Idolatry by Osmosis

but they mingled with the nations and learned their practices, Psalm 106:35  NASB

Learned – David described Israel in the 10th Century BC.  He might as well have penned this line 3000 years later.  Haven’t we mingled with the nations and learned their practices?  Aren’t we in the same place as Israel before Babylon?

What have we learned in 3000 years?  The Hebrew verb is lamad.  It means “to study, to teach, to learn, to be taught, to be learned.”  God sternly warned His people not to learn, teach, study or practice the corrupt, pagan ways of the nations.  Instead, God’s followers were to learn His ways.  Then He told them exactly what those ways were.  Let’s take a look at some of them to see if we have mingled.  Here’s a quick checklist:

“Do not entertain the idea that there is any god but YHWH” (Exodus 20:3).  How is our culture doing with that one?  How are your children doing with this in our government schools and universities?  How much mingling did it take to produce a generation that believes all spiritual paths lead to God?

“Learn Torah and teach it” (Deuteronomy 6:7).  How is the Church doing with this?  Who did the mingling here?  When did God change His mind about this?

“Do not take away from the commandments of Torah” (Deuteronomy 13:1).  Hmm?  Our religious culture certainly followed this to the letter, didn’t it?

“Recite grace after meals” (Deuteronomy 8:10).  What is the usual procedure in your house?

“Do not bear a grudge or take revenge or cherish hatred” (Leviticus 19:17-18).  How’s that working in your life?

“Rebuke a sinner” (Leviticus 19:17).  Are we ready to do this or are we hamstrung by the mingling of social and political correctness?

“Give charity according to one’s means” (Deuteronomy 15:11).  Of course, now the government takes care of this, right?  “I gave at the office.”

“Do not wrong a stranger in speech”  (Exodus 22:20).  But politicians are exempt, right?

“Do not withhold food, clothing or marriage rights from a woman” (Exodus 21:10).  How does that align with an environment of spousal abuse or with the practices of cultures?

“Do not castrate the male of any species; neither man nor beast”  (Leviticus 22:24).  I wonder if horse owners, pet breeders and the SPCA ever read this one?

“Celebrate the festivals” (Exodus 23:14).  By the way, that does not include Christmas or Easter.

“Rest on Yom Kippur” (Leviticus 23:35).  But since we don’t even celebrate Yom Kippur, especially after Jesus made it “irrelevant,” why worry about this one?

“Do not eat the flesh of unclean animals” (Leviticus 11:4)  Take a long look at the menus of your favorite restaurants.  Business in the mingled world is booming.

“Do not make a loan with interest to one of the house of Israel” (Leviticus 25:37).  As the gentleman said to me, “You must be kidding.  How can I do business if I don’t charge interest?”

“Do not delay payment of a hired man’s wages” (Leviticus 19:13).  Except, of course, when the government or the employer needs the money more.

“Do not appoint as a judge anyone who is not well-versed in Torah” (Deuteronomy 1:17).  But apparently it’s OK to elect them.

We could go on, but I don’t think it’s necessary.  There is absolutely no question that the culture and the Church are very well-mingled today.  Shaken, not stirred.  Maybe that’s why Peter Leithart calls Christianity “institutionalized worldliness.”  The only real question is this:  What about you?  How much mixing is going on it your life?

Topical Index:  lamad, learn, teach, practice, Torah, mingle, Psalm 106:35

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Really good questions … a few changes needed on my side.

Thank you so much for asking good questions.

LaVaye-Ed Billings

Ilze, I want to try to get your attention, as I misspelled your name “Elze” when I wrote you Condolences on the loss of your foal, Aug. 12,2011.

Also, those of us who are slow to even get to the computer to read, do some thinking, evaluating, praying before we comment, and then writing a comment seem to be pushed down very quickly on the right side list, so I thought perhaps you did not get to see what I wrote to you. ( I am not blaming a person, and know that is the way the computer is set up, but it still happens. —- So I really wanted you to know we care about your loss of the foal. L.B. & Ed,too

And also what I wrote to everyone Aug. 11, Alien Righteousness– very much honoring what the Yahew has done for my husband and me during nine weeks of me being incapicated with a broken foot, and not ” cooking much, or driving yet at all.” It often appears in reality when things seem to be the worse, He lifts us up to be used by HIM.—-

Harry Mayers



“Do not castrate the male of any species; neither man nor beast” (Leviticus 22:24).

“For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.” Matt 19:12

Jan Carver

David, Skip & Brian – how interesting the thoughts here – if i may take the liberty – these are my thoughts regarding David’s question or attention he brought to the “table” of comparing castration to becoming a eunuch:

In my thinking/perception of Leviticus 22:24 regarding castration of the male species – was rather for proliferation/multiplication of the Hebrew/Jewish race – from a report or two that i have read in regard to islam – they will over take the earth in their population of such – producing more people than other religions or races…

AND, the Matthew 19:12 eunuch scripture was in regard to marriage as Skip noted above – seems the Pharisees were again trying to trap/trick Jesus in to an answer they wanted to hear to prosecute/persecute HIM once again – some how get the MAN for sure…

Jesus was just explaining to the disciples why some men didn’t marry & how divorce was to be handled & why & how off track the teaching of Torah was even in Moses time & the disciples were taken aback & stated well then, if this is all true (and so hard to follow – keep the law) then just don’t get married…

Then Jesus stated that, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given.” SO – did Jesus/God tell you to become a eunuch??? And if you can accept it then accept it!!! “For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

Matthew 19:9
9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness (hers or his or both), and marries another woman commits adultery.

This is the scripture i have a question with – is this directed at men only or women too – in that i mean is it talking about if the wife has been unfaithful or if the man has been unfaithful to the wife or both/either or – then it is grounds for divorce. I get the remarrying of another woman commits adultery if divorce was for anything other than infidelity – just don’t know if it pertains to just the woman being unfaithful or the man also…


btw: according to the questions regarding Torah that Skip listed above – no wonder the gate & path are narrow – won’t need much room… ♥
Matthew 7:14: But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Jan Carver

Thanks Skip – I will listen to session #81 – i downloaded onto my computer all three of those to keep & listen too…

Skip, if you want to move this to another place (Community Request), please do…

Also – I want to post an email i sent out today to 2 women who gave into my trip to San Francisco for training to eradicate human trafficking & also for you (update) & a link to let you & others know what is being accomplished at NFS/”Not For Sale Campaign/Movement” & if anyone else might be interested in giving to help finance my training/trip to San Francisco in October (21 & 22) & possibly a week after for the academy like I had planned the end of May of this year but could not raise enough money for the trip:

NOT FOR SALE (accomplishments)–16–2011.html?soid=1102567038109&aid=RF8lR7KU6Gg

Kitty & Gayle & Skip…

I think you will find this interesting & amazing the work that Not For Sale out of San Francisco is doing/has accomplished in 4.5 years & an update on my training. I have cashed your check & another to pay for registration to go to Lenexa, KS the middle of September for Backyard training & because of low registration by 7.31.2011 they cancelled the classes & refunded my/our registration fee (which they normally don’t do so i was thankful for His/their mercy toward us that had paid – now put back in pot for San Fran trip).

SO – now I am planning on going to San Francisco the 21st & 22nd of October to the Global Forum & they are offering a week long academy afterward for a discount included in the Forum – i’m not sure i will be able to financially attend the week long academy but will for sure make the Forum for 2 days – just see how the Lord wants to handle it. I have paid my registration to the Forum ($129) which is a fair fee from donations & need about $600 more for airfare & lodging because I have raised $425 to date.

Again, thank you for believing in God in me to help eradicate human trafficking… ♥

Under His Wings
Ms. Jano

Ms. Jan Carver
608 N.E. 84th
Oklahoma City, OK 73114


Lev 22:24′ Also anything with its testicles bruised or crushed or torn or cut, you shall not offer to the LORD, or sacrifice in your land,

It seems to me that it says that you shall not offer such an animal as a sacrifice… not that you shouldn’t have any animals like this, or be forbidden to make one so.
Please explain my misunderstanding?
Bruce R



Do you think they made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven sake is literal or something else? I would imagine that there is a larger context that these words would fit into.


carl roberts

Yes, brother Skip- the “list” goes on.. sins of omission and sins of commission. Sins. (that was a period!) Lo, and behold-we (all) are sinners. (Just the facts, m’am..- “all have sinned.”) The Law, the Torah, establishes the fact – the verdict in in- we (all) have sinned and have fallen short (yes, missed the mark) of the glory of G-d.
“Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to G-d.” (Romans 3.19) “Well then, am I suggesting that the law of G-d is sinful? Of course not! In fact, it was the law that showed me my sin. I would never have known that coveting is wrong if the law had not said, “You must not covet.” (Romans 7.7) – This is rather “timely,” since I’ve had a serious ’bout’ with coveting lately! (Sin!!)
What keeps us apart from G-d (who is thrice-holy) and out of heaven? Sin. “..But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your G-d, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.” (Isaiah 59.2) Sin separates. And death (the ultimate separation) “both” physically and spiritually is the direct consequence of our choosing to sin. Heaven is a perfect place for perfect people (only). -Who among us is “without sin?”- Only One. -And we know His name. The Perfect One- Jesus Christ the (only) Righteous.
“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of the Messiah, like that of a lamb without blemish or defect.” (1 Peter 1.18,19) – “Behold, the Lamb..”
What is ‘wrong’ with the Law? -Absolutely nothing. “The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.” (Psalm 19.7) – Yes, ‘if only’ we would ‘shema’ the words of our ADONAI. – But first (first things first-right?)- We (all) “must be” born from above- just as Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, – (no small potato- his name means “Superior”) was “instructed” by the Master Rabbi- ADONAI Himself- “Nick- you “MUST BE”- born from above.”
How is this possible?- “Nick at nite” asked the very same question as the Philippian jailer- poor guy- his name was never known..- “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16.30) And the answer given unto him?- found in Acts 16:31.. (read it and do it..) Read and follow label directions.
My name is Carl and I am a sinner. I have no problem confessing this to all who read these words. I have sinned and daily I still sin. I am quite capable of sin. – But if I sin, and brothers,sisters..-that is a big “if”- maybe more accurately it might be rendered- “when” I sin, -(I do not want to sin)- I hate sin. My (new) desire is not to sin. I want to follow Christ. I want to be like Him. I want to be a “little christ”- a Christian. -(Did you know “Christian” is a derogatory term?)-lol!-even still today? So “incorrect!” The disciples (the talmudim-today’s word!) were first called ‘Christians’ in Antioch. Why?- because they modeled the Master. And oh,-that is what I want!- I want to be “like Him!” (Is imitation the sincerest form of flattery?-lol!)
I now belong to Someone. I’m under new management..- I am “not my own” for I have been “bought with a price” (shall we remember the price that was paid for my redemption?- please..-yes.) I am (in today’s terminology) p-owned. Lock, stock, barrel- the whole enchilada- heart, mind, soul and strength- I belong to the Shepherd. (keep this up and I’ll go to shoutin!’) I now-want to do His will. (that which pleases Him).
One last question.. (lol!-finally!) Do you?

robert lafoy

Thank you Skip, I found a couple I need to line up with. 🙂 !! It’s always so easy to soften our position!! A little folding of the hands…..!!!

christine hall

This is brilliant! I was just asked this morning about what it means to follow Torah by a dear friend who I have been teaching and mentoring out of Catholicism these last months! She is so hungry and said to me today ‘Christine, is it really important to keep the Sabbath and what should I understand about icons and isnt it good enough that I am a good person?’ As we talked and Yah revealed some of the answers she needed, I saw her heart and brain ticking over contemplating and in deep thought……..Oh how wonderfully Yah is able to draw those who want to know who he is and what he requires … and then I put the computer on and got just what she asked me for!

I have printed it off and when we meet again I shall give her a copy. Food for thought indeed. Thanks


Indeed this is a convicting list and when one can’t fully say “amen” then “ouch” may be appropriate and deep, honest introspection begins. Skip, this list what has been on my mind these days…who are we and how different are we to look and tragically, how “the same” we often do…lots to sit in, deep calls to deep and I thank you for this today, truly thank you…shalom

David Salyer

Romans 12:1-2 also comes to mind. Paul’s exhortation for the church in Rome and for us today, not to be conformed to the patterns (schema – schematics) of this world.

For those interested, there is a fascinating book by a secular sociologist named Wolfe called “The Transformation of Religion in America.” His premise is that every “faith” that has reached the shores of America has bowed to the cultural pressures and ideologies of America such that none of the “faiths” that are being practiced by those who profess a particular religion in America are recognizable in terms of being the “faith of their fathers.” Describes this as being true for Christians, Jews, Muslims, Catholics etc. In other words, even one who is not a follower of Yeshua can easily see that Christianity (and other “faiths”) have long abandoned even their historical “faith” in favor of a new and perhaps “mingled” form of faith that is Americanized. Pretty interesting and compelling.

Sounds like “we” are all offenders and “all” part of the problem when it comes to “mingling” and becoming more like the world than even the “faith” we profess to follow. Don’t need to have a Hebraic worldview to discern or appreciate what even this secular sociologist so clearly points out as true in our culture. Yipes!

David Salyer

Got home and realized that the author is actually Alan Wolfe and the book title is “The Transformation of American Religion – How We Actually Live Our Faith”.


Thank you for mentioning specifics. Most of what we hear now days is,”Be good, because being good is good.”

For years I thought I was open to G-d’s revelation and will, but it’s a REAL test of faith for a modern Protestant like me to become more “Jewish”. Everyone believes that we should seek out what is pleasing to G-d,….. UNLESS that includes a search through the OT!


Hi Gabe,
I wonder if we are supposed to become “more Jewish” or whether we (“modern Protestant”, “Christian”, “Gentile” in general) are called to be “immigrants” (grafts/transplants from one kingdom to Another) studying to become “naturalized citizens into the nation of Israel. I think there is a distinction…or so it seems to me. Likewise, native born Jews may not automatically be able to keep their citizenship in the world to come, if they do not abide by the Spirit of the Law, as opposed to keeping it to the letter. So much more to observing the Law than a bunch of rules! Thankful YHWH is merciful and patient with those having extended learning curves!! Alot more to the reduction of Yeshua’s 2 command reduction than meets the “eye/ear”. Just my thoughts on this so far. Blessings of YHWH to you.


You are totally right, of course. It’s just interesting to me that if we are seeking obedience, we are allowed most anything but Deuteronomy as a resource. There is some sort of unstated rule, at least in many Christian circles, that states, “You may seek God and to be obedient to him,… but not any way that seems too “Jewish”.


“Do not castrate the male of any species; neither man nor beast” (Leviticus 22:24).
I need help here please …. isn’t this refering to offerings made to YHWH? There is no way that I would be offering my dog, cat or horse to YHWH ??? I completely understand about not castrating man but unclean animals?? Why not?


““Recite grace after meals” (Deuteronomy 8:10). What is the usual procedure in your house?”

Deut 8:10 “When you have eaten and are satisfied, you shall bless the LORD your God for the good land which He has given you.

Why did Jesus bless the feeding of the 5000 before they ate?
And, He blessed the “elements” of the last supper before they ate also….. just wondering?


Both events in context… said beforehand… it should challenge your premise…. at least a little.

Luke 9:16 Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed them, and broke them, and kept giving them to the disciples to set before the people.

Luke 9:16 Parsed in Greek:

“eulogeesen autous” ‘he blessed them’, ie ‘he said the blessing over them’.
from the UBS New Testament Handbook Series.

Luke 22:17 And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He said, “Take this and share it among yourselves;

Luke 22:17 Parsed in Greek:
he also gave thanks here, “eucharisteesas”. It is from this verb eucharisteoo (see also Luke 22:19) that our word Eucharist comes. It is a common verb for “giving thanks,” and was used also for “saying grace,” as we call it.
(from Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament)


Then what about the feeding of the 5000? I just think it is a legalistic premise to demand a giving of thanks afterwards as opposed to before. Does God really care? The origional scripture you quoted seems to me to be a general thanks to be extended once the promised land had been obtained, not a law to observe at every meal.
Granted, you are more learned than I, but I am seeking to understand…



Hi Skip,
I’m sorry for taking up your time with this, but it is important for me to understand where you are coming from. I didn’t say that God doesn’t care, but I was asking if He really does.

Jesus took the commandments, and upped the ante’ by taking them into the realm of the heart… the letter kills, and obedience to the letter does not accomplish the will of God.
I truly believe that the heart of the matter is to be thankful for/ and in all things… if you do it however you express it, unto Him from the heart, it is acceptable in His sight, whether before or after a meal should have no bearing on the acceptability of the thanksgiving.

I would love to converse some more on this, (and a couple of other) subject(s)… if it is better for me to e-mail you directly, then I would be happy to do so.

Sincerely in Him,


You state that Lev. 22:24 says “Do not castrate the male of any species, neither man nor beast. I found that the NKJ Version says “You shall not offer to the LORD what is bruised or crushed, or torn or cut, nor shall you make any offering of them in your land.” This does not sound the same to me. Is there something I am missing?


Thank you, but still questioning. From verse 17 through 30, the subject matter is consistently about sacrifice. It does not seem to make sense that castration would pop up in the middle of context based on sacrifice. At the same time, the subtitle in my NKJV says “Sacrifices Prohibited of the Priesthood. I know the Hebrew text does not have subtitles and He was not talking only to the priests.