and hard to fathom, His name is the Son of G-d, (one of His names) and we also are called the sons (and daughters) of G-d! Our names are the same as His! And our names are found written in the Lamb’s book of life! His word is becoming incarnated (fleshed out) through us! We are experiencing what many who have gone before us have gone through. As Solomon said, “there is nothing new under the sun.” “In this world you will have tribulation” are universal words that not only apply to us who are living today, but could just as easily been written for Adam when he was booted out of the Garden.
But let us not make the same mistake that Adam made in forgetting what G-d said. In forgetting “the rest of the story..” – BUT be of good cheer (take heart!) I have overcome the world! In this I place my trust. This is my confidence, this is my hope, this is my assurance- He has overcome! He is the Victor. He is the ONE who is worthy.
Remember this verse? “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning Himself.” (Luke 24.27) The written word reveals the Living Word: Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus (who is the) Christ, our Savior, LORD, and soon coming KING.
It’s called PRIDE, brother. Yetzer hara gone WILD! Another word may be perversion. Romans 1
Man’s “burger king” view of life-“have it your way”.
Man’s attempt to usurp the plan/purpose of his Creator. Just an observation.
Is this not taking part in the fellowship of His suffering? Are we not broken at the thought of our friends and loved ones or even ourselves living outside the boundaries of the Kingdom? And do we honestly think we can do our own thing and still be right? Has the church truly repented? Is the church taking care of the widows and orphans, the down and outs, and teaching the adopted children the Way according to Scripture…ie. the same Scripture Messiah taught from?
The church has attempted for years to turn the hearts of people to God, to make a better world, to make better people, but it seems to me that the religion espoused has led to confusion and an artificial joy that can no longer be overlooked or cosmetically repaired. The revolution of the people of YHWH will prevail, but not through the dominionism of today’s false prophets (profiteers). The meek shall inherit the earth, last will be first, and the servant shall rule in righteousness. Those who are
desperate, marginalized by this present world and it’s idol worshipping ways, are those YHWH seeks, because they seek after Him with a whole heart.
I am not attempting to critique those who preached traditional Christian doctrine in times past. Nor do I dare condemn anyone currently involved in Christian/Jewish congregations today. I am not in either at this time. I am saying, if the message is compromised, are we (am I) sowing/planting/spreading seeds of confusion? I am hearing more and more of the disillusionment and depression of Christians, pastors and laity alike. Something is happening…may we have hearts to Shema what YHWH is speaking loudly in these last days.
May YHWH alone be exalted.
Something is happening! God is gathering His people. I see it in other places in the world. I see it in spots around my own country. One people, one God, one message, one victory, one Body. There is a lot more coming about this in the next couple of weeks. Look for the TW about am and amim in Psalm 47
Exciting and we will watch for it and pray. Thanking our Father for blessing us! Thank you for so generously sharing with us,Skip.